Big Starship

Chapter 253 Farewell to Snow Wolf

After the banquet, Feng Long also taught the snow wolves how to use four machines, and then stayed for three days a week to teach them some basic technology.

Three days later, under the joint gaze of thousands of snow wolves, a warship flew out of the atmosphere and completely disappeared in their eyes. Although the warships were no longer visible, the snow wolves still looked up at the place where the warship disappeared, with a trace of reluctance in their eyes.

"They're gone!" Giska's patriarch said with emotion, and another patriarch with him also said, "Yes, let's go. These human beings have changed my view of human beings and my understanding of the universe." The wolf's head under Giska swayed left and right and said, "I don't know if there will be a chance to see you again in the future."

"Will, for sure, they will definitely come back to the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance in the future." His patriarch looked at him and said, and then shouted to thousands of snow wolves, "Let's go back, and everyone will settle in our tribe. I will manage it with the patriarchs to form a parliamentary system."

"Wow..." Thousands of snow wolves suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and waves of roared straight to the sky, as if they were going to reach the ears of friends far away, and as if they were responding to Kusa, the patriarch of Giska. After a hearty roar, all the snow wolves ran on the ice field to the tribe led by Kusa. Run away.

After the warship flew out of the atmosphere of Snow Wolf Star and sailed for a distance again, Liu Ting stood on the main console and asked Feng Long, who was in the eight-class cabin through a communicator, "What is the next target?"

When Feng Long heard this delicate and soft voice, he was recalling the previous battles in the retreat room. Suddenly, he could no longer calm down. He suppressed the idea of wanting to see the owner of the sound in his heart. He sat in place and said in a low voice, "It's still in the star domain under the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance. You can find a planet with someone. ."

Feng Long's voice was quickly conveyed to Liu Ting and other people's positions through the communication system. This time, the four women in the position replaced the four people in the position: Proud Wolf, Fox Wolf, Cang Wolf and Fire Wolf. The four of them took over the work of the four women and went to the sleeping cabin to enter the deep sleep adjustment. Feng Long and the four of them were still exercising their strength in the eighth cabin.

After 48 hours of long voyage, a green planet finally appeared in the projection in front of the main console of the warship. Liu Ting controlled the warship to make life detection on the planet. After the warship responded to the signs of life on the surface of the planet, Liu Ting ordered Wang Jing to control the navigation direction of the warship and go to the planet.

"I'm sleeping, I'm up, and the eight-class service is all closed." Liu Ting said to the projection of the two cabins on the main console. After her voice fell, the four proud wolves in the sleeping cabin rushed out of the sleeping cabin very quickly, as if they had never entered deep sleep at all, and so did the four Feng Long in the eighth cabin.

"Have you found the target?" Feng Long said to the projection that suddenly appeared in front of him. Liu Ting in the projection nodded and said, "I found that from the perspective of the universe, most of the planet should be forest areas, and the detection of warships gives back to the surface of the planet many signs of life."

After listening to Liu Ting's explanation, Feng Long nodded and stood up from the ground with others. As he walked to the main control room, he looked up at the projection behind him and asked, "Is it comfortable to lie down in the sleeping cabin? How are you sleeping?" This sentence is obviously asked to the four arrogant wolves.

Aolang smiled and said, "I slept very well and dreamed of my wife. How about it? Do you envy me?" While talking, he also took the three people around him to the main control room. Judging from the expressions of the four people, he did not look sleepy at all, as if he had always been in a state of mental excitement.

Eight people entered the hatch of the main control room at the same time. Liu Ting stood up and gave up the seat in front of the main console to Feng Long. Feng Long sat in the chair with a smile, forcibly took her into his arms, made her sit on his lap and asked with a smile, "Have you worked hard these two days. Have you taken time to take a break?"

Liu Ting looked at several people around her with a red face and whispered, "No, they all work in their own positions. Of course, I can't rest in the main control room." What she said is true. Now she has two faint dark circles under her eyes, and Feng Long can't help but feel distressed.

At this time, others also walked into the main control room. Yang Xuexian, Wang Jing and Li Fei took a step in. As soon as they came in, they saw Liu Ting sitting on Feng Long's lap and being hugged by him. At present, despite the trace of sleepiness, they complained, "Okay, they are not responsible for their positions, but when we are not in love each other."

Wang Jing and Li Fei also immediately walked into the main control room. The three women looked at Liu Ting with full of joy. Liu Ting shyly stood up from Feng Long's lap and bowed her head and said, "What, don't talk nonsense. Xiaolong has just come in."

