Big Starship

Chapter 230 Breakthrough

In Wenfa Galaxy, a star domain that produces various minerals, there are more than a dozen people hiding behind a meteorite. Under the cover of war forces, the proud wolf poked out his head to look at the star field not far away. At the same time, he opened his mouth and asked, "Brother Tian, please report that planet?"

Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan hid under the cover of the meteorite with him. Although the wolf nest had not seen it, it was distributed in the meteorite group not far away under the order of the proud wolf and was ready to meet them at any time.

Hearing the Aolang's question, Feng Tian unhurryly stretched out his hand and clicked on his video table. The video table shot a miniature star map the next moment. The length and width of the whole star map was only about half a meter, but it could be dragged. Feng Tian reached out and dragged on the star map and finally dragged a red circle. Drag the coordinates in front of you.

"I found it, coordinates XY2039, see if there is this planet." Feng Tian lowered his head and put his mouth near the headset and said in a low voice. Although even if he sang loudly, he would not be found by the enemy, the habits he had developed in the army in the past few years were perfectly preserved by him.

"XY2039, wait a minute, I'll look for it." As the proud wolf said to himself, he kept looking at the star field in the distance. The eyepiece in the war armed helmet had been fully opened by him, so he didn't have to worry about missing any planet.

After scanning several planets near the coordinates, Ao Lang's eyes finally stayed on a red planet and opened his mouth and said, "Brother Tian, that planet is there, but it is all red in the distance. It should be a volcanic planet. Are you sure the target is really there?"

After hearing this, Feng Tian also poked out his head to look at the star domain. When he saw that there was indeed a fiery red planet in the coordinates he gave, he couldn't help sitting back behind the meteorite in doubt and repeatedly dragged the star map in front of him again. Feng Huoyan also came over to check the star map with him.

repeatedly dragged the star map of this star domain from beginning to end two or three times, but Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan never found any special symbols elsewhere. Finally, Feng Tian had to bow his head to his headset and said helplessly, "It seems to be that planet, but I don't know how they are on that planet. I did my homework."

When the proud wolf heard the words, he locked his eyes on the planet again, and then a finger passed somewhere in the helmet. The eyepiece in front of him changed color. At this moment, no matter what he looked at, it was a piece of pink. Only when he looked at the planet with coordinates XY2039, a group of dense people suddenly appeared in the eyepiece. The yellow light spot.

The two people behind him have come to both sides of his body and locked the planet with him. After also debugging the eyepiece, the three saw the differences on the planet. Feng Huoyan nodded slightly and said, "It seems that there should be a large amount of metal deposits on it. I don't think it's wrong."

"If you go and see, you will know. Even if the magma is everywhere, the worst thing is that we can keep rising all the time." Feng Tian said that after expressing their opinions, the two turned their eyes to the proud wolf, because he was the commander-in-chief in this exploration operation.

Proud Wolf glanced at the planet again with the help of eyepieces. After a moment of meditation, he got up and said, "We are not afraid of magma planets or something, but how do you plan to deal with those patrol ships? Don't forget that our mission this time is to sneak in, not a strong attack. It's not good to be exposed.

This problem suddenly touched the pain in the hearts of the two people. These generals have always followed Feng Long all the way. Now in the face of such a dense patrol ship, if they can choose to attack, any one of them will be enough to solve the overall situation, but now the problem is that they can't attack those enemy ships. , and dive into that planet.

While the two were extremely distressed, Ao Lang suddenly said, "I have an idea, but it is also accompanied by risks. Theoretically, this idea can be established, but if it fails, without those patrol ships, the three of us will die here. Do you dare to try with me?"

When Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan heard this, they did not intend to retreat, but radiated a fanatical light in their eyes. The two nodded without hesitation and said, "You said, as long as there is a way, we dare to try it."

The proud wolf pointed to the war armed forces on his body and said, "My method is very simple. I use the starship guns on all of us to simulate the power system and temporarily give up gravity simulation and oxygen manufacturing. In this way, there are more than 20 starship guns on our bodies, and all of them should be very fast. Hurry up."

After hearing his idea, Feng Huoyan and Feng Tian's eyes lit up. Feng Huoyan said, "In this way, our speed can indeed exceed the detection limit of their radar, but there is also a risk. If we encounter any accident, our end will explode and die."

Feng Huoyan's analysis is reasonable. If they stay in the gravity-free state of the universe for a certain period of time in a state of losing gravity simulation, their bodies will undoubtedly explode directly, just like deep-sea fish that are brought to land and will explode in an instant.

