Big Starship

Chapter 212 Incompetence

"Hahaha, 30 seconds later, the three brothers of the Qiao family lost." Tang Long and Kang Tie laughed. Everyone only cared about the timing. They didn't expect that the proud wolf would fall into the hands of those mecha soldiers. Only Feng Long, Feng Hu and Yulong carefully observed the battle on the field. As the battle progressed, the eyebrows of the three were locked together.

After receiving the joint attack of a thousand-person mecha team, the Longyin cannon in both hands fired in two directions at the same time, but the mecha team was a moment faster than him. When his attack was approaching, he tried his best to open the purple light array to 100%, and also wanted to resist his attack.

After suffering an attack before, Proud Wolf has been on guard and no longer dares to underestimate this thousand mecha team, but he still underestimates the defense of purple armor. In his opinion, after using the dragon cannon, he can kill at least three or 400 people at a time.

But the ideal is always plump, but the reality is the backbone. It ranks third in the list of high-end mecha in the whole universe. Will purple armor really be so useless? Reality answered this question to the proud wolf.

If the one-on-one battle between the armed forces of war and the purple armor, then the victory is definitely the armed forces of war, but this is not the case now. The number of the royal army of the Wutian Empire is a thousand times that of him. When the purple armor meets the armed forces of war, this terrible quantitative advantage is enough to make up for the quality disadvantage.

Two thick blue light columns quickly installed two huge purple light shields, and the proud wolf's confidence also completely collapsed the next moment. When he saw that the purple light shield was hit by his attack, there was not even a trace of instability. He suddenly felt that the world seemed to have changed.

Before returning to the whale shark, when the proud wolf led the wolf's nest as a free mercenary regiment, the reputation of the wolf's nest had spread all over the universe, which was one of the few mercenary regiments with a 100% completion rate. After returning to the whale shark, under the leadership of Feng Long, they had never tasted the taste of failure.

He successfully assassinated the former parliamentary president and finally retreated. With the power of a pirate, this galaxy is recognized as a galaxy that can never be unified in the history of the universe.

In the most authoritative Star Alliance in the universe, there is also a unique reward order belonging to them. The high reward, all of this, makes all of them imperceptibly unruly, thinking that they are already invincible in the universe, but now what he sees is that his attack is actually nothing. The law shakes the enemy's defense.

Although he did not use the strongest attack, according to the normal routine, it could at least damage the enemy's defense and even completely break through the enemy's defense. He never thought that the famous dragon cannon in the universe would not shake the enemy's defense in his own hands.

Not only him, but now all the people have also noticed this. The cadres behind Feng Long can no longer have a joking mentality in their hearts. They also find that the situation is a little abnormal. At this moment, the arrogant wolf has been surrounded by a mecha team of thousands of people.

In the fleet of the Wutian Empire, Fak in the first ship looked at the projection in front of him and couldn't help laughing ecstaticly, as if he had seen his victory. Now in his heart, he had completely regarded the figure surrounded by himself as Feng Long.

After resisting an attack by the Proud Wolf, the morale of the mecha soldiers couldn't help but be greatly encouraged. Without waiting for Fak's order, they were as crazy as wild dogs seeing their prey, screaming and pounced at the lonely figure of the Proud Wolf.

"Well, a group of garbage that can't get on the big scene." Proud Wolf has recovered from the previous blow. The two dragon cannons in his hand quickly decomposed between his hands, and then wrapped his hands for automatic reorganization. After the parts were reorganized, two slender cannons have appeared in his hands.

Two green beams of light quickly shot out of the two metal tubes, and the proud wolf roared in a voice that only he could hear: "The roar of the God of War!" While two beams of light shot out of his hand, the nearest mecha soldier was less than one meter away from him, and the high-temperature blade of light had touched his mecha.

The light blade in his hand cut the body of the proud wolf, and the mecha soldier was extremely excited. He had seen his bright future. The wreath of the masses and the glory of the army were waiting for him in front of him, but the next moment he found that after the light blade in his hand cut the mecha in front of him, he could not move forward.

The mecha soldier wanted to hold the other hand with the handle of the laser knife, so that he could use more strength, but the reality no longer gave him any chance. The green beam of light had pierced through the mecha he was riding. He didn't know how far the beam of light could fly through his body, because he had completely lost his knowledge. I feel it.

In the process of transmitting, the beam of light became thicker and brighter. It was not until the beams on both sides had extended 600 meters away that the proud wolf loosened the finger on the trigger and lost its energy to make up. The beam of light instantly lost its previous light and slowly turned into a free energy dissipated in the universe. Open.

