Big Starship

Chapter 159 It's done in ten seconds

The pillar of light that made everyone use all their means and finally felt helpless. In front of the inconspicuous weapon in Feng Long's hand, it was broken in everyone's incredible eyes.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu never thought that the weapon that was so underestimated by them before was launched with such great power. Previously, they clearly saw that the weapon of the gun rather than the gun made a circle of strange fluctuations. The fluctuation was circular and scattered, and of course it also passed through him. Our bodies.

However, just as they hesitated not to know whether to turn on the mecha defense, the wave had already penetrated their bodies, and their expressions looked frightened for a moment, but then the two found that their bodies were fine, and then they believed what the proud wolf had said before, the weapon in Feng Long's hand, really It can be targeted.

"Bang!" An extremely subtle cracking sound was captured by everyone's keen hearing, and then the purple light column suddenly exploded and turned into purple light flying in the air. Then those purple light spots gradually faded in front of everyone's eyes, obviously completely dissipated into free energy.

Seeing this, Feng Long put away the pulse gun in his hand. Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu originally wanted to see what the weapon that completely conquered them was like, but now the situation is urgent. They also understand the big movement before. The capital garrison of the Isera Empire must have noticed it, and the two had to put away their hearts temporarily. Curious.

Feng Long nodded to several people and said, "The destruction was successful. Leave the scene immediately. Proud Wolf informed Tang Long to launch a general attack, and we should work together inside and outside."

When several people heard the words, they quickly rose up with his figure and quickly swept into the sky. While accelerating, the proud wolf also opened the video table and sent a message to Tang Long.

On the periphery of the Cheetah Nebula, there is a considerable fleet moored, and there are six starships in front of the fleet. At this time, Tang Long, who was in one of the starships, carefully read a text message sent by the Proud Wolf. After reading it, his face suddenly showed a trace of joy.

When the three Qiao brothers and Kang Tie and others saw Tang Long's happy face, they came forward to read the text in front of him. After reading it, everyone couldn't help laughing. Tang Long then said to Yang Xue in front of the console: "Notify all the members, launch a general attack immediately, and divide two star ships to take the lead, the first ship and others The back of the Starship.

The console is jointly controlled by four women, Yang Xue is under the control of the general control, and Wang Jing is responsible for communication. At present, Yang Xue nodded to Wang Jing, and Wang Jing conveyed Tang Long's words to the ship's loudspeaker system.

"All units should pay attention to setting up the formation immediately and go deep into the cheetah nebula at a uniform speed. Two or three groups of starships will take the lead, and the rest of the starships will follow behind the bow and report any accidents on the way." Wang Jing's sweet and delicate voice reached the ears of all the whale shark members, and all the wild blood vessels boiled again.

In this vacuum that was constantly drawn by meteorites, the whale shark's fleet immediately carried out Wang Jing's order without delay. The two starships that were in the vanguard advanced again between the energy jets. At the same time, the other four starships remained still, but a group of warships followed the two starships and advanced at the same time. Distance.

After the formation was pulled away, Tang Long came to Yang Xue and shouted to the video station: "All units obey the order and keep the formation forward at a speed of one light year per hour. Target over Dorner, avenge the 100 dead brothers, and set off!"

"Oh! Revenge, revenge, revenge!" A burst of neat shouts spread to every corner of the first ship. Although some orders can be conveyed by the four women, some words must be said by the commander. Feng Long is not here, and Tang Long, a temporary commander, undoubtedly drove everyone's morale to the highest point.

The whole fleet only left a piece of hot and violent free energy in place, and under the previous advance of this energy, they have already crossed one-tenth of the distance of the Cheetah Nebula.

At this time, Feng Long stopped under the cover of clouds and fog. After looking around for a week, he asked Yulong, who was chasing him, "Do you know where Isera locked the horse?"

When Yulong heard Feng Long's question, his face changed slightly, and then he quickly returned to normal and frowned and said, "I know it's on the planet Dorna, but I haven't been to that place before. I don't know what organs are in it."

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded with satisfaction and said, "Take the way. As long as you know the direction, no matter what mechanism is in it, I must bring out the Mamaka this time. This is what I should have done five years ago."

In the end, a touch of sadness appeared in Feng Long's eyes, and then Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, who came, said harshly, "Fuck, no matter what organ he has, at worst, our two brothers will dismantle this Dorna. This time, we must bring out the Mamaka brothers."

Compared with the strangeness of the wolf nest to Maka, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu had many contacts with Ma Maka before. The wildness of the Luowu people and the boldness of the pirate's blood can't help but hit it together. Since then, the three have become friends.

