Big Starship

Chapter 258 Dragon King Group

More than a dozen light blades fell on a double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex from different directions, and Feng Long and Ao Lang kicked its left and right temples at the same time. Even if the laser light knife cut on the skin of this "Dragon King", it only left a few scars on its body and could not go deeper into half.

"Roar!" Although everyone's slash was only a skin injury for Tyrannosaurus Rex, Feng Long and Proud Wolf brought it almost fatal damage. The severe pain from the head made it roar, and then the two wings behind it powerfully fanned left and right to expel these small creatures.

At the same time, other Tyrannosaurus Rex has also arrived. The six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex quickly flew to its companions. Each of the three opened its blood basins and bit Feng Long and the Proud Wolf. Others kept flying around the companions who were attacked by joint forces, and waited for the opportunity to launch attacks on Feng Huoyan, Feng Tian and others.

Feng Long faced the attack of the three-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex from three directions, and the wings behind him were also fierce. The whole person had dodged the mouth of the three-headed Tyrannosaurus Rex from an incredible angle, and then quickly swept to the proud wolf. The proud wolf is now in urgent need of his rescue. He has no mutant gene constitution. Now It's too late to start the war.

After the three-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex hit the air, the other three did not successfully bite the target. Feng Long had appeared in the air about 300 meters above their heads with the proud wolf at this moment. Feng Long whispered to the arrogant wolf, "Look, if you had been armed with war, you wouldn't listen. You almost died here."

The proud wolf nodded shyly when he heard the words, and then surrounded by a burst of metal fragments, his whole body had put on a set of war armament. At this time, the six-wing Tyrannosaurus rex that had besieged them before had also found their figures, and an angry low roar quickly flapped its wings to catch up.

And the wolf's nest and Feng Tian, Feng Huoyan and others have dispersed and escaped. Each of them led one or two-winged Tyrannosaurus rex to run in different directions. Feng Long saw the six-winged Tyrannosaurus rex flying from below in a hexagonal formation, and quickly asked the proud wolf, "Are you ready?"

Hearing Feng Long's question, Ao Lang quickly nodded and shook off Feng Long's hand without hesitation. The mecha on the sole of his foot spewed out two powerful tail flames. Under the group attack of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex, the two rushed up to the sky again. First, they twisted up a certain distance, and then quickly separated into two. The direction begins to dive down.

The six-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex was chasing the target. Suddenly, they saw that the two actually changed their tactics. At this moment, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment that Feng Long and the Proud Wolf had come behind the two Tyrannosaurus Rex. The two came behind the target but were not in a hurry to launch an offensive, but changed the direction again. Fly up with the backbone of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The six-wing Tyrannosaurus rex has not reacted much yet, so they let Feng Long and the two of them come to the heads of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the two shouted at the same time: "Eight-level sky, five-finger attack!" Then he waved his hand to the top of the head of his respective targets, and the wind pressure brought by the slap also made the two Tyrannosaurus Rex react instantly.

"Roar!" The two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly roared. One was to save strength against the enemy's attack, but woke up the four still dull companions around them. It has to be said that the IQ of these Tyrannosaurus Rex after being transformed was very high, but with their physical size, the proportion of their heads and bodies, there is also a certain limit to the transformation.

The weak brain is not enough to quickly transmit the command to the limbs, so that before they react, the top of the two Tyrannosaurus Rex had been slapped respectively. Yes, it was slapped, but the power of this slap was by no means imaginable.

Under the attack of Feng Long and the two huge bodies of Tyrannosaurus Rex fell directly to the ground under their feet. Although they kept fanning their powerful wings to avoid falling down, they could not remove the pressure transmitted by these two palms to the whole body, and finally hit the ground fiercely.

This time, the two Tyrannosaurus Rex hit the big pit directly with a diameter of 50 meters and a depth of three or four meters. The superposition of the two big pits fell deeper. At this time, their four companions had also reacted, but Feng Long and Ao Lang quickly punched again one left and one right after an attack.

"Eighth-level sky, overlord boxing!" The two shouted in unison. At the same time, the two sandbag-sized fists had also fallen on the foreheads of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. After being punched by the two people, they actually endured it abruptly and then opened their mouths and bit the human beings around them at the same time.

Feng Long and Ao Lang previously slapped the two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex on the ground with one blow, which caused them to have a little contempt for the combat effectiveness of this creature. Unexpectedly, they were also shocked by the two oncoming blood basins, and their bodies quickly dodged away slightly.

