Big Starship

Chapter 246 Dragon Crystal

After watching Feng Long hand hand over the sample and chip to the star spirit in the physical state, Feng Qingyu motioned him to find a place to sit down, and then asked gently, "This time, did you go to the cheetah nebula. Did you encounter the imperial army during the completion of the task? Did you meet Isera?"

Hearing his father's concerned question, Feng Long nodded and said, "I fought with the imperial army once, but Iselah did not meet it. It should be that after our blow, there was successive annexation of the surrounding empires. They were also greatly damaged. Let's deal with the aftermath in the country."

Hearing what his son said, Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai looked at each other. There was a strange light in their eyes, but they didn't say anything more. At this time, Feng Long had time to hand over a reassuring look to the four women Liu Ting, Wang Jing, Yang Xue and Li Fei on the opposite.

After that, everyone didn't say much. They frowned and looked at the star spirit who was scanning the metal in the opponent with brain waves. All the information in the chip had been copied into her brain. At this moment, combining the data on those data and analyzing the metal samples in the hand, it would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

Time spent two hours in one person's work and the gaze of everyone. In the past two hours, no one in the whole conference room has spoken. Only Xingling constantly used brain waves to observe the subtleties of the sample in her hand, and everyone is guessing what her final conclusion will be.

Finally, after half an hour passed again, Xingling gently put down the sample in his hand, and then frowned slightly and said to the crowd: "The Proud Wolf said that he destroyed a Helde war armament with just one blow. I don't think it's realistic, or the enemy didn't have time to turn on the machine at all after he launched the attack. A's defense system.

After hearing Xingling's words, everyone was nervous. At least this shows that the judgment obtained by the Proud Wolf after the battle was not accurate. They were also glad that they did not despise the military power of the parliamentary system. At present, Feng Long asked in a low voice, "Well, according to your analysis, this Helde metal imitation starship gun can How much power is it enough to reach the real product?

"Thirty!" Xingling did not hesitate to say the two words Shi Po Tianwei. After hearing these two words, their eyelids jumped slightly. Feng Long was even more excited to want Xing Ling to reanalyze once. After all, he used the Starship's gun to fight once or twice, and he knew what the Starship's gun represented.

This is 70% of the power of the starship gun! Even if it is only 70% powerful, the copy developed by the parliamentary system is enough to produce irresistible lethality in large battlefields. Seeing that everyone has a suspicion in their eyes, Xingling once again opened his mouth and confirmed, "Yes, it's 70%."

"In a one-on-one situation, this kind of Helder Starship gun should be able to break the comprehensive defense of the original purple armor with one blow." Xingling opened her mouth again and added. As she spoke, she couldn't help reaching out and taking the metal sample in front of her and looking at it more carefully. She didn't even believe her conclusion.

Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai looked at Xingling with surprised faces. Feng Long and Liu Ting are no exception. Except for Feng Long, it can be said that everyone here knows more or less about the Starship Gun. It can only be said that Feng Long knows more thoroughly than them. After all, he has been using it since his debut. This weapon.

completely ignored their eyes, Xingling just lowered her head to do more in-depth research on the metal samples in her hand, but after checking it again, she shook her head helplessly and said, "This is the conclusion I can give. Let the technical department use it specifically. Let's make a conclusion about this metal imitation of a starship gun.

Metal samples and chips were temporarily put away by Xingling, and then she also sat at the conference table. Feng Qingyu immediately asked, "When can we start to invade the main brain system of the Isera Empire?"

Xingling first took a breath and was not in a hurry to answer. Obviously, the previous analysis had a lot of energy consumption on the body. After slightly adjusting the energy distribution of the body, she immediately said, "You can start preparing tomorrow. Now the subroutines in the virus have begun to send me some of the main brain. The information."

Hearing Xingling's reply, Feng Qingyu finally nodded with satisfaction. This was also the only good news he heard after Feng Long came back. Then at his signal, Feng Qinghai nodded slightly to Xingling, as if he was informing something.

"Xiao Xue, have you finished the information you asked me to do yesterday?" Xingling also nodded slightly to Feng Qinghai, turned her head to Yang Xue and asked. After Yang Xue opened her computer, Yang Xue turned the screen to her and said, "It's all in it. See what you need to use."

After nodding to her, Xingling waved his hand and forcibly controlled the computer directly through the conduction of brain waves. Yang Xue was not only shocked, but also put a huge projection in front of everyone under Xingling's command.

