Big Starship

Chapter 256 Biochemical Institute

"You mean that one of the twenty dragon kings was beaten to death by some kind of creature? Hahahaha!" After hearing the report of his subordinates, the director was not angry because the "Dragon King" was beaten half to death, but laughed loudly, regardless of his image in front of thousands of researchers.

The middle-aged man who was pulled over by him was also released at this moment. After seeing the director's abnormal behavior, he was scared to quickly retreat a few steps. Everyone thought that the director was crazy, but was he really crazy? Of course not. How can a madman be the director of a scientific research department?

The next director's words made all the researchers suddenly open their hearts and heard him say excitedly, "We have worked hard to find the 20 most powerful intelligent lives on the planet and transform and strengthen them, which gave birth to 20 dragon kings, but now one of them has been defeated. What does it mean?

When everyone heard the director's words, they understood what he meant. Yes, this means that there are other powerful creatures on this planet that have not been discovered by them. Scientists who mainly aim to develop weapons of war are undoubtedly not available for such powerful creatures.

The director's excitement couldn't calm down for a long time. He only heard him say again: "Go to the search team and take all the equipment to the dying area of the radar response of the Dragon King, and bring back the unknown creature that knocked down the Dragon King at all costs, no matter what species it is."

After the director gave an order, there was a loud response throughout the research institute, and then buried the ground of the research institute. The trees suddenly dispersed on both sides, and the soil on the surface suddenly sank. Small aircraft flew out of the cracked pit on the surface and went straight to Feng Long and others to make contact with Tyrannosaurus Rex. A place of war.

Such a small aircraft can only be used for detection and development. Although the fuselage also has considerable combat effectiveness, it is not even comparable to a D-class warship. Of course, it cannot be called a warship. Thirty such aircraft flew out of the research institute, with five people on board each aircraft.

The advantage of this aircraft lies in its speed. Because it is small and its combat effectiveness is relatively small compared with regular warships, all the energy stored in its fuselage is allocated to the power system, resulting in the speed of this aircraft being even faster than ordinary B-class warships.

At a distance of more than 300 kilometers, in the full force of 30 warships, they arrived in less than a minute. 150 people opened the hatch of the aircraft with their own equipment. Without waiting for the aircraft to land completely, they couldn't wait to jump out of the hatch one by one. It can be seen that in addition to the old director, this Some people are also very enthusiastic about biochemistry.

150 people surrounded the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex lying on the ground and could not move. Almost without anyone's orders, they consciously took out their own equipment*. More than 150 high-efficiency anesthetics were injected into the body of the two-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it suddenly stopped struggling, but from a pair of open eyes It's enough to see that it's still alive.

"Check the injury on the 18th to see if you can find out what creature caused the injury." A man wearing a white anti-chemical suit and a mask covering his whole face said. After hearing this, more than 140 other people answered respectfully, and then quickly approached the body of the double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex and began their own homework.

At this time, a researcher came to the head of the double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. At this moment, the extremely violent Tyrannosaurus Rex quietly let these small humans put their hands on it. They wanted to rise up and resist to prove their majesty, but they could not move. For its ten thousand dragons It is a great shame for the hegemon.

"Roar!" All it could do was keep making a low roar to express its dissatisfaction to these human beings, but the low roar was completely ignored by the researchers. At this time, the researchers who went to the leader of the overlord suddenly lit up, because he saw a scene that he couldn't believe it.

"This is..." The researcher said incredulously. Others gathered around as soon as they heard what he said. The researcher who gave the order asked in a low voice, "How's it going? Have you found any clues?" However, the researcher standing in front of the overlord's leader remained silent.

Although he saw it with his own eyes, he would rather believe that this was his own illusion, so he did not dare to announce what he saw to everyone, because he saw that there was an obvious footprint on the skull of the double-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex. Obviously, this footprint caused Tyrannosaurus Rex to die, and this footprint was human. Footprints.

At this time, more than 100 researchers came to him. One of them inadvertently turned his head to look at the waist of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then just took a look, which scared him to sit on the ground, and the two companions next to him quickly came forward to help him up.

The team leader who gave the order saw the reaction of the two researchers so strangely, and frowned dissatisfiedly. First, he walked to the front of the head of Tyrannosaurus Rex. When he saw the footprints deeply printed on the top of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex, he was also surprised and his mouth grew into disbelief.

