Big Starship

Chapter 290 Enemy Invasion

Feng Long and others had just flown out of the relic star and sailed for less than a light year. The radar on the warship detected the earth-shaking changes in the rear. Then a very terrible energy storm spread beyond the radius of three light-years near the relic star. Where the storm hit, all the free energy was swallowed. Eat clean.

"It's not good! The energy absorbed by the starship gun just now is so horrible that the whole planet is collapsing. Hurry up and turn on the space jump function of the warship!" After seeing the holographic projection on the radar, Feng Long shouted to the communicator next to the main console without hesitation. At this moment, everyone also noticed the terrorist incident in the rear.

The planet collapsed sharply under strong pressure, resulting in its infinite mass but infinitely small size, resulting in a black hole, which is also the top three horror phenomenon in the universe, because often such a dramatic change of a C-class planet is enough to cause nothing within three or four light years, let alone This relic star is a super-A-level planet!

In such a desperate situation, Feng Long immediately ordered everyone to complete the space jump, but he flew out of the warship in war arms despite everyone's opposition. While the warship completed the first space jump, Feng Long also came to the vicinity of the warship where Feng Lei and Feng Yan were located. Even in such a desperate situation, he I want to save these two elders.

The new era of black holes is the most terrible period in every black hole's life, and this relic star is a super-A planet larger than an ordinary A-class planet. Under the constraints of these conditions, there is only one reason why Feng Long dares to fly out of the warship alone, that is, the war he wears on his body. The armed is blue.

Yes, it was the last starship gun known as the king of guns that gave him great confidence. However, he was still one step late after all. The blue shadow quickly skimmed the distance of space, but when the shadow flew not far from the warship, the warship was caught in an energy storm in Feng Long's eyes, so There is only one consequence of the two, that is, they are swallowed up by a black hole.

"No!" Feng Long stretched out his hands and tried to catch the fuselage of the warship, but he still saw the warship where the two elders were swallowed up. His mind suddenly fell into a blank and shouted loudly. After shouting a word, Feng Lei's voice suddenly sounded in his helmet: "Don't worry about us, run away!"

Because of the energy chaos around the black hole, space-time chaos, the transmission of information that should have been close to the speed of light has been delayed for so long. Feng Lei should have sent this message at the moment he discovered the energy upheaval of the remnant star energy, but he still waited until Feng Long was swallowed into the black hole to receive it, but Even if Feng Long receives it in advance, nothing can be changed.

"Dad! Ah!" At this moment, in the warship that had begun to jump in space for the second time, everyone saw everything through the projection transmitted by Feng Long's mecha. Proud Wolf and Feng Hu suddenly shouted heartbreakingly, and then collapsed weakly. Seeing this, the others resisted the sadness in their hearts and hurriedly sent them into the sleeping chamber.

Yes, it's the sleeping cabin, not the treatment cabin. What they need now is just a good sleep. After handling the two people's affairs properly, two lines of tears actually flowed out of Feng Hao's face. The four women also looked at the projection in front of the console with a worried face. The reason why they were worried was Feng Long's figure. It is still not in the projection.

"Since the birth of the first civilization in the universe, until now, there is only one person who can still come out alive after entering the new black hole! The dimensional fluctuation of the new black hole is very violent. Who knows whether such a violent fluctuation will crush people or send them somewhere. Feng Hao stood aside and muttered to himself.

The person he mentioned is naturally the legend of their Feng family and the legend who once left a myth in the whole universe. At this moment, he is lying in the remains of this warship. He is the only one who came out of the new black hole and also brought enough technology to affect the future direction of the universe. Knowing that it is a blessing is a curse.

While the four women were extremely worried, the warship also ruthlessly began the second space jump. The first space jump did not want to be too far away. In case Feng Long rescued people, it would be easy to respond, but now, the energy storm still destroyed the sky after effortlessly devouring the three people and a warship. The momentum of annihilation hit them, and everyone understood that they had to maximize the jump distance at this moment.

The space jump of this warship does not need buffering, but there is always nothing perfect in the universe. Its longest space jump distance is only three light years. After the warship enters the four-dimensional space again, everyone has to expect Feng Long to be fine and pray that the blue war armed forces are enough to make him in the new black. He survived the devouring of the hole.

Feng Long did not disappoint everyone. When he had been sucked into half of his body, his whole body quickly incarnated as Satan. With the shaking of his wings behind him, with the incredible propulsion system armed with the Gun King War, he actually burst out ultra-high speed beyond the escape speed of the newborn black hole in an instant, even in this In an instant, his speed was several times faster than the speed of light.

