Big Starship

Chapter 267 Alliance Fortress

Proud Wolf used thunder to solve those pursuers at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine. After he reboarded the flywheel, Feng Long quickly drove the flywheel to chase the moving coordinates of their warship. At this time, no one dared to stop them. Even those soldiers who saw the flywheel speeding pretended not to see it. It seems.

The flywheel quickly crossed the three cities with a gorgeous tail flame and came to the waste mountains they had seen before. Feng Long temporarily parked the flywheel over the waste mountain, looked at the projection on the steering wheel to carefully identify the direction, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the flywheel burst out at an extraordinary speed again. Spout in a certain direction.

At the same time, the alliance warship that hijacked their warship has crossed the waste mountain and escorted by the vassal flywheel to a huge fortress made of steel. The fortress covers an area of more than 90,000 square kilometers. Standing at one end, you can't see the other end at all.

More than 200 warships flew out of the fortress and were divided into two rows on the way back of the fleet. In the alliance warship with the whale shark symbol warship, the person who was subordinate as the captain was looking at a projection in front of the console, which showed a handsome young man about 20 years old. .

"Brother, you didn't really bring back the whale shark warship, did you? You should know that if you lie about military information, you have to go to the military court of the alliance!" The young man who appeared in the projection said in the first sentence, and a trace of fanaticism flashed in his eyes, especially when he said the word whale shark warship, which was even more obvious.

The captain shook his head helplessly and said, "It's true. It's dragging behind my first ship. Why are you so happy?" After listening to this, the young man thought that he would not dare to lie about the military situation. He laughed and said, "Of course, I'm happy to find the whale shark warship, which is a great achievement in the Star Alliance!"

However, the middle-aged captain didn't think so and sighed helplessly again and said, "At that time, I was still thinking about whether to bring it back. I was old and had a family, and I didn't want to do anything else to lick blood with a knife. I advise you not to interfere too deeply in this matter. The group led by Feng Long It's not easy to mess with."

When the young man heard the uncle opposite say this, a faint look of contempt flashed in his eyes and said jokingly, "Didn't you ship the warship back? Is it possible that this credit is for me?" After saying this, he felt funny and laughed loudly.

However, to his surprise, the middle-aged captain nodded his head with shining eyes and said, "Are you really willing to accept this task? Then I'll let you. I decided to bring this warship back for the sake of the safety of the alliance, but I don't want to provoke those who shouldn't be provoked. Well, you found this warship now.

After the middle-aged captain's voice fell, a earth-shaking roar suddenly came from the distance of the fortress. Feng Long was approaching the fortress at a very fast speed while driving a flywheel. At the same time, he shouted, "I'm Feng Long from the Star Alliance. Who moved our warship? I advise you to hand it over quickly."

Before the flywheel has seen it, Feng Long's voice has been transmitted to the whole fortress, but strangely, no matter where you listen to this sentence from the fortress, the size of the sound is basically the same, which is enough to reflect the high-end loudspeaker Feng Long used to process sound. Du, this is also a disguised majesty for Feng Long.

"Wow! Whoo! Wow!!!" A burst of harsh sirens also resounded throughout the fortress. The military bosses who were originally discussing countermeasures in the center of the fortress suddenly rushed to their foreheads after hearing this wild voice. They slapped tables one by one and stood up and shouted, "The whole army is out and wait for orders outside the fortress."

"Fuck, I wanted to negotiate peacefully with that boy for the sake of the energy of the fortress, but I didn't expect this bastard to be so arrogant." One of the military bosses, a young man with the rank of major general on his shoulder, stood up and shouted, and everyone walked out of the council hall angrily.

At this time, Feng Long had also driven the flywheel to take everyone to the periphery of the fortress. Looking at the neatly arranged fleet and the steel wall of the fortress in front of him, Feng Long and others were not afraid at all. After parking the flywheel on the ground, everyone flew in mid-air to confront the neat fleet.

Feng Long was not in a hurry to take action. He was waiting for the people who could do things in this fortress to appear. He also understood that it was useless for these soldiers now. Not only could he not take back his warships, but in case these soldiers were forced to attack the warships directly, it would be finished. Now the warships did not have any energy. Assigned in the defense system.

