Big Starship

Chapter 205 Entering the Imperial Mausoleum

The group seemed to be comfortable in the face of a small country's national attack. In fact, this small island country, placed in the developed galaxies in the universe, is not even a small village. Among the others, Feng Long alone can destroy the earth with his hands. Since However, it will not suffer losses in the hands of this small island country.

Several people sent by Feng Long successfully completed the task within the specified time. When Li Fei and the other four women came back happily, Li Fei still held a flag in her hand and played with it. Feng Long looked at only a round cake painted on the flag and couldn't help but feel speechless.

"What do people on earth think? Unexpectedly, using cake as the national flag, I feel sad to wipe out the whole army of this country with my own hands. Qiao Fei sighed helplessly.

Feng Long kicked him on the buttocks and laughed, "Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and make peace with Tang Long Kang Tie." Qiao Fei had to nod with a smile and agree. Then Feng Long turned his head and looked at Yang Xue. First, he carefully looked at the four women's body and made sure that there were no wounds before he smiled with satisfaction: "Xiao Xue, find out Tang Long's current coordinates and get in touch with him."

Yang Xue naturally listened to the man in front of her. At present, without any hesitation, she stretched out her right hand and shot a miniature projection on her wrist. Tang Long's head quickly appeared in the projection. From the screen, he is now in a brightly lit tunnel, still standing beside Kang Tie and 20. A few big men.

"Brother Long, what you told me and Brother Tie have been done. I am standing in the center of the imperial mausoleum. There are many hidden weapons along the way, and even the automatic defense system of foreign civilizations, but it is not very developed, and we have been ruled out one by one." Tang Long reported his results to Feng Long as soon as he appeared.

Feng Long smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, send your coordinates to Xiaoxue, and we will go and make peace with you now." As soon as he finished speaking, a small text projection popped up on Yang Xue's video table, and the program text quickly entered the helmet of the mecha in the way of information transmission.

"Have all the coordinates been received?" Feng Long turned around and looked at the crowd. While asking, he glanced at them one by one. After everyone nodded slightly, Feng Long quickly unfolded a pair of huge wings behind him, and his body squatted slightly and jumped quickly. Everyone only heard a voice from the headset.

"Let's take action when you're ready." That voice was made by Feng Long, who was already far away in the sky.

Before several people reacted, Feng Hu squatted down. Three pairs of white wings spread directly behind him, and his body chased Feng Long with a flash, leaving only others to follow the movement trajectory of the two with the help of the mecha propeller, but they felt beyond their speed.

Although Feng Long and Feng Hu are much faster than others, the difference between the landing of several people is only a few seconds. At their speed, unless they are doing interstellar navigation or long-range flight, there is no difference. Before the front two people's toes touch the ground, the people behind them are one after another. Catch up.

After seeing everyone arrive, Feng Long looked at the bustling city around him, stamped his feet, and then opened his mouth to analyze, "According to the coordinates sent by Tang Long, it should be directly below here."

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard the words, and then Feng Hu pointed to the ground and said, "What do you want to do? You don't want to dig a hole directly here, do you? Looking at his unbelievable expression, Feng Long couldn't help smiling and said, "Yes, is there anything wrong?"

"Brother, this is a city, which will attract unnecessary attention." Feng Hu patted his forehead speechlessly.

But after he finished speaking, Feng Long suddenly raised his right hand above his head, and there were layers of information fluctuations on the mecha at his wrist, which quickly covered a range of more than 100 kilometers. After doing this, Feng Long smiled proudly and said, "Have you forget that we have a technology called hypnotic sound waves?"

Feng Hu originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Feng Long raise his arm, he swallowed his words. Then Feng Long did not say anything and directly stepped on the ground. The ground under everyone's feet collapsed, and several people fell directly with the collapse of the ground.

The landing was actually a brightly lit scene, which made people realize that they were underground for the first time. A wide hall appeared in front of everyone. The surrounding walls, floors and ceilings were all paved with high-quality jade. Every two meters, an oil lamp lit on the wall.

"Damn it, those former kings of the earth were really defeated, and they built such tombs that were valuable to them during the war." Feng Huoyan looked at the magnificent mausoleum around him and couldn't help sighing, which was immediately recognized by everyone.

