Big Starship

Chapter 149 Field

Looking at the two people's eagerness to learn skills in the field, Feng Long couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Their bodies are composed of five starship guns. Originally, their individual combat ability was far greater than that of ordinary people. If they mastered this skill, they would be nothing more than two more capable men.

At present, Feng Long explained to the two: "Poor, this skill cannot be trained by acquired efforts, but the talent brought by everyone can also be understood as potential. There is no doubt that everyone can fully develop their potential throughout their lives."

After hearing this, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu nodded repeatedly and asked, "So what should we do to maximize our potential as much as possible?"

Feng Long patted the metal bodies of the two and said after long meditation: "After my personal summary, there are two kinds of potential, one is the brain potential and the other is the physical potential."

"Brain potential, one is an accurate analysis of the battlefield and a psychological analysis of the enemy, while the physical potential is a fatal blow to the enemy, but these two potentials will enhance the user's skill - self-confidence." Feng Long explained carefully to the two.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu carefully recalled what Feng Long said before and felt that they seemed to understand something, but they were far away from the answer, which made them frown and looked at Feng Long helplessly.

Feng Long smiled and said, "Let me give you an example. Even if a three- or four-year-old child holds a dragon cannon in his hand, he will still feel afraid to see a burly strong man, and even he can't fully play the effect of his weapon. Why is that?"

After hearing this, the two suddenly realized that yes, no matter how good the weapon is, if the user himself does not understand how powerful he can cooperate with the weapon, then it is no different from a piece of garbage.

When Feng Long saw the expressions of the two, he knew that they had understood something. Then he said the most important essence: "The so-called courage is not to make the enemy feel difficult for you to deal with, but when facing the enemy, no matter how powerful the other party is, you must first have the belief that you can kill him. It's really bold."

Although Feng Long's words did not aggravate the tone, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu's eyes still lit up after listening to it, as if they understood the truth in an instant.

Without saying much, two invisible small auras were released around the two, and unexpectedly pushed Feng Long away. Feng Long showed a smile on his face, and then released his courage.

"Haha, if you can master but can't control it, then you still can't use this skill perfectly." Of course, Feng Long saw that the two could not restrain their self-confidence at the moment they had just realized, which led to the field to put pressure on him, but the pressure of the two was still small compared with Feng Long's.

Feng Long didn't exert much force, so he pressed back the area around their bodies. The only muscle tissue left in their heads was instantly covered with layers of cold sweat, and the metal body actually had a feeling of disobedience.

Feng Long saw that the two recovered almost, and then continued to say, "The courage is dominated by the will, and can be sent at will and moved at will." While talking, a field covering the whole room was released again and quickly attacked Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu.

Both of them stood in front of them and wanted to resist, but the aura penetrated their seemingly strong defense without suspense, and then passed through their bodies. At the moment when the aura passed through, Zhang Wu's metal body actually couldn't hold on. "Kneeling on one knee.

Zhang Wen looked at his brother in surprise, and Zhang Wu also looked at him incredulously. Although Zhang Wu knelt on one knee at this moment and released his usual strength, Zhang Wen still stood there as if nothing had happened, as if the aura through his body had no effect on him.

"Brother Long, why?" Zhang Wu asked with difficulty.

Feng Long glanced at the puzzled two people and did not say anything. Instead, he released an aura again. The aura attacked them equally quickly, and then passed through their bodies and gradually dissipated in contact with the wall of the room.

However, what happened next was that Zhang Wu actually stood up, as if his whole body was full of strength, and his brain had faintly changed a little clear, but this time Zhang Wen lay directly on the ground, as if carrying a thousand pounds of heavy objects on his back. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get up.

Seeing Zhang Wen's difficult appearance, Feng Long put away his courage field in time. Only then did Zhang Wen feel light all over and slowly get up from the ground. At this moment, in addition to awe, the two looked at Feng Long with a few more fears.

Only relying on the pressure of the superior can make the two of them like this. How capable is the man in front of him?

Seeing that the two had almost recovered, Feng Long said, "Do you understand what I said now? This skill can exert great pressure on the enemy, generate great morale to the comrades around him, and can target the enemy, not just a large-scale coverage.

The two were still skeptical about the loss of courage and energy in the field of God of War, but now after experiencing its power in Feng Long, they can't help but look forward to and desire this combat skill more.

