Big Starship

Chapter 156 Forbidden Land of Dorna

Under the leadership of Yulong, Feng Long and his party finally found the location of the suspected Dorna power system. After everyone looked at each other, they all turned their eyes to Feng Long.

Feng Long looked at Yulong's eyes and said, "Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, you two go down first and observe whether there is an ambush around you."

When Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu heard the words, they nod their heads and rushed down the clouds around them, while Feng Long led the wolf nest and Yulong to hide under the cover of the clouds and always observed the situation below through the projection sent by Zhang Wen.

It is said that after Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu fully opened the defense of the war armed forces, they rushed out of the clouds at an extremely fast speed. However, they just rushed out of the clouds, and what came towards them was hundreds of beams of light, giving them a head-on blow.

However, the war armament is recognized as the strongest mecha in the universe at present, and the war armament of the two is formed by five starship guns. In the face of the immediate blow, it is naturally blocked by wind and clouds. Looking at the thickness and energy concentration of these beams, it should be just ordinary laser guns.

Although the quality is not very high-end, such a large quantity is enough to destroy a B-class warship.

After Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu blocked the first wave of obstruction, although they were not damaged, they couldn't help but be wary of the next journey with their meticulous heart.

The two slowly landed on the ground in the air with a strong sense of vigilance. As soon as their feet touched the ground, they saw a forest around them. Zhang Wu suddenly saw a wooden sign standing beside him.

After Zhang Wu nodded to Zhang Wen, the two carefully walked to the wooden card and saw that the wooden card was written in the universal federal text: Danger, all intelligent life stopped.

The two looked at the line of big words and couldn't help showing a disdainful smile on their faces. Zhang Wen whispered, "It seems that they have found the right place." As soon as he finished speaking, his war-armed hands had turned into two phoenix cannons.

And Zhang Wu also smiled and said, "Hmm, the old ghost of Isera is very careful, not to mention military importance or anything, which directly shows that intelligent life has stopped. There is really that old thing." As he spoke, his hands also turned into two thunder cannons, and the two carefully walked to the depths of the forest.

The two had just turned around and left, and saw dark shadows gradually coming out of the forest behind the wooden card. The eyes of the dark shadows were full of green light, full of greedy eyes looking at the direction of their departure.

As the sound of the sound kept ringing, there were more and more shadows coming out of the forest. When the number of these shadows reached more than 300, they seemed to suddenly receive some orders and began to slowly walk in the direction where Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu left.

Although Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu did not know the changes behind them after they left, they are now very wary of facing a group of shadows slowly approaching them in front of them.

Looking at these dark shadows and the evil green light in their eyes, Zhang Wen suddenly frowned tightly.

However, Zhang Wu fired a shot at the gathering place of the shadow and roared in horror, "Damn, how many soldiers has Isera killed? It's actually a biochemical zombie!"

Biochemical zombies, they met Feng Long in Lanka a few years ago. At the beginning, they dispatched several warships and tens of thousands of mecha soldiers to destroy all the zombies on Lankanka, so they are still remember this.

At this time, Zhang Wen suddenly heard the sound of Xisuo from the left and right sides. He immediately turned his head and looked at both sides. From the forests on their left and right sides, groups of dark shadows also came out one after another. Looking at these evil dark shadows, Zhang Wen not only frowned in disgust.

Zhang Wen looked at the zombies with disgust and said, "Don't consume energy here with them. Let's get rid of them." Zhang Wu nodded helplessly when he heard the words. Although he still wanted to play with these living dead first, since his eldest brother spoke, he could see his disgust with these living dead, so he had to agree.

After the two looked at a glance, they stepped on the ground at the same time, and a high-temperature open fire erupted from the soles of their feet, which burned the ground where they had stood before. At the same time, their bodies also flew into the air.

But what they didn't expect was that the zombies below looked up at them after they took flight, and then a pair of flesh wings stretched out behind the first zombie, the second and third•••••

A large group of zombies spread their meat wings behind them, quickly rose into the air, and rushed to the two. Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu showed impatience at the same time. The four cannons in their hands fired at the same time, killing the zombies one by one, and falling from the air to the ground.

Although the war armament of the two is composed of five starship guns, and the speed is many times faster than these zombies, the number of zombies is too large enough to be described as overwhelming. Under such a huge lineup, the two have no room to dodge at all.

