Big Starship

Chapter 249 Evolutionary Species

After traveling through a distance of tens of light years, at this moment, Feng Long and his warship has come to a small galaxy near the Star Alliance. This galaxy is located in a remote area and has no planet to mine minerals. There are very few suitable for living beings, so it is not much attention of the Alliance.

After the warship sailed into the galaxy, it found a planet suitable for life but relatively sparsely populated to land. The planet is extremely cold, as if the whole planet is covered with a thick ice. Just standing on the surface of the planet, people with a weaker constitution can be frozen to death alive.

Even after Feng Long and others landed, they couldn't help taking a cold breath and sneezing. The fire wolf trembling and complained, "Damn, what the hell is this place? The radar of the warship just detected that this planet is inhabited. Is this possible? Even we can't stay in this damn place for long. What kind of awesome people can live here?

Although he complained repeatedly, his footsteps did not stop at all. He followed Feng Long with everyone, and the four women also kept trembling behind Feng Long.

While walking forward, it seemed that he suddenly remembered something. Feng Long quickly turned around and flew to the direction of the landing of the warship. Everyone has only walked more than 200 meters now. This distance is less than a second for Feng Long.

"What is he going to do?" Feng Huoyan asked the crowd doubtfully. Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know. At this time, Feng Long appeared in front of them again and saw him holding a thick cotton-padded coat in his hand. A total of four pieces were handed to Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue.

The four women took over the cotton-padded clothes handed over by Feng Long. First, they were moved, and then they didn't say anything. After giving Feng Long a relieved look, they put the cotton-padded clothes on their bodies. The other people looked envious. The fire wolf turned to the snow wolf beside her and said, "Snow wolf, are you cold? Do you want me to give it to you too? Take one?"

"Take it to yourself, I don't need it." Snow Wolf glanced at him and said, but Feng Long completely ignored the envy of the people around him, and even helped the four women put their cotton-padded clothes on their coats one by one. Finally, when he helped Wang Jing, he put on the cotton-padded clothes and attacked her face when he was unprepared.

His shame does not mean that the girl is shameless. The four beautiful women looked at him with contempt and were embarrassed to turn their eyes to the people behind him. Wang Jing directly shyly covered her little face and scolded, "Bad, pervert, so many people here are going to die."

When Feng Long heard this, he first pretended to be stunned, and then turned to the crowd with a smile and asked, "What did you just see?"

Hearing Feng Long suddenly ask questions to himself and others, a group of old men shook their heads repeatedly as if they were looking at the scenery around them and said, "We didn't see anything." Judging from their calm and waveless expressions, it really seemed to be the same thing. Everyone originally felt a little cold because of the environment, but they were also laughed by Feng Long's behavior.

Several people continued to walk forward until more than half an hour later, they finally saw a small village sitting in the ice and snow. Everyone felt happy and wanted to go to the village to ask for a cup of hot tea. The original vigilance had been completely left behind by them.

When they were about to enter this small village with only more than 20 families, everyone eased some environmental impact on their bodies because of their proximity to the village, and they also recovered a trace of previous instincts. Feng Long immediately waved his hand to stop the crowd from moving forward and shouted in a low voice: "Hidden , observe it first.

Everyone was suddenly excited by his low drink. At present, they did not hesitate to follow him lying in the snow and paying attention to the distant village. His palms were on the ground, which suddenly made everyone feel cold. The low temperature on this planet is probably not inferior to the cold star of the eighth-level sky.

"Damn, no wonder the Star Alliance doesn't pay much attention to this galaxy. If I were the boss of the Star Alliance, I would directly order all the planets here to be transformed into starships." Feeling the piercing chill from his palm to his heart, Feng Tian couldn't help complaining depressedly.

Although everyone is not willing to lie here like this, they don't know what the village in the distance is. The people who have been fighting for a long time are extremely ** about any abnormal things. For example, since they began to hide here, there is still no one in the village after an hour. .

An hour of cold wind, coupled with the cold from the ground, made everyone feel a little impatient. Feng Hu was about to move his body, but suddenly found that his hand had not been taken away. He suddenly smiled helplessly and said, "Hey, try to move. If you go on like this, you will be frozen in the ice. It's on."

