Big Starship

Chapter 180 The First draw

Two invisible auras burst out around the two, which shocked the onlookers around them. Even the proud wolf and Feng Huoyan in the air were even a lot. Only the stars in the distance of the audience were still calm and unaffected.

After Feng Long entered the Satan mode, the body of the president of the mercenary union also began to change. Unlike Feng Long, who became three times bigger, he slowly shrank a circle, and the overall skin color became milky white. The thick and powerful tail was thrown behind him, stretched out purple bone spurs one by one, and three pairs of wings spread behind him. .

The six wings quickly flapped, and he rose to a position similar to Feng Long. Then the two monsters began to look at each other carefully. No one was willing to take the lead in launching an attack and expose the flaw to the opponent. However, although it was only an ordinary confrontation, the smell of the two still made some closer mercenaries feel disgusting. I feel.

What a strong courage it takes to make these murderous mercenaries have such a violent negative reaction, but the two people who produced this negative reaction are still constantly spreading their own aura, and the strong aura even affects nature, and a strong wind blows throughout the venue.

Time slowly flowed in the confrontation between the two. Twenty minutes later, the thin white shadow finally couldn't help rushing to Feng Long. Feng Long only saw the other party's six wings move, and his whole body disappeared into his sight. The next moment, a white figure appeared near his head.

After the mutation, Feng Long's figure has tripled, and the mercenary's figure has shrunk by a circle. Compared with each other, the battle between the two is very discordant at this moment. Feng Longguang is the same head, which is about the size of the upper body of the white figure. If he is a layman, he will definitely think of bullying. These four words.

But which of these mercenaries present will be laymen? Moreover, they also felt the courage of the two before. At this moment, they are very clear in their hearts that the strength of these two people should be between them. With their insights and eyesight, it is really difficult to judge the outcome of this battle for a while.

As soon as the white shadow flashed in front of Feng Long, he quickly punched Feng Long's face door without waiting for Feng Long to make the next move. Because the distance between the two was short, Feng Long was not convenient to block, so his wings behind him quickly retreated ten meters, and the white shadow was caused by his wings. Wind pressure can't catch up for a while.

Although the wind pressure affected the speed of the white figure, Feng Long knew that it could only be a moment. As he expected, less than a second after being delayed, the white figure hit him again, but it was only in this short moment that Feng Long could do a lot of things.

The white figure still punched his head, and Feng Long had already stretched out his right palm. After steadily taking the punch, Feng Long's whole palm suddenly clenched, grabbed his baby-like hand in his hand, and quickly threw his whole right arm back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the white shadow quickly grabbed Feng Long's right wrist with the other hand, and the six wings also fanned desperately. However, all this did not have any impact on Feng Long. He only saw him grabbing the white figure, first throwing it back, and then throwing it forward with all his strength.

With the inertia of the steering and Feng Long's original strength, the white shadow's hand holding Feng Long's wrist quickly loosened, because he felt that if he did not let go, the arm was likely to dislocate. At the moment after he let go, Feng Long also loosened his right hand, and the white figure He was thrown high into the air.

At the moment when the enemy got out of his hand, Feng Long quickly squatted down, patted his palm to the ground, and whispered in his mouth, "Eight-level sky, explosive!" Leaving a trace of voice transmission, his whole body has disappeared in place, and a crack-filled depression with a diameter of more than three meters appeared on the ground.

When Feng Long's body appeared, he had already appeared directly above the white figure. The white figure flew in the direction of Feng Long at full speed at this moment because of the previous momentum, while Feng Long was in the air, his fists were slowly clenched, and the blue veins in his right arm began to accumulate strength for that punch.

The white figure saw the horrible bulge in Feng Long's right arm, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He didn't think much about it. He forcibly twisted his body in the air. The six wings behind him fanned one after another. The whole person had flowed out in the opposite direction and fell straight to the ground, but in that strong inertia, his waist had been changed. Not a light injury.

Although the white figure had landed at this moment, Feng Long still flew in the air, holding his fist and continued to accumulate strength. When the white figure saw that he had not finished accumulating strength, he seized the opportunity to take a horse step in the place where he fell, and his hands were staggered and his muscles bulged.

After seeing his reaction, everyone immediately understood what he was going to do. He actually wanted to take Feng Long's punch from the sky, not to mention those mercenaries. At this moment, even the proud wolf and Feng Huoyan couldn't help but be shocked. They clearly knew that if they had taken Feng Long's punch, then at least They are all disabled.

