Big Starship

Chapter 208 Upper Ceremony

After going through all the hardships and finally breaking through the golden gate, Feng Long and his party walked into the hall. At the same time, a meeting was being held in a galaxy less than a light-year away from the earth, an empire with only ten planets and not very prosperous.

Dozens of people sat around a table in the conference room, and one of the ministers in mecha said to the first person next to him, "General, intelligence came from the radar of the testing room. Nearly a light-year away from here, a backward wild planet has caused violent energy fluctuations."

The man who was called a general raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then turned his head and asked, "It's the planet called Earth. Your Majesty didn't like the planet when he founded the country. How much energy fluctuations can come from there."

The person who spoke before said respectfully: "According to the data from the detection room, the energy fluctuation value is more than 100, and the fluctuation frequency exceeds the detectable range of the detection radar." When the man reported these data to the general, even he did not say anything.

However, the general's expression was suddenly stunned, and then a bright light flashed in his eyes and said, "The fluctuation value is more than 100? This is the fluctuation data that can barely be reached by an A-class starship, and the fluctuation frequency exceeds the detection range of the domestic detection radar. What's going on?

No one could answer the general's question, and even the subordinate who had previously reported to his superiors were powerless. At this time, an old man who looked very calm said, "There are only two possibilities, either the whole system of the inspection room has collapsed, or the starship gun may appear in that place."

After hearing the old man's words, everyone was shocked. Suddenly, no one spoke, and it became extremely quiet in an instant.

Just when the silence wanted to continue, the general said decisively, "It is impossible for the detection room system to collapse. Even if the main brain program of the empire collapses, it will definitely give a hint, and I'm afraid that the only thing that can emit such horrible data will be the Starship Gun."

After hearing the analysis between the general and the old man, the person who made the previous report directly knelt down and bowed his head respectfully and said respectfully, "General Falk, please give instructions for the next step. The third detachment of our imperial army is willing to fully cooperate with the general's instructions. May I ask if we take a crusade against the earth?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, seven people present knelt down one after another. The seven people roared in unison: "The imperial army from one to eight is willing to fully cooperate with the general's instructions and action. Please give orders."

At this time, the old man who made the analysis before also said, "General Falk, it is impossible for His Majesty to revenge on that place with our current strength, and among the civil and military officials in the country, you have the highest prestige. Listen to my advice and put on the crown of your country."

While the old man spoke, there was a trace of rosy in his eyes. After the words, he knelt directly on his knees. Fak quickly dodged his figure and was not worshipped by the old man. Then he came to the old man in a flash and quickly stretched out his hands to help him up.

" Prime Minister, what are you doing? Although your majesty has died in other countries, in terms of the level of official positions, this king's position will naturally be done by you. How dare you replace the humble position? After General Falk picked up the old man, he explained helplessly, but the old man repeatedly shook his head and denied it.

"Your Majesty's words are reasonable. We and the eight detachments will obey your Majesty's command with all our strength and will die." The captain of the Eighth National Congress of the Imperial Army said in unison, and he had shown his loyalty to Falk in his words.

"All Aiqing obeyed the order and took the strength of the whole country to go to the earth. It is estimated that even the forces in the stars this time will not bring too many people. If only a detection team accidentally found the gun of the starship when exploring the earth, we can completely kill them." Falk said in a low and powerful voice.

After he issued the offensive order, the old prime minister bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I think that after your majesty's promotion to emperor, the position of Chinese military officials needs to be changed."

Hearing what the old prime minister said, Falk suddenly thought that after he became king, there was no one in the position of general, but he did not know who to appoint to take over the position of general for a moment. At present, he turned his eyes to the eight captains standing upright in front of him, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"Captains, who do you think will take over the position of general?" Falk thought for a moment and decided to push the black pot to the eight captains. Anyway, the position of general was also chosen from the eight of them, and he had just taken office, so he naturally did not want to offend his former subordinates.

I have to admit that Fak, who previously mastered the army of a country, was also a little calculating. If he didn't have any tricks, he would not have won the trust of the previous king and take over the position of general among several powerful competitors in those years.

After hearing this, the eight people looked at each other in surprise, and their eyes suddenly were full of light. Then one of them stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I think that Xiaoka, the captain of the third detachment, will serve as the general of his own country. Captain Xiaoka is second only to His Majesty in our military, and it is most appropriate for him to serve."

After hearing this, Falk nodded with satisfaction. Obviously, that's what he thought in his heart. Now he took the form and asked again, "What do you mean the other seven captains?"

The remaining captains looked at each other, and six of them bowed forward without hesitation and said, "I am willing to obey your majesty's arrangement." Only the captain named Shoka stood where he was, but there was also a trace of joy in his eyes.

Faker nodded and said, "Okay, then accept the appointment of Shoka, the captain of the third detachment of the Imperial Army, and also serve as the captain of the third detachment. Shoka will go forward to listen to the seal."

A ceremony of adding officials to the peerage was simply held in the conference hall. However, how could those civil and military officials think that their whole empire would face the destruction of the country in this mission. If they knew in advance what kind of enemy they were going to face, they would be straight. Renounce this action.

In the tomb of a king of the earth, Feng Long bowed his head and quickly entered a series of program instructions from the six prisms in his opponent. The next moment, the huge defense system on the ceiling was quickly decomposed. After being reorganized again, it has become ten starship guns, so undulating in the air.

As soon as the ten starship guns were in force, a dark shadow quickly flashed in everyone's eyes. The next moment, there were only eight starship guns left in the air in front of them, and then a delicate and moving voice sounded behind everyone and said simply and powerfully, "I want two."

Feng Long just shook his head slightly when he heard the words and said, "Yulong, can't you be so weird next time? Isn't it good to act with us?"