Big Starship

Chapter 276 Speed of Life and Death

Looking at the warships that used to be enemy ships are now in chaos, some advocate attack, some advocate defense, some flee the battlefield and shout abstain, and even directly fire at the warships around them. Feng Long and Feng Hu saw this and shook their heads silently with a smile. The wings behind them are ready to be again. Second expansion.

Feng Long took the lead in saying to the headset, "Sister Ting, as long as you keep jumping in space and fight guerrilla warfare with them, the main battlefield is still left to Feng Hu and me." Not long after his voice fell, Liu Ting's voice sounded in the headset, and she only heard her say in very short and concise words, "Ok, you two be careful."

Feng Long didn't say anything, but nodded silently. As soon as he waved to Feng Hu, the two disappeared from everyone's sight again. Those who did not have time to arrive at the battlefield ten minutes after the start of the game, after a hard attack but still could not break through the electromagnetic mask, chose to be silent and quiet. Look at the battle in space.

Seeing that Feng Long and Feng Hu, the two killing gods disappeared again, all the people who stayed on the planet couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, they were all in their original reaction. At the same time, they also watched the warships that kept exploding in space with the mentality of watching monkey drama and were intoxicated with the gorgeous sparks. Medium.

For these people's thoughts, the participants who are in the life-and-death competition will naturally not know, and they are not interested in knowing that at this moment, all the contestants are willing to exchange their lifetime savings in exchange for Feng Long's forgiveness. In their eyes, these two unarmed monsters are already as strong as demons. .

I really don't know what horrible combat effectiveness they will have when they wear war weapons. This is a thing that everyone is thinking about. In the battlefield of the entire M78 nebula, only warship has never intended to escape or defend. Instead, it is leisurely attacking the warships around them, but it has never ushered in. Any sneak attack and counterattack.

This warship is the first ship of the "night hunter". At this moment, all the members of the nightlight hunter in the warship have a relaxed look. They all had a good relationship with this horrible monster before their commander in the situation. Leo also sat in front of the main console, watching the broadcast of the projected battle situation while proudly A wise decision.

When he initially decided to be friends with the whale shark pirates instead of the enemy, he provoked a lot of dissatisfaction among his subordinates, but the dissatisfaction returned. The iron policy of the luminous hunter was still there. In the end, everyone had to obey Leo's proposal. Now they still have any dissatisfaction, and there is only a trace of It's just a secret joy.

A battle with a huge gap in quantity, but also a very obvious comparison of strength gradually turned into a unilateral killing. Almost every second, there are several dazzling sparks blooming in the bright starry sky, but they quickly fall silent like when they came. Compared with the brilliance of that large dazzling galaxy, it is not worth mentioning at all.

This unilateral killing lasted for half an hour. At this moment, it is only more than 50 minutes before the start of the game. There are few fleets left that rushed out of the planet and flew to the starry sky. When the contestants were first selected, the M78 nebula had more than 30,000 warships, but now There are less than a thousand.

Although it was a dead and injured, after all, it was a thousand warships, and the visual impact caused by gathering was quite considerable. Feng Long couldn't help but feel a little tired when he saw those who gathered together and cooperated with each other to defend each other, and suddenly stopped his crazy attack. Hit, standing quietly above the starry sky, shaking his head slightly and sighing.

After seeing his reaction, Feng Hu quickly flashed to his side and asked, "Why, are you injured?" Feng Long seemed to hear a joke. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "Do you think it's possible to be injured in a war of this scale?" Feng Hu also shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't think it's very realistic."

Ignoring the concerned eyes of his cousin, Feng Long's eyes suddenly flashed at the fleets gathered in the distance, and then turned to Feng Hu and said, "I'll look back at the ship first to do something. You stay in space to watch the warships. If they have any abnormal behavior, I don't need to say more. Right?"

Feng Hu nodded and said, "Go ahead." Feng Long nodded when he heard the words, and then informed Liu Ting to drive the warship over through his headset. He waved his wings and rushed into the open hatch. As soon as he entered, he said to Yang Xue, "Xiao Xue, connect me to their video and adjust the projection to the main console."

As soon as his voice fell, Yang Xue's voice sounded in every corner of the warship, and only heard her delicate and soft voice say, "Okay." After that, as soon as Feng Long went to the console and sat down, the reduced projections ejected from the front of the console one after another, and a large circle of small screens instantly surrounded him and Liu Ting.

