Big Starship

Chapter 88 Warlord

Zhang Lei, the barbarian king frowned slightly, slowly looked up at the shouting captain, and whispered in his doubtful eyes, "I just don't believe in this evil, but a boy in his early 20s. Let me lead my troops out to fight with him."

After saying that, regardless of the gloomy captain, he got up and walked straight to the door of the conference room. At this time, a voice sounded behind him.

"Zhang Lei, those outside now are SSSS-level wanted criminals recognized by the whole universe. There are only three people in the universe who are qualified to enjoy such honors. Do you think you can face such dangerous elements head-on?"

Turned his head and looked at the captain with correct facial features. The previous sentence came from him.

Zhang Lei, the barbarian, gritted his teeth and took a deep breath and said, "He Zhen, you are recognized as the strongest among the 23 captains. Even I have to recognize your strength, but this time, if you want to stop it again, even if you are the strongest, I will subvert it."

Looking at Zhang Lei's suddenly grim face, He Zhen's eyebrows were tightly locked together and looked at Zhang Lei standing opposite him with a little angrily.

Seeing this, Zhang Lei also looked at him without showing weakness. Unconsciously, both sides exuded a burst of oppression from their bodies, which made the other captains around him look at the two sword-drawn people with thick eyebrows.

The whole room reappeared the previous dead scene, but this time, there seemed to be something more than the former.

Zhang Lei stared angrily at He Zhen, and suddenly reached out his hand to pull off his blue coat and threw it aside. On the floor of the coat, Zhang Lei had already put on a fighting posture, and He Zhen, where everyone's eyes gathered, also moved slightly.

"Go ahead and take the glory of my 23rd team to fight against the invaders for my empire." He Zhen's words fell, but what he said made the whole audience fall into silence.

Looking at He Zhen's suddenly solemn face, Zhang Lei showed a proud smile, bent down and picked up the blue coat beside him and said, "Don't worry, I will. I have the honor of being the captain of the second team."

The arrogant figure slowly disappeared at the corner of the corridor. In the room, 21 captains in blue coats gathered their eyes in front of the figure. Although the figure had disappeared, they still inexplicably wanted to see the figure again.

Walking quickly in the corridor, Zhang Lei grabbed the walkie-talkie at his waist and roared, "The second team is still alive. All the members will fight with me to fight against the invaders."

After thinking about it, Zhang Lei added again, "There are old and young people in the family who withdraw, and there are disabled people who withdraw. All members must finish this battle well with the belief that they will die this time."

As soon as Zhang Lei's words fell, there were bursts of roars from the walkie-talkie: "The glory of the captain is the glory of us, and we will defend our glory to the death."

After defeating the five pseudo-starships of the Isera Empire in an instant by thunderous means, Feng Long turned his eyes to the left, bypassed the group of mecha floating in the universe, and looked directly at the six pseudo-starships on the left.

And when Feng Long's eyes just swept to a pseudo-starship on the edge, a mecha team of 300 people rushed out of the hatch of the starship.

The team of mecha rushed to Feng Long's side at a slow speed, and the mecha group between the two also quickly converged and intercepted it. Although they had the fighting power of Feng Long and Wolf's Nest, as their younger brothers, it was not easy for them to watch the war from beginning to end.

In addition, the pirate blood flowing in their bodies made them rush forward almost without thinking and intercept the 300-person imperial mecha team in the cosmic void.

The two mechas are facing each other. At this time, Feng Long rushed between the forces of the two forces at a speed that shocked everyone. He stopped in front of the large number of forces. Feng Long looked up and glanced at the opposite mecha.

And when he glanced at the middle position of the opponent's team, a tight armor that clearly stood out from the chickens appeared in his sight. Feng Long stepped forward in the void, reached out and fiddled with the headset and said, "Whale shark Feng Long, report your name."

"Zhang Lei, the captain of the second team of the Isera Empire Border Guard, is known as the Barbarian King." Zhang Lei said without any timidity on his face after hearing this, and as he spoke, the generous laser knife in his hand was also thrown out.

Feng Long nodded slightly and said, "Barbarian king? Now that you're here, let's fight!"

Without any concealment, ** naked provocative words came from his mouth. After hearing this, Zhang Lei was no longer wordy, but suddenly disappeared in place. The next moment, two tail flames appeared ten meters in front of Feng Long behind his back.

Feng Long was slightly surprised by the speed he showed, but looking at the laser knife that cut into his head, he did not allow him to hesitate to pull out the handle of his waist and unscrew a similar knife light to cut it up.

When Zhang Lei saw that the other party actually chose to fight against his own attack, he couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile at the corners of his mouth. He was able to be praised as the title of barbarian king among the captains selected by layers, which was not a false reputation.

