Big Starship

Chapter 152 Advent of the Capital

After a lot of hardships, ten people finally crossed the black hole group that shocked the whole universe. If their experience of crossing the black hole group is filmed and spread to the universe, I'm afraid that most of the hunters will jump off the building and kill themselves, and the rest of the dead will also abandon themselves.

However, the ten people who did all these things continued to carry out their tasks as if nothing had happened - lurking.

Looking at the imperial fleet that kept interspersing back and forth in the distance, Feng Long said with an indifferent expression: "From the results of Zhang Tao's investigation, they should still have three minutes to change shifts. At that time, the shift fleet will make a space jump to complete the shift. We will have two minutes, understand?"

Several people nodded slightly when they heard the words, and then ten people continued to lurk in a meteorite belt on the edge of the black hole group, waiting quietly.

Time slowly passed in the waiting of everyone. In a blink of an eye, three minutes had passed. Feng Long looked at the video table on his wrist. At the moment when the pointer fell for two minutes and 59 seconds, he immediately raised his head, flashed a flash in his eyes, and then looked at the handover point of the Imperial Fleet.

"Action!" The two simple and powerful words fell, and Feng Long's already stretched wings immediately flapped up powerfully. With the advancement of the mecha, his whole body quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

When the others began to leave, Feng Long had already appeared 300 meters away. After nodding slightly to the crowd, he quickly followed Feng Long. Then all the combat members of the wolf's nest left one by one and disappeared in place, leaving only Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu. The two looked at each other and had no choice but to spread out their hands. Disappeared in place in a flash.

Although Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu left for the last time, their bodies composed of five starship guns were not slower than the wolf's nest at all. They quickly got close to Feng Long, who was the first to start, and even had a tendency to catch up with Feng Long. When the wolf's nest behind them saw this scene, they all felt it. To be shocked.

Several people brought a white airflow in the universe and quickly approached the delivery point of the border patrol army of the Isera Empire. At this time, the fleet was in the situation where the successor was jumping to the post through space, and the warships in the original post jumped to the supply station through space.

The two fleets are now in a four-dimensional space, resulting in a wave of space distortion near their patrol routes. Feng Long and Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, the wolf nest and others quickly stopped moving forward.

But everyone stopped for a moment, and the violently twisted space node slowly showed signs of calm. Before the successor fleet came out, Feng Long waved his hand to the headset in his helmet and said, "Let's go. We still have 30 seconds left, and the successor fleet will drive out of the four-dimensional space in 30 seconds."

After listening to this, several people did not dare to neglect. They followed Feng Long's movement trajectory and quickly crossed the extremely distorted space node. In fact, the fleet of the empire's successor still has 40 seconds to drive out of the space node, but Feng Long has always been careful and has taken into account unexpected factors in his words, so he shortened the budget by ten seconds.

Thirty seconds may not run far at all, but for mecha soldiers, it is enough to fly more than ten kilometers. Feng Long's group of people are at least one starship gun, and Feng Long has extremely powerful wings as a propulsion aid.

The group has already flown over hundreds of kilometers in 30 seconds, even faster than the rate of fire of some gunpowder-type shells produced on the earth.

After the hand-in fleet of the imperial patrol fleet got rid of the entanglement of four-dimensional space, several people had already exceeded the alarm range of their warship radar.

If one of them has a warship that fully turns on the radar at this time, it is actually possible to find Feng Long and others, but how can these people think that someone would cross the terrain like a black hole group and choose to raid from here?

At this time, in an imperial warship that had just got rid of four-dimensional space, the captain and adjutant sat in front of the main console. The two of them leisurely held cigars in their mouths and looked at the thrilling blockbuster of the three projections. At this time, the captain suddenly said, "Lao Li, let's turn on the radar fully check, in case something happens. Deal with it early."

The adjutant known as Lao Li exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Haha, Lao Zhang, I said how crazy have you been recently? Is there anything here? Don't forget that there are black holes on one side of the imperial border and black holes on the other side. Don't you worry about that kind of terrain outside?

After hearing this for a few seconds, the captain grinned and said, "Haha, maybe I'm really over-thought-minded. There is that kind of terrain outside. Not to mention anyone who can come in from there, even some of the imperial army will not choose to go out from this coordinate."

After the captain's words fell, the two continued to watch the three-dimensional film in front of them with great interest. No one realized what kind of disaster the whole Isera empire would face if someone really dared to cross the border from the black hole group.

