Big Starship

Chapter 128 Hiver

On Pandora, a beautiful and rich planet, there are many well-known forces hidden in the universe at this moment. Their dormant is just for a weapon to be born here. This weapon can make the power of an army soar. It is a treasure that all forces dream of. The gun of the starship now appears. On the Antarctic glacier of Pandora.

Feng Long, floating in the middle of the sky in the distance, looked up at the glacier in the distance. The icebergs were like crystal clear crystals. At this time, the icebergs were all strangely gathered together and ran very slowly in a regular trajectory. Although the speed was slow, the size of the icebergs was not small. Therefore, a huge whirlpool is still formed in the sea below.

Seeing such an abnormal phenomenon, Feng Long smiled with a satisfied smile and said to himself, "Haha, it can't be wrong. The only thing that can cause this supernatural phenomenon is the metal that makes the starship gun, but that metal can only produce magnetic force by absorbing a certain amount of energy. Now three starship guns To produce such a large magnetic force, at least the energy core of a B-class spacecraft must be absorbed!"

When Feng Long's heart was full of doubts, the radar on his wrist suddenly showed that a large amount of unknown energy and life nearby suddenly approached. Feng Long frowned and said, "Damn it, I found it so soon." After whispering a rude voice, Feng Long flapped the meat wings behind him again, stimulated the six jets on his feet, and rushed to the iceberg group with all his strength.

Then, under the leadership of Aolang and others, the War Tiger Gang also followed Feng Long's footsteps. People who met other forces along the way also pretended to be invisible to each other. All forces rushed to the place where abnormal energy was detected.

Originally, it was impossible for such a large-scale mass activity on the planet not to disturb the military, but Klick had already greeted them, so these people did not meet the military coordinators.

Feng Long was undoubtedly the first person to arrive at the iceberg. After his body fell, he quickly hid himself. After withdrawing the war, he was very adaptable to the environment surrounded by ice this week and did not feel cold at all. This is due to the extreme cold test of the eighth day, which made his current body Quality is far beyond ordinary people.

Feng Long hid in a crack on an ice mountain and looked at the radar shadow projected on his wrist. The projection showed that two signs of life were moving this way at a very fast speed, and their speed was similar to his war armed forces, which shocked Feng Long and couldn't help but feel a little more fear. But fear does not mean that Feng Long is afraid of them.

At this time, more than ten kilometers away from the glacier, a non-human creature was flapping a pair of huge wings on its back, with a long tail flame on the soles of its feet, flying away in the direction of the glacier. This man was Zhang Lei, the barbarian king under Isera's command.

Less than a kilometer behind Zhang Lei, an equally fast figure was chasing his footsteps. The figure was wrapped in a mass of purple violent energy, and the two purple tail flames behind him were shining with dazzling purple light, following Zhang Lei with his body at a very fast speed.

Where the man passed, there was a gorgeous purple smoke screen in the air. This person was Wu Tian.

not far behind them, another group of people are chasing at the same slow speed. Naturally, this group of people are proud wolves and other wolf nests, such as Tang Long and others.

In order to prevent the evil soul gang from taking the opportunity to attack the headquarters, Feng Huoyan and Kang Tie, who had recently recovered, stayed at the headquarters of the War Tiger Gang. The others poured out. Although there were only two left behind, the others believed that the two people were enough to deal with the general problems.

After them, other forces of Pandora also came one after another, including the Hai Gang, one of the three major gangs, as well as some other major gangs of Pandora. Behind these gangs, there are some big forces in other regions.

And these fast-coming figures are all displayed on the radar of Feng Long's wrist, and Feng Long also turned on the shielding function of the war armed forces to avoid being detected by them.

Feng Long did not wait long in the iceberg group. In just two minutes, Zhang Lei and Wu Tian crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers and came to the sky above the glacier. After stabilizing their bodies, they looked at each other, and their eyes were full of fear. Judging from each other's speed, it was not difficult for them to judge How high-end the other party's mecha configuration is.

After looking at each other, the two of them looked at the radar system on the mecha, and then flew in two directions respectively. Wu Tian first adjusted the power of the mecha to the highest, rushed up to the sky overhead, and disappeared in layers of clouds in a blink of an eye.

When Zhang Lei saw Wu Tian disappearing into the clouds, he quickly turned into his transformed body and plunged his head into the sea below.

However, these actions of the two were clearly seen by Feng Long, who was hiding aside.

Zhang Lei had just plunged into the sea, and a group of black spots appeared in the distant sky. Looking at the blue mark on the radar, Feng Long knew that it was the Proud Wolf. As expected, only a few seconds after the black spot appeared, several people appeared over the glacier with a strong sonob explosion.

