Big Starship

Chapter 196 Blue Gold Mecha

"Ah!!!" A scream kept coming from the building in front of them. Even the mercenaries outside couldn't help but boil. Although they couldn't see Feng Long's situation inside the building, it was not difficult to tell from the continuous screams that a unilateral massacre was taking place in the building at this moment.

The actual situation is also as they guessed. Although Feng Long encountered a continuous wave of resistance counterattack after entering the building, the counterattack was very insignificant in his view.

A wave of people came to Feng Long like a tide. Some were carrying heavy weapons, some were wearing expensive mecha, and some were holding laser knives of different lengths, but no matter what, they greeted Feng Long at this moment.

However, Feng Long still has a calm and invincible expression. He easily shuttled between the groups of bombardments and waved away a life from time to time. The encirclement of thousands of people is simply useless for him now. Only the enemy's corpses continue to fall to the ground without any attack. It was stained on the corners of his clothes.

Outside the headquarters building of the Blue Gold Gang, the group of mercenaries watching the battle have landed at this moment and gathered outside the door that was blown away by Feng Long, concentrating on watching Feng Long's vigorous body in the battle. This level of battle is undoubtedly worth learning for them.

And Feng Long also wanted them to look more carefully and slow down their movements as much as possible, which also led to every attack on him. Whether it was a long-range attack or a close person, he was dodged less than three centimeters away from him, and this scene fell into the eyes of the mercenaries, which more reflected Feng Long's The grasp of speed is exquisite.

In less than a minute, there were more than 200 people in the Blue Gold Gang who fell to the ground, and their wounds were surprisingly consistent. They were all hit hard at the aorta, and the aorta instantly became red and swollen. Because Feng Long used boxing against most of the enemies, naturally there would be no muscle rupture and bleeding. .

If there is a person who knows a little about medical skills at this moment, after examining the fallen bodies, they will be shocked to find a problem. All the blood vessels near the aorta burst, and the congestion causes the force points on the bodies to be obvious, but the surface skin is not damaged at all.

In the numb eyes of the mercenaries who watched the battle, Feng Long has set a record of killing 800 enemies in a very short time, and on the contrary, the momentum is getting stronger and stronger, like an tireless killing machine. He did not say a word from beginning to end. As soon as he came in, he used the most primitive solution of human beings to solve the problem. The way.

At this time, a huge mecha suddenly appeared in the hall of the headquarters of the Lanjin Gang. The mecha was full of deep purple, deeper purple than the purple armor. I don't know where the mecha came from. When Feng Long and others found him, he was falling from the roof.

"Oh!" A deep muffled sound spread in the moment when the mecha landed and reached everyone's ears. Feng Long also judged the approximate weight of the mecha from the sound of landing. He also found a strange problem. The blue and gold gangs, who were not afraid of deadly attacks, faintly gave up the attack when the mecha appeared. Hit.

Feng Long raised the corners of his mouth and said with a disdainful smile, "That's what I mean." As soon as he finished speaking, the mecha had shown a speed that did not match its own volume and turned into a shadow to attack him. When everyone saw the mecha showing speed, they were shocked.

At this time, the mecha was less than a meter away from him. Feng Long had felt the chill from the mouth of a huge cannon. After seeing the speed of the mecha, his expression also fell into a short dullness in an instant, but after quickly waking up, every muscle in his body tightened in an instant.

"Level 8 sky, flash in!" After a low shout, his figure disappeared in an instant, leaving no remnants left, just disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.

With Feng Long's current physical quality, his explosive speed has far exceeded the flashing speed used by others except the arrogant wolf in the wolf's nest. What's more, he is now using the explosive evolutionary version of the physical skills, which can use the developed muscles of his calves to maximize the limit of the human speed to flash in.

When the figure appeared, Feng Long had sent himself to the chest of the mecha. His body had just stabilized and quickly accumulated strength in mid-air. He did not use the Satan form and could not fly without the assistance of the mecha, so any action must be played to the most perfect state in the shortest time.

And the reaction of the operator in the mecha was obviously not slow. Feng Long's figure was found by him as soon as he appeared. Because of the proximity, he did not choose to use the two cannons on the wrist of the mecha, but used the bodies of the two cannons as a hammer and smashed Feng Long one left and one right.

At this critical moment, Feng Long's body finally completed the accumulation of strength in the rapid decline. At this time, he had fallen in front of the lower abdomen of the mecha, waved his punch without hesitation, and shouted, "Eighth-level sky, overlord fist!" As the shout fell, his punch really fell on the abdomen of the mecha in front of him.

The two cannons of the mecha as hammer collided fiercely. Of course, this degree of impact will naturally not cause damage to the two cannons, but the operator of the mecha did not seem to expect that Feng Long's body would fall to the ground, which completely undermined his confidence in his judgment.

"Bum!" A punch hit the abdomen of the mecha, and the metal on the whole belly of the mecha was sunken for it. A huge and eye-catching fist print appeared in the pit, and the mecha also quickly flew backwards, which completely stunned the spectators of both sides.

When the mecha flew back less than ten meters, the operator had recovered from the previous shock. Although his heart was full of incredible, he still thought of a 5S-level interstellar reward order in time, and then he was still on the way back, but he stiffly raised his right hand and pointed the muzzle on his arm at Feng Long.

Feng Long looked at his raised right hand and knew what he was going to do next. Then he disappeared in place again, making his attack untraceable. The final result was that a thick beam of light was dodged by Feng Long, and then quickly shot at the mercenaries outside the headquarters.

Seeing that none of the mercenaries were injured in full defense, Feng Long's face still sank in an instant, and a flash had come behind the mecha.