Big Starship

Chapter 113 Trial

Three days have passed since Feng Long woke up. According to Feng Qingyu's arrangement, three days after recovery, he will go to the eighth-level experience. At the same time, at Feng Qinghai's instructions, Feng Zhenxiang also arranged for several elites of the whale shark to go with him. Several people are now ready to meet at the hatch of Xingling.

"The Proud Wolf will accompany you to the eighth level. Originally, it was to stay on each planet for a year according to the regulations, but now the form is wrong, so I ask Xingling to shorten your experience time to stay on each planet for one month." Feng Qingyu stood at the hatch and said to the crowd.

Feng Long frowned slightly when he heard the words, and Kang Tie muttered with no interest: "It's only been eight months. What can I gain?" Feng Qingyu jokingly looked at everyone's expressions and found that their eyes were full of disappointment.

At this time, the flexible voice of the star spirit came: "Hee, don't be disappointed. Because of the shortening of time, I have also made some adjustments to the living conditions of each planet, such as the poisonous gas star. I have used biochemical means to cover the MS6 smoke used by modern armament gas bombs on the surface of the whole planet, no It will be too easy."

Several people's eyes lit up when they heard this, but then they all remembered the notoriety of MS6 in the modern battlefield. When they thought that they would survive on such a poisonous planet for a month without any equipment, their hearts suddenly surged with a chill.

Knowing the living conditions of the gas star, it is not difficult to infer the harshness of other planets with the IQ of several people. Feng Qingyu quickly urged before they retreated, "Ok, time is blue gold, speed is star coins, let's go quickly."

During the conversation, the star spirit had entered the atmosphere of the gas star. Before several people could react, a piece of the ground out of the hatch suddenly split and fell down to the ground covered with purple fog with the people above.

However, what Feng Long and others did not find was that after them, four remnants flashed out of the spacecraft. After skimming out of the spacecraft, the four figures landed in a free fall.

When Feng Long reacted, the four figures had landed on the land one step ahead of them. Feng Long suddenly jumped his feet and scolded angrily, "Nonsense, who let you come!" The four flashing figures are Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue, and now the four figures have been swallowed up by the purple fog.

After the four women landed, they also jumped off the platform one after another. However, before the soles of their feet touched the ground, their faces suddenly turned purple and they felt difficult to breathe. The people who originally wanted to land in an extremely domineering posture were lying on the ground like dead pigs and rolling randomly, with only the faces of proud wolves. Relatively better.

Ao Lang's face only turned red. According to the ancient martial arts skills taught by Xing Ling, he slowly recovered the normal person's face. Feng Long and others also recovered almost at this moment and felt that their breathing was slightly smoother. Feng Long immediately got up and looked around for the four women.

The rest of the people also recovered quickly, and then got up to help find it. With the passage of time, Feng Long's eyebrows frowned deeper every second, but finally found the four women. At this moment, the four people collapsed weakly to the ground. Feng Long hurried forward to help the nearest Wang Jing.

Then the people who came quickly also picked up the three women. Feng Long looked at Wang Jing with a purple face, and an anger surged up in his heart: "Who let you come? I thought you couldn't travel with me like before!"

Wang Jing frowned slightly, coughed violently for a while, and looked at Feng Long with a smile. Feng Long's scolding that he wanted to say suddenly swallowed back into his stomach. Seeing this scene, Wang Jing's haggard face smiled even stronger.

Proud Wolf raised Liu Ting's body and said to Feng Long, "Don't talk so much. Teach them the ancient martial arts of practicing qi quickly, otherwise it will be too late to inhale too many toxins!" After hearing this, Feng Long did not dare to neglect. He quickly got up and stood among the four women, demonstrating the ancient martial arts taught by Xingling.

The four women were also talented and intelligent people. Under the guidance of Feng Long and Ao Lang, they quickly mastered this set of boxing martial arts. Seeing that the four women's faces gradually returned to normal, Feng Long's hanging heart was finally completely relieved.

Then Feng Long stared at Liu Ting. Liu Ting saw his eyes and smiled helplessly, "I said I'm going to marry you. Do you want your brothers to gossip behind your back? What's your woman like a vase or something?

After hearing this, Feng Long's eyes rose with a vague anger and roared in a low voice, "Who said that?" Liu Ting smiled and shook her head and said nothing more. At this time, Wang Jing took Feng Long's arm and whispered, "I'm sorry, we also want to do our part for you. The enemy you are facing is getting stronger and stronger, and you can't resist it alone."

When Feng Long heard the whisper in his ear, he raised his eyebrows vaguely, and his eyes were full of pride and relief. At this time, the proud wolf walked to several people and looked at them with a serious expression.

