Big Starship

Chapter 203 Defensive Physical Skills

In the dazzling starry sky, a huge starship shuttled through the endless galaxy with more than 2,000 A-class warships. After a space jump, the fleet appeared in an empty star domain. In the starship led by the starship, a little brother's voice sounded: "Brother Long, there are still three lights from the destination earth. The distance of years.

Feng Long stood in front of the main console with his head held high, looked at the star map in front of him and said, "Speed up and open the double distance space jump." The younger brother who reported the situation before nodded and turned around and left. Feng Tian stood beside Feng Long and smiled, "C cousin, double space jumping is very energy-intensive. Is it necessary?"

nodded, and Feng Long looked at him and said, "After all, that's ten starship guns. The earth was also out of my control before. In case other forces in the universe find the earth and develop it, it's not good. But cousin, what's the gain from this experience in the eighth level day?"

Hearing my cousin talk about his experience, Feng Tian immediately put on a proud expression, raised his head and looked at Feng Long with his nostrils and said, "Haha, high-end offensive skills have been developed by several of you perverts, so this time I took the defensive route on the eighth level day."

"Oh, can you still exercise people's defense ability in the eighth-level sky?" Feng Long suddenly became interested when he heard the words and asked with great interest. The proud wolf and others beside him also quickly turned their doubtful eyes to Feng Tian, waiting for his explanation.

"Ao Wolf, you, come and punch me with your physical skills, and then use the bully boxing." After Feng Tian took a slight breath, his muscles suddenly relaxed and said confidently to the proud wolf that the changes in his muscles were naturally seen by everyone present, which also made everyone feel very puzzled.

Generally speaking, whether it is attack or defense, the strength of the body is the most important, and the people present, including Liu Ting and Angel Wolf, have noticed Feng Tian's previous movements of relaxing muscles. Is he deliberately reducing the strength of his muscles?

Ao Lang naturally noticed this, and asked uncertainly, "I hit you with my overlord fist?" Are you sure?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!" Feng Tian suddenly took a long breath and drank. After hesitating for a moment, his body still rushed quickly. After coming to Feng Tian, he waved a punch and hit his abdomen fiercely. Where his fist passed, there was a burst of sound without mecha cover.

Seeing the fierce fist of Aolang and listening to the harsh sound explosion in his ear, Feng Tian's expression suddenly became serious. He took another deep breath and tried his best to adjust his muscles to the most relaxed state. At this moment, he was as soft as a patient in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone's heart is on his throat, and the proud wolf is punching with all his heart without distractions at this moment. Since he has chosen to attack, he will not consider anything else. This is the combat principle of the wolf's nest, and the reason why he did not attack Feng Tian's head is already considering that Feng Tian can't stand it. Consequences of the attack.

With the degree of technological development, medical equipment can be fully guaranteed. As long as the injured head is intact, the injured can be restored to the most perfect state. If Feng Tian can't stand his punch, he will suffer at most a little flesh.

In everyone's frightened eyes, the proud wolf's broken punch had already hit Feng Tian's lower abdomen with great force. At the moment of being attacked, Feng Tian's body twisted slightly from his waist, and the proud wolf only felt that his attack seemed to have fallen into a pool of water. It did not produce any effect.

Shocked, the whole audience was shocked, and the proud wolf asked with an incredible face, "This is impossible. What's going on? Where is the strength I hit out? Not only him, but everyone present wanted to know the answer at this moment. Everyone stared at Feng Tian and waited for his explanation.

"My physical skill is not so much a defensive skill as a force removal skill. You can also feel that my attack is like entering a pool without any resistance." Feng Tian asked with a smile, and the proud wolf then nodded with a stunned face to agree.

Feng Tian put his hands around his chest and walked to the proud wolf and continued to say, "In the eight-level day experience, the development route I chose is different from yours. I only pay attention to simple attacks. I try my best to improve my physical sensitivity, and I have suffered twice as much gravity as you on the gravity star."

Hearing what he said, Feng Hu suddenly realized and said, "Oh, I understand. Rather than defense, in fact, the attack of the proud wolf didn't hit you at all, right? You dodged a short distance at a very fast speed at the moment when his attack fell and retreated.

Everyone was convinced by Feng Hu's explanation and nodded slightly to agree, but Feng Tian's words surprised everyone.

