Big Starship

Chapter 239 Samples in Hand

After finally getting the relevant information about Helder Metal, Proud Wolf decisively reached out and wiped it from the researcher's neck. After twisting his neck in an instant, he disappeared again.

Originally, according to the style of Aolang, he would have found another researcher to ask the same question, but at this moment, the situation is urgent. Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan constantly urged him to give up verifying intelligence, and the situation of the wolf nest in space is not much better.

According to the route guided by the researcher, Ao Lang galloped all the way through the channel. After a short journey, he saw a heavily guarded room, arranging a row of neat mecha soldiers, and the surrounding walls were covered with hidden laser equipment.

After seeing this, the proud wolf couldn't care so much at all. He rushed directly to the front of the mecha team. The soldiers had not yet reacted, but he quickly raised his hands flat, and there was already an extra cannon in his hands. After the loud noise, all the laser equipment embedded in the walls on both sides were scrapped.

At this moment, of course, those mecha soldiers also reacted. Without anyone giving orders, everyone took a step forward without saying a word, and the sound of neat footsteps echoing in the corridor, but this huge lineup can scare ordinary people to death without them at all.

But the proud wolf is not an ordinary person. At the moment when those mecha soldiers collectively took a step forward, his body also moved. A flash passed through the formation of the mecha soldiers, and then quickly launched a thunderous attack on the surrounding mecha soldiers despite the risk of being besieged.

"Level 8 sky, knife thunder!" After a roar, the Proud Wolf quickly turned into a humanoid dart and quickly walked between the teams of mecha soldiers. It was Knife and Thunder, the strongest skill of the eight-level celestial technology so far. The Proud Wolf actually used a killer mace face to face. Obviously, he was unwilling to waste time.

One by one, the mecha exploded in the group and turned into a dazzling spark. Some of the mecha that did not explode around the rolling heat wave also flew to the high ceiling. The proud wolf rushed into these mecha soldiers, like a fierce tiger rushing into the sheep to be slaughtered, harvesting fresh strips every moment. Life.

As the researcher said, the two thousand mecha soldiers are all elites and their strength is quite extraordinary. In the face of the unilateral slaughter of the proud wolf, they are different from the fear and panic of the enemy in the past, but quickly formed a formation and launched a situation of encirclement and suppressing the proud wolf.

20,000 mecha soldiers suddenly surrounded the Proud Wolf and narrowed the encirclement to a small range, almost giving the Proud Wolf a space to turn around, and the nearby mecha soldiers had an extra one-meter-long light blade in their hands, while the distant mecha soldiers each raised their cannons.

"You rubbish, get out of here!" Seeing this, the proud wolf couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart. Now he drove his thighs with his calves and his thighs to spin his waist quickly. At the same time, he shouted, "Eight-level sky, knife thunder!" Unexpectedly, when the aftermath of the first use did not subsided, this lethal physical skill was used again.

After six repeated use of knives and thunders, the 20,000 mecha soldiers were finally destroyed by him, but the proud wolf also consumed a lot of physical strength at this moment. Now he came to the opposite metal gate and took a closer look at the identification system on the gate.

The parliamentary system does attach great importance to this research institute. Just on one door, it is equipped with a fingerprint reader, a sound wave analysis system, a contour scanner, a pupil scanner, a gene recognition system, and even a receiver with a chip and a virtual keyboard.

Seeing these complex equipment, the proud wolf couldn't help frowning, but also believed that there was indeed something he wanted. At present, he did not hesitate to pull out a starship gun. After the body was decomposed and reorganized, a slender white cannon appeared in his hand.

It seems that it is the White King Chongtian Cannon developed by Feng Hu, but in the case of similar appearance to the White King Chongtian Cannon, the volume has been reduced by about three times. Obviously, the Proud Wolf did not want to destroy the planet. Then after a few seconds of energy storage, the muzzle of the Chongtian Cannon was aimed at the metal gate in front of it.

"Boom!" After a burst of explosion sounded, the defense system was extremely perfect, and the gate with a very complex overall structure flew forward. The defense system set up on the gate was simply empty for the proud wolf and did not have any defensive significance.

At this moment, there are hundreds of scholars from all walks of life in the house arguing about a huge projection. When the proud wolf rushed in, he saw the huge projection at first sight, and there was a trace of joy on his face, because what was shown in the projection was exactly one of his goals, the composition of Held Metal.