Feng Long first looked around. At this time, more than 20 dark shadows quickly flashed towards the crowd. Everyone instantly tightened their muscles and entered a state of preparation. Only Feng Long, Feng Hu, Proud Wolf and other a few people still maintained their original relaxed posture.

"Don't worry, it's us." After the shadow stopped, the figures of Tang Long and Kang Tie appeared in front of everyone. Behind them, they still wore more than 20 mecha and armed their heads. They walked straight to Feng Long. Tang Long said, "I have explored the center, and only the last room has not been entered."

Hearing what Tang Long said, Feng Long nodded after a moment of meditation and said, "How large is that room?"

Tang Long's expression twitched when he heard the words, and then said slowly, "This is about 2,000 square meters." As soon as this came out, the people present suddenly showed a speechless expression. Lan Mingyu muttered, "It's a prodigal thing, it's really rich to build a grave of more than 2,000 square meters."

Under the leadership of Tang Long and Kang Tie, several people quickly came to the door of the huge room and looked at the walls covered with jasper and the golden gate in front of him that was more than ten meters high and six or seven meters wide. Feng Long couldn't help admiring: "Your emperor really knows how to enjoy it. I'm afraid that the old man Ithella will die. There is no such treatment."

Hearing Feng Long's statement, Tang Long and Kang Tie couldn't help nodding and agree, constantly guessing how much wealth the historical emperor in their hometown had accumulated during his lifetime.

At the unanimous request of everyone, Tang Long and Kang Tie had to tell the history of the Qin Dynasty. Of course, what the two of them know together is not much. A legendary dynasty history has experienced the whole process from the founding to the fall of the two populations in less than ten minutes.

strode to the golden gate, and Feng Long punched directly and bombarded the door very roughly.

"Dong!" A loud noise stimulated everyone's eardrums. After Feng Long took it back with a punch, everyone was surprised to find that the door did not fly out as expected. Although there was a huge depression on the door, the door was still closed, which was also an undeniable fact.

After withdrawing the punch, Feng Long took a step back slightly and looked at the gold-cast gate in front of him, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Then in everyone's shocked eyes, he directly turned into a satan with four arms and blue teeth, and his body squatted down slightly and began to accumulate strength.

"Hey, don't be so exaggerated. Don't you just start with a few more punches? Do you have to make such a big noise?" Aolang said helplessly, but everyone said that they were unable to answer his question, so they had to focus their eyes on Feng Long, who had completely mutated.

"Eighth-level sky, overlord boxing!" Feng Long's deep and powerful voice came out of his mouth, and then punched the huge door in front of him again. The speed was so fast that even in the eyes of the proud wolf, there was only a shadow that was difficult to catch. If there was still someone who could barely dodge this punch, it would be the only Feng Hu.

This time, everyone left an eye. As soon as Feng Long raised his arm and waved it, their heads were quickly covered by the helmet of the mecha. Two thin layers of light were lit up inside the helmet to protect their ears from completely cracking the eardrums.

He waved a powerful punch again. This time, Feng Long's overlord fist was more stable and powerful than ever. After hitting the golden gate in front of him, Feng Long himself was helplessly forced back more than ten meters by the anti-shock force and retreated 20 steps to stabilize his body.

Everyone cast their curious eyes at the gate, and the next moment everyone's expression was instantly dull. Like last time, the depression on the surface of the golden gate became bigger, but it still stood there like a giant without moving any distance.

Feng Hu first woke up from the shock and came to Feng Long with strange eyes and said, "What's wrong with you?" It doesn't rain just because of thunder. You're not so watery when you compete with me.

After hearing this, Feng Long stood up straight, regained his human appearance and glanced at him and said, "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. You will know it by yourself. Damn, I really don't know how this door was made. At the level of technology of the earth at that time, it should not even move such a large piece of gold."

The two landlords, Tang Long and Kang Tie, can't explain this. Not to mention the technology at that time, even the current technology of the earth, it is estimated that it can't create such a perverted door. Although Feng Long did not use war weapons to assist in the attack, the abnormality of his physical attack is known to everyone.

At the beginning, Feng Long almost demolished the former parliamentary capital with only his body. They couldn't imagine how such a man could be so powerless in the face of a door.

Feng Hu still didn't believe it. Hearing Feng Long's words, he directly turned into a milky-white monster. He waved his tail full of thorns behind his back and smiled, "Hey, just try it. I want to see what defensive role a broken door can play in front of me."