Big Starship

Chapter 163 Ultimate Combat Mode

"Quickly, fully open the defense!" At this time, on the planet Dorna, a general in the central military command tower roared, and the reason why he was so crazy came from the huge beam of light that the two star ships of the whale shark pirate group passed by Feng Long.

At this time, an adjutant shouted, "Sir, Dorner's energy center has collapsed, and the reason is still under investigation."

The general was stunned when he heard the words. The next moment, the blue veins on his forehead burst out in an instant. He slapped the table and roared, "What about your majesty? Where is Your Majesty?"

When the poor adjutant saw his boss's great power, he did not dare to offend him, so he had to lower his head and carefully say, "Sunuch, Your Majesty, he suddenly disappeared an hour ago..."

"What? Say it again!" The general suddenly rose up and roared with the adjutant's collar.

However, before the adjutant really said it again, the huge Dorna was already full of fire. The original starship attack of the two and third groups of whale sharks was instantaneous. How could they be able to talk so much nonsense, but Dorner is a starship after all, and it still has the necessary trigger passive defense for each starship.

But after all, it is only passively triggered, and the defense performance is far from the manual-activation of regular defense. Just the firepower of the warships before the two star ship's main guns has almost consumed the layer of shield, and the joint attack of the main guns of the two star ships completely fell on Dorna's ship.

The whole Dorna soldiers felt a heat wave coming in an instant, and then they were surprised to find that part of their body was rapidly disappearing. The last thing everyone saw in their life was that a part of their body was gradually disappearing.

The atmosphere of fear and despair instantly spread over the whole Dorna. However, before the atmosphere continued to spread, Dorna as a whole exploded violently. Feng Long turned his head and saw that there seemed to be a gorgeous huge spark in the dark universe, and the heat wave even spread to his side.

Seeing the spark bloom for a moment, it gradually extinguished because it lost the protection of the atmosphere and fell into the vacuum of the universe. Feng Long's mouth surged with a cold smile.

After the fire was completely extinguished, Feng Long was ready to turn around and fly to the first ship of the whale shark. However, at the moment he turned away, he suddenly felt an invisible pressure from all directions around him, and his fast-moving body also stopped because of this pressure.

Feng Long stood in the void and kept turning his head around, looking for the source of this pressure. However, all he could see was a few planets in the cheetah nebula and the four suns above Dorner. After looking around, his eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Then Tang Long sent him a video request, and the light on the communication equipment on his wrist seemed to make him suddenly think of something.

The pupils in Feng Long's eyes contracted instantly and quickly picked up the video. Before Tang Long asked him why he hadn't come back, Feng Long roared first, "Notify the whole ship to launch a defense and quickly move closer to the first ship. The four satellites operating around Dorna are also star ships!"

Feng Long almost shouted out this sentence, but Tang Long was stunned by the sudden news he brought. For a moment, he fell into a sluggishness. Originally, he just wanted to ask Feng Long why he didn't come back, but he didn't expect that as soon as he connected the video, Feng Long brought it to Such news from him.

Feng Long didn't know why, but a strong intuition surged up in his heart, which told him that the four "suns" over Dorner were also starships, and their level was not lower than Dorner.

Feng Long initially trained with the wolf's nest and other people in the eighth-level day. Although each planet's training for the body is carried out from different directions, the eight planets without exception are honing everyone's sixth sense. In the place where they will die at any time, it is impossible to leave alive without always vigilance. .

Just a moment when the idea in his heart rose, Feng Long chose to believe in his sixth sense. However, seeing that Tang Long's expression was still dull, Feng Long couldn't help shouting, "What are you doing? Give me an order!"

Tang Long was awakened by Feng Long's sudden shouting and immediately raised his right fist and hit a red button on the main console. The red button is usually protected by a weak electromagnetic mask to prevent collision and compression, and Tang Long's powerful punch directly smashed the layer of light electromagnetic radiation. Cover, smash that button down.

Suddenly, the interior of the first ship was full of red alarm light. At the same time, the interior of all the warships belonging to the whale shark also lit a strong red light. This is an emergency notice, and everyone understands that the situation is too urgent to issue orders by video.

Although everyone was puzzled, the controllers of each warship did not hesitate to open the defense of the warship, and the pilot quickly guided his warship closer to the first ship.

