Big Starship

Chapter 309 Doom Comes

After the battle, the Star Alliance lost four developed planets because of the victory or defeat between the two. Mamaka finally came to the fallen red eyes. At this moment, the red eyes looked at him feebly and said weakly, "I lost. If you want to kill, kill it."

After listening to this sentence, Mamaka smiled and said, "Haha, I didn't expect that the reaction of a generation of heroes before death was no different from that of others. I'll give you a good one." After saying that, Marca took out a starship gun and turned the gun into a white king cannon aimed at the red-eyed forehead.

"Brother, it's ready. At least half of the planet will be blown up." Mamaka said to Feng Long without looking back. Feng Long nodded when he heard the words and said, "I'll fly away first. You can finish it quickly." After saying that, Feng Long shook his wings, and the whole person flew out of the atmosphere of the planet in the next moment.

Seeing that Feng Long had disappeared, Marka turned his head and looked at the red eyes again and said, "You are the most powerful opponent I have met since my debut. I'm very happy to fight with you, but unfortunately, this is a war." After hearing this, the red eyes didn't want to say anything more, but slowly closed his evil eyes.

"Boom!" An earth-shaking dull sound spread all over the planet. Feng Long stood in outer space in the distance and looked at the planet. A blue light spot on the surface of the planet suddenly lit up, and then the light spot quickly expanded on the surface of the planet and finally enveloped nearly half of the planet.

Looking at the planet constantly turning into fragments in the universe, and finally those geological fragments separated from the gravity of the planet itself, scattered to the corners of the universe and become countless meteorites, Feng Long couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart and sighed that a planet was so fragile.

Maka's figure quickly broke through the meteorite group produced by the split of the planet and came to Feng Long in an instant. Just as the two were discussing the next action, the projection of the Proud Wolf suddenly flashed out from the video table of Feng Long's wrist. The Proud Wolf said coldly, "The family's affairs are almost handled. Ask someone to go there."

Feng Long lowered his head and meditated for a moment and said, "You just need to bring the wolf nest people here. You don't need too many people. Feng Hu and Zhang Wen stay at home and take good care of the house." After hearing this, Ao Lang still said with a cold expression, "I know." Then the two hung up the video at the same time.

At this time, Maka said to Feng Long, "It seems that Wuchao has suffered a lot of losses this time. I have never seen the expression of the Proud Wolf Brothers." Feng Long also sighed when he heard the words, "Yes, I think Yulong should have been taken away by the red eyes, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to show such a heavy expression with the proud wolf's heart."

Mamaca then asked, "What should we do next?" Feng Long looked at the nebula where the two of them were located, bowed his head and meditated for a moment and said, "I guess the white eye should be at the headquarters of the Star Alliance. After all, it's the enemy's nest. It's dangerous for us to go there. Let's start with these planets first and force white eyes to come out to see us."

This proposal is an excellent strategy. As soon as Feng Longgang proposed, he nodded and agreed. Then the two looked at each other and smiled and flew from two directions to two adjacent planets. At the same time, the Luowu, the Snow Wolf clan, and the two pirate groups of Whale Shark and Huolian are also constantly refreshing. Their record.

Thousands of snow wolves of the Snow Wolf clan are scattered on a planet. This planet is not very big and can only barely approach half of the A-class planet, but only a few thousand members of the Snow Wolf clan have participated in the battle, which is less than 10,000 snow wolves, let the residents of this planet I felt the disaster of extinction.

The natural keen sense of smell, unaffected vision even in the dark, as well as the big lethal laser cannon hanging on both sides of the body, the radar inside the helmet, the powerful muscles of the limbs, the powerful boost system installed in the legs and the electric wolf claws on the soles of the limbs undoubtedly make these thousands of snow wolves It became the enemy's nightmare.

And Honglian also led the two pirate regiments and became powerful on the nearby planet occupied by the Snow Wolf clan. Although those pirates were extremely brave and fearless to death, they were all ordinary people. No matter how well equipped they were, they could not stop an army on a developed planet.

But if the leaders of this group of ordinary people have 20 starship guns, then the situation will be another matter. Honglian alone can actually easily destroy the planet, but in the end, she is still unwilling to let her younger brothers feel that she is of no use to the leaders.

If this continues for a long time, these little brothers will become dependent on the leaders and become lazy one by one. No matter what trouble they encounter, they will have their own boss behind their backs. Such a situation is by no means what any leader wants to see.

