Big Starship

Chapter 302 Return to the Ice Star

When Feng Long learned that his family was threatened by the enemy again, he felt very uncomfortable and even almost fainted, but he finally broke out in silence. His body completely absorbed the energy aftershocks produced by the gun king's self-detonation, which not only enhanced his physical strength, but also brought him a Some mysterious superpowers.

After adapting to his new power, Feng Long suddenly increased his confidence and took Mamaka and Honglian to drive the fleet to the headquarters of the Star Alliance.

The three-color eye did not do too much. With the speed of their fleet, it only took a little more than a day to get to the Star Alliance from here, but the three-color eye gave Feng Long three days, obviously giving him time to prepare.

After more than a day's voyage, the not-large fleet finally arrived at the Star Alliance.

Feng* did not return to the chaotic galaxy to rescue soldiers. He only temporarily requisitioned the three star ships of the former Isera Empire and escorted the fleet of their three forces to the Star Alliance. It was not that Feng Long thought that his power was enough to solve this problem, but that he had other ideas.

After seeing the Star Alliance in front of the main console of the first ship, Honglian turned to Feng Long and asked, "Brother, do you really guarantee that there is someone in the Star Alliance who will help us? In case they turn against each other, we will die if we challenge the Star Alliance with this strength. After some consideration, she decided to confirm with Feng Long.

Feng Long nodded with a smile and said, "Hahaha, don't worry about Xiaolian. Will I still let you and Mamaka accompany me to die? I'll give you a coordinate. After you enter it into the console, control the fleet space and jump to that star domain, find a blue ice planet, and then land. You don't have to worry about anything else."

It turned out that the reinforcements in Feng Long's mind were the snow wolf family that had a life-long friendship with several of them. Honglian saw Feng Long's confident appearance, and the last trace of worry in her heart suddenly disappeared. She smiled and nodded and entered the coordinates given by Feng Long into the main console of the first ship, and the first ship passed this coordinate to Other warships.

A not-large fleet came to the star domain mentioned by Feng Long after a short space jump, and the whole blue planet was the largest in the star domain, and as soon as everyone sailed out of the four-dimensional space, they were located above the planet. Honglian and Mamaka saw what Feng Long said at a glance. The planet.

"Is it here?" Mamaka turned around and asked Feng Long. Feng Long was still half lying in the chair, closed his eyes and nodded and said, "It must be right to detect the most densely responsive place on the planet and let the fleet land." As soon as Feng Long's words fell, a virtual radar projection appeared in front of Honglian, and the red dots on it marked the life response on the planet.

The fleet quickly penetrated the atmosphere of the planet. After their first ship entered the atmosphere, the fortifications on the planet have issued an alarm. A large group of snow wolves below surrounded a large machine. A snow wolf stepped his feet to the machine and stretched out a red button on the machine. I took a picture.

Before the other snow wolves could react, the machine quickly opened a blue light screen with a diameter of more than 30,000 meters. The hemispherical light screen surrounded the whole snow wolf family scattered tribes on the planet, and then a snow wolf slowly walked to the machine. , stick out two front paws and operate skillfully on the machine.

Honglian stood in front of the main console and said to Feng Long, "Local residents have sent a video request." Hearing this, Feng Long immediately jumped up from his chair and came to the main console in two or three steps and said to Honglian, "I'll pick it up." Honglian obediently handed over the control of the main console to Feng Long, and Feng Long couldn't wait to click the button to agree to the request.

"Who are you? This planet is the territory of our Snow Wolf clan. No human spacecraft is allowed to enter. Please return immediately, otherwise we will use star defense guns to attack your fleet." A white snow wolf stood in front of Feng Long and said, not forgetting what to suggest to other snow wolves.

When Feng Long saw this strange snow wolf, he immediately frowned and asked, "Where is Giska in your ethnic group? Please call him here." After listening to Feng Long's words, the snow wolf who had a video call with Feng Long also locked his eyebrows together very funnyly, and then shouted, "Is Elder Giska you, an unidentified person, want to see it?"

Seeing the snow wolf's eyebrows closed, Feng Long and the three beside him just wanted to laugh, but because of the face of the snow wolf, they still couldn't help it. Feng Long bowed arrogantly and said, "Brother, please tell Elder Giska that his old friend Feng Long came to visit and get Our fleet will not move forward until your permission.

The snow wolf saw Feng Longwen's polite appearance, looked up at the size of their fleet, and then whispered to a snow wolf beside him, "Turn on radar detection and check if there is still their fleet outside the atmosphere." The snow wolf nodded and retreated. Soon, he stood in the distance and shook his head to his leader to show that there was no enemy ship.