Feng Long saw from their eyes that they had no longer had any doubts. He nodded with satisfaction and nodded with satisfaction, "As I said just now, this invisible and qualitative thing is actually the development of your own potential. Although your current body is far stronger than ordinary people, even comparable to me, it is the same Yes, your physical strength can no longer be improved.

Zhang Wu said at this time, "Brother Long, do you mean that we can only focus on the development of brain potential? I am completely confident in my physical strength.

Zhang Wen said at this time, "Don't be complacent. What Brother Long said is the truth. Although our bodies are very strong now, we can't be improved again through training, which is also for sure."

After hearing this, Zhang Wu's expression on his face was slightly stagnant and looked a little depressed. Zhang Wen sneered after seeing it and said, "What's wrong? Practicing skills in the field requires absolute self-confidence. I only said that our bodies can't be improved through training, but I didn't say that we can't improve!"

After hearing this, Zhang Wu raised his head again and his eyes lit up slightly. Feng Long also looked at Zhang Wen with great interest and motioned him to continue talking.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Zhang Wen was greatly satisfied, and then smiled and said, "Actually, this method is difficult to say, but it's not impossible to say it simply."

Seeing that Zhang Wen began to sell his customs, Zhang Wu punched him in the chest impatiently and roared, "Fuck you, the point." Zhang Wen had no reaction to Zhang Wu's iron fist that was enough to blow ordinary people into meat sauce. He just pushed away his fist on his chest with a smile.

"Our body only needs the fusion of the starship gun to be enhanced, so it is difficult to find the starship gun, but as long as it is found, once it is integrated, our body will easily be qualitatively strengthened, so I say it is difficult and simple." Zhang Wen said a sentence that made Zhang Wu feel hope.

Feng Long said with a dry smile in his eyes, "Well, are you human beings now or..."

Looking at Feng Long's dry smile, Zhang Wen couldn't help laughing helplessly and said, "To be precise, we are also a kind of biochemical people. We have long been out of the category of human beings."

When Feng Long saw their helpless expressions, he instantly turned into Satan mode. The discordant face squeezed out a smile and comforted them: "Don't worry about it. If you are not human, you are not human. It's good to be a monster. The Isera Empire and the parliamentary system tried their best to turn their soldiers into monsters. ."

The two looked at Feng Long's face, which was more ugly than crying, and the helplessness on their faces aggravating. Zhang Wu spread out his hands and said, "Brother Long, you don't have a backache when you stand and talk. You can still have little Feng Long with your four sisters-in-law, but what about us? Now this body, alas!" After saying that, Zhang Wu sighed again, as if to express his extreme dissatisfaction.

Zhang Wen, who was originally calm, also laughed and said, "Yes, Brother Long, look at you, you can still become a normal person, and you have a bitch face, and your physical quality has been strengthened to be stronger than us by Satan's form. That gene must also be very good. How can you two of us? Life is suffering..."

When Feng Long saw himself comforting the two, they instead made fun of themselves. They were not only speechless, but also didn't say much at the moment. A burst of courage far stronger than the previous field was released to the two. The two were stunned when they saw the situation and were about to grab the door, but it was still a step late.

The two only felt a coolness in their backs, and then the coolness spread across their whole bodies in an instant. Before they could touch the handle of the door, they suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from their backs. Then the two quickly rushed to the door. The strong pressure and their heavy bodies suddenly knocked the door into debris. .

After the two got up, they wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but a strong murderous atmosphere spread behind them. They were so scared that they couldn't stand still and immediately ran to the distance. At the same time, they shouted in unison, "Brother Long, we are wrong. We dare to do it in the future!"

Listening to the wailing of the two under their own ** power, a smile appeared on the corners of Feng Long's mouth, which instantly turned into a Satanic form. His wings shook, and his body followed the direction of the two brothers' escape.

The fleet of whale sharks came to the border of the Isera Empire and moored in a waste galaxy outside the empire while Feng Long began to train Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu.

The whole fleet is moored in the peripheral nebula of the waste galaxy, waiting for Feng Long's next order.

At this time, Feng Long came to the main console and said to the video, "The whole ship released a small reconnaissance satellite, covering the radar within three light years nearby, and pay attention to observing the enemy situation."