Big Starship

Chapter 269 Post-war Welfare

"You are very good. Since my debut, few people can make me spit blood in a one-on-one challenge, and few people have done this even in group battles, but you have done it." Feng Long finally got rid of the shackles of the other party and looked at the young general's eyes with praise and said.

The major general looked at his approval and said self-deprecatingly, "Then please respect your opponent and fight with me with all your strength. I don't believe that such a level will be defined as the first 5S in history by those old guys at the league headquarters." While saying this, he was already preparing for the next attack.

Feng Long suddenly took a deep breath and nodded tightly and said, "Okay, in this case, I will give your name as you wish." Although he felt that he was about to launch an attack, Feng Long just tightened his muscles and did not make any action to adapt to changes.

"It's an honor to be asked my name in the battle with you. I'm Rod, the commander-in-chief of the Star Alliance Armament Production Zone, with the rank of major general." Hearing Feng Long's words, the major general suddenly said that the pride was that every soldier who knew Feng Long and the whale shark would have.

Originally, when he saw that Feng Long's body didn't understand, Rod thought that he was big and wanted to seize this few opportunities. He punched again and burst out his extraordinary speed and rushed to Feng Long head-on. When he was about to punch Feng Long's door, Feng Long disappeared from his sight, leaving only a disability. Shadow.

Rod's pupils suddenly enlarged. When he found that Feng Long's speed was far beyond his imagination, Feng Long had already appeared directly above him under the impetus of the war. At this moment, Rod's body appeared to jump forward because of a punch, as if he were lying in mid-air.

And Feng Long had to lower his position in order to attack his back. The same heavy punch hit Rod's spine fiercely. Unlike his attack, Feng Long did not hit the air. After a heavy punch fell on Rod's spine, Feng Long said coldly, "Eighth-level sky, overlord boxing ."

"Puff!" After a soft sound, Rod spewed out a pool of blood directly facing down, which was seriously unbelievable. Although he had commented on Feng Long's comprehensive strength in the previous battle, when Feng Long really used all his strength, he found that he was so short-sighted.

Feng Long did not stop after a blow, but disappeared after another flash. Rod also quickly turned around. After adjusting his position, the only thing he could think of was to retreat immediately. He really didn't want Feng Long's perverted speed and super attack to come to him again. At this moment Meanwhile, Rod had a hint of avoiding war in his mind.

His body quickly exploded more than 20 meters in the air. After stopping his body, he immediately turned his head and looked around to find Feng Long's figure, but just as he turned his head, a faint shadow suddenly flashed in front of him. Rod's first reaction was to attack immediately, but like last time, his attack It's also failed.

"This is my full strength. You are still far from it." A voice like the soul of death sounded behind him. Rod immediately turned around and punched him. At the moment he found that his punch was still in the air, a sharp pain in his back quickly came, and it was the same position as Feng Long's attack last time.

"Ah!!!" A scream that went straight to the sky came from Rod's mouth. He suffered Feng Long's full blow in the same part of his body twice in a row, and that part was still a fragile place like the spine. Even an iron-blooded officer like him could not stand this heartbreaking pain.

When he suffered Feng Long's second overlord fist, his spine had been broken, and he suddenly lost all his fighting ability. If he was not treated in time, even the modern medical technology, which was infinitely close to the peak, could not save his life.

Rod is already staying in mid-air and falling into a deep coma, but he has more air intake and less air. The reason why he can not fall down immediately is also because of the automatic adjustment function of the mecha on his body. As long as he feels that the owner is in a coma or dying state, the mecha can immediately intelligently make a reasonable according to the surrounding environment. Improvement.

Feng Long, who broke out with all his strength, solved the duel between the two with little effort. He turned around and smiled at the four women with a worried face. Then he turned his eyes to the alliance fleet opposite and said without delay, "The battle is over. I saved his life. A few people will take you quickly. The officer went for treatment.

After the words fell, Feng Long was not in a hurry to leave, but quietly floated in mid-air waiting, but after all, no one dared to take Rod away. All the officers of the alliance army were looking at each other at this moment, pushing one by one to delay the time, while Rod's injury was severely aggravated at this time, but he was out of breath. .

Seeing the reaction of these allied army officers, Feng Long couldn't help but feel a trace of contempt. At the same time, how many people who are thinking about whale sharks will dare to come and take them back?