It turned out that the reason why he didn't take his hand away was that the gloves in his hand had been connected by a layer of ice debris and the ice under his feet. After hearing his words, they also quickly moved the part close to the ground. Then Feng Long said with a depressed face, "Wait, I'll pass. Go and have a look."

After hearing this, everyone nodded with approval. Now they can only do so. Feng Long and everyone have a pair of eyes, and their toes powerfully stepped on the ice on the ground. After a small crack appeared in the thick ice, Feng Long's figure has disappeared in place and flew straight to the distant village.

When he came to the outermost room, Feng Long first looked at the surrounding buildings and found that these buildings were actually built by their ancient plants. Even such buildings can no longer be seen on the earth now. At this moment, he reached out and knocked on the door three times in doubt.

"Gak." A stiff wooden rubbing sounded, and then the wooden door was opened inward. Then Feng Long actually saw a wolf opening the door for him, which made him suddenly look at the wolf in white hair in front of him with a vigilance, and the white wolf also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and no one spoke. At this time, the white wolf lived and then stepped back. Feng Long only heard it say, "Is it a lost alien? Come in and warm up."

Hearing that this wolf could actually speak, Feng Long couldn't help but be shocked. After pointing at it for a long time, he asked, "You, are a biochemical product?" After he asked this question, the white wolf swayed the huge wolf's head from side to side, and then said, "Is it only allowed for you humans to evolve wisdom?"

Hearing the words of the white wolf, Feng Long couldn't help but be shocked again, and then asked, "You mean, you are an evolved wolf?" Hasn't the body structure been modified by any biochemical technology? Looking at the unbelievable eyes of human beings in front of him, the white wolf nodded to him, and his every move was full of high IQ creatures.

"Not only me, but all the residents of this tribe are of the same race as me. We were born in the ice and snow. We are children of ice and snow, and some tribes not far from here are also composed of our people. Of course, there are also human beings living on this planet." The white wolf said a series of words that made Feng Long feel strange.

Looking at the wolf in front of him, he could speak such a coherent and fluent human language, but the shock in Feng Long's heart no longer existed. On the contrary, he began to have a trace of interest in this race. He smiled politely and said, "I have other partners on this planet. I don't know if I can let Let's rest here for a while."

After hearing this, the white wolf opened his body and opened the door and said, "Let them all come here. There are not often guests on this planet. It's not easy for aliens to come here. I'll treat you well."

Feng Long was overjoyed when he heard the words and bowed slightly to the white wolf in front of him who was as tall as his chest and said, "Thank you." Then he opened the headset that was always on his ear and said in his unique low voice, "I found an interesting race. Come here first."

"Good." The voice of the proud wolf then sounded in his ear. Before the sound fell, everyone flashed beside Feng Long one after another. A strange brilliance flashed in the eyes of the white wolf. He not only praised: "What a fast speed. It's incredible that human body structure can reach a faster than us."

Everyone appeared next to Feng Long and fell into shock before they could say anything. The reason was that there was a wolf standing in front of them and talking to them, believing that a slightly normal person would not accept this cruel fact in a short time.

"The new race you just mentioned..." The Proud Wolf pointed to the white wolf in front of him and said to Feng Long, but he couldn't say the next half of the sentence until Feng Long nodded and said, "That's what I'm talking about. In a sense, they are still relatives with you."

Ao Lang immediately roared when he heard the words, "Isn't that bullshit? Do you know that you will be beaten if you talk like this? I'm just a task code name. I can also call you Proud Tiger, Proud Dragon or something." Maybe he can't accept the fact that the wolf can speak now, and the mood of the proud wolf fluctuates violently.

Seeing that his reaction was so strong, Feng Long nodded with a dry smile and said, "Brother Wolf, I'm wrong. Let's go first. The host said he would treat us well."

After walking into this extremely old architectural style house, they found that there was not much difference between the layout of human beings in the house. There was also a bed, tables, chairs, cabinets, and even a slightly backward computer embedded in the wall, and a desk full of various books.

After seeing these arrangements, they suddenly reluctantly accepted that they could speak to the wolf. Only the proud wolf still pulled a face and sat directly in a chair without saying a word after coming in. The other wolf's nest were not as violent as him. The reaction.