Big Starship

Chapter 1 End of Rhapsody

Time is slowly flowing through the endless silence. No one knows how long it has been, the world has become a "point", and the three-dimensional space has instantly skipped the two-dimensional transformation into one-dimensional space. Under the powerful pressure of this space decline, only one starship is still intact.

The starship is a "big starship" formed by a hundred starship guns and formed by the Dragon Crystal Gun King. It is also the highest masterpiece made by Feng Long with the starship gun in his life. It is this starship that looks not much bigger than an ordinary starship that has retained tens of thousands of lives in the heat of the universe.

A layer of blue light suddenly lit up in the endless dark universe, which is gamma rays, the natural light that a new star will emit when it is born or destroyed. Gamma rays, even the last era where Feng Long almost reached the peak of technology has not been fully grasped.

Gamma rays are touch-and-death for ordinary humans, but they can also cause changes in the genetic tissues of some living organisms, resulting in the mutation of living organisms. With this gamma rays, this beam of gamma rays illustrates a problem that the next era of civilization is coming.

I don't know how long he slept, Feng Long was the first to open his eyes. At the moment he opened his eyes, a beam of gamma rays penetrated the astronomical window of the big starship, which shot directly into his pupil, but this was just a small matter for Feng Long.

If anyone in the last civilization era was most familiar with the mysterious and horrible thing of gamma rays, it was undoubtedly Feng Long, but his eyes were slightly closed. The gamma rays did not have any effect on Feng Long, while Feng Long looked up at the astronomical observation port and smiled at the darkness outside. .

"Congratulations, boy. I didn't expect that there would be someone in the universe to survive the cosmic silence, and?????? And you still spend it with tens of thousands of people. You are really not a mortal!" At this time, his white eyes came behind Feng Long and smiled helplessly.

After Feng Long experienced the destruction of an era, his whole body seemed to have changed a lot. He turned his head and smiled and said, "Ha ha, it's just luck. If it hadn't been for the 100 starship guns developed by my ancestors, I'm afraid we would all have died in this heat."

White eyes nodded and said solemnly, "Anyway, thank you. I'm also in your honor." Feng Long didn't say anything more when he heard the words. He just nodded and turned to look at the others. Those people were still sleeping, as if they were the only two who woke up.

"Are there only two human beings in the whole universe now? Shouldn't it be said that there are only two of us? Feng Long suddenly remembered something and asked the white eye. The white eye just nodded and said, "It should be. What are you going to do in the future? Do you want to try to develop against the universe?

Hearing the white-eyed proposal, Feng Long nodded slightly and said, "Now the universe has just been hot and silent, and the anti-universe should be at the peak of technology, right?" Baiyan nodded and agreed with his statement, and then Feng Long turned around and said, "First help this new era reach a level that can maintain survival. Let's see then."

While the two talked to each other, Aolang, Feng Hu, Maka and other people also woke up one after another. After waking up, they all felt that they had changed a lot. They didn't know what it was. Anyway, they always felt that some natural laws in the universe could not work on themselves. Among them, there is a law of time.

Feng Long saw that everyone woke up one by one. Some of the younger brothers of the two pirate groups could not withstand the gamma rays emitted by a new universe and closed their eyes forever, but Feng Long knew that this was their fate. The law of the universe believed that these people were not qualified to witness the birth of a new era.

But four people still refused to open their eyes. Feng Long couldn't be indifferent. Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue slept for a hundred years after the birth of the new civilization. A hundred years later, Feng Long still stood outside their sleeping cabin and looked at the faces of the four women.

Maka flew behind him from the distant sky and looked at the sleeping pod and said, "Don't worry too much. The gamma detector shows that their life response is very fierce. It should be just what happened to them under the influence of this gamma rays. Wait patiently for decades and may wake up. ."

After nodding helplessly, Feng Long was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly saw Wang Jing's fingers move slightly. Feng Long, who saw this scene, was suddenly ecstatic. Since the 100 years since the birth of the new era, today is undoubtedly his happiest time, and then Wang Jing took the lead in opening his eyes.

Feng Long squatted next to the sleeping cabin in surprise and held Wang Jing's hand with his hands excitedly. Wang Jing then seemed to have been summoned. A trace of agility suddenly flashed in his eyes. Between Feng Long and Wang Jing's eyes, there was a trace of excitement in their eyes, the only moment in a hundred years.

