Big Starship

Chapter 220 Shoka's Belief

The intuitive eardrums of the people present shook slightly, and then they could not hear any sound from the outside world, as if there was no movement when the two groups of tyrannive energy collided with each other.

In fact, at the moment when the two groups of energy came into contact with each other, through a high-frequency vibration, they passed through everyone's eardrums in an instant, including Feng Long, and there was a temporary deafness in both ears, and then a particularly dazzling light lit up in front of everyone's eyes.

Feng Long was already vigilant after losing his ears. He subconsciously opened the war-armed eyepiece. After filtering by the eyepiece, although the strong light would not stab Feng Long's eyes, Feng Long's eyes were still unconsciously closed, while other mecha soldiers were not so lucky. They were deaf in both ears. Both eyes are blind.

Although those mecha soldiers also have a quick response and opened the virtual eyepiece inside the mecha before the strong light came, how can their eyepiece be compared with the war armed forces? The intensity of this strong light has already exceeded the transition limit of those mecha eyepieces, and some operators directly covered their eyes with their hands and let The mecha is out of control.

But no matter how they deal with it, the result is useless. When those mecha were in a mess, Feng Long's ears and eyes had returned to normal. How could he not understand the truth of killing people's illness and rushed into the nearest mecha pile without hesitation, like a wolf entering a flock.

After Feng Hu and Xiaoka completed another battle, the two were once again retreated by a few meters by the energy aftershock impact that broke out in the middle, but the only difference was that Feng Hu's war armament was intact, but there were two obvious depressions in front of the red armor that Shoka was driving, and there was a faint trace of smoke rising. Rescent up.

From the first mecha battle to the second weapon battle, it clearly shows the shortcomings revealed by the Red Light Armor when it encountered the armed forces in the war. At this moment, Shoka's heart is no longer as confident as before, but a faint bitterness rises, but still does not intend to avoid the war.

The electronic eyes controlling the mecha looked at the war armed forces on Feng Hu. Shoka said sadly, "Is this the power of the war armed forces? Whether it is the fuselage structure or weapons and equipment, it is far stronger than the red armor that China is proud of, but we don't know which defense ability is stronger or weaker.

Listening to Shoka's words, there is actually a intention to continue to compare. Feng Hu admires this person even more. In the face of such a desperate situation, his equipment is not at the same level as the enemy's equipment, but he is still a person who still in the battle. Isn't worthy of admiration? Isn't this the spirit advocated by Feng Long?

"I live for war until I die." Unconsciously, Feng Hu said such a sentence in his mouth. Xiaoka on the opposite was slightly stunned, but then said with a smile, "Well, what a man lived for the battle until he died. It's been a long time since I heard that the whale shark used this spirit to spur his younger brother. It seems that it really lives up to its reputation."

"What else do you want to compare? Say it, and I'll accompany you." Feng Hu took a step forward and said in a flat tone, but after hearing his words, Xiaoka shook his head slightly, and then said with a wry smile, "I proposed the previous two games. To be fair, it's up to you to decide how to play this third game."

Hearing what Xiao Ka said, Feng Hu's eyes suddenly became strong, but the next sentence was not from his mouth. Feng Long also inadvertently heard the dialogue between the two in the battle with the mecha team. He immediately turned around without hesitation and held the three machines behind him. A cut the blade on the back and turned his eyes to Shoka.

Three thick and long light blades fell behind Feng Long. Even if they were armed with war, they were forced to take these three times without defense, and there were faint scratches on the fuselage. Xiaoka was obviously very puzzled by Feng Long's behavior, so he also turned his eyes to him. The two looked at each other in the air through two mechas.

Although there were two mechas separated, a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes at the moment when their eyes met. Feng Long held a huge cannon in one hand and slowly stretched out to his back, but asked Xiaoka without looking back, "I only ask you once. I won't give you more chances. Do you want to join the whale shark and break out with me? A world?"

As soon as the words fell, Feng Long pulled the trigger in his hand before Xiaoka could reply first. The three attacking mecha behind him immediately dissipated in a pillar of light.

Other mecha soldiers were slightly shocked when they heard Feng Long's words. What they thought at this moment was that if Shoka joined the whale shark, it would be impossible for them and others to survive if they joined hands. With the support of such an idea, they even began to slowly approach Shoka. As for what they wanted to do Everyone knows it in everyone's heart.

The reason why those mecha soldiers think so is that they have changed their angles. In this case, if Feng Longken throws an olive branch to himself, it is definitely the best choice to join the whale shark, so they are almost sure that Shaka's idea is to join the whale shark and then kill himself. Some people came to show their loyalty to Feng Long.