"K! "Oh!" The powerful fangs of the two-winged Tyrannosaurus rex collided with each other, but they could no longer find the figure of Feng Long and the proud wolf. This time, the two dragons reacted quickly and turned their heads to the side almost without even looking at them. Feng Long shouted in his heart and roared slightly shockedly, "Use the wind legs!"

After saying that, he had already kicked the oncoming blood basin mouth, and suddenly the Tyrannosaurus Rex dragon that bit him with its mouth open. After that, the proud wolf also reacted quickly and directly flew up and kicked the jaw of a Tyrannosaurus Rex before he could accumulate strength.

Proud Wolf kicked off one of his opponent's teeth. In terms of the reminder gap, any fangs of several "Dragon Kings" were longer than their whole body, but it was in this huge contrast that Proud Wolf kicked one of the teeth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Feng Long and the Proud Wolf's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little. Sure enough, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had been kicked off a fang, exploded in an instant. They turned around and stared at the Proud Wolf fiercely and roared crazily. At this moment, the distance between it and the Proud Wolf was only about one meter, and the sound wave with strong penetrating power was directly Through every inch of the skin of the proud wolf.

Even with such a strong physique as the proud wolf and wearing war arms with strong protective performance, he quickly lost his mind under the impact of this substantial sound wave. He fell to the ground. Feng Long wanted to rescue him when he saw this, but he didn't want to lose the arrogant wolf. The attack targets of the six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex turned to Myself.

"Roar!" After the six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex surrounded him, he roared crazily almost at the same time, especially the two Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had been attacked by the two before. The roar was even more heartbreaking and unbearable. Feng Long couldn't help but darken his eyes and fell to the ground.

But after all, Feng Long's physique cannot be calculated by ordinary people. Just when he was about ten meters away from the ground, he suddenly regained his clarity in front of his eyes. At this moment, he almost fanned his wings and rushed to the Proud Wolf, lifted the Proud Wolf's hands at a very fast speed and quickly glide to the ground for a distance.

Proud Wolf was also about to wake up. At this moment, he was suddenly mentioned by Feng Long, and then sprinted at a very fast speed. The oncoming cold wind suddenly cheered him up, and his eyes regained his visual ability again, and then got out of Feng Long's control.

After looking at each other, they nodded and flew high above again. Feng Long reminded him this time, "Be careful this time. These six-headed beasts are not easy to deal with. When others solve their opponents, they will come back to support us. Our current task is to delay. If we can kill, it doesn't matter if we can't kill."

Ao Lang nodded and said nothing, but there was more than one meter long light blade between his hands. The energy contained in his light blade was much larger than others, so the light blade also seemed more solid, while Feng Long raised his hands and gave birth to a pair of thicker arms between his ribs again. .

After seeing the reaction of the two, the body that originally wanted to rush up to besiege the two again suddenly stopped. Looking at the somewhat flexible eyes, it seemed to be looking at the combat effectiveness gap between the opponent and itself, but most of its eyes were still on Feng Long.

Obviously, after a battle, they have also found that among these two small human beings, Feng Long can pose a greater threat to them. At this time, in several battlefields far away from here, the battle has basically ended. Through the cooperation of perennial cooperation, the wolf nest has successively let the six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex lie down. Go down.

The battlefield of Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan is close to Feng Long's side. They are both facing a double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although the overall individual combat ability is a little poor, they will not be defeated by a two-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex with the assistance of war armed forces. Only Feng Long and the Proud Wolf are the most difficult battle.

The two were surrounded by six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although they were ready to fight at any time, they were not in a hurry to take action, and the six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex seemed to be the same as theirs, and did not take a step closer, but both sides released their strong courage to press each other.

After releasing his own aura again, Feng Long was surprised to find that after the previous fight with the 19-wing Tyrannosaurus Rex at the same time, his inner courage has actually made some progress. Although this progress is not large, it is difficult for his level of courage to go further.

At this time, a dull sound suddenly came from the forest in the distance, and then the sound of a large number of branches breaking also came to everyone's ears one after another. It turned out that the wolf's nest once again put a double-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then two violent sounds came from the battlefield of Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan.

The six-winged Tyrannosaurus Rex surrounding Feng Long and the Proud Wolf seemed to understand something. At present, it was no longer willing to fade away. It began to narrow the encirclement directly to the two, and there was a low roar in his mouth.