Big Starship

Chapter 238 Held Starship Gun

In a high-end and elegant building on the parliamentary capital star, Hollin was holding a well-dressed girl and holding a cigar in her mouth. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, interrupting his good thing.

At that moment, there was a fire in Huo Lin's heart. He pushed the girl away helplessly and made her hide in the secret road first. Then he quickly sorted out his clothes and said in a low voice, "Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man at the door quickly pushed the door open and rushed to his desk. It was his new secretary. The well- looking man was holding a document at this moment. As soon as he saw Hollin, he shouted, "President, something big has happened!"

"What's the panic? Give me the document. What's wrong?" Seeing this, Hollin took a sip of the cigar and said angrily. The secretary did not dare to neglect it. As soon as she handed it, she handed the document to Hollin's hand. Before Hollin could open the document, she heard the man say, "The metal mine was attacked by the enemy."

Hearing this, Hollin's hand preparing to open the document suddenly stopped in the air, and then threw away the document and pulled the secretary in front of him. He asked with a horrible expression, "What are you talking about? Where the metal mine was attacked by the enemy, make it clear.

After asking this sentence loudly, Hollin also seemed to find his gaffe. Now he let go of his hand holding the secretary's collar, sat back in the chair behind him again, took out a cigar and put it in his mouth. His hands were unconsciously trembling when he took out the cigar. The secretary reacted very quickly and took out his lighter and handed it In front of Hollin.

The flame handed over by the secretary lit the cigar. Huo Lin took a deep breath and asked gently, "Where has the metal mine been attacked by the enemy?"

The secretary hesitated for a while when he heard the words, and his throat kept rolling up and down, but he couldn't speak. Finally, he said in a trembling voice in Hollin's fierce eyes: "Hai, the Haide Metal Development Zone has been attacked by the enemy. At present, it has invaded the research center, and our defense line has not played a role in interception at all. ."

"Bastard!" As soon as the secretary finished speaking, Hollin took down the cigar in his mouth, slapped it on his desk and roared fiercely. Then he gritted his teeth and roared, "What about the six major military regions? Do I feed dogs the military pay and supplies allocated to them every month? Let them go out for me!"

When the secretary saw Huo Lin's angry appearance, he couldn't help but slander that I invaded your metal development zone. Is it useful for you to get angry with me here?

Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to show it on his face, but still bowed and said, "Mr. President, the enemy may have foreign aid or internal response in other parts of the star domain. The six military regions and six military regions are now being dragged around the outskirts of the planet Heilde and can't take a step forward."

Hearing this, Hollin suddenly took a deep breath, then quickly opened the drawer under his desk, took out a laser gun and said, "Call all the troops of the capital planet immediately, let them go to Helder immediately to support me, and then inform them to send a starship to wait for me outside the capital."

The secretary nodded slightly when she heard the words, and then quickly left the room and did not dare to stay with the president for another second. After the secretary left, a wall in the president's office suddenly cracked, and a graceful girl came out of it. The girl came to Huolin and snuggled on him and asked charmingly, "Honey What's the matter?"

The Proud Wolf slowly took down the palm that covered his mouth. Unexpectedly, the researcher really did not shout. Obviously, he was a soft bone afraid of death, but the Proud Wolf now can't wait for him to be a greedy person who is afraid of death, so that his plan can be carried out perfectly. Go down.

"What do you want to do?" The researcher couldn't look back and see the appearance of the Proud Wolf, so he had to ask tentatively. The Proud Wolf's left hand still held his hands and wrists powerfully, cut it back behind him, and said coldly, "I don't want to do anything. I ask, you answer, that's all you can do now."

The researcher nodded helplessly, and then asked, "Where are the samples and composition data of Held metal? Where is the level of martial law system? How long have you been studying Held metal? How many units of metal have been made? Where are they put?"

A series of questions was asked in one breath, and an invisible aura was suddenly released on the wolf. The aura was deliberately controlled by him within a very small range, which could only have an impact on the researcher.

The man originally wanted to shout when he heard these questions of the Proud Wolf, but suddenly felt the cold murderous intention from the Proud Wolf, which unconsciously dispelled his thoughts, but his eyes were turning restlessly, obviously making some bad idea.

As if he knew what was thinking in his heart, the murderous intention emanating from the proud wolf couldn't help but be a little colder. The shocked researcher blurted out almost without thinking, "I said, I said, I said everything."

"Metal samples and composition data are in the research center. Go straight down this corridor. There are 20,000 mecha elites responsible for guarding the research center. The entry and exit are extremely strict. You can't get in. Give up your current idea and escape quickly. I won't report you."

The proud wolf pinched his neck and threatened coldly, "Don't talk nonsense. You can say whatever I ask, or I will break your neck, believe it or not."

The researcher immediately broke out in a cold sweat and nodded like a chicken and said repeatedly, "I believe it, I believe it. Don't do it. I'll say whatever you want to ask." Hearing his reply, Ao Lang relaxed his hand slightly with satisfaction, but still pinched his neck, as if warning him not to play tricks at all times.

"We have been engaged in the research of Helder metal for a year, but because this metal is extremely demanding on raw materials, we have only developed about 200 kilograms in a year, and the finished product will be sent to Capital Star as soon as it is made." Under the pressure of the proud wolf, he finally said everything.

After listening to the answer he wanted, Aolang sneered and said, "If you say half a lie, you will die." The man quickly shook his head and said, "I dare not. Everything I said is true. Can you let me go?"

After hearing the man's prayerful words, the sneer on the proud wolf's face intensified again, he still said coldly, "Of course, it is impossible to let you go. I must ensure that my news will not spread through any path." As soon as he finished speaking, regardless of what else the man wanted to say, the proud wolf directly reached out and wiped his neck.

"Kho!" After the sound of a crisp bone fracture sounded, the Proud Wolf let the body in front of him collapse to the ground and disappeared in place again. The so-called killing without blood is the current situation of the Proud Wolf.