Looking at the projection in front of him, Feng Long suddenly felt a trace of doubt in his heart, because in his opinion, what was shown in the projection was neither a star map nor a decomposition map of military equipment. He did not understand what Xingling would do with such an inexplicable thing on such an occasion.

Looking at the projection that has been magnified many times in front of him, the projection shows a round dial, like some kind of reconnaissance device. Feng Long is waiting for Xingling to explain to him with a doubtful face, but Xingling motioned him to observe the projection by himself first and is not in a hurry to give him a reply.

Feng Long had no choice but to turn his eyes to the projection. After some observation, he found that there were many red dots scattered in various corners of the projection on the huge projection. Some red dots were relatively gathered, some were scattered far away, some were still, and some were moving rapidly.

"This seems to be a radar system, right?" Feng Long asked uncertainly, and then Xingling clapped his hands and smiled, "Hee hee, smart, this is the radar developed based on the metal distribution ratio of the original starship gun, which has the function of tracking a hundred starship guns distributed in the universe."

After hearing the function of the radar, Feng Long couldn't help but flash his eyes and then leaned his head forward. He seemed to be eager to get into the projection. After turning his eyes around the projection, Feng Long pointed to a red area and said, "There should be my gun here."

"Yes, another place with dense red light spots is the cheetah nebula where the Isera Empire is located. Judging from radar feedback, we have 52 starship guns so far. The Isera Empire has 36 guns, but only three parliamentary systems, most of which are still owned by us. I have it."

After hearing Xingling's explanation, Feng Long suddenly breathed a very relaxed breath. No matter how the Isera Empire and the parliamentary system suppress the whale shark in other aspects, after all, most of the starship guns are under their control. In today's space warfare, the starship guns are not Doubt is the most lethal weapon in the battlefield of thinking.

Since the whale shark holds so many starship guns, he became more confident when he faced Isera and Hollin, but he suddenly found that in addition to the three star domains of chaotic galaxies, temperature galaxies and cheetah nebulae, there are also red spots in a star domain that are also relatively dense. After discovering this problem, His eyebrows couldn't help locking together.

Xingling also found a slight change in Feng Long's expression. At present, he pointed to the star domain and explained, "Hee, this belongs to the distribution of power of the Star Alliance. Together with the parliamentary system, all the Starship guns of the Isera Empire are only 91, and the Star Alliance has eight."

"What about one more? Why doesn't that one appear on your radar? After hearing this, Feng Long found that the four major forces only had a total of 99 starship guns, and the remaining one had not been found on the radar for a long time. At present, he asked Xingling doubtfully.

Hearing Feng Long's question, Xing Ling just wanted to explain, but suddenly thought of something. He slowly closed his eyes and looked at Feng Qingyu, who was sitting firmly at the conference table. Feng Qingyu looked at himself, sighed and waved his hand and said, "Well, let me say it. It's time for him to let him know."

Xingling nodded obediently and stopped talking. Feng Long felt that Feng Qingyu seemed to have something important to say to him, and he also listened attentively.

"The ancestors once crossed a black hole group of stars. After returning safely, they brought back a batch of unknown metals from the mysterious celestial body, that is, the dragon metal that created the current starship gun. Now the 100 starship guns circulating in the universe are not actually produced by the same metal."

Hearing what Feng Qingyu said, Feng Long couldn't help but be interested and listened carefully to what he said next. Then Feng Qingyu continued to say for a moment in silence: "In the metal brought back by the ancestors, the unusually strong war dragon metal center also contains a more solid ore."

"ore? Can ore be harder than metal? Hearing Feng Qingyu's last words, he couldn't help but say with horror that he knew what the density of the metal structure of the starship gun was, and there was absolutely no problem in resisting an ordinary A-class starship main gun attack head-on.

It is precisely because he knows too much about the gun of the starship that Feng Long is surprised again and again today. If there is any metal in the universe that is more denser than the war dragon metal, he will already be skeptical, but he heard Feng Qingyu's mouth say that there is a kind of ore that is better than war dragon metal. The density is higher.

Looking at his son's expression of disbelief, Feng Qingyu nodded again and said, "Yes, it's a kind of ore, which is more dense than the war dragon metal. The ancestors devoted their lives to making it into a starship gun. That is the king of the starship gun, and the few small pieces of ore were The ancestors were called dragon crystals.