Big Starship

Chapter 138 The Death of the Barbarian King

The shadow did not fall to the ground as expected. Instead, there was a pink rumor light brewed in the palm of the shadow. Feng Long was shocked and hurriedly turned on the defense function of his war armed forces. A dark blue light shield was formed in front of him, blocking his whole body.

Feng Long had just unfolded the light shield and saw a spherical energy body quickly sweeping out steam to attack him. Everyone had time to react, but saw that the energy body had hit the blue light shield in front of Feng Long.

Feng Long's defense only lasted for about three seconds, and the blue light shield in front of him began to crack in a crisp sound. He saw that the light shield had a tendency to break, but the energy body did not shrink at all.

Feng Long's eyebrows suddenly tightened. After gritting his teeth and adjusting the energy contained in the mecha again, the cracks on the light shield showed signs of slow automatic repair. However, Feng Long knew that this was just a useless move. After being in the light shield, the mecha between the two hands split and reorganized several times and became a huge cannon. .

The shape of the gun body is just an ordinary cylindrical gun body, but the dark and deep color, coupled with the strange and complex green lines, make people can't help but pay attention to him.

"Kka!!!" The blue light shield finally completely broke in a crisp and subtle sound, and the remaining energy drifted everywhere in the air with the cold wind on the glacier.

Just when everyone was surprised by Feng Long's broken defense, a voice familiar to each of them resounded in the air: "War armed 100% energy configuration, electric potential pulse!" It was Feng Long who used the potential pulse to offset the full blow of the large robot, which was now used again under Zhang Lei's Jedi counterattack.

After the light shield was broken, the energy body with a diameter of more than three meters was about to devour Feng Long. At this time, a circle of subtle and dense pulse frequency fluctuations covered it all. The huge energy body was a pause, which actually stopped ten centimeters in front of Feng Long in violation of the law.

Feng Long's face, which was roasted by the huge heat contained in the energy body, instantly turned red, and a trace of sweat floated to the few parts of his face that were not covered by war. Then the hot energy body actually shrank quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye under the frequent erosion of the circle of pulses.

Finally, ten seconds after the collision with the pulse frequency, the huge energy body completely turned into a small free molecule and then quickly disappeared.

However, although Zhang Lei's attack disappeared, the pulse sent by Feng Long swept towards him. In the process of passing through the circle of pulses in the air, the diameter was also increasing, and finally covered the ruins left by the collapse of the whole iceberg.

Although everyone saw with their own eyes the pulse frequency covering the size of the whole iceberg, they did not find that the ice slag on the ground had been affected, but in the finally dissipated steam, Zhang Lei's body was violently twisted. With a scream, his whole body actually decomposed in an instant and completely turned into Dust.

Everyone learned that what Zhang Lei suffered was a real fatal blow, but what surprised everyone was why such a powerful impact had no impact on the surrounding environment at all?

What they don't know is that Feng Long's newly developed pulse attack, whether it is an electric potential pulse or a more targeted light potential pulse, can only cause devastating damage to the target without affecting any life around him and high-life high-end technology.

After Feng Long had the idea of a pulse weapon, he did an experiment to put a stone on a table and put a water cup upside down on it. After the starship gun analyzed and recorded the pulse frequency of the stone, he launched a pulse attack on the stone.

At that time, the scope of the pulse attack covered the whole warship, but in the end, it was only the stone that suffered a devastating blow. Even the table under it and the water cup buckled on it were not damaged at all. This targeted attack technology is also the fact that the whole universe is committed to research at present, but it has been delayed. At the slightest clue.

At the same time, Wu Tian, who was watching the battle, also found a problem. The observation radar locked on Feng Long at that time on his wrist suddenly fluctuated violently. When he took the opportunity to check the records, he found that the previous records copied by the radar no longer existed.

This discovery made Wu Tian's heart suddenly tighten. Yes, the pulse sent by Feng Long can affect the transmission of any signal within a certain range around him, which is not controlled by users. Therefore, if it is on the battlefield, all contact signals on his side will also be affected and will be temporarily forcibly blocked.

Wu Tian didn't have time to think much at this moment. He just wanted to understand that his radar was abnormally related to the pulse sent by Feng Long. At present, he pointed to the place where Zhang Lei had stood before and shouted at the three black soldiers left beside him: "Go and bring back those two starship guns back, hurry up!"