Liu Ting, Li Fei and Yang Xue soon opened their eyes one after another. The four women raised their heads and looked excitedly at the man in front of them who had troubled them in their dreams for a hundred years. At this moment, Feng Long was wearing a blue-gold mecha, which was the only gun king left after the big starship survived a heat.

I have to say that the power of the heat silence of a universe is so great that even the ninety-nine guns of the War Dragon Starship were destroyed in the heat silence. In the turbulence of time and space, they also completely lost the ability to repair automatically, but their parts were also integrated with the King of Guns, making the guns of the Dragon Crystal Starship closer to the end. Beautiful.

"Xiaolong, I, what's wrong with us?" Liu Ting asked Feng Long with a trace of confusion in her eyes, because the four women have now undergone some changes, and their bodies have become a little transparent, just like the four crystals in the night sky. Naturally, Feng Long can't explain this.

Feng Long, who was asked this question by Liu Ting, was slightly stunned, and then immediately said excitedly, "Haha, don't worry so much. Anyway, you are all right now. This mutation should be benign. As for what ability you have got, we will discuss it later. Now the most important thing is that I want to fulfill my promise. "

"What promise?" The four women looked at Feng Long with doubtful eyes, but Feng Long suddenly smiled and lowered his head to the headset and said, "Notify all the 'lower residents' that their mother has woken up. Now I want to travel and promise to give my wives a grand wedding and let everyone bless us."

"Yes." The dense voice sounded in Feng Long's headset at the same time, and then Feng Long turned off the headset and whispered to himself with a proud smile, "Let all the people bless their gods." Feng Long and the four women walked out of an empty island and slowly flew to the ground below.

Five people were still about 800 meters high. A group of strange-like creatures knelt down and began to worship God. These creatures were the rulers born in this new era. Naturally, they were not human beings. At the same time, there were also those who witnessed the destruction of an era with Feng Long. Destroyed people.

Feng Long smiled and accepted the endless sea of worship, turned to the four women and smiled, "Are you satisfied with this wedding?" At this moment, Liu Ting was relatively calm. After seeing her shocked for a moment, she immediately nodded on behalf of the four women and said, "Satisfied, satisfied."

"Welcome to the arrival of the gods and the four goddesses!" The loud sound resounding through the sky came from the planet and spread directly to the outer space of the planet. In this new era, the law has changed slightly, and sound waves can spread in a vacuum.

Through this obviously changed law, Feng Long summed up that science does not exist. To put it bluntly, science is a means to bring some higher life infinitely close to the law. Some physical laws of the previous era are rarely used in this era.

For example, Feng Long's spacecraft and warships preserved from the last era can fly freely in space and completely get rid of energy restrictions, while the spacecraft they tried to build in this era can fly about 100 meters from the ground at most.

There is a sound of blessing in the whole universe. Now the universe has only been born for more than 100 years. These non-human intelligent lives were quickly spawned by Feng Long using some technological means. At present, there is only such a planet in the whole universe. New life does not need sunlight.

"Bless the gods and the four goddesses to combine, and God's grace shines on the world like the sea!" Waves of loud shouts echoed throughout the universe. Feng Long and the four women completed their wedding that had been delayed for more than a century with the blessing of an era. Proud Wolf and Yulong also held a wedding with them.

Time has slowly passed in the continuous expansion of this universe. 300,000 years later, a large-scale galaxy has been born in this universe. Feng Long also went to two of them with several of his subordinates, where the seeds of life were sprinkled and the terrain was transformed.

"Now that civilization in this cosmic era should develop steadily, we should consider going to the anti-universe." Feng Long still wore blue-gold mecha and stood in the main control room of a warship and said that his friends and subordinates also nodded excitedly and agreed.

Feng Long turned around and smiled at the four women behind him, kissed them one by one, and asked softly, "Are you afraid to go to another universe?" The four women looked at each other and smiled and said, "No matter where you go, as long as you are here, we won't be afraid." Feng Long nodded with a smile after hearing this.

"Star Spirit, let your body start jumping in super mysterious space and do a good job in the defense of warships." Feng Long said to the main console. As his words fell, Xingling's projection suddenly ejected out. Xingling frowned and said, "Have you thought about it? That's a whole new universe.

Feng Long nodded and looked at Xingling confidently, "I've thought about it. Let's go."