Big Starship

Chapter 281 Two-thirds

"The first time my people walked out of this grassland, they encountered the thunderous weather, and there was an obviously developed leopard chasing. The leopard was more than 20 meters tall and 100 meters long. My subordinates' weapons were useless to attack it." Mr. Hao began to explain to Feng Long.

After that, Feng Long and everyone imagined in their brains and simulated a 20-meter-long leopard standing in front of them. Any attack method of everyone was almost ineffective for it. Only when it waved its powerful front paws and opened its ferocious mouth to pounce on them. Everyone felt a chill when they thought of this. .

Then Mr. Hao said, "After my second group of subordinates walked out of this grassland, they had walked out of more than ten kilometers safely, but the gravity of the ground under their feet suddenly changed sharply, from normal to about a thousand times in almost an instant, and a large area of miasma rose around them inexplicably."

Mr. Hao shook his head helplessly. Feng Long also lowered his head silently when he heard the words. After meditating for a long time, he looked up and said, "Your subordinates are really aggrieved." He didn't know what to say, but in order to ease the depressing atmosphere of the scene, he had to say such a sentence.

Mr. Hao sorted out his mood and continued to say, "The third batch of subordinates were even unlucky. They didn't even walk out of this grassland. Just as they had seen the edge of the grassland, they didn't know what energy under the ground broke out. Suddenly, a very high temperature rose in a large area, and they were so plain. It spontaneously ignited for no reason.

After hearing the death method of this last group of people, Feng Long and others felt speechless, and Mr. Hao continued, "Since then, I have never let my subordinates come here to take risks. After that, it took two months to organize a life-and-death speed competition in the M78 Nebula."

He said that before others could react, he continued to add, "Actually, this game is also dispensable, because we have decided that you are the ones who complete this task. Even if you don't come and the champion is taken away by others, we will kill that person and continue to move after a while. Let's hold a similar competition.

Hearing the inside story of Mr. Hao's death rate, Feng Long and others were not surprised. Instead, Feng Long said with a relaxed smile on his face, "But as soon as you spread this big net, I got in, and before you did it, I killed all the contestants."

After hearing this, Mr. Hao spread out his hands and said, "Anyway, these legal murderers are alive and constantly depriving others of their lives. They rely on helping the Star Alliance kill people to make a living. There is no need to feel guilty about killing these people." After saying this, the crowd put down the two warships and began to walk deep into the grassland.

With the star icon provided by Mr. Hao, everyone will not lose their direction in such a large grassland. Feng Long's luck is always very good. He is in the team. It took everyone three hours to travel through the grassland at high speed until they walked out of this grassland without any danger.

Seeing that the direction of himself and others has been completed on the star map, Mr. Hao couldn't help but say to Feng Long, "You are really lucky. It seems that the old guys under my board of directors are right to choose you, and less than half of the way to reach the destination."

Feng Long just expressed his blessing, but his luck could not always be so good. Just as everyone was about to finish two-thirds of the journey, he suddenly encountered the expected obstacles. At this moment, there was an animal standing on their way forward. The animal was staring. Big eyes look at these outsiders.

However, Feng Long was very surprised by the gaze of this creature. Not only him, but even Mr. Hao couldn't say a word for a moment. Everyone was stunned and looked at the little guy in front of him. The little guy was not big, only the size of an ordinary person's palm, and he was actually a Lada beast.

Seeing the most familiar creature, the proud wolf first opened his mouth and said in surprise, "It's actually Lada. It's impossible. Because its body structure is different from other animals, Lada beasts can only live in an environment with ultra-high gravity. Once it stays on a low-gravity planet for a long time, it will explode and die!"

Listening to the sigh of the arrogant wolf, everyone carefully felt the gravity around them, but found that the gravity here was not only unable to meet the standard of ultra-high gravity, but even smaller than that of some ordinary planets suitable for human settlement, but standing in front of them was really a living Lada beast.

Just when several people felt very puzzled, they suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had changed dramatically, and the gravity under their feet suddenly increased without warning. Feng Long saw that the parameters displayed in the eyepiece of the mecha were constantly soaring, and the last number that rose to 800 stopped fluctuation.

"What's going on? Now the gravity of the planet's magnetic field has reached 800 times!" Naturally, other people can also see the parameters that Feng Long can see. Feng Tian said with a shocked face at this moment. The sudden increase of gravity, including Feng Long, felt that the sky suddenly seemed to have collapsed.