Although he did not give orders to the four people around Feng Long, it was almost the moment when his words fell and the three black armed forces flashed. The four black armed forces around Feng Long, which were originally to assist him, turned into his enemies. The four quickly surrounded Feng Long and brewed the strongest one with weapons one by one. Hit.

Although it doesn't take long for their weapons to accumulate energy and can be completed in less than a second, how could Feng Long give them a chance to suddenly expand an invisible circular field. After being affected by the rapidly expanding field, the four people fell into a deep coma and fell down from the air.

"Hmm, I'm looking for death." Feng Long glanced at the four people who fell unconsciously, and then shook his wings behind him. The 22 jet ports behind the mecha were fully activated, and his body quickly flashed, and caught up with the three people who went straight to Zhang Lei's previous location.

In less than two seconds, Feng Long overtook the three. Feng Long didn't even look at the three people and threw his hand back. Three inconspicuous light masses rushed to the three people behind him. Before the three had time to react, the three light masses stuck to their bodies, and then the three gorgeous fires exploded in the air.

Obviously, the mecha of the three people exploded. After the three gorgeous fires exploded, Wu Tian quickly fled to the periphery of the glacier. He already knew that there was no possibility of stopping Feng Long. Originally, he did not intend to directly tear his face and rob the gun of the starship left by Zhang Lei.

However, after seeing Feng Long's pulse, he still decided that Feng Long could no longer get a starship gun, so he ordered the Black Army to seize the two starship guns.

When the Wolf Nest and others saw that Wu Tian was about to escape, they immediately dispersed and wanted to surround him from all directions. Only the proud wolf looked at the jade dragon beside him. However, at this time, a ruthless voice came from the headset on everyone's helmet: "You go to the headquarters and help Liu Ting and others adjust air force. He gave it to me. The two of us."

The sound was made by the wolf, one of the two snipers in the wolf's nest, who lurked in the dark corner, and then everyone stopped and flew away from the glacier without thinking. Later, they quickly overtched Wu Tian, but several people did not intercept him.

Wu Tian saw several people quickly catch up with him and had begun to brew the strongest attack, but after finding that everyone had not intercepted him, although he was relaxed for a moment, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and an ominous foreboding rose in his heart.

At this time, Wu Tian quickly turned on the radar on his wrist, and the signal sent by the radar quickly spread within ten kilometers. He saw several green spots constantly flashing on the radar, two of which were far away from him suddenly turned into red light spots after a violent beating.

Wu Tian immediately turned off the radar and looked in those two directions, but at the moment he looked up, two small lasers filled his whole line of sight. At present, a bad idea rose in his heart and did not open the shield of the mecha. He just quickly raised his hands and crossed his hands to cover his face.

Two lasers shot on his hands that protected his face and quickly pierced his hands with mecha. The burning wound quickly raised a wisp of black smoke, and there was not a drop of blood flowing out, but the beam quickly dissipated after piercing his hands.

Although his nose was full of cold sweat, it did not cause substantial fatal damage to him.

The wolf and the fox wolf, who launched a sneak attack in the distance, saw Wu Tian's situation from the eyepiece projection. At present, their eyebrows were tightly locked together. With the equipment configuration of their wolf's nest, they knew how lethal the sniper guns were, but this blow also made them confirm one thing.

At this moment, they can be sure that the mecha on Wu Tian's body is transformed by the gun of the starship. Although its appearance is somewhat different from the war armament, it can be found that it is a high-end product that combines war armed forces and purple armor.

After the two snipered, Wu Tian quickly fell to the ice below, so that they could not only disappear into their surveillance, but also block their attacks with the help of the surrounding icebergs.

Wu Tian thought so, but the mecha on his right foot turned from a jet port to a cannon. Now his hands are seriously injured. Obviously, he can no longer withstand the impact of high-end weapons, so he has to use the so-called medium of his lower body to use the cannon to blow a big blow on the ice under his feet.

Around the blown out of the ice, the ice melted by high temperature quickly turns into steam and rises, and the sea water below is like a fountain, constantly overflowing from the hole under the impact of energy.

Wu Tian didn't have time to think about it. A layer of energy mask stretched out of the helmet. After wrapping his whole head, he suddenly fell into the hole and seemed to want to avoid the sniper killing of the two wolves from the sea.

At this moment, Feng Long has picked up the two starship guns left after Zhang Lei's death. One was configured for him by Isera and the other was obtained in the previous battle. Now the two starship guns are ownerless. Feng Long did not think much about it at present and quickly recognized the owner. After completion, a touch of his face surged. Smile.