As soon as he came over this glacier, the proud wolf looked around for Feng Long's figure. However, even if he opened the radar search range to the maximum, there was no trace of Feng Long. Other wolf nests also opened the radar search range of the war armed forces to the maximum, and Liu Ting's four women also looked around anxiously. .

At this time, the communication equipment on Liu Ting's mecha suddenly "dudu!" After Liu Ting picked it up, she was relieved to see Feng Long's projection. As soon as Feng Long saw Liu Ting's relaxed expression, he whispered, "What are you four doing here? Don't you know the danger?" Looking at Feng Long's slightly angry expression, Liu Ting warmed her heart.

Then Li Fei came to Liu Ting and said angrily, "Well, tell you not to underestimate us. You always treat us as women and look for death!"

Seeing Li Fei's expression with his teeth and claws, Feng Long shook his head helplessly and said, "If I don't treat you as women, what do you think of you?" Li Fei had nothing to say.

Then Feng Long shook his head with a smile and said, "Speaking of business, before you arrive, Wu Tian and Isera's people have come." After hearing this, several people suddenly tightened all over, and the wolf's nest quickly entered the combat state.

Feng Long whispered, "Don't be nervous. They shouldn't do anything to you for the time being. Just pretend that you don't know about it. I'm hiding in the icebergs in front of you, and you continue to deceive them as if I didn't come. I'll me and them. I will send you the coordinates.

After Feng Long finished speaking, the projection in front of Liu Ting suddenly disappeared, and then his communication device showed a line of tiny fonts.

Everyone gathered around Liu Ting. After they finished reading the line of fonts, the line of fonts automatically disappeared. Then Liu Ting's four women vaguely took a look at the iceberg somewhere in front of them. Others also stared at somewhere in the sky and the sea. However, they were shocked to find that the radar of themselves and others The system really can't detect anything.

At this time, the major gangs that were behind the equipment were still not far from the glacier belt. Ao Lang looked at the place where Feng Long and Wu Tian and Zhang Lei hid, and then a strange smile appeared on their faces. When the wolf saw his smile, he came forward with a strange smile and asked, "What's wrong? Do you have any good ideas?"

After hearing this, the Proud Wolf narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "Hey, in this case, we might as well find a place to hide before the people behind us come. I believe that the two of them will not stand up and expose us except to inform their own people." After hearing this, the wolf also smiled, and then set out to look for a hiding point.

At this time, Qiao Yang came forward and asked, "Why do you still hide it? Isn't it better for us to take things first before the people behind come? I think the two of them are hiding, that is, to wait for their subordinates. Now we come first and take the lead with Brother Long. If they dare to take action, so many of us are still afraid of the two of them?

The proud wolf looked at the top of his head and feet, and then said to Qiao Yang, "That's what I thought at first, but have you ever thought that since Brother Long knew the hiding place of the two of them, it must be that Brother Long arrived earlier than them and hid first. You haven't thought about why Brother Long first When you arrive, won't you take things?"

After Aolang finished speaking, Qiao Yang suddenly realized and said, "You mean, there are still organs in it?"

After hearing this, Aolang nodded slightly and said, "I'm just guessing about this. I believe that Brother Long can't tell what's in it, but look around, these icebergs are all gathered together without any collisions, and they are still running vaguely and regularly. All these supernatural phenomena are enough to reflect The extraordinary of this place.

After listening to this, Qiao Yang carefully observed the glacier in front of him, and then quickly reacted and shouted, "Damn it, it's really what you said!" I really don't understand how you and Brother Long did it? Even such details can be found." After hearing this, the proud wolf didn't say much, just started the war and said, "Let's go, let's disperse and hide."

When the wolf heard the words, he looked at the fox wolf and smiled and said, "Let's go to the commanding heights." After saying that, the two quickly skimmed the two peaks in the depths of the glacier. In just a moment, they disappeared into the sight of the Proud Wolf, but the Proud Wolf knew that at this time, two sniper guns had already been set up where the two disappeared.

The two are carefully observing the situation on their side by equipped with high-end sniper mirrors.

The proud wolf smiled inexplicably and turned to the crowd: "I'll go inside to cooperate with Brother Long. You can also spread out and hide in the surrounding Iceland. When the brothers of the War Tiger Gang come, I will inform them to wait here." After saying that, the proud wolf didn't wait for others to react, and the jet under his feet accelerated instantly and swept away on an iceberg not far from Feng Long.

Then everyone quickly dodged into the scattered icebergs around them, quietly waiting for the arrival of others to prepare for an upcoming battle.