Big Starship

Chapter 213 The Awakening Wolf King

After Feng Long's reminder, Yulong and the Wolf's Nest couldn't help but be more careful. The Wolf's Nest had some prejudice against Yulong and temporarily put down their prejudice. The education these people had since childhood was to unconditionally obey the orders of the commander on the battlefield, no matter who the commander was.

Since they are willing to come here with Yulong, they naturally need to have this awareness. Yulong naturally saw the changes of several people and couldn't help nodding slightly, thinking that it was not too unfair for the first generation of spiritual beasts to be defeated by such a team.

There are a total of eight people. Under the command of Yulong, these eight people are close to each other with their backs, and there is no gap between their bodies. At the same time, they have opened the defense system armed by the war with all their strength. The guns of these people are different, but all the guns of the starships add up to nearly 20.

Yulong alone has three starship guns. As the snipers of the team, the wolf and the fox wolf naturally have three guns each, and the least two in the hands of others. Such a combination on the battlefield will make them feel big for them.

Feng Long stared at the battlefield in the distance and tried his best to deliver the energy from his mecha to the proud wolf. He was not afraid that the energy of the mecha was not enough. The core storage of energy brought by the war arm itself was very large, and it also had the ability to automatically extract energy from the free energy in the universe. Ability.

These add up, coupled with the infinite perpetual motion machine obtained by Feng Long through the small starship auction house in the golden triangle. Together, Feng Long himself can simply be called a mobile living energy core, so he will naturally not worry about his lack of energy.

With the help of Feng Long, the war armament of Aolang has completed self-repair as soon as possible. The dazzling cracks on the surface have disappeared, and the whole mecha has taken on a new look. What Feng Long needs to do now is to fill his body with the energy core and heal his injury of light waves through the mecha. Slightly deal with it.

Just as Feng Long was trying his best to save the life of the proud wolf, Yulong's battlefield finally faced the first wave of attacks. The total number of imperial troops from the front and back two directions is close to 4,000, which is already the most purple armor team that the Wutian Empire can bring out in the country.

Previously, the proud wolf has been completely defeated in the hands of these mecha soldiers. Now neither the wolf nests nor the jade dragons have a trace of contempt for the purple armor in all directions. The first wave of attacks they will face is not from these mecha soldiers, but from the fleet behind them.

At this moment, except for ten starships, all the warships of the Wutian Empire have devoted all their strength to shooting hundreds of thousands of main gun energy into the surrounding eight people. Yulong frowned at the energy from all directions and still calmly ordered: "Everyone will open 60% of the armed defense of war. "

Hearing this order, others did not implement it quickly, but the eyebrows of the wolf and the fox wolf were tightened together. Naturally, they also saw that there were more than 200,000 enemy warships, but according to their calculations, everyone only needed to open about 55 percent of the defense.

The overwhelming energy is getting closer and closer to their camp. Yulong felt that the wolf and the fox wolf did not carry out their orders quickly. Now he lowered his head and said to the headset, "Execute the order immediately." After saying this, her body involuntarily exuded a strong sense of courage.

After feeling the powerful aura emanating from Yulong, Canglang and Fox Wolf did not have time to consider why she was so strong now. Instead, they quickly allocated 60% of the energy of the whole mecha to the defense system according to her order, and then Yulong's aura was quickly recovered.

The next moment, the menacing energy tide also came to them, feeling the high temperature contained in the purple energy. Everyone couldn't help but be surprised that they could be armed through the protection of war, making people with strong physical fitness feel hot, which is enough to show that the energy fired by these warships is different. General.

At this time, everyone has a trace of admiration for the foresight of Yulong, and at the same time, they still underestimate the enemy.

In fact, Yulong certainly would not know the main gun attack power of these imperial warships in advance. She just felt a little vigilant against the enemy after hearing Feng Long's warning.

The data calculated by the wolf before the fox wolf is not false at all. According to Yulong's calculation, if they are facing ordinary warships, it is indeed enough to open the defense system of the war armed to about 55 percent, but Yulong still expands the upcoming blow in his mind.

It was because of the woman's carefulness that everyone's defense was not broken by the main gun of those warships, and Feng Long also considered the woman's carefulness that Yulong let Yulong command the wolf nest with the strongest combat ability in the team. It has to be said that the decision he made was very wise.