People's patience is often limited. Seeing Rod's face gradually pale, Feng Long stretched out his right hand and looked at the video table on his wrist. It had been three minutes since the duel stopped. In these three minutes, if someone dared to take Rod back, his injury was almost stable.

Just as Feng Long was about to lose patience and turn around and leave, suddenly a figure quickly rushed out of the coalition camp and flew here. Feng Long took a step back in front of his eyes to make the man more confident that he would not take the opportunity to attack, but if he wanted to attack this person, he would not retreat. It can be affected in two steps.

A middle-aged man picked up Rod's dying body and looked up at Feng Long, who was not far away. After hesitating for a moment, he still said in the hoarse voice caused by fear, "Thank you." After saying this, before Feng Long could reply, he quickly retreated with Rod's body in his arms and entered the alliance fleet in an instant.

The person who came forward to take Rod was the captain who ordered to drag back their warship, but unfortunately Feng Long did not see him. His sharp eyes passed through the cover of several warships and still saw the middle-aged figure quickly fly to the headquarters with Rod in his arms. Feng Long raised a smile at the corners of his mouth and whispered to himself, "Well, there is still one It's kind of."

After saying this, he quickly dodged to the front of the opposite fleet. When the officers and soldiers of the allied forces saw this scene, they immediately shouted as if they were shocked: "Beware! Be on alert!" However, Feng Long just flew 200 meters in front of the fleet and looked at the warship much bigger than him and smiled without saying anything.

"What do you want to do? Don't forget the agreement between you and our officer. Rod's adjutant came to the front of the fleet and looked at Feng Long's arrogant figure and said tremblingly. His right hand unconsciously pointed to Feng Long, which was the most basic defense subconsciously asked him to make.

Feng Long frowned slightly when he saw this. First, he released his courage and squeezed away to the adjutant. The moment the adjutant felt Feng Long's courage, he immediately withdrew the hand pointing at him, and his eyes were full of fear, as if it was not a person, but a fierce beast standing in front of him.

Looking at the adjutant's frightened look, Feng Long said disdainfully, "I'm not leaving just to remind you, don't forget your agreement with me to bring our warships to me intact. I don't want you to play any tricks. You should know that you want to destroy this fortress. I'm enough alone."

The adjutant was at a loss when he only felt Feng Long's aura. How could he hear what Feng Long was saying? Obviously, he was a greedy person who was afraid of death. After a few seconds, he suddenly reacted and said, "Battleship, warship, warship, right? Let someone send it to you immediately. ."

Looking at his greedy and afraid of death, Feng Long really couldn't help but want to strangle him, but when he thought of the agreement with Rod, he finally resisted.

The three warships of the Alliance Army then dragged out a warship. There was a striking sign on the right side of the tail of the warship. It was a whale shark pattern engraved with laser. It was the warship Feng Long and others who went out to drive this time. Seeing that the warship was intact, Feng Long nodded with satisfaction and waved to Ao Lang and others. Insent.

Seeing this, everyone flew to him non-stop from the air. After coming to his side, Feng Long controlled the warship to open the hatch with a video table, and then said to the wolf nesters, "You go in and check the interior of the warship, let the main brain scan the external structure, and report it to me as soon as you find a problem."

The proud wolf knew what Feng Long was thinking and showed a strange smile. After waved to several people in the wolf's nest and flew into the warship, Feng Long and several others still flew majestically in the air outside the warship. When the allied fleet saw that they did not leave, they naturally did not dare to retreat easily. The two sides confronted in such a stalemate.

After about two minutes, the proud wolf quickly flew out of the warship and said to Feng Long with an angry expression: "The right wing of the warship has been worn out, the energy bank has been completely depleted, and the territory has also been violently shaken and a little disconnected."

After hearing him say these problems without blushing, Feng Long's eyelids and nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his cold and solemn eyes to the adjutant in front of the coalition fleet without saying a word, but the courage on his body once again condensed into an invisible aura and silently rushed to the adjutant's body.

After the adjutant saw his eyes, he knew that it was not good. Before the aura completely penetrated his body, he bowed and said, "I'm sorry, the repair of these problems is all undertaken by the military region, and at the same time provides you with three built-in energy cores of the A-class warship for free, which are issued at the same level. Two motives.

Feng Long nodded with satisfaction, but the contempt in his eyes could not be concealed. He said coldly to the adjutant, "Get out, I want to see what you just promised in three minutes, and the right-wing maintenance cost of 10 million star coins."