Big Starship

Chapter 265 On the way to sightseeing

"Hey, of course, I have my own ideas about these flywheels. This time, we will try our best to avoid violence. Everyone is physically and mentally exhausted in the previous few fights. This time, I will take you to travel around this industrial planet to relax. What do you think?" Feng Long raised his eyebrows slightly and said confidently.

Everyone looked at Feng Long with puzzled faces, but Feng Long did not say anything more. Instead, he squatted down to dismantle the ten flywheels. With the mechanical technology learned from several masters in the "Dragon Game Cabin", the ten flywheels were dismantled into parts in his hands in less than ten minutes.

After more than ten minutes, he assembled a flywheel again with those parts in front of everyone. Then Feng Long stood up and smiled at several people around him and said, "It's done." While talking, he suddenly transformed into a mecha with the gun of the starship, but it was not the war armament that everyone was familiar with.

"Why did you turn the war armed forces into the standard mecha of those soldiers?" Liu Ting looked at him puzzled and asked, and then Feng Long smiled and said, "Hey, isn't it cool that we wear their mecha, ride their flywheel and drive openly on the streets of the city?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and then without Feng Longduo's words, they turned their war armed forces into the mecha on the soldiers who came before. Feng Long saw that everyone was ready, and then bowed and said, "Ladies, please come in."

When Liu Ting's four women saw this, they were not polite and thanked him one after another. Then they boarded the flywheel and sat on the left and right sides of the main driver's seat. The main driver's seat was originally located alone in front of the flywheel, but Feng Long deliberately set up two seats on each side when it was reloaded. The intention was clear, and everyone was also interested in the four There are four women in the seat.

After everyone sat down, Feng Long pressed a button on the driver's seat, and the whole flywheel was suddenly covered with a layer of top shell. After a slight debugging, the flywheel quickly flew away from the place and quickly flew to the place where more than 100 soldiers had left before. Everyone had an unspeakable excitement in their hearts.

For years, this kind of thing has been solved by force, including four women, and they have not tried to steal some information from enemy forces in this way.

"Wow! Cool, I don't know how many years I haven't been on the flywheel, either on the warship or on the starship. It's so annoying that I really want to take my wife to sit on this thing. The proud wolf felt the breeze coming from the vent of the top cover of the flywheel and couldn't help roaring and sighing.

Feng Long drove the flywheel and said loudly without looking back: "Don't dream. Yulong is not your wife. Don't forget that Tang Long, Lao Kang, Zhang Tao and so many other good men stay at the headquarters this time. Maybe your Yulong will ignore you when we go back, hahaha ."

The arrogant wolf stood up from his seat and strangled Feng Long's neck from behind and said, "You bastard, if you hold the beauty back, you will curse me. If Yulong is really abducted by their damaged goods this time, I will be the first to kill you and the second person who seduced my wife."

Because the proud wolf strangled Feng Long's neck and kept shaking his body, causing the flywheel to fly up and down irregularly in the air. Fortunately, it is still within the scope of the waste mountain. Otherwise, in the city, it will definitely be detained by the Ministry of Transportation for investigation. Of.

Several people just rode on the flywheel and talked and laughed. It was not until the flywheel drove into the dense city that they forced themselves to calm down. Feng Long no longer made fun of the proud wolf and Yulong, but drove his flywheel through the towering buildings at ease. Everyone was enjoying the height. The pleasure of looking down at a city.

But just as the flywheel was about to pass through a city, Wang Jing inadvertently said to herself, "Why are there only two kinds of people in this city?" Feng Tian sat behind her and smiled and said, "Of course, there are only two kinds of people, one is a man and the other is a woman. Otherwise, what else do you want here?"

Feng Tian didn't agree with Wang Jing's words, but Liu Ting, Li Fei, Yang Xue and Feng Long knew Wang Jing very well. The reason why they were able to find the Star Alliance in the underground research institute in the primitive forest before was because of Wang Jing's **. At present, Feng Long asked, "Jingjing, you found that there are those two kinds of people in this city. Let's talk about it."

At first, when she heard Feng Tian's words, Wang Jing, who was introverted, blushed slightly. Later, when she heard Feng Long's words, she looked up and said, "I don't know if it's my illusion. I only saw soldiers and mechanics in the place where we flew over just now, and I didn't find any people in other industries."

