Big Starship

Chapter 108 Treatment Begins

In a quiet hall, a group of people surrounded a transparent room. The faces of the group were all cold. In the room, it was Feng Long, who was still in a coma. At this moment, he was still surrounded by eight metal blocks, maintaining the form of Satan and lying quietly in the electromagnetic resonance wave.

On a blue planet, on an empty island floating in the vast sea, the proud wolf, the wolf and the fox wolf followed the footsteps of a group of Luoluo people and flew over the tribes one by one, straight to the center of the empty island, where the leader Beberi lived, and their goal is a little bit of Bebel. Gene.

"Ead Elder Ruuka, how's the commander's temper?" The Proud Wolf kept asking about the situation of Bebel. Luluka turned around and smiled, "Ha ha, the leader's temper is a little strange, but he is also upright. During the absence of King Mamaka, we Luoluou respect him."

After hearing this, the Proud Wolf no longer asked more questions, but he had been bowing his head as if he was thinking about something. The wolf and the fox wolf were very familiar and had never spoken, giving all the right to speak to the Proud Wolf.

In the flight of several people, the center of the empty island quickly came into their sight, and several figures quickly fell. Under the leadership of Luluka, they walked out of a tent. Luluka interrupted everyone and knelt on one knee and said, "Yourm, Luluka took King Mamaka's benefactor to meet. They have Ask for everything."

"Come in, there's no need to be polite." After a while, a capable and vigorous voice came from the tent. The proud wolf and the wolf foxwolf looked at each other, nodded slightly to Luluka, and then walked into the tent.

"The whale shark belongs to the wolf's nest, the proud wolf, the fox wolf, and the wolf visit the leader of Beberg." After the three walked into the tent, they bent down and bowed. Beberg sat in the first place and smiled and waved his big hand: "Haha, Luo Luowu's friends, don't be polite. I don't know what do you need our help when you come this time?"

The Proud Wolf was also worried about Feng Long's comfort, so he did not say anything politely and said bluntly, "We want to borrow a little gene of the leader to save our boss's life." After hearing this, Beibei was slightly dull. Luowu people are a family that advocates blood, and they value their genes very much, so they don't blame him for hesitation.

Ao Lang was also anxious. He looked at the wolf and the fox wolf. They also frowned, but then turned their eyes on Be Bailey, who was in the first seat. The other party was obviously weighing the pros and cons, and it was not as straightforward as he imagined. As soon as the Ao Wolf gritted his teeth, he stretched out his arm and pressed a button, and the mecha at the arm cracked, a The small warehouse is exposed.

Then a small blue chip popped from the crack and slowly floated above his arm under the entrustment of a beam of light. Proud Wolf reached out to grab the chip, and the crack on the rack closed. Beberry also noticed Ao Wolf's movements. When he saw the blue chip flying out, he frowned slightly.

The wolf and the fox wolf are not a decoration. They also noticed the change in Beibei's expression and vaguely handed a look to the proud wolf. The arrogant wolf also nodded slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he still threw the chip to Beibei. Seeing this, Berry quickly reached out to catch it and put it in the palm of his hand to check it carefully.

After a long time in the waiting of the three proud wolves, Be Bailey finally said, "Who gave you this thing?" After hearing this, the proud wolf was slightly stunned, and then said suspiciously, "Our master, Xingling."

"What? Star spirit?" After hearing this, Beibei's pupil dilated instantly and almost jumped up from the seat. Ao Lang and others could obviously feel it. Beibei just shivered all over. Beibei took a few breaths and looked at the chip in his hand: "God's servant, star spirit! She, is she your master?

"God's servant? What's the matter?" This was the first question in the hearts of the three Proud Wolf after hearing what Beberry said, but they did not ask, but nodded slightly. Beberry saw the situation and got up and walked out of the tent quickly. The Proud Wolf looked at each other and quickly followed.

After Beberry walked out of the tent, he spread his wings and quickly flew to a cliff behind the tent, regardless of the proud wolf and others behind him. This cliff is extremely long. It is rather a cliff, rather a huge stone pillar that grows completely perpendicular to the ground. Without the help of flying equipment, human beings can't do it at all. Can board.

The three proud wolves then frowned and turned on the jet function of the mecha. They closely followed Beibei's footsteps. Beibei came to the peak of the cliff, where there was a tent. He looked at the three people following him and did not say anything, but walked into the tent.

The three proud wolves frowned again and couldn't help following up. They saw that in the tent, the walls were full of dazzling gems, and there was a throne made of blue gold in the middle of the room. At this scale, Beberry's room was simply a pigsty compared with it.

Beberry quickly walked to the blue and gold throne, first bent slightly and bowed, and then patted the armrest of the seat. There was a groove in the armrest. Berry looked at the chip in his hand and finally made up his mind to put it into the groove, and then the whole groove emitted a peaceful blue light.

Beiri took out the chip and respectfully handed it to the proud wolf. Then, in the shocked eyes of the three proud wolf, he actually saluted them on one knee: "God has arrived, and I hope to atone for my sins. Please take me there immediately. I would like to give my blood to save Feng Long, the son of the God of War."

