Big Starship

Chapter 260 Waste Director

"I'm curious about what made you come here. Aren't you afraid of death?" Feng Long, the director of the research institute, standing at the hatch of an A-class warship and looking below, asked, still with a smile on his face, but there was a chilling murder in his smile.

When Feng Long heard this, he still maintained the form of Satan and looked up at it and said, "Afraid of death? Of course, I'm also afraid of death, but I'm also curious about whether your Star Alliance has the ability to kill me. When Feng Long said this, the courage of his whole body was contained in his eyes, and he directly skipped the distance of space and passed it to the director.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to advise you to come down and talk. I hate people standing on my head and talking to me most in my life." Feng Long stretched out his right index finger, pointed to the director standing in the hatch of the warship, pointed to the ground and said. After he finished this, the wolf's nest and others had run to the warship with a handful of thunder.

After hearing Feng Long's words, the director suddenly flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and said, "It's unfortunate that I'm used to looking down on others in my life, and it's the same with my boss. Those who want me to walk side by side with him are dead."

After the director said this, including the warship he was in, all the A-class warships around him showed the main guns of the fuselage, and a mass of energy lit up at the mouth of the main gun showed the public that the energy had been stored. Feng Long saw this but his face changed slightly and said, "Yes, it seems that you are going to bother me to ask you down in person. ."

The director still stood proudly in the hatch of the warship and did not mean to move half a step. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the air, and the voice said softly, "Don't bother you to do it. I'll ask him to give him enough face." After the sound sounded, everyone looked around for where the sound came from.

But no one, including Feng Long, found out where the owner of the sound was, and the wolf nest, Feng Tian and Feng Huoyan around him were all. After that, he saw that the director was suddenly thrown down from the warship in mid-air and fell at his feet in confusion.

Feng Long already had a guess in his heart. As he looked up at the upper warship, he smiled and said, "The injury recovered so quickly?"

Standing in the previous position, it was Feng Hu, who incarnated the White King. After hearing Feng Long's question, he slowly took a step forward. When he saw that one foot was about to step into the air, his whole person suddenly disappeared without a trace. From beginning to end, no one even saw the wings behind him open.

When he appeared the next moment, he was already beside Feng Long. He kicked away the director of the research institute who fell to the ground and smiled, "Haha, I dare not stand so high to talk to you. How long do you want me to recover from such a little injury? It's a long-lasting regret that it was sent to the treatment cabin by a beast.

"Hahahaha, it's okay." Feng Long put his hand on Feng Hu's shoulder and smiled. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from everyone below, but none of the warships flying over them did anything, but the energy of the main muzzle was compressed and stored in the energy core.

When the director saw the reaction of Feng Long and others, he was suddenly furious. Coupled with the anger when he saw the bodies of Tyrannosaurus Rex on the ground before, he even ate Feng Long's heart at this moment, but he was very rational and did not act. The reason why he dared to be so arrogant in front of Feng Long before Zhang, of course, is not because of his own strength.

When Feng Long and others did not pay attention to this side, the director suddenly took out a palm-sized metal box from his pocket. After opening the box, there was only a red button in it. His face suddenly became ferocious. After pressing this button, he suddenly roared crazily: "Hahaha, Wait to die!"

The people who were talking and laughing because of Feng Hu's injury suddenly heard this sentence and couldn't help frowning slightly. Then they felt that the earth began to tremble violently again. This trembling was different from the shock caused by the previous "Dragon King" moving his body. This time, the trembling came. From the depths of the earth.

The vibration of the earth lasted for a long time, but nothing had been drilled out of the ground for a long time, which made Feng Long and others unable to help but feel impatient. The proud wolf directly punched the ground. The original hard soil had become loose because of the movements of several Tyrannosaurus Rex before, and now it collapsed directly under his punch. Go to a large area.

Feng Long almost fell to the ground unsteadily. After stabilizing his body, he quickly frowned at the proud wolf and said, "Don't be impulsive. Let's see what it is first." The proud wolf also stood up and nodded after taking a long breath, while the director looked at the big pit bombarded by the surface by the proud wolf in surprise.