Feng Long and Feng Hu have become a second state reflexively. The proud wolf and the wolf's nest are still barely able to fight normally, while Feng Tian, Feng Huoyan, Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue can't even move normally, acting as if they were watching a slow-motion video.

The two green and white monsters stepped forward and stood in front of the crowd without hesitation. At this moment, they had already looked at the little Lada beast in front of them, because in this gravity environment that suddenly increased to 800 times, the Lada beast did not respond from beginning to end, and even blinked.

Feng Long turned around and asked the two bodyguards around him, "Can you bear it?" The two bodyguards didn't speak, but nodded silently. Mr. Hao handed him a look and said, "It's okay. We used to do gravity increase training. This small problem is not difficult for us."

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his eyes to the proud wolf behind him who could fight normally and said, "The task of protecting them is handed over to you. Feng Hu and I will meet this little guy to see how much better the Lada beast on the ruins star is than our eight-level Lada beast."

After saying this, the two of them moved their feet and walked slowly to the Lada beast. The proud wolf also entered a state of readiness and ordered to the crowd, "Mr. Hao, bring your people and our people together. All the members of the wolf's nest will set up a defensive formation on the periphery with me."

Everyone began to execute as soon as they heard the order. A defense array was placed in the front row of everyone as quickly as possible. Feng Long and Feng Hu saw that the proud wolf was ready, and they also ran to the Lada beast at ease, but under 800 times the gravity conditions, they The unreachable speed in the eyes of ordinary people has also slowed down a lot.

The Lada beast still sat still very calmly. Seeing that Feng Long and Feng Hu were about to wrap it out from both directions, it didn't seem to see it. It still maintained its original appearance as if it had died. If it weren't for the slightest brilliance in those two eyes, I'm afraid anyone would have thought it. He is dead.

The Lada beast does not move, but it does not mean that Feng Long and Feng Hu will take it lightly. The lion still tries its best to catch the rabbit, which is still remembered by the two of them. At this moment, they have come to the Lada beast from the left and right directions and stretched out their hands to catch the Lada beast in their hands.

"Ouch! It hurts so much!" The two shouted almost at the same time, and saw that they were bumping into each other firmly at this moment, and the Lada beast disappeared at that moment. Everyone quickly raised their hearts when they saw this. They would not believe that the Lada beast had run away. The reason why the beast was called the beast was because of their wildness.

Even the Lada beast, which is only famous for its speed, is no exception. As a beast, it naturally has the damage of beasts. As expected, the Lada beast did not escape, but quickly rushed in the direction of the proud wolf after escaping the capture of Feng Long and Feng Hu.

The proud wolf just felt a flower in front of him and saw a golden shadow rushing at him. When he first realized that he opened a light screen, the head of the Lada beast had hit his chest fiercely, and the light screen was also equivalent to protecting him and Lada beast together.

After the Lada beast hit the Proud Wolf at a very fast speed, several people in the wolf's nest also reacted quickly, but because the Proud Wolf had almost zero distance contact with the target, they did not know how to do it for a moment. They could only watch the Proud Wolf's body be hit and flew back six or seven meters before stopping.

Because of the inertia of the Lada beast, a proud wolf flew more than six meters away and fell to the ground after hitting Feng Tian's body. For a while, it couldn't climb up. Everyone else looked shocked. Even in the previous interstellar wars, the proud wolf was rarely made so embarrassed by the enemy!

After Feng Long and Feng Hu pushed each other and stood up straight, they also saw the Canyang of the proud wolf being blown away. They also couldn't believe that such a scene was caused by the little Lada beast. Before today, the Lada beast had always been a synonym for weakness in their understanding.

But no matter what the Lada beast they knew before, today this Lada beast made Feng Long and Feng Hu defcome in front of everyone in front of their eyes, and made the proud wolf sit on the ground. Facing 800 times the gravity, it can still play a terrible speed that only allows everyone to see a trace of shadow.

Everything seen today is stirring the bottom line in everyone's hearts, and the Lada beast disappeared from everyone's sight again after hitting the proud wolf. The first person to see it was Feng Long, but when Feng Long noticed it, it had rushed to Wang Jing at a speed far faster than before.