Big Starship

Chapter 299 Disappearing Isera

"Try to delay the time, and I'll be fine soon." After Feng Hu split Iselah in half again with a knife and thunder, Feng Long's hurried voice came to his ear through the headset. Feng Hu nodded and said, "I know, why is it so slow to assemble a pulse weapon this time? Didn't it take a few seconds to finish it?"

Feng Long shook his head helplessly in a corner of the sea of fire and smiled, "Well, it's not that the structure of this dragon crystal is different from that of the war dragon metal. The distribution ratio of the same light potential pulse gun is different from before. With the ordinary starship gun, I'm afraid that I can't kill the old thing."

As soon as Feng Long's voice fell, Feng Hu opened his eyes wide and looked at Isera, who was divided into two. He saw that Isera was not only reborn now, but also that the two bodies squirmed to produce an Isera. Feng Hu said incredibly: "Is this a split?"

But the two Iseras smiled proudly and said, "Haha, you can also take this as a component, but it hurts me if my body is divided into two. I want you to bear my pain ten times more." After the words fell, the two "Isera" enveloped Feng Hu from two different directions.

Seeing this situation, Feng Hu couldn't help but feel nervous and was at a loss for a moment. However, when Isera's attack was about to fall on him, he still quickly wrapped himself tightly with the six wings behind him, like a giant cocoon.

After receiving the two Isera's full blows, I don't know whether Feng Hu's defense is strong or Isera's attack is weak. Feng Hu not only did not move at all, but also came from the huge cocoon. He only heard him open his six wings and look at Isera on the right and smile: "Hahaha, after being divided into two, he is weak. A lot, right?

The Ithera, who was looked at by him, frowned and asked vigilantly, "What do you mean?" Feng Hu's eyes flashed with a disdainful smile and said, "Don't pretend, the density of your body will also increase when your body is divided into two, resulting in a decline in all aspects of your body's ability, right?"

After listening to Feng Hu's words, Isera neither admitted nor denied, but the two bodies retreated quickly in one direction at the same time. Seeing this, Feng Hu only thought for a moment and decided to chase him in the direction where the two Iseras fled, but it was the moment he thought that made him a step late. .

I saw two Isera colliding quickly before Feng Hu's arrival, and then the two merged with each other. When Feng Hu came, he was already a perfect Isera, but Feng Hu was not afraid in his heart. He directly raised a punch and then hit Isera's head with the inertia of rushing forward.

"Well, now I'm 100% in a state, a boy who can't measure himself." In the face of Feng Hu's punch, her body did not move at all, but her right hand turned into a shadow and quickly blocked her in front of her. Her right hand took Feng Hu's powerful punch into the palm and opened her mouth for sarcasm.

And Feng Hu didn't care much about his cynicism. His other hand also shook hands and punched Isera, but Isera still seemed to be able to take his second punch, and the two stood opposite each other and started an extremely fierce battle.

However, in the struggle between the two, no matter how hard Feng Hu tried, Isera always smiled. He took Feng Hu's attack with both hands and seemed to be skillful from beginning to end. Just when Feng Hu saw some lack of succession, Isera's face suddenly appeared. A strange smile.

Seeing the smile on the monster's face opposite, Feng Hu's heart sank, and a bad feeling surged into his heart. Just as he tried his best to see something from Isera's eyes, suddenly there was a convulsion behind him, and a laser knife penetrated directly from his back heart.

"Isera, you bastard!" Feng Hu coughed violently and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Behind him was a monster exactly the same as Isera. The monster was also armed with war and its wings constantly vibrated. The laser knife that ran through him stretched out from the arm mecha of the war armed.

Looking at the knife that was about to stab himself, Isera smiled carelessly and said, "Hahaha, you seem to have overlooked a little. Who told you that I could only separate a split at most? In the battle with you just now, I lost a lot of cell tissue on my body, and these cells are distributed in every corner of the starry sky.

Shock! Feng Hu only had shock in his heart, and everything that followed seemed to be verifying what Issela said. In every corner of the universe, there was a prototype of a living being conceived by himself, and hundreds of Isselas appeared in every corner of him in a few breaths.

Although Feng Hu seemed to be the world's Isera at a glance, then some unformed bodies exploded in the universe. Obviously, the genetic tissue is not enough to withstand the complete development of a body, and most of the monsters that have been formed are weak-looking and weak, with only a small number of them. It looks combative.