Living in a gravity environment for a long time, every cell in their body has been used to this gravity. It is not surprising that they suddenly lose the suppression of gravity and the cells will become scattered, but how long is the critical point of this residence time? No one has ever tried it, so this is also the only point for the three people to worry about.

Feng Tian said with a smile, "What, are you afraid?" Feng Huoyan stopped when he heard the words, and his voice couldn't help raising a few decibels to defend, "Well, will my brother Yan be afraid? Come on."

When Proud Wolf saw that both of them were willing to try, he said, "First of all, we must complete the conversion of the Starship Gun at the same time, so as to avoid approaching the critical point of that time as possible. Moreover, judging from the physical quality of the three of us, it should not be a problem to persist for a while."

After the arrogant wolf's voice fell, the three were about to prepare for the performance conversion of the starship gun, but the wolf's voice suddenly sounded in their ears. He only heard his hoarse voice and said, "The fox wolf and I cover you. We will first snipe off a patrol ship to attract the attention of the nearby enemy ships, which is also a breakthrough for you. ."

After hearing his words, Ao Lang nodded and said, "Okay, then please both. Let's be ready. Once they launch an attack, they will immediately complete the performance conversion of the Starship's gun and break through the gap of the patrol ship in the shortest time." Feng Tian and Feng Flame nodded vigorously after hearing this.

"The foxwolf and I joined hands to shoot the patrol ship in the middle of the third column on the left, and you will use it as a breakthrough." The voice of the wolf sounded in the ears of the three people again. Hearing the words, the three of them turned their eyes to the patrol ship that the wolf said, paying full attention to the change of the warship.

While everyone looked at the patrol ship holding a breath, the patrol ship suddenly exploded out of thin air at a certain moment, attracting the attention of several surrounding patrol ships to the place where the fire exploded, and the fleet's monitoring system suddenly relaxed for a moment.

"Convert!" While the patrol ship exploded, Proud Wolf even shouted two words a second ago, and then all the starship guns of the three completed the performance conversion synchronously. The war armed forces completely lost the two major properties of oxygen delivery and gravity simulation, and concentrated on the propulsion system.

At the moment of completing the performance transformation, the war armed forces of the three were also integrated, quickly shuttled in the direction of the patrol ship's explosion with their bodies. At this moment, their speed even far exceeded Feng Long's full speed. In just a little more than a second, the three of them were completely sudden. Break the defense line of those patrol ships.

Because the proud wolf did not have oxygen and gravity, he could not open his mouth to remind the two. At present, he directly turned his war armament into a temporary lifeboat and broke through the defense line formed by hundreds of thousands of patrol ships. The three suddenly felt the pleasure of breathing and being down-to-earth again.

"Wow, damn it, my fucking body is almost deformed." After quickly adjusting his war armament, Feng Huoyan gasped and said that he described it well. At the moment when he gave up the war armed gravity simulation, the three of them felt that their bodies seemed to be distorted by space.

However, in the end, they quietly broke through the enemy's defense line, and none of the three seemed to have any major problems. The proud wolf glanced at the two people one by one and took a few breaths and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Now that you have broken through the defense line, go quickly, so as not to be found by them later."

Under the command of the Proud Wolf, the three quickly adjusted their war armed forces to the normal combat mode, and then took three shadows in the dark universe and flew directly to the fiery red planet in front of them.

When the three people on this side flew to the red planet opposite at the same time, in the cheetah nebula far away from here, Feng Long also appeared on the periphery of the cheetah nebula with Feng Hu and Mamaka. Looking at a patrol composed of 30 warships in the distance, Feng Hu and Feng Long looked at each other and directly dodged out.

The patrol team they faced was not as dense as what the proud wolf encountered. In such a scattered situation, as long as he moved fast enough to destroy one during the patrol fleet's shift, Feng Hu was still sure that he would not be noticed by others. Feng Long also believed that he had such ability, so he agreed to go out.

Feng Long and Maka were hidden in the dark starry sky. Feng Long suddenly felt a fierce murderous atmosphere released from his body. He looked back in surprise and saw that his eyes were tightly locked on a planet in the cheetah nebula. Full of horrible blood.

"Calm down, Mama, your revenge will be repaid sooner or later. What Isera did to you before, I will ask him to double it back in the future. Now we still have to focus on completing the task." While Feng Long said this, he couldn't help releasing an invisible aura around his body, suppressing Mamaka's aura.

Looking at Feng Long's calm pupils, Marca finally calmed down.