Looking at the mecha soldiers behind him who approached Xiaoka with bad intentions, Feng Long directly raised the cannon in his hand. After moving his fingers a few times, six or seven beams flew past the red light armor close to Shaka, and then penetrated the bodies of the mecha soldiers who wanted to approach Shaka one by one.

At this time, there was another mecha that was not shot by Feng Long. He did not wait for Xiaoka to reply and looked directly at Xiaoka's back with a knife. Feng Long's reaction was also very fast. He quickly changed the angle of the cannon in his hand, and a beam of green laser light quickly aimed at about a centimeter next to Shoka's head.

At this time, Shoka's body suddenly moved about one meter. Just as the light blade in the hand of the mecha soldier was about to cut empty, and the beam from Feng Long was about to shoot through his heart, Shoka did not hesitate to control the red armor and lift his right arm. The mechanical arm was just between the beam in front and the mecha in the rear.

"Boom! Ka! Dong!"

Three crisp sounds sounded in the hall one after another. First, the laser attack from Feng Long fell on the arm of the red mecha, and then followed. The light blade cut by the mecha soldier behind Shoka also hit the robotic arm fiercely. As for the last sound, the robotic arm fell on The sound on the ground.

The moment the thick robotic arm fell to the ground, everyone understood Xiaoka's intention. Feng Long sighed slightly and turned around and launched a stormy attack directly against the mecha soldiers behind him, while the mecha soldiers who cut off one arm of Shoka's red armor with the last knife stood at a loss. In place.

Feng Hu looked at all this and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "He has almost never valued a person like this time. I also appreciate you. Although he said he only asked once, I still have to ask you again. Would you like to come to the whale shark? Here can be equipped. The top equipment in the whole universe, the Starship Gun.

Xiaoka, who had heard Feng Hu's words and was about to shake his head to refuse, was obviously slightly distracted after hearing the last sentence. Yes, how eager he was to have his own starship gun in his life. As a commander of the imperial army, how eager he was for top equipment.

Feng Hu also saw this point, so he gave the most effective benefits in one sentence. In fact, it is not difficult to see that Shoka was eager to compete with the armed forces of war with his red light armor as soon as he came up. It can be guessed that he was a pursuer who still had a battle. People who are looking for perfect equipment.

However, his final reply still made Feng Hu a little disappointed. Xiaoka just meditated for a few seconds, and shook his head decisively and said, "The Wutian Empire is my hometown. Your Majesty Wu Tian is the only person I admire in my life. The reason for fighting is for my hometown and the king."

"Okay, it's up to me to make the rules of the last battle. You and I take turns to launch an attack on the other side. The other party can withstand the top defense. The strength of the attack and defense are determined by the initiator himself. It depends on who dies first." After hearing Shoka's reply, Feng Hu decisively gave up continuing to solicit and went straight to the topic.

Since it can't be used for me, it must be killed by me.

When it is interrupted, it will suffer chaos.

Of course, Feng Hu is not the one who hesitates when making a decision. At present, he directly turns his eyes to cold, releasing a unique courage all over his body. His eyes close to Xiaoka's cold tone and said, "You can attack first, you can choose to attack any part of my body."

At this time, a blurred blue light screen has appeared in front of Feng Hu, blocking every part of his body behind the light screen, and a faint green light shines on the war-armed metal surface of his whole body. Although the light is weak, Shoka will not question the energy contained in the light at all. What a huge amount.

Shaka raised the remaining left hand of the mecha without hesitation, and three cannons stretched out in front of his arm. After the cannon faced the front, he locked Feng Hu in front of him in the virtual eyepiece in front of him. After thinking about it for a moment, he still clicked a red button on the virtual keyboard in front of him and manipulated it. The mecha pulls the trigger between the fingers.

A blood-red light mass began to gradually accumulate between the three muzzle. When the red light was in full bloom, it was compressed again, and then it soon squeezed out the muzzle again, ragingly releasing dazzling light. After more than ten minutes, the blood-red energy was completely stable and turned into a solid energy ball. Set at the front of the muzzle.

Seeing that the ball of light finally calmed down and was no longer as violent and uneasy as before, Shoka finally released his finger on the virtual keyboard. Correspondingly, the red light armor he was driving finally loosened the finger on the trigger of the weapon, and a red energy quickly turned Feng Hu, who made a comprehensive defense. Plundered away.