Big Starship

Chapter 234 Slave Loyalty

Feng Le took Feng Long to the third floor with joy. Feng Long looked around and saw that the third floor was still relatively neat, but relatively speaking, Feng Le didn't care about it. He jumped in front of Feng Long. Every two or three steps he took, he had to look back to see if Feng Long followed, which fully reflected that The innocence of the girl.

Looking at her lovely appearance, Feng Long just smiled and followed her closely. Unconsciously, the two had come to a metal gate. After Feng Le saw the gate, he first paused slightly, and his eyes surged with fear in an instant, but then turned his head to look at Feng Long behind him without hesitation. Go forward.

As Feng Le was about to reach out and push the door open, Feng Long keenly found the three laser guns placed on the door. At this time, the head of the gun was facing Feng Le's head. At this moment, it was too late to react. Feng Long shouted, "Squat down and protect your face!"

Hearing his own shouting, Feng Le almost subconsciously carried out Feng Long's order. At this time, Feng Long was a little happy. The training of the Isera Empire and the education they received from slaves from childhood was to unconditionally obey the master's order, so she reacted so quickly. Come on.

At this moment, Feng Le was still armed with war, but in order to speak, Feng Long did not teach her how to start the war armed mask, so her whole face was the only weakness on her body. After she perfectly squatted down and protected her face as Feng Long said, then three beams of hot light fell. lin.

Three beams of light focused on Feng Le's head, but before that, Feng Le had completed Feng Long's order. Just as she was puzzled, she suddenly felt a heavy blow to her head. In fact, although Feng Le was a slave, she was not as dull as ordinary slaves. On the contrary, her mind was Very dexterous.

At that moment, I immediately realized that I should have triggered some defense equipment, and I thought helplessly, am I going to die today? I just recognized a brother, and finally someone began to care about me. Does God really not allow me to enjoy my real life?

While she was thinking so much in her heart, she felt that the blow from her head had disappeared. At this time, a voice sounded behind her. Feng Long laughed in a low voice: "Xiao Le is not afraid. It's okay. The war armament given to you by my brother can't be broken by this kind of garbage."

Hearing this voice that left a deep impression on her heart, Feng Le finally realized that he was still alive and still squatted in place. He turned his head and looked behind him vigilantly. Feng Long was standing behind him, clenching his fist and hitting the defense system at the top of the gate with one hand, while not forgetting to show a comfort to himself. Smile.

"Boom!" A violent roar sounded beside her, and Feng Le turned his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the explosion. Feng Long's punch not only destroyed the defense system of the room, but also flew out the metal gate and a large wall around the gate.

"Wow, brother is so awesome!" Feng Le looked at the void on the wall in front of him in surprise. His big eyes were round. He looked at Feng Long and shouted incredulously. However, after Feng Long withdrew his right fist, he showed the temperament of a big brother again and said to his sister with a smile, "Actually, you can also do it."

"Really? Armed by this war?" Feng Le asked excitedly, and Feng Long nodded with a smile and said, "The real combat ability of the war armed forces is far from the level you see. When my brother finishes his work, I will take you back to find a time to teach you how to make perfect use of the war armed forces."

After saying this, Feng Long stepped on the ground with his toes and flashed his body. He disappeared in front of Feng Le out of thin air. Feng Le saw Feng Long suddenly disappear. The first reaction in his heart was that all this was just a dream. Now the dream is about to wake up. He does not have such a good brother and there is no war martial arts. Install.

"Wow..." After thinking of this, Feng Le actually squatted on the ground and cried loudly. Feng Long heard the sudden cry behind him, and looked back in shock. Almost without hesitation, it became state two. The power system of the war armed forces rushed out of the door.

"Lele, what's wrong?" Feng Long came to Feng Le and first stood in front of her and looked around with his back to her vigilance. There was no need to doubt that as long as there was a trace of movement in any corner around, he could immediately do his best to attack the place where the movement came.

"What?" The crying behind him suddenly stopped, and then turned into a girl's doubtful voice. Feng Long looked back at the girl puzzledly, but saw that Feng Le's eyes were full of fear again, and his body shrank into a ball and quickly rushed to the corner behind him. At the same time, his voice trembled and said, "Who are you?"

After hearing the girl's question, Feng Long was slightly stunned, and then immediately realized that he was still in state two. At present, in front of Feng Le, his body quickly shrank by about three times, and the mecha on his body also shrank, and finally turned into a handsome teenager.