Feeling the violent energy that kept pouring into his body, Feng Long regretted that he had not burst out at such a speed when saving people before, and flew forward helplessly. At this time, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, as if a mechanized voice sounded in his heart.

The mechanized voice said in his heart, "Detected the close-range newborn black hole, level A, whether to start the emergency space jump mode of the mecha." Hearing this sound, Feng Long was slightly stunned, and then he was overjoyed. It seemed that the last starship gun almost absorbed the energy of a planet and was not a waste.

After thinking of this, Feng Long nodded and said, "Start the space jump mode." He didn't reach out to do anything, but with one sentence, the mecha took him into the energy storm of the outbreak of the new black hole, stopped the propulsion system and started the space jump the next moment, and Feng Long suddenly disappeared in place.

This time he really disappeared and opened the space jump around the black hole. For ordinary warships and even starships, it was purely a death-seeking act. What's more, he just relied on a mecha. When Feng Long flew out of the four-dimensional space, the previous mechanical voice said again: "After the space jump, the jump distance is six Light years."

Hearing this sound, Feng Long was even more excited. The longest distance of the infinite jumping warship they developed was only three light years. However, his mecha, even if it was not the longest distance of jumping, was twice that of the warship! However, what he didn't know was that there was also the influence of the black hole.

The space around the new black hole is fragile, and now it is affected by this mecha, which is enough to be known as the first in the universe, so that the space-time turbulence in the four-dimensional space has faded a lot, and the four-dimensional space is more unstable, but no matter what, when Feng Long looked back Wait, it has got rid of the threat brought to itself by the new black hole.

After a space jump, the mecha thruster was fully opened, allowing Feng Long to catch up with the previously departed warship in about three minutes. After entering the warship, Feng Long first nodded slightly to the four women, and then asked, "Where are Feng Hu and Proud Wolf?" Are the two of them all right? Everyone pointed to the group of sleeping pods very tacitly.

Looking in the direction of everyone's fingers, Feng Long saw Feng Hu and the proud wolf lying in the two sleeping cabins and walked to them silently. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. After a long silence, he suddenly turned around and sorted out his mood and said to Yang Xue, "Contact your home and talk about our situation. ."

After hearing the words, Yang Xue nodded slightly and turned around and dialed the video of the whale shark headquarters on the video platform. Feng Qinghai's holographic image suddenly ejected out. As soon as he appeared in front of the crowd, Feng Hao turned around. He only felt guilty about Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai's two sons. He never returned back then, and now he doesn't know what to do. How to face them.

However, Feng Qinghai didn't pay attention to this magnificent back. As soon as he appeared, he shouted, "Where's Feng Long? Let Feng Long come and see me!" Hearing this sentence, coupled with his tone and expression when he spoke, everyone suddenly sank and knew that something might have happened at home, and Feng Long came to the console without delay.

"Uncle, I'm here. Is there something wrong at home?" Feng Long opened his mouth and asked the projection. Feng Qinghai did not answer his question immediately when he heard the words, but calmed down slightly and asked, "How is your task completed? Is there any news about the last Starship gun?

After hearing the words, Feng Long nodded slightly, took the blue starship gun in his hand, looked at the starship's gun and said dimly, "I've got it, and even destroyed a planet for it, and..." Feng Long couldn't go on halfway through, because he always felt that Feng Lei and Feng Yaner People's death is their own fault.

However, Feng Qinghai seemed to be very anxious and did not notice the unnatural expression on his expression. Seeing the blue starship gun in Feng Long's hand, Feng Qinghai immediately said with relief: "Come back quickly when you get it. The invasion of the Ithera Empire is chaotic. This real starship battle broke out. !"

"The whole country!" Feng Long couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard the news. He knew that the Isera Empire had captured the six surrounding empires in one fell swoop not long ago. It should have been greatly damaged. How can Isera still have the strength to invade the chaotic galaxy now? And looking at Feng Qinghai's appearance, the chaotic galaxy is actually a little troublesome.

"It's too late to say more. According to the information stolen by the Star Spirit from the host system of the Isera Empire, they are likely to be supported by the Star Alliance behind their backs. Anyway, come back quickly." After Feng Qinghai said this, he hung up the video without waiting for Feng Long to say more. Feng Long originally wanted to ask Feng Qingyu where he was, but he still didn't have time to say it.

"Fly at full speed, you must go home within three hours!" Feng Long turned around and ordered everyone that this is all he can do now.