The proud wolf and the wolf, the fox wolf quickly stepped forward to help Beberry. So far, the three of them have not understood what was going on. They were stunned by Bebe Berry's behavior. However, looking at the current situation, the genes have arrived, and the three of them can only fly out of the tent with Bebe Berry with full of doubts.

Four people flew to the port of the empty island. At this moment, there have been countless Luoluo people who have occupied the port. Beibei's huge wings and his body suspended in the air and stretched out his hands and said, "The people of Luoluo, I just got the news that the son of the God of War predicted by our ancestors has awakened, that is Feng Long of the whale shark. "

The Luorou people standing below seemed to have taken stimulants and became violent in an instant. The three proud wolves were numb in their scalps. Beberry's hands were underpressing. The violent Luorou people below suddenly became silent. Bebel said, "Now I'm going to go with the three gods to see the son of the God of War. This time when I'm away Meanwhile, everything in the clan depends on several elders.

When the proud wolf saw that Beberry was about to leave after saying that, he quickly stopped him and smiled dryly and said, "Well, the commander, we are human beings, and our physical quality can't be compared with the Luowu people, and even if our mecha developed by the wolf's nest, the speed can't be proportional to you. Here's the purpose. Earth, but across a chaotic galaxy!"

After listening to this, Bebel thought for a moment and suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, Luluka, go and transfer a starship here. Well, it's better to be a warship, just a warship." After hearing this, the three proud wolves wiped a cold sweat and roared in their hearts, "Fuck, who said that Luo Luowu is a barbarian technology backward? Who says that Luo Luowu has no warships? They all have starships!"

The four people, aboard a medium-sized warship, quickly drove out of the atmosphere under the gaze of many Loro people, and then launched a space jump.

All the way across the chaotic galaxy. After three space jumps, several people reached the edge of the chaotic galaxy. This made the three proud wolves feel that the Luoluo battleship is well configured. The distance of the space jump depends on the jumping device inside the warship. Even if it is a medium-level warship of the whale shark, if it wants to cross the chaos, how You have to jump six or seven times.

Beberry did not pay attention to these problems, but kept urging the Proud Wolf to show him the way. Under the guidance of the Proud Wolf, the warship once again jumped in space and appeared in a star field composed of eight planets. Looking at the eight planets of different colors in the distance, Bebery showed a shocked look.

"Let's go, it's almost there." Aolang said to him, interrupting him from the state of shock, and then Beberry drove the warship to reach the coordinates set by Aolang. Aolang stretched out his arm and the video table on his wrist automatically opened.

"How's it going?" Xingling's virtual shadow appeared on the video table, and the proud wolf smiled and said, "It's unusually smooth. The teacher opens the warship and prepare to accept this warship." Xingling also smiled, nodded and hung up the video.

"Teacher? Is she your teacher? Beberry asked unbelievably, and the proud wolf turned his head doubtfully and said, "Yes, what's the problem?" Bebel grabbed his hand excitedly and said, "So, she is the legendary star spirit, the god of the star spirit?"

The proud wolf smiled awkwardly at the wolf fox wolf with its mouth wide open, pulled out his hands and coughed dryly and said, "In theory, my teacher is called Xingling, but as for what god servant you said, we don't know. The blue chip was also given to us by the teacher."

Beberry didn't say much after hearing this, but nodded slightly, which controlled the warship to dock with the star spirit. The warship drove in a passage composed of light and flew straight into the interface of the star spirit.

"Teacher, this is Beeri, the leader of the Rorou clan, who is closest to Mamaka." As soon as Ao Lang got off the warship, he said to Xingling and others who came. Xingling just nodded slightly after hearing this, and then went to the last Beibei who came down and smiled, "Hee hee, come with me."

Beberry saw Xingling coming. First, he moved his throat and was about to kneel down depending on the situation. But then Xingling's words interrupted his movements and were slightly dull. Under the guidance of Xingling, he walked into the transparent room where Feng Long was. When the four angels and wolf saw Bebery, they were still a little scared and dared not go up to talk to him.

"Don't be afraid of him, come and help me extract genes." Xingling said seriously, and the four angel wolf women made a forced smile at Bebery when they heard the words, and they walked carefully to him.

After the efforts of five people, Xingling finally picked up a small container and walked to an instrument in the room with relief. Under the gaze of dozens of eyes, he put the container into a groove of the instrument. Then some data was displayed on the screen of the instrument. Xingling stretched out a finger to tap the screen. Those data Then he gathered towards her as if he had life.

After all the data on the screen poured into Xingling's fingers, Xingling said to the four angels and wolves, "Okay, I have mastered the genetic data of Bebeli and analyzed the approximate data of Mamaka. Now I can continue to treat. Bebelly, go out first." The last sentence was said to Bebery, who was standing stupidly beside him.

The five people then walked to the iron bed and looked at the bloody monster. The five people's hearts were tight. Whether Feng Long could be successfully cured depends on this time.