Big Starship

Chapter 129 Giant Robot

Feng Long looked at the proud wolf hidden 100 meters away from him with a strange expression and whispered to the headset, "Why are you coming in?" The arrogant wolf looked at him with a smile and said, "Now Zhang Lei and Wu Tian both know that there are people in the iceberg group. When there is a movement here, they will think that I did it, and they won't think that you are also here."

After hearing this, Feng Long suddenly realized that he secretly gave a thumbs up to Ao Lang, and Ao Lang gave him a proud smile.

At this time, the large troops behind came one after another. Zhang Hai's Hai Gang far surpassed other large gangs in terms of equipment advantage, so they were the first to come here except for the hidden crowd.

Then, on the whole Pandora, all the forces that could be taken were gathered, but no one dared to go deep. Everyone was strangely suspended above the iceberg group. They all guessed what was in the iceberg group, so they were waiting for the first group of people to break in first to see. If that group of people brought things out, they would wait for them. Just grab it.

Under such a boring and long wait, someone finally couldn't help but want to take the lead. At this time, on the sky, Wu Tian was among the clouds. And Zhang Lei, who quietly floated two kilometers on the seabed to detect the situation through radar. As well as Feng Long and Aolang hidden in the cracks of the iceberg, their eyes are full of expectations.

The force preparing to start is under the command of a large religious force, which can also rank in the top ten in Pandora. The leader of this big force looked at the other forces around him with disdain, snorted coldly and quickly swept into the mountains in front of him with hundreds of his men.

After hundreds of people entered the mountains together, they disappeared into the eyes of all the peripheral forces. When the Proud Wolf saw them approaching their canyon, they wanted to stand up. At this time, Feng Long quickly raised his hand and pressed him, and then shook his head slightly in the confused eyes of the Proud Wolf.

In this way, the two missed the best time to ambush that group of people. Although Proud Wolf did not understand Feng Long's command, many years of battlefield career had made him accustomeding his subordinates and obeying orders, so he did not ask much.

In the group of forces outside, when they saw someone going in, many people were moved, but they still had a trace of reason, so they did not choose to go in, but waited outside for the news of the inside, the War Tiger Gang, the Evil Soul Gang and the people under Wu Tian. Naturally, they did not plan to go in from the beginning.

In the long wait, two hours later, the group of people who had entered before still did not come out.

Finally, someone couldn't help but feel**. Three famous forces in Pandora began to gather together to discuss and enter. The leaders of the three major forces will look at Zhang Hai. The Hai Gang is now vaguely regarded as the bottom of the three forces, so they are all considering whether to pull Zhang Hai. .

Because the Hai Gang is one of the three major forces, there must be a background, and at the same time, the Hai Gang is now recognized as the end of the three major forces. Compared with the Evil Soul Gang and the War Tiger Gang, their cooperation with the Hai Gang can not only be safely guaranteed without taking too many risks.

Thinking of this, the leaders of the three major forces gathered their eyes on Zhang Hai and waited for Zhang Hai's reply. Zhang Hai saw their eyes as if he understood their thoughts in an instant, and then just shook their heads at them helplessly. The three people withdrew their eyes knowingly.

After the three forces formed an alliance, they quickly urged the jets behind the armor. Although their mecha speed is far less than the speed of the war armed forces, and even Wu Tian's purple armor is far stronger than them, their passage still formed a series of sonotic sounds in the air. .

The three forces integrated, and there were about 1,000 troops. In this way, a large number of powerful personnel stepped into the icebergs and then disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

Feng Long saw a large number of people passing over him and the Proud Wolf, and then leaned against the iceberg behind him and made a series of gestures to the Proud Wolf. The Proud Wolf then nodded to him to understand. Next, the Proud Wolf quickly blocked the heat signal and life signal of his body and launched a war armed force to follow the footsteps of the previous group of people. Go.

Feng Long continued to closely monitor the traces of Zhang Lei and Wu Tian with radar. The arrogant wolf perfectly hid all the signals sent from his body, making the three forces ahead unaware of his traces.

Proud Wolf followed the three forces all the way to the wreckage of a huge spacecraft. Looking at the wreckage of the retro spacecraft in front of him, the leaders of the three forces looked at each other.

One of them frowned and said, "Where's the group of people who just came in?" When the two heard his words, they immediately stopped and wanted to continue to go deeper, and then looked around, but they couldn't see anyone.

While the three were puzzled and hesitating, the wreckage of the spaceship in front of the three emitted a faint red light. Then more than a thousand people's eyes were placed on the spaceship doubtfully. The proud wolf also hid at the foot of the iceberg in the distance. Looking at this abnormal scene, a feeling of uneasiness surged in everyone's hearts.

Seeing this, the three leaders immediately ordered their men to disperse. The three of them also took to retreat quickly, but they were one step late. A mechanical big hand suddenly appeared in the air. After the big hand unfolded, they grabbed more than 100 people tightly in their hands out of thin air, and the big hand quickly tightened.