"How can this be? Why is this footprint so human! No. 18 is the most violent of the 20 Dragon Kings. How can it tolerate a human to step on his head? Seeing this, the team leader immediately covered his mouth and said, his tone full of surprise and doubt.

"There are also human footprints on the waist of No. 18 also. It seems that three ribs have been broken!" One of the two people who helped his companions from the ground shouted. Originally, he did not dare to tell his discovery, afraid that he had read it wrong, but after hearing the team leader's words, he did not hesitate.

Everyone was divided into two groups. Some went near the head of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex and some went near the waist of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. They did not believe in the answer given by both sides. Although one of the answers was given by their team leader, this statement was still too much in their opinion. It's far-fetched.

When everyone saw the two deep footprints on the body of Tyrannosaurus Rex, they were extremely shocked. At this time, the team leader quickly reacted and said, "The planet has been invaded. Immediately look for the scene to see if you can find the genetic residues of those people and separate ten aircraft to model around. Encircle and investigate."

"Yes!" Everyone responded powerfully to the team leader's order. When they came, the 30 aircraft quickly divided into ten, each of which was scattered in five directions. The remaining 100 people tried their best to block the scene and carefully check whether there were any genetic residues of Feng Long and others on the ground, such as hair.

But how can Feng Long leave clues for these people? Looking at the subordinates searching for the scene with all their strength, the team leader and another person came to the two big pits smashed by the body of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex on the ground. The team leader said, "The nearby vegetation has not been seriously damaged. It seems to be an air battle."

In addition, the man next to him nodded and said, "Well, judging from these two big pits, the depth and diameter of the previous one are still like the 18th when it fell to the ground, but the other one is too deep or diameter, at least it fell from a height of more than 30 meters, and there are still It can't be a straight landing."

These people could not find any clues at the scene, but it did not mean that the ten aircraft sent for inspection had no clues. The reconnaissance direction of one group of aircraft was the place where Feng Long and others's warships were forced to land. After seeing the figure of a warship from afar, the five people in the aircraft immediately reacted relatively.

"A warship was forced to land five kilometers east of the team leader. Judging from the size and armament of the warship, it should be a C-class warship." The team leader who was studying double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly heard a sound from his headset, and then he immediately contacted the headquarters of the research institute to recount the general situation.

The remaining 20 aircraft also quickly flew from the place where the two-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex fell. They did not do any treatment work on this two-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex. As for whether it can survive, it all depends on its own physical strength, which is also fully in line with their research purpose, and everything is only for the pursuit of higher-end Force.

What the previous reporter said is actually true. In addition to the ability to jump in speed and infinite space, the warship piloted by Feng Long and others is a complete C-class warship in terms of size and attack, as well as in terms of defense, so it allows the team to make a wrong judgment. .

At this time, in the warship, everyone surrounded a treatment cabin and looked worriedly at Feng Hu, who was wrapped in a green ** with his eyes closed. No one could imagine why Feng Hu only broke the three ribs of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex, but he suffered so much. Injury.

With Feng Hu's physical strength as the incarnation of the White King and the use of eight-day physical skills, even without the assistance of war armed forces, they can completely compete with an A-class warship team. But just now, they saw with their own eyes that Feng Hu in such a state just broke the ribs of a creature. However, he has suffered more serious injuries.

Just as everyone looked at Feng Hu in the treatment cabin with a worried face, a girl projection on the main console of the warship suddenly issued an alarm and only heard the girl say in a beautiful mechanical voice: "Alarm, alarm, there is an unidentified aircraft approaching the ship. Please prepare for battle in time."

Hearing the alarm sound from the main brain of the warship, everyone was suddenly excited. After Feng Long released his own courage and felt it, he whispered in a certain direction, "Well, 30 such aircraft also dare to come here. It seems that we are still underestimated by the locals."

Then the four women were flowed down to take care of Feng Hu's recovery, and the others followed Feng Long to fly out of the cabin of the warship. None of them was armed with war. Everyone stood lightly in front of their warships, looking in a row at a certain direction in the distance, all over their muscles. Already tightly together, an extremely powerful force can burst out at any time.