Big Starship

Chapter 229 Arrange Tactics

Looking at the spectacular scene of the two giant cannons bombarding each other in the holographic image, everyone couldn't help but feel the blood boiling in their bodies. Then Xingling stood in the center of the conference table and explained: "The latest metal developed by the parliamentary system is called Helde metal, which means extremely hard."

"Well, it's extremely hard. In the face of the real starship gun, this Helder metal is not inevitable to destroy it." The fire wolf looked disdainfully at a dragon cannon that had been destroyed in the projection and laughed.

Then Xingling frowned and said, "I don't remember teaching you to be conceited." This cold words instantly made the fire wolf put away his smile and lowered his head and dared not look into Xingling's eyes. Then Xingling continued to say in a flat tone, "Next, I will invite you to watch a simulation video. It is the situation of two forgeries against a genuine product."

After saying that, Xingling once again controlled a change in the screen above everyone's head. The cannon that had been destroyed by the red dragon cannon was reorganized again and returned to its previous appearance, and then quickly separated a black dragon cannon exactly like a split.

Three dragon cannons confronted each other on the screen. After the countdown, the two black cannons fired at the red cannon with the power of thunder, and the red cannon was not full of compressed energy. The three violent energy quickly collided in front of everyone, followed by a violent explosion.

After the strong light dissipated, everyone saw a scene that shocked them. After this bombardment, the scene in the projection instantly became blank. Unexpectedly, three dragon cannons were destroyed at the same time and died together.

"Can two pieces of authenticity destroy a genuine product? Is that Helder metal really so powerful? When the wolf heard the words, he didn't know whether he was asking or whispering to himself. Then the proud wolf looked up at Xingling and said, "Teacher, do you have the details of that Helde metal?"

Xingling shook his head helplessly and said, "I just know the birthplace of this metal. Even the researchers involved in the development are divided into many groups. The division of labor is clear. The processes responsible for each group are absolutely confidential, and the documents that contain relevant information are stored in the parliamentary system's main brain. I want to invade at least one Only the time of the month can do it."

After hearing this, Ao Lang nodded silently, and then looked at Feng Long and said, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing Ao Lang's inquiry, Feng Long pinched his eyebrows, meditated for a moment and finally looked up and said, "Ao Lang, Feng Hu, you two accompany me to that star domain. Be sure to get information about the distribution ratio of Helde metal. Others stay at home to prevent the parliamentary invasion with the gun of the fake star ship."

In fact, Xingling forgot to say that the Helder heavy metal does not have the memory function of the metal of the Starship Gun, that is to say, it cannot be automatically repaired. As shown in the projection just now, the two products will be destroyed if they are destroyed, and the real goods can still be completed as long as enough energy is input. Automatic repair.

Aolang and Feng Hu were about to get up and leave with Feng Long when they heard the words, but Feng Qinghai said, "Don't be busy yet. My eldest brother and I still have something to tell you. Compared with the birth of Heide Metal, this matter may have a greater influence on chaos. Maybe we will start a war."

After Feng Qinghai stopped the three, he still said his opinion after careful consideration. The three couldn't help sitting back on the chair again when they heard the words, and the others were slightly stunned. What no one noticed was that there was a trace of excitement in Mamaka's eyes at this moment. There is also a trace of cold murder.

After Feng Qingyu raised his right hand and pressed it, he said slowly, "Xingling, switch the star map."

After saying a word, the star map with a length and width of more than 20 meters in front of everyone suddenly flashed. When the image appeared again, it was no longer the Wenfa Galaxy, but the Cheetah Nebula. After the image appeared, the star map began to spread around the Cheetah Nebula in an instant, and it spread until the six surrounding galaxies stopped the trend of diffusion. .

The star spirit pointed to the cheetah nebula in the center of the star map and explained to everyone in her weak and boneless voice: "Cheetah nebula, compared with you, the capital star of the Isera Empire is located in this nebula, and the galaxy where the cheetah is located is surrounded by five A-level empires."

All the people who followed Feng Long to participate in the battle of the cheetah star at a glance recognized the nebula that made them suffer a great loss at a glance. Now they frowned and continued to listen to Xingling's explanation. Xingling then said, "This is the event that we judged to be likely to cause war. Nebula.

"During the period when you left and went to the earth, the Isera Empire did not know what methods were used to conquer five A-level empires in three days." Xingling's words aroused the stormy waves in everyone's hearts, and everyone opened their eyes wide with an incredible expression.