Then Ao Lang saw that the more than 100 people became meat sauce in an instant, and a piece of blood bloomed in the sky, and then the eyes of the three forces were instantly filled with blood.

The next moment, the big hand suddenly pressed on the ground, and then the wreckage of the spacecraft began to turn into a giant robot. The robot slowly stood up on the glacier, and a red light in its chest emitted faintly. At the same time, the people of the three forces pulled out their waists.

The next moment, thousands of beams of beams of different colors hit the body of the huge robot. As soon as the robot stood up, it suffered such a strong blow, and its body was suddenly unstable.

However, he did not fall down, but took two steps back. During the two steps back of the huge body, the whole glacier trembled. Then on the thick ice under his feet, cobweb-like cracks quickly spread around. When the proud wolf saw this scene, his heart tightened in an instant, and a familiar feeling a familiar feeling arised.

But the familiar feeling only lasted for a moment. He reacted and quickly turned on the radar to cover the front battlefield. The powerful computer system armed with the war quickly analyzed the huge robot, and a line of data appeared in front of the proud wolf.

Proud Wolf quickly captured a battle video and sent it to Feng Long along with the data.

After watching the video, Feng Long stared at the data in front of him and meditated for a moment, and then started a video conversation with Ao Lang: "How did that big guy get here?" Feng Long asked.

The proud wolf smiled helplessly and said, "The wreckage of a spaceship suddenly became that guy. In the red light on his chest, a high concentration of energy reaction was detected, and the gun of the starship should be there."

"But Brother Long, aren't you afraid of being detected by Zhang Lei and Wu Tian by sending me a video message?" Proud Wolf continued to say, and Feng Long frowned and said, "I found it when the situation was urgent. I'm not afraid that they will bite me. Now you carefully observe the movement of the battlefield, and I'll go to your side immediately."

Ao Wolf nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then hung up the video and turned his eyes to the battlefield in front of him. Ao Wolf suddenly stared at the giant robot with wide eyes.

The robot actually has an automatic protection function. In the face of thousands of laser attacks, an electromagnetic protective cover has been formed in front of it. Looking at the three-party alliance, more than half of the personnel have been killed and injured in a blink of an eye, and only 400 people are still fighting with the robot.

"Aren't you going to help them? You know, they have no chance of winning!" Suddenly, a plain and emotionless voice sounded from behind the proud wolf.

Ao Lang was suddenly shocked when he heard the words. He didn't even feel anyone behind him. For a person engaged in assassination, this is a life-threatening problem, and he can't help but be surprised.

His body suddenly trembled slightly. After finding that the person behind him was not hostile, Ao Lang slowly turned his head and saw a handsome face smiling at him not far in front of him. Ao Lang smiled and said, "Sure enough, you have noticed me long ago. So why don't you help them?"

Wu Tian squatted behind him with a smile on his face and said, "Ha ha, I'm in the sky. You are below. Sooner or later, I noticed that I didn't expect Feng Long to be below."

Ao Lang smiled confidently and said, "There are many things about Brother Long that you can't imagine." Wu Tian did not deny this, but shook his head inexplicably and said, "Ha ha, maybe, he must have arrived earlier than me and Zhang Lei. The defense and reconnaissance function of the war armed forces is really powerful. I have covered the radar for so long that I have not noticed his existence at all."

"And I know your actions like the back of my hand. As the arrogant wolf said, I have many things that you can't imagine!" Feng Long's voice suddenly sounded above the two, and then they quickly looked up.

But why is there still a shadow there now, not even a shadow? The next moment, the Proud Wolf suddenly saw Wu Tian looking behind him and laughing. At that moment, his heart was slightly relieved. He saw Feng Long's figure from the reflection of Wu Tian's eyepiece, and now he was standing behind him.

After looking at Feng Long's smile, Wu Tian suddenly bowed slightly to the proud wolf and said, "Oh, it turns out that this is the leader of the wolf nest of the whale shark pirate group, the former parliamentary partner, and the trusted good assistant of his father, Mr. Ao Lang, is really disrespectful and disrespectful." Wu Tian's words smiled at the proud wolf.

Ao Lang heard the stress of a few words in Wu Tian's dialogue, and now also smiled at Wu Tian: "Mr. Wu Tian praised me. I have heard Mr. Wu Tian's name for a long time. The purple light armor designed for the parliamentary system at the age of 12 is still one of the necessary armaments of the parliamentary army. Now the purple armor In Mr. Wu Tian's hands, I'm afraid it has been upgraded to the level of war armed!"

During the conversation between the three, the alliance of the three forces had been destroyed by the large robot, and the three stood up at this moment and no longer deliberately hid. The robot naturally found them. During the conversation between the three, a red beam of wrists shot from one of the robots's single eyes to the three people. .