Of course, Feng Long and his party did not know that after they flew out of the alarm area of the enemy ship's radar, there were still two people discussing whether to fully turn on the radar.

If he knew this, Feng Long would definitely choose to return quickly and kill the warships. Although it may be discovered by Isera, it is better than completely exposing the coordinates of his party after they sounded the alarm.

Unfortunately, the patrol fleet did not intend to fully turn on the radar for search, but as usual, sailing back and forth in this star domain, occasionally destroying several meteorites that may fall into the territory of the empire and recording the operation data of the black hole group.

After crossing the border defense line, Feng Long and others naturally can't be fine. Although the defense of the inner star domain of the empire is not as strict as the border, the group can still meet the fleet that travels far away. However, because their target is too small to cause the radar of the warship to issue a dangerous forecast, so No one found them.

In this way, several people crossed countless planets. After flying continuously for a few hours, they finally arrived near the capital star of the Isera Empire. Looking at the huge planet under his feet, the war forces on Feng Long's body suddenly released a blue ball of light, and the ball wrapped everyone in it.

This photosphere can rebound or assimilate most of the detection signals. With this layer of protection, several people do not have to worry about being discovered by the reconnaissance satellites between the planets. Feng Long's eyes have never left the planet under his feet. As long as the blue planet is destroyed, then the Isera Empire can also be said to be finished. Half of it.

Although this idea kept rising in his mind, he was still abruptly suppressed by Feng Long. He knew the strength of several people accompanying him this time. Although finding one of the ten of them is enough to destroy a C-level developed country, but in the face of real A-level development Powerful country, there is still nothing they can do.

If he doesn't risk his life, Feng Long can guarantee that his party is enough to reverse the civilization of the Isera Empire by 200 years and become an A-level developed country, but the premise is that everyone will pay the price of their lives.

Feng Long naturally would not choose to let his companion die with him. He withdrew his eyes and said to the nine people around him, "Keep the same speed and drop!"

A deep and powerful order made everyone's hearts tense in an instant, adjusting the speed of the mecha to be consistent with Feng Long, and several people slowly fell to the atmosphere of Isera Capital Star.

After passing through the atmosphere, Feng Long's keen eyes instantly saw that hundreds of black spots were flying towards his party in the distance. After pulling the scene closer with a mecha helmet, what came into his eyes was a fleet composed entirely of A-class patrol ships. Feng Long visually measured that the fleet was composed of about 300 patrol ships.

At this time, everyone also found the fleet that was coming quickly towards his party. Zhang Wen frowned and said in a low voice, "Brother Long, what should I do?"

Feng Long thought about it and said, "They should not have come for us. The rebound shield I launched is not detectable by the radar configuration of this patrol ship. It should be just a routine patrol. Let's go down and try our best to avoid collision with them."

Several people nodded when they heard the words and slowly fell to the ground in the blue ball centered on Feng Long. The landing area chosen by several people was a desolate desert. Except for the patrol fleet that occasionally flew in the sky, there was no sign of life within a hundred miles.

After Feng Long landed, the virtual eyepiece of the helmet suddenly flashed a faint purple light. Then he began to turn his head and look around. Others quickly entered the combat state. After Feng Long's eyes glanced around, he made sure that there was no sign of life nearby, so he turned off the virtual eyepiece on the helmet.

"Empire MSA230 Galaxy, the capital star of the Isera Empire, I finally came here!" Feng Long looked at the dark sky above his head and said with emotion that coming to this planet was the goal he had been working hard for many years. Now, he finally has enough strength to bring back his brother here.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu always stood vigilantly on both sides of Feng Long. If there was any situation, he could immediately enter the combat state. At this time, the proud wolf asked while observing the fleet going back and forth in the sky, "Brother Long, do you want people outside to attack?"

Feng Long looked at the distant sky and said indifferently, "Don't worry, let's investigate the army and other situations here first. Let's act separately. If there is anything to signal, come back here 24 hours later and report the results of the investigation."

After several people nodded quickly when they heard the words, they left the remnants in place and disappeared. Feng Long looked at the gradually fading shadows around him, and his eyes suddenly became full of anger. His voice became slightly hoarse and whispered to himself, "Mamaca, wait for me, the eldest brother will save you immediately."

After saying that, his face stamped the ground fiercely, and his whole body disappeared in an instant, not even a shadow left. At the moment his figure flashed out, the remnants left by others were torn apart by a fierce wind and quickly dissipated.