Now Tang Long and Kang Tie, Qiao's three brothers and Lan Mingyu did not participate in the battle, but tightly surrounded Feng Long and Ao Lang in a circle. If any abnormal situation occurs, the defense of several mecha can also be quickly opened at the same time.

Zhang Wen, Zhang Wu and Zhang Tao stood behind Feng Hu. The four people's eyes stayed tightly on the warships and starships of the imperial army to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to attack the defenseless Feng Long and the proud wolf, while Falk thought that Feng Long was among the eight people on the battlefield, so he did not command the warships against this Launched an attack.

After resisting a joint attack from the imperial warship, without waiting for Yulong and Wolf's Nest and others to take a breath to adjust the mecha, more than 3,000 purple armor soldiers from the front and rear directions have completely completed their encirclement, and the main guns in their hands have begun to store energy.

"What should I do?" Looking at the mecha soldiers who were about to complete the weapon storage, the wolf and the fox wolf asked Yulong in unison. Yulong's expression was still cold and said, "Continue to defend. You two and I will calculate the attack power of the enemy mecha soldiers and make a battle plan in the next battle."

The wolf and the foxwolf did not hesitate at all this time. They nodded very simply and agreed. At the same time, in the first ship of the imperial fleet, Falk's voice also sounded again on the communication channel, and he said without hesitation: "The mecha team began to attack and killed eight people in the field."

"Note that the whole army's purple light cannon is ready to launch in a three-second countdown." A mechanical sound came from the mecha team and entered the ears of each mecha controller. Suddenly, more than 3,000 mecha ended the energy storage process of the weapon at the same time and began to enter the countdown to the attack.

Yulong carefully squinted and looked at the surrounding Ziguang family carefully, and then said in a cold tone, "All members are ready to open the defense with all their strength in three seconds. Everyone turned on the defense system to 100% for me, otherwise don't blame me for improper commanding."

After listening to Yulong's warning order, everyone couldn't help but be excited and opened their own war-armed defense system to a 100% state without delay. A fierce offensive and defensive battle began again. What surprised Falk was that the eight people did not do it at all under such waves of attacks. It means to fight back.

The compressed purple energy, which is as clear as a crystal, quickly came to the eight people in the encirclement. At the same time, under the leadership of Yulong, the eight people also quickly launched the defense of the mecha. The defense of the eight people was united and wrapped them in a blue energy ball.

The purple energy tide quickly swallowed the light blue sphere, and then condensed into a purple photosphere with a diameter of more than 200 meters. The photosphere is like a shining meteorite, floating quietly in the silent universe. No one can detect what is happening inside the photosphere.

"Go and support them." Feng Hu saw that the purple light ball had not moved for a long time. At that moment, he shouted at Zhang Wen and others and was about to dodge to the purple light ball. However, Feng Long suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, Yulong is calculating the power of the purple light armor and does not need support."

When Feng Hu heard this, he suddenly retorted, "But they have been in it for so long without moving. After all, Ziguangjia is the third-ranked mecha in the universe. No matter how rubbish it is, they are facing nearly 4,000 people!"

Hearing Feng Hu's retort, Feng Long still insisted: "Wait a minute, after all, they are armed with nearly 20 starship guns. Even if they can't bear it, they must have time to send a distress signal. When the light ball disperses, you will know that the Proud Wolf's mecha has almost been repaired. When he fully recovers us. Just launch a counterattack."

Hearing Feng Long's words, Feng Hu had to turn around and continue to stand quietly watching the change of the purple light sphere in the distance. After only about three minutes, under the attention of the armistication of both forces, the purple light sphere finally completely dissipated and turned into a faint free energy in the universe.

After the light ball dispersed, eight arrogant figures appeared. After the blue mask was removed in front of them, Yulong resolutely waved his hand and said, "I'm ready to fight back. I'm the vanguard. You are here to prepare the joint attack of the wolf's nest crowd. Take them down in one fell swoop when they attack on energy losses with all their strength."

After saying that, Yulong rushed to the opposite mecha group without hesitation. At this time, the proud wolf, who was cured by Feng Long in the distance, finally regained his sober mind. On the eyepiece in front of his helmet, two red light suddenly flashed at its heyday, and Feng Long also smiled and withdrew the metal tube connected to him behind him.

After a smile, Feng Long looked coldly at the opposite fleet and mecha group and said with a murderous tone, "Start to fight back. Proud Wolf will go to support Yulong. Feng Hu and I will solve ten starships. Zhang Wen, lead others to deal with the remaining warships."