Several people who had held a meeting in the council hall to discuss countermeasures also flew out of the fortress. One of the people with the rank of major general engraved on the surface of the mecha took a step forward and looked at the people opposite in a cold tone and asked, "Who are you Feng Long? Stand up for me."

Hearing this, Feng Long sneered and flew forward and stared at the major general. He knew that the person he was waiting for had come. At this moment, he said rudely, "You should be the highest officer of this fortress. Decide quickly. Do you want me to hand over the warship or let you hand over the warship?"

When he said this, he was not aware of being trapped in the headquarters of the enemy's military region, as if he had gained absolute advantage and ordered a defeated general, which also made the officers and soldiers of the Star Alliance feel unhappy, and their eyes were full of anger.

"Do you know that you are surrounded by our army now, and there are only about a dozen people on your side. I don't believe that you can suddenly conjure up a fleet army like in the Isera Empire and parliamentary system." The young general was obviously arrogant by Feng Long.

Feng Long was still not in a hurry to do it. Looking at the young general opposite, a strange courage suddenly gushed out, which squeezed the courage into an invisible aura and spread past. At the same time, he said, "I really didn't bring anyone this time, but it's enough for us to deal with your fortress at this level."

"Bastard, I would like to teach you today why those immortals in the alliance define you as 5S-class reward criminals. All the warship units will take orders and immediately prepare the main guns to fire at Feng Long." The young major general's expression twisted and shouted angrily at the communicator in his hand.

After he shouted this sentence, a huge cannon was stretched out from the head of the warship. With the continuous debugging of the gunner, all the muzzle pointed to Feng Long's direction from the air and quickly began to store energy preparation, while Feng Long still maintained his original posture and moved. Standing in the air motionless.

"The countdown before the launch of the fleet's main gun, three, two, one, launch!" A clear voice spread to all the warships of the Allies. At the moment when the sound fell, the gunners of the whole fleet tacitly pressed a button in front of their post and pulled down a handle, moving very neatly and uniformly.

"Boom!" A dull explosion sounded outside the fortress. It was all the enemy ship's main gun energy that bombarded Feng Long. The major general showed a triumphant smile on his face, and the people standing behind Feng Long, including the four women, looked at the fleet opposite and the man who commanded the fleet with disdain.

"This level of attack will only emit meaningless light and raise some dust."

Before the light formed by the energy explosion completely dissipated, everyone heard a sound from the center of the light. The whale sharks were not surprised to hear this sound, and the soldiers of the Star Alliance also heard the not too big sound, including the young general. They are all in a state of stagnation.

Feng Long has a large number of starship guns, which is clear to almost all the major forces in the universe. However, what really surprised the major general and his soldiers was that they clearly saw that Feng Long did not have any defensive facilities starting to operate at the moment before the attack.

That is to say, there are only two possibilities. First, there is almost no need to store energy to open the defense system of the war armed defense system. You just need to open it at the moment before the attack comes to you. The second possibility is that those people have never dared to imagine, that is, Feng Long blocked hundreds of ships before this battle just by the strength of his body. The main gun of the warship fired in unison.

What can be placed at the forefront of the formation are naturally A-class warships, and the main guns of hundreds of A-class warships are enough to be comparable to ordinary C-class starships. However, such a powerful attack did not even hurt a hair in Feng Long's completely defense?

"If you want to hurt me, you have to drive at least ten A-class starships. As for wanting my life, I'm sorry that no one in the universe has been able to do this so far, so I can't give you an exact instruction." Feng Long stood there from beginning to end without moving, and now said to the young general as if he were teaching a child.

All the warships seemed to suddenly lose their power, but quietly stopped in the air, and even the flames ejected under the chassis had been extinguished. The warships reacted like this, not to mention the flywheels. All the officers of the Star Alliance stared at this moment stared at their highest officer. With a hint of vague expectation.

Why do they have expectations? Of course, because of Feng Long's strong strength, and the people behind him have not moved since the beginning. The strength shown by the only 5S reward prisoner in the universe has been enough to destroy their entire fleet countless times. The only expectation in everyone's heart at this moment is that the officer orders to retreat.

But their young officer at the level of major general obviously disappointed his subordinates. He reached out and pulled out a laser knife and shouted at Feng Long: "I just don't believe in evil. You dare to fight with me. Let's have a duel. If you win, your battle The ship will be returned unconditionally.