The snow wolf who had video communication with Feng Long and others nodded with satisfaction, and then warned Feng Long: "I'm going to ask Elder Giska. I advise you not to act rashly before I come back. The star defense guns on this planet are more than six times the number of your fleet. If you don't want to die, just wait for me. Come back."

Feng Long had no choice but to nod his head at the warning of this snow wolf, but what he was thinking at this moment was that if I really wanted to attack, even if the surface of your planet was covered with star defense cannons, what could he do with me? However, it seems that the snow wolf clan has evolved a lot after we left, and they also know how to negotiate with the enemy.

If the snow wolf knew what Feng Long was thinking at this moment, I'm afraid he would directly order them with a cold face, but he didn't know, so he still ran into a cabin in the tribe, all of which was perfectly presented in the main console projection in front of Feng Long.

"Ead Elder Ghiska, are you at home?" Snow Wolf stood outside the house and knocked on the door with his front paw and asked. Before long, there was a hoarse sound in the room. Guiska put down the physics book in the room and said, "It's the descendant in charge of vigilance today. Come in and have a cup of tea."

The snow wolf who came to inform him arched forward with his wolf's head, and the door of Giska's room was opened. The snow wolf walked into the room and said to Giska, "E elder, a group of human beings came outside just now, and one of them seemed to be the leader asked me to tell you. That is to say that his old friend Feng Long came to visit and asked you to go out to see him.

Originally, he was still thinking about the problem he had just seen in the book, but after hearing the words of this descendant, Giska was shocked. He suddenly jumped down from the chair and came to the snow wolf, and asked with excitement in his eyes, "What did you just say?" Are you sure that man's name is Feng Long? The snow wolf who came in to report was first shocked by his behavior, but still nodded.

Giska said excitedly, "Come on, take me there. That's the hero who once saved our people from the danger of extermination, and the only human being recognized by our snow wolf clan. There should have been no boy at that time, but I think your parents should have told you about this person and us. The story of the ethnic group, right?

After hearing this, the snow wolf, who was obviously smaller than Gisca, suddenly stopped and stared at Giska in front of him with an incredible face and asked, "Eden Ghiska, do you mean that the man is the hero of our clan?" Giska was eager to leave, but said vaguely, "If only it were him."

The two snow wolf figures carried two snow-white shadows and walked quickly on the glacier. Before long, they came to the place where the snow wolf looking for Ghiska had left before. At this time, the snow wolf no longer dared to go to the video station to question Feng Long, but turned around and respectfully gave the position of the console to Ghiska, Ghiskama The upper probe looks into the video projection.

"Haha, little brother Feng Long, it's really you!" The moment he saw Feng Long's projection, Guiska shouted excitedly, while Feng Long saw that Guiska seemed to be much older and his heart was full of doubts, but he still replied, "Yes, Brother Guiska, I'm back again, but this time I encountered a little trouble and wanted to ask the snow wolf brothers to do me a small favor."

"You come down first and come to our tribe and talk about it slowly. As long as it's your problem, we will help you at all costs." Only then did Giska remember that Feng Long was still stopped near the atmosphere of the planet by these descendants. Feng Long said with a smile on his face, "Okay, please cancel the fortifications first."

After saying that, the two cut off the video. At this time, the younger generation and others who were notified before were surrounded by Giska with a sense of inquiry. Giska couldn't help laughing and said, "Little kids, why are you standing stupid? Quickly cancel the fortifications." After hearing this, the snow wolves had to carry out Ghiska's order.

After hanging up the video, Feng Long turned around and said proudly to Honglian and Mamaka beside him, "See, I said that someone would definitely help us. The snow wolf family on this ice and snow planet was saved by me when I was looking for the Dragon Crystal Gun King. Without me, their ethnic group would have been exterminated long ago. , and was destroyed by the Star Alliance.

Honglian and Mamaka saw that Feng Long's words did not fail, and they also found their friends. At present, they also followed Feng Long with a smile. Feng Long ordered the other warships through the team channel: "Our three captains go down first to do something. You are not allowed to land without my order, so they just wait here. ."

After explaining everything, Feng Long flew directly out of the warship with Honglian and Mamaka with a smile on his face, and each flew to the ground below with mecha or wings. The descendants of the snow wolf who saw this scene were also relieved, thinking that these three people did not even open the warship, just relying on At present, I am relieved that the three of them can set off some big storms in the ethnic group.