Hearing Wang Jing's words, Feng Long suddenly felt something flashing in his mind. At that moment, he did not hesitate to step on the brake of the flywheel and drove the flywheel into a remote alley to stop. Feng Long suddenly loosened the steering wheel with both hands and began to frown and meditate.

Everyone understood what Feng Long's expression represented, and no one disturbed him at present. Everyone calmed down and carefully recalled the people they had seen along the way. Then they were surprised to find that they only saw the two professions, soldiers and mechanics.

I don't know how long it took. Feng Long's pair of pupils suddenly dilated a little, and then quickly contracted back to normal. After that, he said slowly, "If I guess correctly, we should not have gone to an armament processing planet this time, but to a real military region."


Everyone couldn't help taking a breath of breath when they heard what Feng Long said. There were only a dozen people on their side and a flywheel, but they were deeply involved in a military region of hostile forces. Anyone would be shocked by this matter. In a moment of surprise, they had ignored the gun of the starship on their side.

Everyone's hearts sank slightly, but they were only nervous for a moment, and their faces were full of crazy smiles again. Proud wolf put out his tongue and licked his lips arrogantly and said, "What's so terrible about the Star Alliance military region?" Everyone, including the four women, shook their heads with a smile when they heard the words.

"Since you're here, don't take the opportunity to look around and play." Feng Huoyan and Feng Tian looked at each other and smiled. They said at the same time. Then Feng Long turned his head and smiled, "Let's try our best to travel this time. Don't cause trouble unless you have to, so that you can get familiar with the terrain of the Star Military Region by the way."

After hearing this, everyone nodded with agreement. After that, Feng Long's face returned to the previous hot-blooded and crazy smile again. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator under his feet to the bottom, he shouted, "Guests, please note that it is forbidden to throw things outside the people outside the window during the flywheel flight. Of course, unless they deserve it."

Everyone laughed loudly when they heard the words, and Liu Ting's four women were even more ridiculous by Feng Long. After the flywheel drove out of the alley, it continued to walk through the city. Feng Long quickly drove the flywheel through the city with a standard that almost reached the speed limit and began to move to the next city.

After they crossed a city on a flywheel, there was a story of contradictory evolution in the waste area where they landed before. Their battleship parked on the waste mountain was surrounded by hundreds of flywheels at this moment, and thousands of soldiers looked at it warily with standard weapons. A warship.

"These bastards, this warship is still so new, who threw it in the waste area?" One of the thousands of soldiers asked the others in a cold voice. Everyone looked at each other and looked at me with inquiring eyes, but no one stood up to answer the officer's question.

Just as the scene was about to be silent, a figure flashed beside the officer and bowed to him and said, "Captain, I don't think this is a warship in our military region. Why do I feel a little familiar when you look at the sign behind the warship?" It was the deputy captain of the team who spoke.

The man known as the captain walked to the tail of the warship with the deputy captain and saw a red and eye-catching sign painted on the right side of the tail of the ship with laser. The sign showed that a whale and a shark were fighting with each other, full of majestic domineering.

"This is... impossible! How could they come to such a remote military region? After seeing the sign at the tail of the warship, the captain's first reaction was dull, and then he was a little unbelievable. In the end, he turned directly into shock. He looked at the deputy captain beside him with a shocked face and said.

The deputy captain couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw his boss's almost crazy expression. Since he followed the boss, he hasn't seen him show this expression in any large-scale battle. Now he is a little old, but he didn't expect to see this when he was transferred to the military region for retirement. An expression that can't be.

After seeing the boss's expression, although the deputy captain did not know what the sign meant, he began to have an inexplicable fear in his heart. Then he quickly lowered his head to sort out the complicated database in his brain and began to search for information about the logo desperately.

A whale and a shark.

Whales and sharks?

Whale and shark... Whale shark!

After the repeated filtering of countless intelligence in his brain, the deputy captain finally thought of the belonging of the red sign. At the same time, five eye-catching letters S rose in his brain, and then a handsome young man's reward order smashed the five huge letters and was deeply engraved in his brain. .

"Whale Shark Pirates! Feng Long!" The deputy captain suddenly shouted, but the captain beside him quickly reacted, turned his head and looked at him coldly and roared in a low voice, "What are you shouting about? Do you want to disturb the army?" The vice captain bowed in shock and said, "I dare not."

"Let people carry the warship away, and be careful not to spread it to the army." The captain took a deep breath and then calmly ordered the vice captain beside him.