Isera seemed to be a little surprised to see these weak bodies. At present, he roared angrily, "You can't disperse. This degree of dispersion is too obviously weakened. Come and merge with me!" So hundreds of Iselahs flew to a Iselah at full speed.

Naturally, it was Isera who were regarded as their originals to fight with Feng Hu. At this time, more than 100 split bodies had integrated into the body, and Feng Hu also clearly felt that with the fusion of those splits, the pressure from Isera's palm holding his fists was also growing exponentially.

Feeling the oppression from the fists, he saw that there were more than 600 Isera, who had not yet completed the fusion. Feng Hu's heart also had the first fear in history. He really couldn't imagine that when Isera recovered all the split bodies, the meat How strong can the body be?

Just as Isera looked at Feng Hu confidently and kept putting pressure on his hands, he suddenly found that the split bodies were a little abnormal. Most of the split bodies exploded before they merged with him. Issela's eyebrows were locked together.

This abnormal phenomenon was only one or two small-scale at the beginning and did not attract his attention. However, when he only wanted to kill Feng Hu as soon as possible, those split bodies exploded in front of him on a large scale, and in the blink of an eye, more than 400 split bodies had exploded in the universe one after another.

Now Isera could no longer keep his original calm. Just when his heart was full of doubts and puzzles, he and Feng Hu suddenly found that the palms holding Feng Hu's two fists were gradually disappearing, as if they were constantly being swallowed up by some microorganisms. , so quickly diminishing in the universe.

Only for a moment, Isera's two palms completely turned into free molecules in the universe. No, there should be no free molecules left. This is a complete disappearance and completely turned into nothingness. Even the small factor he turned into was shaken by a high-intensity vibration wave after floating for a moment, and then high Warming into nothingness.

"What's going on? No, no, ah!" Isera was a little incoherent in the face of this sudden abnormal phenomenon, while Feng Hu seized the opportunity to kick his abdomen. The two flew back at the same time, while Feng Hu flew directly into a firelight and disappeared into Isera's sight.

At this moment, Feng Long is coming behind Feng Hu with a blue light pulse gun. Seeing the injury on Feng Hu's body, Feng Long asked with concern, "Are you all right?" Feng Hu just shook his head with a smile and said, "I forgot to tell you that White King's heart is not on the left, but on the right. It's just a skin injury."

After hearing this, Feng Long was still worried, but when he saw that Feng Hu's expression did not twitch at all, he was temporarily relieved. At this time, the voice of Isera's hesterious voice came into the headsets of the two, and he only heard him roaring: "Feng Long! Feng Long, I know you have done a good thing. Come out, come out! I'm going to kill you!"

However, Isera's roar did not receive any response. He could only watch his hands and feet continue to disappear, from hands to arms, from feet to legs. The gradually dissipating range soon reached his torso position, and the war armed forces slowly came from him after losing the support of his body. Fall off.

Anyone will feel fear sooner or later when they watch their body disappear inexplicably. After such torture lasts for ten minutes, Isera is naturally no exception. Feng Long seems to deliberately torture him to make him feel fear to his heart's content, and adjusts the power of the pulse very small.

Isera finally became as strong as before. He seemed to know that he was going to die, leaving only half his body and a head floating in the universe. His starship gun also seemed to have judged the death of his master. The war armed forces did not take the initiative to return after leaving his body.

"Feng Long, boy, come out. Today, Iselah admitted defeat, but before I die, I want to see what kind of weapon is that killed me. I beg you." Isera's head lowered weakly, and the regenerative cells in his body could not continue to rebirth along the wounds on his body.

After about ten minutes, Isera was finally decomposed by the pulse with only one head left, and a head with a helmet floating in the universe. Feng Long suddenly replied to his request at this time. He only heard Feng Long bow his head and said indifferently, "Just die at ease. You don't need to know what weapon it is. Kill you."

After hearing this sound, Isera, who was already unconscious, finally fell into complete despair. With a violent howl, his head under the helmet finally dissipated invisibly, and the helmet and other fallen wars were all armed into the original. Starship gun.

Feng Long turned to Feng Hu and said, "Stay here now and try to recover from his injury with war armed forces. I'll recover the starship gun he left behind." Feng Hu just nodded and said nothing more.