The big pit is 200 meters in diameter, and the depth of the center of the big pit is more than 30 meters. After that, the deeper it goes to the periphery, the shallower it becomes. The director never thought that a human punch could achieve such power. He said to himself in horror, "No wonder a nobody is like this. No wonder Feng Long's level is 5S, no wonder they can destroy all the tyrannosaurus rex.

Although his voice was very small, Ao Lang's keen ears still caught a trace of sound waves. He came to the embarrassed director sitting on the ground with a cold face, breaking his finger joints as he walked, and his thick courage could not help but be released.

"Who do you think is the nobody?" When he came to the director, Ao Lang looked down at him half lying on the ground and asked. At the same time, his right fist had been clenched tightly. After pulling his right hand behind him, he turned his head and looked at Feng Long behind him with inquiring eyes and asked, "Is it okay?"

When Feng Long saw his depressed expression, he nodded silently and said, "Do it. I also don't like him." Feng Long's words have determined the fate of the director. Before he finished listening to his words, Ao Lang only heard the first two words, and directly punched the director's right leg.

"Ah! Bastard, I want you to die!" The whole thigh bone of the long right leg was quickly smashed into powder under this punch, which was more completely broken than Feng Hu had before. In pain, he bent down and hugged his right leg and cursed loudly. At the same time, his left leg was shaking uneasily, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Who are you scolding as an asshole? Who are you going to be an old man? Say it!" The proud wolf asked two questions in a row. When he asked the first question, his right foot had stepped on the other party's left leg fiercely. At the same time, he removed his right arm with both hands and crushed his right shoulder blade.

"Ah! Bastard, you won't have a good end!" A scream came from the director's mouth again. There was only one left he could still move, and there was a pain all over his body at this moment. His left hand didn't know where to cover, so he had to reluctantly hit the ground.

At this moment, the earth shook violently again. The proud wolf's body tilted and almost fell to the ground. After standing steady, he held a breath in his heart and directly flew up and kicked the armpit of the director's left arm. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of broken bones. The director even his only moving left hand was useless, regardless of it. Everything roared loudly.

Listening to the harsh scream, the proud wolf didn't even care about the reason for the sudden vibration of the earth just now. He locked his eyebrows and flew up again. This time, he kicked directly on the director's chin. After being kicked by him, his whole body flew backwards without resistance, and at the same time, a red blood flower bloomed in the air. .

"Shut your mouth, asshole, it's so noisy." Ao Lang complained dissatisfiedly. After he complained, although the director was about to swallow, he still said, "Hey hey, you won't be proud for long. When it comes, all the people here will have to finish playing."

Ao Lang frowned when he heard the words. He was about to rush to understand the old man. At this moment, Feng Long suddenly said, "Don't do it first." Hearing Feng Long's words, Proud Wolf immediately stopped his movements and looked back at Feng Long puzzledly. Feng Long handed him a reassuring look and quickly walked to the director.

"You'd better answer my question honestly. What is the 'it' you mentioned? Does it have anything to do with the previous earthquake?" Feng Long came to the director, squatted down, grabbed his hair, pulled his whole face up and asked, with a trace of inviolable majesty in his eyes.

The director smiled when he heard the words and looked at Feng Long as if he were looking at a dead man, but in the end, because of his previous fear of the proud wolf, he still said, "Each of you can win it. It is the real king of this planet, the fierce dragon Auduin."

Feng Long frowned dissatisfiedly and said, "You don't have to worry about whether we can win it or not, but I need you to tell me everything you know about Auduin." After listening to his words, the director suddenly lost his fear of the proud wolf and said sharply, "Hey, I gave birth to it. Of course I know everything about it."

"Say it, it can make you die more cheerfully." Feng Long nodded with satisfaction and then said simply. However, in the face of such a desperate situation, the director still maintained his crazy smile and said, "Think about it yourself, will I tell you? Hahahaha!"

Feng Long also showed a smile on his face when he heard the words, but with a murderous sneer. He was not good at torture, and now he has lost the last trace of patience. His eyes suddenly became sharp and said, "Okay, good, since you won't say it, then you can die."

As soon as he finished saying this, he let go of the hand holding the director's hair, and the palm immediately pinched into a fist and was about to hit the director's head fiercely. At this time, the earth suddenly began to vibrate again, but unlike the previous times, this vibration Life is coherent, not as staged as the previous ones.