Big Starship

Chapter 222 Armed Forces of War Falling Under the Wind

"Your opponent is Falk, the second king of the Wutian Empire." Fak walked into the mecha and said to Feng Long outside through the communication equipment of the mecha.

After Feng Long waved his hand to Feng Hu, Feng Hu took a step back knowingly, and then Feng Long took another step forward. With a wave of his hands, the mecha on his wrists quickly spit out two two-meter-long light blades and looked directly at Falk and said, "Your opponent, Feng Long, the leader of the chaotic galaxy whale shark pirate regiment."

After the two reported their identities, Falk directly manipulated the mecha to lift his arm, and then a slightly old voice came from the mecha and said, "Kid, be careful. I know that even three generations of purple armor, the gap with the war armed forces is not a star, so my mecha pays more attention to the diversity of attacks. Sex."

"Oh? I'd like to see what tricks you can play." Feng Long subconsciously answered that as soon as he spoke, a light suddenly shot on the arms of the three generations of purple armor in front of him, but somehow, Feng Long's war armed forces could not feel any danger from the light.

This is also true. The main function of the light is not to attack, but to corrode. Although Feng Long did not feel danger, years of combat experience still made him dodge the light as quickly as possible, slightly behind him, making the strange green light shine on the ground behind him.

"Sneer!" Feng Long suddenly heard a strange sound behind him. It was not the imaginary sound of broken ground, but a very subtle sound, like a sound of red-hot metal encountering cold water. Although he was facing a strong enemy, this strange sound made him look back.

It doesn't matter. Feng Long suddenly jumped a big step behind him. The metal floor inside the starship actually appeared a huge melting hole. The diameter of the hole is about two meters, and there is an unknown sticky substance on the edge of the melting hole. The sticky substance seems to be still eroding the surrounding metal. .

Feng Long can probably guess what density of metal is needed to build the floor in a starship, but such a high-density metal was melted in a large pit more than two meters in diameter under the light beam that seemed to be no danger.

"This is a method of attack that can corrode most of the metal **, which will become close to the existence of a gas after hundreds of compressions, and this gas will adhere to a specific frequency of light waves. This weapon uses this principle to complete the attack." Faker's voice sounded and explained to Feng Long.

Hearing this detailed explanation, Feng Long couldn't help but feel a trace of ** in his heart. Looking at the dark mecha in front of him, his eyes were also full of fanaticism. Then he flashed and disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared behind Falk, and his hands crossed with two light blades.

"The attack method is very novel. This attack method that cannot directly cause damage to the enemy is not officially recognized in the interstellar, but it has been exerted to the extreme in your hands. Next, let me try to see how far the defensive performance of your three generations of purple armor has reached."

While the words fell, the two light blades in Feng Long's hand have also been cut on the dark mecha in front of him one after another. The third generation of purple armor driven by Falk is not good at high-speed movement, or any combat mecha that requires the driver to enter the program to control cannot be like Feng Long moved at such a high speed.

Because even if the attributes of the mecha can be achieved, it is also a fatal weakness that the driver of the mecha cannot adapt, while the war armament developed by Feng Long is different. The war armament belongs to the mecha that the driver directly manipulates through his limbs. That is to say, the stronger the physical quality of the driver, the more the war armament can be played. The more effective it is.

In the current interstellar, these two mechas are the most favored combat mecha, and they have also been widely used in battlefields. Generation after generation of enhanced versions continue to come out in the baptism of battle.

After two pink light blades firmly cut the surface of the black mecha in front of him, the consequences predicted did not happen. The mecha did not even appear a scratch under the full slash of the war armed forces, which surprised Feng Long and quickly retreated.

"What kind of defense system is this? Even the war-armed light blade can't leave a scratch!" After Feng Long took a step back, Feng Hu, who was watching the battle in the distance, couldn't help asking with a shocked face. He couldn't help but be surprised. If he wanted to be intact under the cutting of the light blade of the war armed forces, I'm afraid that only a larger number of starship guns would become war armed forces.

Falk dragged the bloated mecha and slowly turned the direction and explained to Feng Long: "This is the ultimate defense of the non-war armed mecha developed by His Majesty Wu Tian after hundreds of experiments, which can resist the main gun attack of star ships below Class B."