Two wide blades collided in the void, and between the collision of blades, a dull ripple of energy spread out. From a distance, it seemed as if the space had been distorted, which was quite strange.

When Feng Long saw the sarcastic smile on the corners of Zhang Lei's mouth, his eyes were more murderous, and he couldn't help adding more force to his arm. Even so, the first wave of confrontation was still comparable to Zhang Lei.

Both of them flew back more than ten meters in the universe. Feng Long, who had just stabilized his body, shouted in a low voice: "Flash in." Then there was a ripple in the vacuum under his feet, and the whole person disappeared.

Zhang Lei looked at Feng Long, who suddenly disappeared in his eyes, frowned slightly, then shouted, waved his arms and swept the knife light in his hand behind him.

However, without waiting for him to smile, the knife light quickly crossed Feng Long's waist, but it was not as bloody as he imagined, but Feng Long's figure in front of him slowly faded and finally turned into nothingness.

"Do you move at a speed infinitely close to the speed of light to form a shadow?" Zhang Lei cut the sky without any sense of loss, but quickly analyzed Feng Long's tactics.

And while he fell silent, a pink shadow flashed quickly on the right side of his body. The shadow teared the vacuum and quickly approached his neck. Zhang Lei had not figured out the situation, but quickly waved the knife to block the pink light.

Feng Long's figure then appeared on the right side of Zhang Lei's body and said with a smile, "It's worthy of being a barbarian king. It's really like his name."

Zhang Lei then sneered and said, "I'm flattered."

Then without waiting for Feng Long to reply, he waved the laser to cut it to his head. Feng Long saw the increasingly dazzling light in his eyes and quickly shook his wrist that had been shaken by the blow just now, but his feet flashed out without stopping.

Feng Long and Zhang Lei fought several times under the gaze of the two forces. During this period, both of them did not have the upper hand. Then Feng Long seemed to have aroused the wild blood of the pirates in his body.

And Zhang Lei is also more and more brave in Vietnam, and his combat effectiveness has not weakened at all in such a high-load battle.

Looking at Feng Long, who was looking at him far away, Zhang Lei suddenly smiled gloomily. The handle of the laser knife in his hand was faintly twisted, and then followed the tip of the laser knife facing Feng Long, a bouquet of light beam of light quickly attacked Feng Long.

Feng Long was suddenly stunned by the sudden attack, and then quickly raised the laser knife in his hand. The subtle beam of light hit the blade, and the laser knife in Feng Long's hand was penetrated by a broken surface.

Spider-like cracks gradually spread on the blade, and finally spread to the whole knife body in Feng Long's frown, and the laser knife in his hand collapsed in Feng Long's hand the next moment.

And the subtle purple beam of light gradually dissipated under the resistance of the knife light, and finally did not reach Feng Long. Just as Feng Long breathed a sigh of relief, a shadow flashed in front of his eyes with a purple light.

In shock, Feng Long quickly mobilized energy to the front part of the armored chest. A faint yellow light emerged and collided with the purple light. The friction between the two saw a spark flashing in the dark void.

Feng Long's body was shaken back by two or three meters, and his eyes gradually surged with a trace of rigor. Looking at the figure standing about two meters in front of him, Feng Long suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, I'm really not an ordinary person. It's interesting and interesting. I can have a good time today."

As Feng Long's voice fell, the armored right arm transformed by the gun of the starship suddenly extended a bunch of yellow knife light of more than two meters. The knifemang wrapped Feng Long's right hand. Then Feng Long's toes pointed a little, two tail flames gushed out from behind him, and quickly swept away Zhang Lei in front of him.

Zhang Lei saw that the two attacks had no objective effect. His eyebrows were suddenly locked tightly, but he was not in a hurry to think about the next tactics. Feng Long's figure disappeared from sight again.

Zhang Lei quickly raised the laser to his chest, made a defensive posture, and slowly turned his body to prevent Feng Long from launching a sneak attack from any direction.

"Sword finger." Although Zhang Lei's defense was perfect, the familiar voice still sounded behind him, and then the sixth sense was violently active in his brain, and Zhang Lei's body could be rowed to the left.

In the void, a blood-red color was particularly dazzling under the distant starry sky. Feng Long slowly withdrew his left hand and said to himself with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Have you avoided the key? That's decent."

Zhang Lei's feverish mood was unmasked when he heard the words, and immediately laughed, "Hahaha, you are worthy of being the SSSS-level key target wanted by the whole universe. Sure enough, he is not at the same level as those drifting forces. In this case, let's play with me today."

Thank you for your support for my younger brother. Huang Yu will continue to work hard and ask for collection by the way.