Although Feng Long gave Tang Long an order when his sixth sense was just rising, and although Tang Long fell into a stagnation, it was only for a moment. Although Tang Long immediately activated the top defense order after waking up, it was still a step late...

The planet, which was originally the four suns of Dorna, suddenly moved quickly. After gathering, the strong rising flames on the planet quickly extinguished, revealing the original steel body, which was indeed four starships.

When the four starships moved closer, their main guns had been stored. Because all the previous starships were still full of energy-consuming flames, the whale sharks did not notice that their main guns were storing energy. At this time, the four starships were completely close, and four thick and solid beams of light instantly swept towards the whale shark. Group of ships.

The energy contained in the four light columns is obviously compressed to the extreme. From Feng Long's point of view, it is more like four huge pink crystal columns. It can be imagined how horrible those energy sources have been compressed.

At this moment, many warships on the whale shark side have entered the shield of the first ship, and the two star ships as pioneers have already fully opened the defense system, but more than 30,000 warships have not had time to hide under the protection of the first ship and completely disappeared in the four crystal-like beams of light.

Feng Long stood in the distance and looked at this scene. Suddenly, he felt a stream of blood rushing up in his heart. His body had inadvertently entered the Satan mode. Two sharp fangs stretched out a long distance from his mouth, and the muscles of his arms were instantly tied, and a gap between the ribs also stretched out here. For thick arms.

30,000 warships! Each warship must have at least 500 people to operate, and it is also equipped with 1,000 mecha soldiers. At this moment, more than 45 million people died in front of him. 45 million brothers who once drank and sang with him and practiced in actual combat were born and destroyed in front of his eyes!

At this moment, Feng Long's eyes had already turned red. He stretched out a hand and pressed on the void in front of him. The mecha covering the palm of his hand quickly guided a huge energy to transfer to a point, and that little space was actually distorted by abruptly, and then a small black hole appeared under Feng Long's palm.

The diameter of the black hole is only more than half a meter, and all the matter around the black hole is sucked into it, while Feng Long's other three hands pent into the black hole at the same time. When it was pulled out again, each hand had an extra starship gun.

Then the hand pressed above the black hole slowly withdrew, and the black hole quickly shrank and then turned into nothingness, as if the frightening phenomenon had never appeared in this space.

Before the black hole completely disappeared, Feng Long's twisted hand also entered the black hole and pulled out a starship gun again. At this moment, he stood in the void with murderous spirit all over his body, staring closely at the four starships gathered in the distance, and his teeth bit together powerfully.

At this time, Feng Long gave people a feeling of facing Shura.

With blue-faced fangs, he has four arms and wears the top mecha war arm of the universe. His four hands hold the top weapon starship gun of the universe. A pair of wide flesh wings are still on his back, and a thick and powerful tail in his spine swings slightly behind him. This is what Feng Long looks like now.

Now Feng Long, even the alliance government known as the authority of the universe, can't make a reasonable assessment of his combat level, but there is no doubt that the reward of 4S level is no longer suitable for him. What is that? The only 5S-level wanted criminal in the universe?

This is a later story. Now Feng Long has only one idea in his mind, that is, to destroy the four star ships with his own hands, which is more cruel than destroying the laboratory before, and avenge his 45 million brothers who have died.

Time seemed to be condensed on the still Feng Long. He had completely fallen into a crazy state at this moment, and even didn't even notice the light from the video table on his wrist. Suddenly, his body disappeared in place, as if he had broken through the shackles of time. When he appeared the next moment, he was already standing in four empires. The center of the starship.

The four starships did not find that this small target was approaching themselves at all. Even if it was shown on the radar, it was estimated that they would only regard it as the weak vitality emitted by some free molecules.

However, Feng Long did not pay attention to their reaction at all. At this moment, he was already holding four dragon cannons and aimed at the four starships around. The enemy did not notice it, which did not mean that the whale shark did not notice it. At this moment, the front of the main console of the whale shark's first ship was almost full of Feng Long.

Liu Ting, Wang Jing, Li Fei and Yang Xue, the closest to the console, are already full of anxiety at this moment. Their eyes are full of worry, and others are also surrounding them. Although Feng Long's current appearance has long been impossible to connect him with human beings, everyone's heart is Everyone knows that their boss is in front of them.

Feng Huoyan's eyes were full of anger, and he slapped the metal table of the main console and shouted, "This bastard, is he crazy? Let him come back immediately!"