As soon as this sentence came out, Feng Long, who had just stood firm, could almost fall to the ground. So far, the only mecha in the universe that can challenge the starships is only armed with war. Even the original second-ranked green diamond armor and the third purple armor can only be said to challenge the warship.

However, the third-generation purple armor in front of him has become the second mecha in history that can challenge the starship. Although it can only fight against starships below Class B, it is also a starship after all! Any starship is transformed from a planet, and the level of the starship is only because of the size of the planet and the energy it contains.

Imagine how much combat effectiveness a planet, even the smallest D-level planet in the universe, should have.

Feng Long was surprised at this moment, because he saw that the robotic arm of the third generation of purple armor in front of him was aimed at himself again under the operation of Falk. However, although he reacted quickly and dodged this time, he could not escape the attack sent by Falk, because what Falk made this time was a wide range of sound waves. Attack.

Unlike the centralized singularity of laser attacks, the attack power of sonic weapons is often not as large as that of light waves, but the killing range of this attack is also unquestionable. A conical metal suddenly appeared in the palm of the mecha driven by Falk. As soon as it rose, the tip of the cones was aimed at Feng Long.

The next moment, a circle of invisible sound waves centered on the cone and quickly spread to 360 degrees around. Although the transmission of sound waves could not be seen, Feng Long could identify any energy transmission through the micro radar in the eyepiece, but when he saw the sound At the time of the wave, the sound wave had already passed through his body.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, click." After being penetrated by the sound wave, the war armed forces actually made a sound of loose parts falling off from the inside. Feng Long could feel that at this time, the combat performance of the whole war armed forces had declined a lot in an all-round way. This discovery scared him and immediately turned on the self-test repair function of the mecha.

Fac's voice sounded again and said, "Even if a small sound wave is placed on a planet to emit vibration waves for a long time, the planet will become loose over time, and finally the fate of collapse. This attack method is a simple sound wave, a simple ultrasonic shock attack."

While listening to his explanation, Feng Long carefully stared at the percentage shown on the eyepiece. When the percentage reached 100%, it means that his war armed forces have returned to normal, that is, the mecha has completed the self-examination, but now the percentage has stayed at 30% for a long time. It's no longer moving forward.

It is not impossible for him to attack or defend himself with war armed forces, but the destructive power of the attack and the resistance of defense will decline on a large scale, and he can't guarantee whether the war armed forces on his body will directly disperse after using a weapon with super recoil such as the Longyin cannon.

Falk seems to know Feng Long's current situation. At present, he does not say more, but controls the two arms of the mecha to be raised flat and in front of the chest, and then the two palms of the mecha are relatively separated at the same time. A highly concentrated energy is quickly transmitted to the palm of the hand through both arms, and then quickly condenses in the space between the palms.

The energy seems to be electric energy, but Feng Long and Feng Hu can't imagine how the other party can make high-voltage electricity condense in the air without dispersing. Yes, the energy condensed between Falk's palms is electric energy, and has condensed a small spherical lightning with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters.

Feng Long's war armament was still under automatic maintenance. At this moment, he had no time to think about anything else, so he suddenly felt a huge suction in the spherical lightning in front of Falk. Although he tried his best to resist, he still couldn't avoid hitting the spherical lightning at a very slow speed.

When he slowly moved to the spherical lightning, Falk explained again: "As you think, this is electric energy. The reason is very simple. The palm of this third-generation purple armor is made of a permanent magnet. Although attack and defense are completely behind other metals, you can use this Weapons."

While Fak explained in a plain tone, Feng Long finally came to a place less than one meter away from Fak, and as the distance approached, the pulling force brought to him by the spherical lightning became stronger and stronger and more irresistible, but just as he was about to hit the lightning, the huge electrical energy suddenly disappeared. Lost.

It's like a lack of energy, but Feng Long won't believe that the three generations of purple armor will run out of energy after fighting for a while. Although there are still doubts in his heart, Feng Long has no time to think too much at this moment. He wants to quickly distance himself from Falkra with the advantage of speed and then think about tactics.

Then Fak's voice said again: "This attack method is not used to destroy, but simply close the enemy's distance from itself. I know that the third generation of purple armor is not as fast as most mecha." While talking, he had already punched him in the head before Feng Long completely retreated.