Although the Wolf Nest is not familiar with Maka, they have also dealt with the Luorou people many times. I have to say that they still have a good impression of this straightforward and bold race, and Maka is Feng Long's good brother, so they came to rescue Maka this time without hesitation. .

Finally, the proud wolf who caught up with everyone nodded to Yulong and said, "Take the way. Isera's fleet will be restrained by Tang Long, but we should also try our best to do it."

After nodding, Yulong waved his hand to Feng Long, and his whole body shuttled through the clouds again. Feng Long saw that Yulong had already disappeared, and now he also shouted at the crowd: "Keep up!" Then he quickly raised the speed of the mecha to the limit, and several flashes came behind the jade dragon.

When the group followed Yulong and flew out for nearly 300 kilometers, Yulong's body suddenly stopped moving in the air. This sudden change made others a little unreactable. Everyone, including Feng Long, glided dozens of meters again before returning to Yulong.

Feng Long came to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yulong pointed to his feet and said, "This is a military important place, and the air is very strict. If we continue to move forward, it is likely to be found, and our destination is also here."

"You mean they imprisoned Mamaka in a military area?" Feng Long asked suspiciously, and others also turned their puzzled eyes to Yulong. After all, any military heavy land is the foundation of a country. A very unstable Luoluo people are imprisoned here. What if they can't be suppressed and destroyed by him?

When Yulong saw the suspicious eyes of everyone, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Since I have chosen to join the whale shark, please trust me. In fact, the military important place below was built to protect a laboratory. Isera's zombies are all from that laboratory, and Mamaka is also there. Research room for those experts to study.

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded slightly, and then smiled and said, "Okay, I believe you. I hope my choice will not make me regret." After saying that, Feng Long waved directly to the crowd and took the lead in diving down.

After looking at each other, Wolf Nest and Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu looked at Yulong, who had followed Feng Long. They were all propellers of the motivational armor and followed the two.

A group of eleven people, like eleven fireballs, came to the center of this military place with flames caused by violent friction with the air. Suddenly, the whole barracks were filled with bursts of alarms. Everyone withdrew the defenses outside the mecha, and the flames on their bodies were extinguished at the same time.

A siren sounded behind them, and then a shout spread throughout the barracks and attracted their attention.

"Enemy attack! The third channel of Area B!"

Hearing this, Feng Long turned his head helplessly and saw that a team of mecha soldiers who were training had already surrounded them from the rear, and the alarm just now was also emitted from a mecha.

Feng Long turned his head helplessly and looked at the proud wolf and said, "It's up to you."

Ao Lang looked at the hundreds of mecha soldiers in the team and smiled disdainfully, "It will be done in ten seconds." As soon as the words fell, he disappeared in place without even a shadow left.

The next moment, the figure of the proud wolf appeared above the group of mecha soldiers, and six thunder cannons with both hands bombarded down at the same time. The group of mecha soldiers obviously did not react and did not have time to develop their defense. Suddenly, they were killed and injured. Then the proud wolf put away the thunder cannon in his hand and his whole body swooped down, shouting at the same time. "Eight-level sky, five-finger attack!"

After a slap, the palm of the mecha suddenly spewed out a mass of energy, which turned into a ten-meter square palm shape and crushed down the mecha soldiers below.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, a huge palm-shaped pit more than ten meters long and more than a meter deep appeared in the place where the proud wolf fell. However, the previous group of mecha soldiers who surrounded them has now been damaged by more than half.

After seeing the horror of the proud wolf, more than 30 remaining mecha soldiers quickly raised their arms. After the laser cannons on their arms were aimed at the proud wolf, they did not think about it.

More than 30 mecha soldiers have sent out more than 200 beams of various beams, all of which broke out in the previous location of the Proud Wolf. In the huge pit where the Proud Wolf was previously located, the smoke was suddenly filled with gunpowder, and the broken earth flew up to a height of more than ten meters and slowly fell down. However, after the smoke dissipated, where could there be half of the Proud Wolf?

Just as those mecha soldiers were preparing to detect the signs of life nearby, the voice of the proud wolf sounded again behind one of the mecha soldiers: "Level 8 sky, knife thunder!"

The sound fell, and a humanoid turntable quickly rotated behind the mecha soldier, cutting the mecha soldier in half, and then the rapidly rotating figure quickly began to move to another mecha soldier.

In the waiting of Feng Long and others, the fast rotating figure of Ao Lang passed through the body of each remaining mecha soldier almost instantly. After the last mecha soldier exploded, Ao Lang's body soared into the air and came to Feng Long without blushing.