The two suspended back to back in mid-air, and the huge cannon in their hands poked out to both sides at the same time. A beam of laser shot at the huge group of zombies for free. One by one, the zombies were killed and fell to the ground. However, their number did not decrease at all. Instead, under this fire suppression, they were still shrinking their bags. Encirclement.

At this time, the encirclement has narrowed to a two-centered area of less than ten meters. Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu can even clearly see the greedy eyes of the zombies, the ferocious expressions, the gray cracked faces, and the pair of wings shaped like bat wings behind them.

Zhang Wen really felt disgusted. His fingers were directly placed on the trigger of the Fengming cannon and did not move. A beam of laser almost swept away at the ferocious zombies in front of him in a line, and Zhang Wu was almost the same moment. The thundering cannon killed zombies one by one with loud sound at the same time.

However, under the intensive fire of the two, the encirclement of the zombies seemed to be slowly shrinking. Zhang Wen suddenly frowned and roared, "Shang Longyin, damn it, I don't have to eat for three days when I see these living dead."

Although Zhang Wu was relatively belligerent, he was never willing to fight against these disgusting biochemical products. At present, when he heard Zhang Wen's words, he immediately unfolded two thick tortoise shell shields on both arms, and a slender barrel stretched out from the middle of the tortoise shell shield. Zhang Wen's speed was faster than him.

However, the preparation activities of the two have not been completed so far. The tortoise shell shield in Zhang Wen's right hand suddenly split and reorganized, and then became three tortoise shields close to each other. The three tortoise shell shields are arranged in Zhang Wen's hand, and the other two tortoise shell shields. Two turrets also quickly protruded in the middle.

When both of them are ready, the zombies will face twelve dragon cannons. If they are seen by the leaders of some small countries, I'm afraid they will not have the desire to drive the country to be rich and strong in the future.

This is Feng Long's famous weapon in those years. Feng Long only used a dragon cannon and a cannon shell to destroy a B-level planet. It is still in the archives of high-lethal weapons in various countries. However, there are as many as 12 such lethal weapons now.

Facing the twelve dragon cannons, the zombies without any reason still narrowed their encirclement. At this time, they looked at the surrounding zombies, but their eyes were no longer full of previous disgust, but their eyes were full of blood and murder.

The nearest zombie is not even a meter away from Zhang Wen at this moment. At this critical moment, Zhang Wen's two fingers on the trigger suddenly moved and roared: "Fire!"

Zhang Wu's face smiled and almost pulled the trigger at the same time as Zhang Wen. A tyrannical energy exploded around the two in an instant. After the energy met the zombies, it passed through almost without any pause, and the zombies passed through by the energy undoubtedly turned into ashes and scattered in the air.

The extra energy even went straight to the sky. The hot temperature, even Feng Long and others, who were 10,000 meters above the sky, felt it. Several people's mecha issued a danger alarm at the same time. Feng Long smiled dryly and immediately said to the headset, "Hey, what's the matter? Such a big noise, are you in trouble?"

Zhang Wen's voice came, and he said in a flat tone, "It's a little trouble. We can solve it. You don't have to come down."

Feng Long stopped making a sound when he heard the words, but made the Wolf Nest and Yulong cooperate with him to unfold a huge energy shield in the air, so as to ensure that the energy did not overflow as much as possible, and was detected by the satellites and radar of the Isera Empire.

After the strong light dissipated, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu still had some free energy around the water in the air, and the group of zombies surrounding the two could fly in the air as before. A huge pit thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters deep appeared on the ground. From the huge pit, there were constantly Black smoke came out.

However, just as Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu were about to breathe a sigh of relief, extremely fast figures flew out of the forest in the distance again. Those figures were all green, no longer as dead gray as the previous zombies.

The two looked at the flashing figures with a helpless smile on their faces, and then opened the eyepiece on the helmet and quickly pulled the scene in the distance. After staring at it, the two suddenly grew up strangely, and their eyes were full of horror and fear.

It turns out that those who are constantly approaching are actually biochemical products of the appearance of the Luoluo people, which is a little difficult for the two. Although the combat effectiveness of those artifacts may not be less than one-tenth of the weakest Luoluo people, it is difficult to deal with such a large number.

A rough look, there are at least 10,000 biochemical people who fly in, and sometimes the quantity can completely make up for the lack of quality.

Zhang Wu said with a dry smile, "What should I do?"

Zhang Wen tightened the six dragon cannons in his hand and roared helplessly, "What else can I do? It can only be done now!"