In the route passed by the two beams of light, the encirclement of the mecha team was quickly cleared out of a channel. With this blow alone, more than 300 people were pierced in this straight line. More than 300 mecha burst like this in the universe, and the whole channel was filled with explosive fire in an instant.

But after this, the encirclement of the mecha team finally suppressed the Proud Wolf, and the light blades from all directions cut on his mecha one after another. Under this wave of siege, the war armed surface of the Proud Wolf finally appeared inevitable cracks.

He is different from Feng Long and Feng Hu. No matter how strong he is armed in war, he is always a normal human being. If the mecha is completely broken, he will face a death without suspense.

"No, the armed forces of the proud wolf's war have broken down. Hurry up and support!" Feng Long matched the function of eyepiece with excellent eyesight and saw the proud wolf's mecha through the army of thousands of people. He saw more than one cobweb crack on his mecha, and those cracks were spreading to the whole mecha at a very fast speed.

After a slam, Feng Long's body had disappeared in place. In just a moment, he broke through the mecha army of less than a thousand people by thunder and came to the side of the proud wolf. Then he quickly stretched out a metal strip from the arm of the mecha and quickly inserted it into the mecha energy receiver behind the wolf.

He quickly transmitted part of his energy to the armor of the Proud Wolf to maintain the automatic repair function of the war armament. Although his assistance was also timely, the Proud Wolf still lost his intuition at this moment and was in a half-awake state, and could faintly feel it. What happens to the outside world.

The reason why the Proud Wolf is in a coma is that he has been seriously injured. In addition, after all, the war forces have been damaged for a period of time, and the air in the mecha was quickly emptied. His whole body seemed to explode in a short period of time, and after the cracks appeared in the mecha, the falling light blades were undoubtedly cut by him. Physical.

"Haha, it turns out that the war armed forces are nothing more than that. Send another 2,000 mecha soldiers to support them, and be sure to kill the two people in the encirclement." Falk laughed in front of the main console of the first ship.

At this time, in several images next to his body, a man knelt down on one knee in the projection and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, because of the manufacturing cost of purple armor, only 4,000 troops can be equipped with purple armor in China now. If another 2,000 are sent, we will only have 1,000 people left. ."

Fac frowned and thought for a moment, but finally said firmly, "Then send all the purple armor teams to leave these ignorant bastards here!" The man who knelt on one knee wanted to say something, but he finally couldn't speak, but went to carry out Falk's order.

Several other people also rushed into the encirclement and surrounded Feng Long, who was replenishing the mecha of the proud wolf. Even the weak Proud Wolf was also under the protection of his companions. At this time, Feng Long kept the energy transmission and said, "Yulong led the wolf nest to two moves with them first."

The reason why Feng Long dispersed the team again is that he saw 3,000 mecha soldiers flying from the enemy's rear again. Those mecha soldiers wore purple armor without exception. The mecha was particularly dazzling in the dark universe, and with the support of such a huge number of people, it brought a kind of The feeling of invincibility.

Yulong nodded when he heard the words, regardless of whether the people in the wolf's nest were dissatisfied with this or not, he rushed straight to the direction of the 3,000 mecha reinforcements flying. At the same time, he bowed his head to the mecha's headset and said, "Follow me, keep a distance and don't disperse."

Listening to the sound from the headset, the voice is extremely fresh and beautiful, but which one of the wolf's nests is not extremely arrogant. Everyone is more or less dissatisfied with the former enemy leading them, so it also causes them to slow down half a beat when they execute the Yulong order.

Feng Long then said to the crowd, "Feng Hu, Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, pay attention to the situation of Yulong and others. If there is anything wrong, please support us immediately. The others will do their best to protect us until the Ao Lang's mecha is automatically repaired." After a series of orders were issued, everyone nodded firmly and agreed, and then took their respective duties.

has broken through the first batch of mecha soldiers and came to the intersection of their reinforcements. Yulong was not in a hurry to let the wolf nests attack first, but ordered them to form a defensive formation. The first thing she had to do was to understand that the purple armor in the two directions of nearly 4,000 combined to attack, and its power was not within the scope of everyone's tolerance. Within.

I have to say that Yulong is a very cautious woman and has good battlefield command skills, but Feng Long still bowed his head and said to everyone through his headset: "Be careful, you have seen the end of the arrogant wolf conceited underestimating the enemy. I don't want you to become like him. "