"And the main brain system of the Isera Empire is very advanced. I may have the ability to destroy its firewall, but after careful calculation, it will take at least a year to do it, so I don't know the weapons used by Isera's conquest of the five empires."

Xingling said a shocking sentence again, which suddenly made everyone in the conference room stand up from the chair except Feng Qingyu, Feng Qinghai and Mamaka. Feng Long frowned and asked, "Xingling, is the main brain system of the Isera Empire really as high-end as you said?"

Several people here know more or less about the ability of Xingling, especially in the cognition of Maka and the wolf's Nest. Xingling is like an omnipotent god who can't be degraded. Now it takes a year to hear that Xingling to invade a host firewall, which has to be greatly shocked. .

At this time, Feng Qingyu woke everyone up from shock and said in a thick voice: "Xiaolong, what I mean to your second uncle is that the three of you go to the Isera Empire first. As long as you spread a virus in the network within the empire, it can help Xingling save when invading its host. A lot of time."

After hearing this, Feng Long immediately said worriedly, "What about the parliamentary system? The development of Helder metal is also a big threat to us. We can't let them constantly improve the fore, and even the fore may surpass the gun of the starship.

The question raised by Feng Long is also a very serious hidden danger.

Feng Qinghai saw the worried appearance of the eldest brother and got up and said, "Well, you and Xiaohu and Mamaka, the three of you went to the Isla Empire. Huoyan and Xiaotian assisted the Proud Wolf to go to the parliamentary system. The reception of the Isera Empire was handed over to the God of War, and the wolf's nest was responsible for the peripheral response in the parliamentary system."

After listening to Feng Qinghai's arrangement, Feng Long agreed directly without thinking, and then took a vague look at Feng Qingyu. At this moment, Feng Qingyu was looking down at the table and didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing a trace of white hair on his head, Feng Long couldn't help but feel a slight pain in his heart, but in the end he still didn't look any more.

turned around and waved their hands and left the conference room with several people assigned to the task without hesitation. As soon as they returned from the earth, they had to set out for the parliamentary system and the imperial system before they could correct it, which made them feel help but feel helpless, but they had to set out immediately.

After walking out of the door of the conference room, Feng Long had opened the video table on his wrist. He had a muscle and a scar on his face. A middle-aged man extending from his forehead to his chin appeared in front of him. As soon as the middle-aged man appeared in the projection, he asked excitedly, "Brother Long, what's the task?"

Feng Long strode out of the headquarters and nodded and said, "Take one-third of the people of the God of War Hall and go to the apron fully armed to wait for me. I have activities." After saying this, the middle-aged man nodded forcefully and answered, and then the two hung up the video at the same time.

Feng Long just led everyone out of the headquarters and suddenly remembered something. He raised his right hand again. Yang Xue's projection suddenly appeared on the video table at his wrist. Yang Xue appeared in the projection and asked doubtfully, "Is there anything else to explain?"

After nodding, Feng Long stared at the projection in front of him for a few seconds, and then said, "Give the information obtained from Falk's brain cells to Xingling, let her arrange it by herself, and then let the scientific research department speed up the research progress of the unlimited space jumping warship and strive to complete its mass production as soon as possible."

After the explanation, Feng Long did not hesitate to cut off the video and wink at the people behind him. The war armed forces also covered his whole body at the same time. As soon as his toes stepped on the ground, the whole person immediately took advantage of the force and took a gust of wind to go directly to the tarmac of the whale shark.

The people behind him rose quickly. Although Mamaka did not assist the starship gun, the powerful wings behind him unfolded at the same time, but the speed was no slower than the war-armed thrusters. If they were faster than the speed of this group, I'm afraid only Feng Long and Feng Hu could slightly beat Mamaka.

After several people disappeared on the periphery of the whale shark headquarters, Yang Xue connected her unique microcomputer with Xingling's main system. The information that needed to be handed over was transmitted to Xingling's host only in an instant. Then Yang Xue turned to Li Fei and said, "Go and notify the scientific research department to speed up the decomposition process."

Li Fei just nodded slightly and rushed to the door of the council chamber without hesitation. The speed was so fast, but Wang Jing and Liu Ting, who were sitting on her side, felt a gust of wind coming, but they did not see a trace of shadow. When Yang Xue turned her head to Xingling again, Li Fei had already come to the periphery of the tower-shaped building of the headquarters. .

"Hee hee, Xiaolong went out to bring back useful information this time." Xingling looked at Yang Xue's face with a smile and said, saying that he had regained his previous amiable appearance, because the information brought back by Feng Long was likely to help the whale shark make up for the lack of the parliamentary development of Helder metal.