Those researchers were arguing their theories with great interest. Suddenly, the door of the laboratory was opened from the outside, which made them all shocked. The overall structure of this laboratory can be completed by all of them. How strong is the defense level of the laboratory? They know better than anyone else.

However, the door with an extremely high-end defense system was broken in front of these people. Everyone subconsciously looked at the door, but they could not see a figure. Just when their spirit was stagnant for a moment, the proud wolf had come to the host of the laboratory.

Reached out and hit the virtual keyboard quickly, and took out a chip and inserted it into the receiver next to the host. Proud Wolf was trying to copy all the information in the host. At this time, someone finally found his existence, and all the researchers quickly pulled out their weapons and shouted, "Who are you?" What are you doing here?"

He ignored the arrogant wolf, but buried himself in operating the copy program, with ten fingers of his hands galloping on the virtual keyboard. Instructions were entered into the computer in the form of a program. At this time, the researchers finally found the purpose of the arrogant wolf.

Looking at the instruction he entered, one of them immediately found the meaning of the instruction. It was the complete backup of the data and the program's self-destructing order. After discovering this, the man rushed behind the proud wolf in three steps, raised the weapon in his hand and pointed to the back of the proud wolf's head and shouted, "Bastard, stop!"

Of course, the Proud Wolf did not stop because of his words, but moved with his dexterous fingers. At this time, all the researchers surrounded him almost in an instant, and the weapons in their hands were raised from all directions, but they were all aimed at the back of the proud wolf's head. One of them spoke coldly. He said, "Intruder, I only say once, take your hand off the keyboard."

To his surprise, after he finished saying this, Ao Lang's hands really came down from the virtual keyboard. When everyone was a little puzzled, Ao Lang showed a treacherous smile on his face, and he quickly pulled out the chip in the mainframe and stuffed it into the open arm of the mecha. In the groove.

"Bastard, he has completed the instruction input. This person is a master of program. Come on, the program department, go and see if it can be saved!" A researcher closest to the Proud Wolf shouted, and his fingers quickly pressed the trigger down, and a beam of light quickly swept to the back of the Proud Wolf's head.

Just when he thought he was going to kill the invader, the beam of light passed through the body of the proud wolf, which was an unobstructed penetration. Then the arrogant wolf's body gradually faded and finally turned into a shadow and disappeared in front of his eyes. When the man reacted, his neck was suddenly taken from his body. Back twisting.

Seeing a researcher swallow his last breath in his hand, Proud Wolf turned his eyes to a glass shield. There was a palm-sized black metal in the shield. The periphery of the shield was almost surrounded by laser seams, and the defense system was also quite high-end.

When the Proud Wolf saw this scene, he suddenly felt a big head and was considering how to destroy the peripheral defense system without damaging the internal shield and metal. At this time, the Wolf's eager voice sounded in his headset, making him rush to the glass shield almost without thinking.

"Hurry up, the reinforcements of the capital planet are coming. We can only support it for ten minutes at most. Hollin also brought a Helder starship gun, which is quite powerful." That's exactly what the Wolf said to him.

The proud wolf rushed to the glass shield with an arrow step. The defense of the war armed was fully opened and directly reached through the dense laser beams. When his arm passed through the beam of light, the defense system unexpectedly exploded. The proud wolf reached out and quickly lifted the glass shield and pulled it out.

After several flashes again, the proud wolf has flown out of the scope of the research institute and flew in the direction of Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan. At the same time, he lowered his head and said to the headset, "Attack with all your strength, you can destroy as many enemy ships as you can, and then retreat immediately and meet in space."

Of course, this sentence was what he said to Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan, and then his body was upgraded. He rushed away to the atmosphere of the planet. His right arm was also raised at this time, and Feng Long's appearance quickly appeared on a screen on the mecha arm.

As soon as Feng Long appeared in the projection, he asked, "How's it going? Have you got it?" At the moment when the proud wolf rushed out of the atmosphere of the planet, he smiled at his wrist and said, "Of course, we got it. When did our wolf's nest fail in the mission? What's more, Brother Tian and Brother Yan, the two main forces."

"It's almost done on my side, and now I'm at fire with the imperial army." Feng Long nodded and said, and then Ao Lang also smiled dryly and said, "I guess it's not a big problem here. The wolf told me that Hollin brought someone, and there was also the Heide Starship gun. I guess he can have a good fight again."

Feng Long smiled and said, "No more gossip. After that, we will meet outside the chaotic galaxy. Remember to protect the samples of Helder metal."