"Lele, don't be afraid. This is what my brother looked like when he was fighting. Just now, I heard you suddenly shout. He thought you were in some danger, so he became like this." Feng Long squatted down and looked at Feng Le and explained with a smile.

Hearing Feng Long's explanation and looking at the familiar smile, Feng Le suddenly fell into a struggle. He didn't know whether to believe what the person in front of him said. Finally, he said uncertainly, "No, you are not my brother. I just had a dream just now, otherwise how could my brother suddenly disappear?"

Hearing Feng Le's words, Feng Long immediately understood the reason why his sister screamed before. He patted his forehead and smiled helplessly and said, "Brother forgot to tell you that the reason why you saw his brother suddenly disappear just now is that he was in a hurry to do what he had to do. The speed was so fast that you couldn't see clearly."

"I don't believe that human beings can be so fast, and the laser is almost the same." Feng Le pouted and retorted. Feng Long smiled and said, "If Lele can use the war armed forces perfectly, you can also reach that speed. If you don't believe it, how about taking you to experience that speed first?"

After hearing this, Feng Le hesitated for a moment, and then nodded weakly. Then Feng Long put his arms around her slender waist and took her whole body into his arms. After stepping on the ground again, Feng Le only felt that it was dark in front of him. After a moment, he and Feng Long had appeared in an electric power. Next to the brain.

"Now believe it. Let my brother finish the work first. There are two big brothers waiting for us outside. It's not safe for us here. I'll teach you slowly after I take you home." As Feng Long spoke, he bypassed Feng Le, came to the computer and reached out to turn on the computer.

Feng Le looked at Feng Long's back with dull eyes and doubted whether he had another dream.

After Feng Long turned on the computer, he suddenly had an extra chip in his hand. Under the gaze of Feng Le behind him, Feng Long inserted the chip into the computer's receiver. The whole computer screen suddenly turned blue, and then a large series of programs appeared. The program quickly spread to the whole Yi along a certain route. The network of Sera countries.

After waiting quietly for about three minutes, the computer suddenly blackened the screen and there was nothing on it. Feng Long nodded with satisfaction, reached out and pulled out the chip plugged into the receiver, turned to Feng Le and said, "Okay, let's go out and have a round with the two brothers outside, and then take you home, okay?"

"Hmm." Feng Le only had time to agree. The next moment when she reacted, she appeared outside the building and looked at everything around her in surprise. She saw tens of thousands of slaves like her surrounded two tall figures. She didn't know what had happened.

Feng Long saw the expressions of Feng Hu and Ma Maka's unnatural expressions. After directly holding Feng Le and flashing again, he appeared in the encirclement of the slaves. After coming to stand firm beside them, Feng Long asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? How can you let a slave be like this?

After hearing this, Feng Hu also looked helpless. Then he saw Feng Le beside Feng Long. Feng Le also blinked his eyes and looked at him. Between their eyes, Feng Hu suddenly felt a trembling all over, and then looked at Feng Long and asked, "Why did you bring a big living person back to do a task?"

"I'll explain it later. Now you can tell me what's going on here?" Feng Long stared at the unsighted slaves and said to Feng Hu without looking back. At the same time, he was also asking Mamaka why these slaves were released, but their eyes were full of hostility?

Feng Hu motioned Maka to be on alert, but he glanced at Feng Le and explained to Feng Long, "I don't know what kind of education these fools have received since childhood. They can still maintain loyalty after being abused by those bastards. Now we are undoubtedly invaders in their eyes."

After hearing this, Feng Long frowned slightly and looked at Feng Le and said, "Sister, why are you different from these people? Do you know what kind of education they received when they were young?

Feng Le looked up at Feng Long and hesitated for a moment, but still said, "They are slaves who serve the aristocracy. They have received brainwashing education since childhood, and we... We serve those soldiers. They say it's fun to retain some sense of autonomy."

Hearing Feng Le's explanation, Feng Long couldn't help but burst into an evil fire in his heart. Looking at Feng Le, who lowered his head and bit his lips, Feng Long touched her head again and said, "Good sister, it's okay. Let it go in the past. If you follow your brother in the future, this kind of thing will not happen again, I promise."

Feng Le gently made a nasal sound, and the last two lines of tears involuntarily flowed down his cheeks. Feng Long turned to Feng Hu and Mamaka and said with a slightly cold expression, "What are you waiting for?" Clear the field quickly and get a warship back. There are still hundreds of people waiting in it.

Feng Hu and Maka were stunned when they heard the words, and then smiled helplessly and quickly rushed into the crowd from both directions.