The Luowu clan is even less than the Snow Wolf clan, but these crazy and super-strong natural warriors are three people responsible for a planet, and the target chosen by them is without exception. All of them are A-level planets. Up to now, there has been no information about the casualties of the Luowu clan.

Once these natural warriors start to fight, they will be crazy. Each of them will incarnate as Shura. It is simply easy to conquer the planet of mankind with these warriors. In the face of them, human beings can't make up for everything by quantity alone. In front of these warriors, the enemy is only There is fear.

Mamaka's body quickly landed on a planet. The moment he broke through the atmosphere, the radar on the planet had already reacted, and the goal he chose happened to be a military planet. All the people on the planet were soldiers, but would these soldiers have room to resist in front of Mamaka?

As soon as he fell to the ground, Marka turned his head and looked around. In a glance, he found that he had just fallen into a military fortress. At this moment, 300 A-class warships had surrounded him. There were more than five white chariots slowly approaching him on the ground, and as many as 100,000 soldiers followed by the chariot. .

With such a huge force, their common goal is only one person at this moment, that is, Mamaka. Maybe in the years that Mamaka has been imprisoned by Isera, some people in the stars have forgotten this legend, which has once made the leaders of many great powers sleepless at night - the doomed Mamaka.

Looking at the encirclement that kept approaching him, and in front of the chariots, there was a team of more than 20,000 mecha soldiers. A disdainful smile appeared on Mamaka's confident face. Then he completely ignored the encirclement of the army and air forces against him, and hummed coldly and emitted an incomprehensible to ordinary people. Momentum.

What a noble honor this is, the king of the Luoluowu clan. In terms of courage, I'm afraid that the courage of Ma Maka is even above Feng Long. Those mecha soldiers who are pioneers are suddenly suppressed by this powerful and terrible momentum. They stopped moving forward, and the chariots behind them Naturally, the group and other soldiers could not move forward.

"How can it be? He hasn't done anything yet. Why did I break out in a cold sweat!" In the warships hovering above, one of the pilots asked the adjutant beside him in a sweat. The adjutant did not dare to move and said, "You, can you still move? If you can move, attack."

How can these ordinary people still have the intention to attack in the field of courage released by Mamaka? At this moment, everyone in this field has a common feeling that they have a feeling that they are going to die the next second, but after a second, they are still living. Live with breathlessness.

At this moment, the whole planet seemed to have no concept of time. Everyone was still and could not even say anything. Only the cold sweat and fearful eyes at their end could make people see that these people were still alive. At this time, Mamaka finally put away the smile raised at the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, the mecha team in the front row of the land encirclement fell to the ground. Three seconds later, no mecha was still standing. This is the strength of the Mamaka's aura. With the courage of the superior, more than 20,000 mecha elites lost their combat ability in an instant.

20,000 mechas fell at the same time. This scene was seen by many soldiers. However, before their eyes could express fear, Tamaca finally disappeared in place. This was the first time he had moved since he came to the planet, and everyone's heartbeat stopped for a moment.

"Ring up!" The quiet world was suddenly broken by a loud shout, and everyone unconsciously looked in the direction of the shout. Mamaka was standing in front of a chariot, holding the cannon extending in front of the chariot in both hands, and actually picked up the chariot so hardly.

Maka carried the chariot around a few times, and then suddenly shouted, "Go away!" Then his hands were loosened, and the chariot flew out without any suspense. At this time, some soldiers found that the chariot still flew towards a warship in the air. Obviously, Mamaka still wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

"Bum!" There was a loud noise in the sky, and the warship that collided with the chariot completely exploded into metal fragments. The aftermath of the explosion caused the six warships around the warship to deviate from the orbit of flight, and the metal fragments falling from the sky were scattered among the soldiers.

Several screams came from the team of 100,000 soldiers. Some died directly, and some were seriously injured. After this, at least 1,000 of these soldiers had to lose their combat effectiveness, and just as everyone looked at Mamaka angrily, Mamaca disappeared again.

is gone again. What will he bring us next time he appears? Everyone was thinking about the same problem, and the scene fell into a dead silence again.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted, "I remember bad luck, bad luck, Mamaka, once annihilated a warship team of the Isera Empire in a minute. Since then, the title of bad luck has been circulating in the stars, but I don't know why, he The name has disappeared for several years, and this title has been almost forgotten.