Feng Long was in mid-air and did not forget to look at the white figure below. After seeing his movements, Feng Long was slightly stunned, and then showed a trace of approval in his eyes, continuing his unfinished power.

At this time, the mercenaries below did not even dare to face this two people, because just by looking at those two people, they will raise an unexplained fear in their hearts, which is almost impossible for them to lick blood at the edge of the knife all their lives, but at this moment, they I really understand what the gap is.

The two had accumulated power almost at the same time. Feng Long suddenly shouted, and his whole body quickly dived down. The ready-to-go punch also withdrew to his waist at the same time. Seeing this, the mercenary below quickly raised his hands and superimposed his palms above his head.

"Eighth-level sky, overlord boxing!"

In everyone's shocked and expectant eyes, Feng Long's fist finally hit the palm of the other party, and a strong smoke quickly spread, blocking the sight of the mercenaries around him and swallowing up the two people in the field.

The next moment, Feng Long's body quickly withdrew from the smoke and dust, and his feet and palms pulled out four eye-catching cracks on the ground. It was not until it stopped when it exited more than 60 meters. The smoke slowly dissipated in everyone's eyes. At this moment, an idea appeared in everyone's hearts. Is it over?

When the smoke and dust completely dissipated, the place where the mercenary president stood was already a huge pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters and a depth of six or seven meters, but the white figure that attracted everyone's attention was missing. Feng Long's heart suddenly sank when he saw this, and the two people in the air and two thousand on the ground Many people showed a doubtful expression.

Time seemed to stop at the moment when the smoke and dust dispersed. Everyone held their breath, stopped their heartbeats, and carefully observed the movement in the field. In an instant, Feng Long's wings vibrated, and his body quickly rose to the sky. At the same time, a white figure broke out of the ground from the land under his feet.

After the white figure broke out of the ground, his claws waved each other in the air, but the next moment he realized that he had grasped the air. The six wings behind him vibrated at the same time, and his body quickly swept into the air, straight in the direction of Feng Long's flight. At this moment, his speed exceeded Feng Long's full speed.

Feng Long looked at the white shadow chasing directly below in shock, but he suddenly felt a flower in front of him. The white shadow still disappeared in his eyes. A cold voice came from behind him and said indifferently, "Let's go down and fight. It's inconvenient in the air."

After the sound fell, Feng Long didn't even have time to turn around. He only felt that the cervical spine behind him suddenly suffered a heavy blow, and his whole body still fell to the ground. After the white figure hit Feng Long with two fists, he vibrated the six wings behind him again and swooped down in the direction Feng Long fell.

Before, the mercenaries below just saw Feng Long suddenly rise up and then fell quickly. How could their eyes keep up with the current speed of the two? They had never seen the trajectory of their president's movements from beginning to end, so Feng Long's huge contrast could only leave doubts in their hearts.

The fact that those mercenaries can't see it doesn't mean that others can't see it. The proud wolf and Feng Huoyan, who are 2,000 meters high, are shocked at this moment. They didn't expect that there are people in the universe who are pure faster than Feng Long. At the beginning, in Pandora, even Zhang Lei's many-modified body, in terms of speed and Feng Long It's not as good as it is.

Just as the two were shocked. Before the mercenaries recovered, the white shadow had caught up with Feng Long, who was falling quickly. Unexpectedly, when Feng Long was still more than ten meters away from the ground, he saw such a 360-degree rotation in the air and kicked Feng Long directly on the back with a whip leg.

When the whip leg to the skin behind Feng Long was still about three centimeters, Feng Long's body had been slightly bent, but the wind pressure of the whip leg was enough to compress his body to bend. It can be seen that if the whip leg really fell on him, what would happen to him.

After Feng Long felt the strong leg wind, he couldn't help but forcibly vibrate his wings, kicked up the same whip leg, and shouted softly, "Eight-level sky, strong wind feet!"

"Bum!" A dull sound came to everyone's ears. At the moment when their legs fought, two strong wind pressure spread around. After quickly retreating a few steps, the body of the mercenary in the innermost circle was blown backwards directly, and the two green and white figures in the field quickly retreated to themselves.

Both of them retreated 100 meters and came to the edge of the field. In this first fight, the two actually ended in a draw. They seemed to have their own advantages, but in fact, Feng Long had the upper hand. His previous punch could only choose to block, and then the other party's one The foot itself fought back with the same kick.