Big Starship

Chapter 102 Level 8 Purgatory

On a deep planet, on a towering rock peak, a boy's limbs are separated and tied to four stone pillars by iron chains. Next to him is a huge robot that is constantly beating the boy's upper body with a laser whip. At this moment, the boy's body is covered with scars.

For some reason, on this planet full of rocky mountains and rivers, no matter how painful the boy is, he can't faint in the end. He can only retain a trace of consciousness and constantly suffers injuries from the outside world. The boy's pupils have been dead gray and his face has already lost blood.

At this time, the robot stopped moving, and the chain tied to the boy's limbs also quickly loosened. The boy's body made a dull sound and fell to the rock ground. With the only little consciousness, the boy stretched out his swollen arm and touched a small metal tube.

Taking a closer look, the metal tube was the compressed food maker that the boy had used before. The boy coughed violently, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and pressed one end of the metal tube with trembling fingers.

A slight voice passed through the deep valley. A green bean rolled down from the small metal tube under the boy's eager eyes. The boy's pale face showed a slightly desolate smile, stretched out his trembling hand, and grabbed the little bean tightly in his hand.

"Wow!" Feeling the little thing in his hand, the boy seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and dragged his seriously injured body. The boy struggled to stuff his hand into his mouth, chewed it a little, swallowed it, and then sucked a little fresh water from the metal tube. The boy turned around and lay flat on the rock ground, gasped heavily.

In the distant gray sky, a faint light suddenly lit up, and then a familiar female voice came into the boy's ears, cheering up the boy's spirit: "Hee hee, is it okay to practice fighting ability here?"

The boy was speechless. He raised his right hand feebly and raised a middle finger to the light of the sky. He wanted to open his mouth and say something, but he was too lazy to move his lips. There was also an expressionless robot standing beside him, but at this moment, there was no flashing red light in the robot's eyes.

Obviously, the robot has entered a dormant state. The boy lay on the ground and glanced at the robot with the afterglow of fear. Seeing that there was still no light in his eyes, he closed his eyes at ease.

On this purgatory star, the boy's schedule is arranged like this. Ten hours a day are practicing fighting. To put it bluntly, he is tied to a stone pillar and beaten. In the remaining 14 hours, the boy is basically sleeping to avoid mental breakdown under the pressure of this environment.

Every three days, the robot will sweep the boy's whole body with a green light wave. At this time, the boy's injury will fully recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is also the only moment that makes the boy feel close to heaven in three days of hell.

Thinking about the suffering he had suffered in the past six months, he fell asleep slowly. He didn't know how long the time had passed in his sleep. The boy was finally awakened by the severe pain from his body. When he woke up, he found that he had been tied to four stone pillars with open limbs. At this time, there was a red light in the eyes of the huge robot. Mang began to beat again.

The boy looked at the robot that was working hard on himself, and an idea came out of his mouth: "Hey, big man, aren't you tired?" This is the first time in this year that the boy has spoken to the robot, but to his surprise, the robot stopped slightly after his voice.

"I'm a robot. I don't feel the so-called fatigue, pain and sadness of you human beings. All I know is to complete my mission."

The robot actually spoke! He was shocked by the fact that he could answer his own questions, which was enough to show that the robot already has its own wisdom. He is already an intelligent robot, but looking at the degree of his communication with people, it is obvious that he has just evolved wisdom.

"Hey, big man, when did you evolve your wisdom?" The boy was still tied to the stone pillar and asked doubtfully. After the robot hit him fiercely with a laser whip, he slowly withdrew the laser whip, and the chain tied to the boy's limbs was also quickly withdrawn.

The boy's body twisted strangely in the air, his limbs fell to the ground, and stood up smoothly. No longer as before, the chain loosened, and the man was weak and fell to the ground like a dead pig. When the robot saw this, the red light in his eyes jumped slightly.

"When did I evolve wisdom? About half a year ago." The robot answered the boy's question just now. After hearing this, the boy was shocked and said, "That is to say, you have evolved wisdom in about half a year since I came here?" The robot nodded slightly after hearing this.

The boy shouted more surprisedly, "It's impossible. How could I not feel it at all?" After hearing this, the robot spread out his hands very humanely and said, "I'm not sure if you humans will allow us to evolve wisdom, so we have been trying to hide it."

The boy threw a small bean into his mouth and said vaguely, "Haha, can't you finally help it today? With wisdom, I really can't help but feel lonely.

The robot's analysis of the boy did not admit or deny it, but learned from the boy to raise his head most of the time: "Are you leaving today?" The boy's mouth was moving up and down, chewing the compressed biscuit. Hearing the slightly sad words of the robot, he was suddenly stunned.

"Why have you evolved your feelings?" The boy turned his head and looked at the robot.

The robot nodded slowly and said, "I'm not very clear. Anyway, I feel that if you leave, I will continue to live a lonely and boring life." After hearing this, the boy nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, you are strong."

"Your master is here to say goodbye." The robot suddenly looked up somewhere in the sky and said. After hearing this, the boy also looked up and followed the robot's eyes. Before long, the dark cloud was pushed away, and a huge spacecraft was exposed to the boy's eyes.

"Hee, kid, the deadline for the purgatory trial has come. Come on, hee, I didn't expect that you, a big man, has evolved wisdom. It seems that more robots will be sent to accompany you." A female voice with a sense of pleasure resounded throughout the sky and echoed in the rocky mountains, causing bursts of echoes.

After hearing what the robot said, the red light in its eyes couldn't help beating, and its voice was also mixed with a little joy: "Haha, that's good. After all, I can feel the feeling of loneliness now. I don't want to stay alone on this planet."

After hearing this, the boy was shocked, and then laughed dryly at the robot and jumped on the round platform that fell from the spacecraft. Under the eyes of the robot's shining red light, the round platform slowly rose into the air and finally brought the boy's young figure into the spacecraft.

"Well, it seems that I have to feel lonely for a while." After the boy entered the spacecraft, the robot gave a humane sigh, slowly raised one hand and shook at the distant spacecraft.

In the spaceship, the female voice that once scared the boy to the bone sounded: "Hee hee, take off all your clothes." Hearing a very shocking sentence, the boy couldn't help opening his mouth and saying, "What?" The female voice said jokingly, "Take off your clothes. What are you afraid of? You have been brought up by a teacher since you were a child. You haven't seen anything. Take it off quickly."

The boy obviously did not intend to do so, and stood there with such a doubtful expression until the female voice sounded again: "Well, the next trial requires to be bare, otherwise it will not achieve the expected effect, hee hee."