Feng Long didn't care about his rough skin and thick skin. He also turned his head to look at the three beautiful women at the door and joked, "Don't be jealous. At worst, my husband, I'll let you sit down alone. Come on, I'll be a little tired." The four women looked at him with a treacherous smile when they spoke and scolded angrily, "Why don't you die!"

When several people talked and joked with each other, the warship had been automatically sent into the atmosphere of the planet by automatic navigation. Because of the hedge of the airflow, there was a slight tremor, which made everyone understand that she had entered the next target planet. Liu Ting, regardless of everyone's ridicule, quickly rushed to the main console and entered a flat. The procedure for landing steadily.

However, the program instruction she entered made the intelligent master of the warship feel entangled. A mechanized female voice came from the console and said, "The execution of the order failed. There is no area on the surface of the whole planet for the warship to land smoothly. Do you want to land forcibly?"

The so-called smooth landing is that the main brain of the warship finds a relatively stable zone by itself, and then makes the warship fly there to land, while the forced landing requires manual careful and accurate control to complete the landing by driving and adjusting the hull balance of the warship in any area.

After hearing what the main brain said, everyone couldn't help but be shocked. From the perspective of the universe, this planet is not small, and even in the classification of B-class planets, and there is no stable zone for warships to land safely on the surface of such a planet. What is the surface of this planet? ?

While everyone was puzzled, they gathered around Liu Ting and looked at the projection in front of him. The scenery in the projection was moving rapidly, but no matter how long it moved, it had always been like a forest. Feng Long couldn't help but be shocked to see here and said, "It's actually primitive. Forest!"

Not only was he shocked. At this moment, everyone, including Liu Ting in front of the console, was surprised to speak, because the primitive forest in front of him, according to the calculation data of the main brain of the warship, turned out to be a chaotic galaxy more than 300,000 years ago. They didn't expect that a ring could be found in the current universe. Such a backward planet.

"Damn, I used to think that the earth was the most backward planet in the whole universe until I saw the surface of this planet." Feng Tian stood behind Feng Long and looked at the projection on the main console. After seeing the forest area that kept flashing in the projection, he couldn't help marveling.

Other people also sighed in their hearts. Feng Long smiled helplessly and said, "Forget it, then force the landing and pay attention to avoid the life below." Liu Ting nodded when she heard the words and continued to bow her head and enter a series of instructions on the virtual keyboard in front of her. Everyone was ready for earthquake-free before forced landing.

"The forced landing order has been executed, and it has been determined that there are no signs of life below, and the forced landing can be carried out." The mechanized female voice sounded in everyone's ears. After that, Liu Ting quickly pressed a button on the handle of the chair, and a layer of light appeared, protecting the chair with herself, and said, "Start the forced landing."

After the sound fell, the warship carried out her order and quickly descended, crushing hundreds of towering trees along the way. In the end, the warship still did not land, but was stuck between thousands of branches of different sizes. Feng Long let go of the shield on the chair and said, "That's do that. Let's go down and have a look."

After saying that, he took the lead in rushing to the hatch of the warship. Liu Ting quickly opened the hatch of the warship. Because of the tacit understanding between the two, Feng Long rushed out of the warship almost without stopping when he rushed to the hatch. Several other people also quickly followed him. After everyone flew out of the warship, the warship automatically turned into an independent protection model. shi。

Feng Long's toes were the first point on the ground. The solid soil made him feel down-to-earth. After that, he paid attention to the surroundings vigilantly while waiting for others to fall. Then the proud wolf and Feng Hu came to the ground first. As soon as they fell, they consciously maintained a triangular formation with Feng Long.

The three watched the movement in three directions warily at the same time, and the others also fell to the ground one after another. Everyone opened the mini radar in their hands and carefully explored the signs of life within hundreds of meters around them. Feng Long carefully stared at the radar in his hand and said, "Be careful. The people here may be more primitive. The main attack is relatively strong.

"If they are not primitive, they will not live in the primitive forest." Ao Lang whispered to himself. Just after he said this, everyone felt that the earth was trembling violently. The four women almost fell to the ground because of the sudden tremor. Fortunately, they also practiced for a period of time in the eighth level.

After this earthquake-like violent tremor came, Feng Long immediately shouted vigilantly: "All members are on alert and pay attention to avoid it!" After he said this, everyone stood back to back and carefully spread the detection range of the radar in every direction.

After that, everyone saw a projection on the radar. When they saw the projection, they all opened their mouths with horror. At the same time, the sky suddenly faded, and a dark shadow shrouded the position where everyone was standing.