"Hir, everyone, I'm Feng Long, the head of the Whale Shark Pirates. Compared with everyone, I've heard this name more or less." Feng Long opened his mouth and said to a circle of screen, and the faces of the nearly a thousand people in the small projections changed dramatically after seeing him. Even those behind him who could only see his back were full of fear in their eyes.

"The purpose of contacting you is to ask you whether we want to continue this battle." Feng Long seemed to be lazy and casually sitting on the chair in front of the console, but what he said brightened tens of thousands of people. At present, more than 900 people in the projection said at the same time, "No more fight, we will admit defeat."

After hearing this, Feng Long moved his chin slightly and said with a kind smile, "Very good, I'm also a little tired of this kind of unchallenging battle, but after all, you have launched an attack on our warship. You can't say you won't fight if you don't fight." The more than 900 leaders of all parties facing the video were slightly stunned when they heard the words.

"Then what do you want us to do?" One of the bearded man asked urgently. Before Feng Long could speak, another thin man said, "What do you want, star coins? Women? Planet? Battleship? Starship? As long as we can hold it, we will definitely offer it with both hands to express our apologies to you.

Hearing this man's words, Feng Long's eyes were unmoved, and then said in his lazy tone again, "I don't lack what you have, and even if all of you have a family background, you may not have as much as me. I contacted you this time to get rid of you and do something for me. After that, everyone can leave.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, but then looked at Feng Long's smiling face with a wary face. Finally, someone couldn't help saying, "Try what you want us to do first." This is also the answer that everyone is eager to know. It is about the fate of their whole team, but they don't believe that it is easy.

Looking up at the person who asked him, Feng Long turned his head and smiled, "Don't worry, I won't put forward the perverted requirements you imagine. This is very simple and can be done here. As for how much time it takes, it depends on your ability, but my patience is also Limited."

Everyone held their breath at this moment and listened carefully to what Feng Long said next. Then Feng Long did not want to waste time and said, "Everyone will try their best to open the thermal energy detection system of your respective warships and find the trophy in this M78 nebula. If I only have five hours of patience, such as If I don't see the Starship Gun at that time, you will still die."

While saying this sentence, Feng Long's whole body's courage was unconsciously released. Through the visual effect of video, it affected everyone's mind. After everyone felt this huge pressure, they fell into the endless abyss of fear. What's more, it was dark in front of his eyes and fell directly back and could barely stand. It's full of fear.

"By the way, I would like to remind you not to try to hide selfishness for me, otherwise even if you have a starship gun, you will still die miserably in my hands." After saying this, Feng Long withdrew his courage, but then ten starship guns quickly flew out of his body, and they kept spinning around his master's body.

Feng Long's hand was exposed, even more obvious than the previous deterrent effect on those people. When everyone saw this strange scene, they were convinced of what Feng Long said. What big waves can a starship gun set off? In the face of Feng Long's strength, he will still die miserably. Everyone thinks so in their hearts.

Seeing that the purpose of deterrence had been achieved, Feng Long closed his eyes and waved his right hand and said, "You can start looking for it. Remember, I only give you five hours." As soon as Feng Long finished speaking, those people didn't even care about saying goodbye to him, and immediately turned off the video like a mad dog and issued a heat detection order to his subordinates.

Feng Long didn't care about this at all. He let them search the whole M78 nebula, and then reached out and clicked a virtual button on the main console. Feng Hu's projection appeared on the main console. Feng Long looked at the image of "White King" and smiled and said, "It's okay. I guess they won't do anything more. Come in and have a rest."

When Feng Hu heard the words, he just nodded slightly and didn't say much. He directly opened the three pairs of huge white wings behind him and rushed to the whale shark's warship at a very fast speed. After he entered the warship, Feng Long said to the communication equipment on the main console, "Let's not be idle, just with them. Let's find it."

Everyone responded in unison, and then their warship quickly opened an invisible power grid, covering a large star domain.

At this time, there was a dialogue between two dark shadows on the planet where Feng Long and others just landed when they entered the M78 Nebula. One of them proudly asked, "What do you think of these people?" Another person bowed slightly and said, "Boss, I think they can complete that task."