"Since you have come, it is impossible to go back until the end of the trial. Now I will familiarize you with the eight-level heavenly tutorial. This poisonous gas planet is that makes people constantly inhale highly toxic and discharge toxins without the help of drugs and equipment. In this way, a powerful natural antibody is formed in the body. "

Listening to the arrogant wolf's words, several people nodded one after another to express their understanding. At this time, Feng Long looked at the four women. After ponding for a moment, he still made up his mind and said to the arrogant wolf: "Eighth-level sky is a trial that makes people mutation in the limit. Now that you are here, take us to the place with the strongest poison gas."

Ao Lang hesitated for a moment, and finally turned his eyes to the accident of this trial. Liu Ting and the other four women saw him looking at his eyes with hesitation. They all put on a dissatisfied expression and turned their heads and looked elsewhere. Seeing this, Ao Lang smiled shyly and nodded to Feng Long.

A few figures quickly flashed between the purple poisons. After a while, several people were about to stop and make some adjustments to expel the deposited toxins in their bodies. Proud Wolf took this opportunity to say to everyone, "In my memory, one of the relatively dangerous places on this planet is a poppy field."

Most of the people didn't know much about poppy, but Feng Long said, "Oh? Unexpectedly, in addition to the earth, there are poppies in the universe, which is a plant containing paralyzed nerves. It is used as an anesthetic on the earth, and excessive intake is addictive.

After hearing this, several people turned their eyes to Tang Long and Kang Tie. Obviously, they wanted to prove Feng Long's words from the two earthmen. When they saw the situation, they also nodded slightly. The proud wolf also nodded and said, "Yes, that poppy field is relatively close to us, so I plan to make it For the goal of the first trial.

Seeing that no one had any objection, the Proud Wolf got up and began to lead the way. Several figures quickly shuttled through the thick fog followed the Proud Wolf and moved towards the target poppy field.

Through a poisonous forest, several people plunged into a colorful flower bush. As soon as Feng Long rushed into the flowers, his fingers were cut by those dense thorns. Then before he could perform the ancient martial arts, he fell to the ground paralyzed, and his eyes were full of dead gray, and there was no life.

The situation of the other people is not much better than him, including the proud wolf who has been here once. They are all intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers with their eyes. Several people see their favorite things, the most important people, and other desires hidden in their hearts that are infinitely magnified.

I don't know how long he had been intoxicated in it. Feng Long's mind suddenly shook, and his eyes slowly returned to Qingming. Looking around, only the proud wolf sat cross-legged in the flowers and closed his eyes. The others still lay quietly in the flowers under their feet with a satisfied smile on their faces, as if they had fallen into a permanent sleep. Medium.

Feng Long was about to wake up the crowd, but the proud wolf reached out and stopped him: "You have to wait for their nerves and get used to this illusory hypnosis. If you force them to wake them up like this, they will go crazy." After hearing this, Feng Long quickly withdrew his outstretched hand and said in his heart that it was so dangerous.

Not long after Feng Long woke up, the others woke up one after another. After several people practiced the ancient martial arts, the proud wolf slowly got up and looked at them with satisfaction and smiled, "Ha ha, it's faster than when I woke up. It's not simple."

After hearing this, several people all looked at each other and smiled. Feng Long was about to talk, but Li Fei rushed in front of him and couldn't wait to ask the proud wolf, "What else? What other interesting places are there? Go quickly. Time is limited.

When asked this question, several people laughed helplessly. This kind of cruel trial is just a fun place in the eyes of this man.

The proud wolf also twitched at the corners of his mouth and touched his nose and said, "There seems to be a highly poisonous desert where the risk factor is relatively high. I almost died in the sand back then. Do you want to go?"

Feng Long patted the back of the proud wolf and laughed boldly, "Hahaha, don't ask nonsense. As long as it's useful and fun, then go."

Aolang nodded and said seriously, "Then you can be psychologically prepared. After all, after falling into the sand, that set of ancient martial arts is useless, and you can only look at your own character." After saying that, after obtaining the consent of several people again, the proud wolf stepped on the flowers under his feet and shuttled through the thick purple poisonous fog again.

A dozen figures cut through the purple fog, leaving shadows running quickly on the ground. After three days of hard trekking, several people finally saw that the poison gas in front of them was suddenly mixed with a strange pink. The proud wolf pointed to the front and said, "If you rush in, it's the desert."

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he was the first to rush into the purple poisonous fog. Seeing the figure of the proud wolf quickly disappear into the poisonous fog, Feng Long and others also quickly raised their legs to catch up with it.

The Proud Wolf has already been waiting for them in a place with a strong purple fog. Seeing that there are many people coming, the Proud Wolf sits on the ground: "The poison gas here is relatively strong. We can constantly expel toxins from our bodies here. As for the sand, maybe if you have good character, you can happen to meet See you."

"For example, like you back then?" Lan Mingyu said with a smile. The proud wolf blushed when he heard the words, covered his mouth and coughed violently and said, "Cough, I don't discuss this issue. It seems that I have ingested too much poison gas. I'll practice first. You'd better practice more. A month is almost there."

Feng Long touched his chin and thought for a while and said, "Well, it seems that there are still three days left. Is the next trial gravity?"