Feng Tian shook his head helplessly and said, "No, the attack of the proud wolf really fell on me. If I dodge, I believe that no matter how fast the speed is, some people present can still catch a trace of trajectory." As he spoke, he did not forget to look at Feng Long, Feng Hu, Ao Lang and others.

When the proud wolf looked at him, he was already lost in thought. After thinking for a moment, he said assuredly, "Yes, although my fist has hardly been blocked, I can still guarantee that my attack really hit him."

At this moment, there is no longer any doubt in everyone's hearts. The words of the Proud Wolf are undoubtedly very authoritative. As an attacker, he almost had zero-distance contact with Feng Tian for a moment. Although he is not the strongest in the universe, no one in the scene doubted that the speed of someone in the universe can be as fast as the Proud Wolf. The shadow can't be captured.

After straightening out his thoughts, Feng Long stared at Feng Tian and said, "Cousin, go on, I'm very interested in your physical skills."

Feng Tian nodded and said, "Actually, at the moment when the attack fell on the body, my muscles * made a slight rhythm according to the angle and force of the enemy's attack. At the same time, it also drove the body through the waist and made regular swings to defuse the force and ensure that I was not harmed."

After hearing this, several people suddenly realized that they remembered the slight twist of Feng Tian's body before. It was precisely because of this twist that everyone mistakenly thought that he had dodged in an instant, but the subtle rhythm of the muscles mentioned by Feng Tian was unnoticed by anyone.

"Monitoring area, open the monitoring system in Area A of the first ship's inner cabin." Feng Long calmly said a sentence to the video table on his wrist, and then his video table projected a huge four-dimensional screen. What was displayed on the screen was the video of Proud Wolf attacking Feng Tian before.

After reading it carefully, Feng Long ordered with an interested face: "Slow-motion playback, the frame rate is ten times slower." As soon as his words fell, the projection was replayed again. The arrogant wolf's attack was originally silent, but now a shadow appeared in the projection.

The attack fell on Feng Tian's lower abdomen, and several people still did not see any abnormal fluctuations in Feng Tian's skin. At this time, Feng Long had frowned slightly and whispered to the video, "The frame rate slowed down 50 times."

The short projection was played back in front of everyone again. At this moment, the speed of the proud wolf's attack was like a normal person. Although it was not slow, it became obvious in everyone's eyes. With a punch, everyone stared attentively at the part of Feng Tian's body under attack in the projection.

Everyone frowned at the next moment. Feng Long already had a little unbelieving tone and ordered the video meter in a low voice: "Slow down the frame rate 80 times!" The projection is slow-motion playback in front of everyone again. At this moment, the punch waved by the proud wolf has become clearly visible, and every route passed by the arm is clearly presented in front of everyone.

"This is impossible! My attack is so slow. Why can't his skin see any abnormality? The proud wolf stared at the projection in front of him with round eyes, and his eyes were full of horror.

"The frame rate is slowed down a hundred times!"

"120 times!"

"I saw that the muscles in the area where he was attacked had abnormal fluctuations!" Feng Hu suddenly screamed and woke everyone up. After the frame rate of the projection was slowed down to 120 times, some of the people present finally caught a layer of fine microwave lines on Feng Tian's abdominal muscles.

Even so, only a few people noticed the slight abnormality in the projection in the field. In the eyes of most people, there was still no abnormality in Feng Tian's abdomen under attack.

"Cousin, your skill is so awesome. I really don't know how much you have suffered to improve your body's agility." Feng Long looked at Feng Tian's arrogant expression and said with some admiration that the whale shark cadres present had experienced eight days of experience, and they could naturally deeply understand what the concept of double gravity of the gravity star was.

Seeing a little admiration in Feng Long's eyes, Feng Tian still said with a smile, "Haha, you are the best. You are so perverted that naturally I can't hold you back in future tasks."

At this moment, everyone has deep admiration for the man who has suffered the blow of the arrogant wolf. Although no one has shown it on their faces, there is something more in their eyes looking at Feng Tian.

At this time, the younger brother who reported to Feng Long went into the main control room and came to Feng Long and bowed down and said, "Brother Long, the fleet has reached the earth's atmosphere and entered the cooling state after space jumping. It is expected that all kinetic energy can be restored in three minutes. Please ask Brother Long to give the next step."

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded and said, "I know. I will contact Tang Long immediately and ask him to report on the exploration of the mausoleum. A B-class warship will take us to land several times. A large number of fleets are moored here to make peace with the fleet brought by Tang Long Kang Tie and wait for orders."