The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 11 Princess Qingchang

Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin didn't care. In places like Zhuxuanlou, there are often some women who sell art. They play the piano and sell art here to help them drink. But Fang Yun put down his chopsticks, and he felt something inappropriate - it was too quiet around.

Although Zhuxuan Building is an elegant place, there are always some voices in and out of many businessmen and literati, climbing friendship and talking about poetry. But now, the whole Zhuxuan building is quiet, leaving only the woman's footsteps, as if she is the only one here.


The crisp footsteps seemed to respond to Fang Yun's voice. At the bead curtain, a woman in a red palace dress walked by, with a bright face and white skin color, like a beauty coming out of the lady's picture. The dark hair towered high and was inserted with a flying phoenix hairpin, and the rest of the black hair poured down like a waterfall, like a goddess. It's just that the woman's willow-like eyebrows raised slightly, showing a fierce smell.

The woman strode slightly, with an elegant and calm posture. After her, two expressionless guard with a knife followed closely.

Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin felt that Fang Yun's eyes were different, and they couldn't help looking up and saw the side face of the palace-dressed beauty. The two of them jumped up from their seats like cats with their tails, and their faces were shocked.

"Princess Qingchang!"

The two of them didn't care about eating. As soon as they threw their chopsticks, they quickly fell to the ground and put their heads against the floor, in fear.


The bead curtain rolled, and a long vermilion whip penetrated through the door, with a fierce breath, brushing and rolling it towards Fang Yun.

"Huh?" When Fang Yun opened his eyes, he didn't expect that Princess Qingchang would suddenly take action. However, he has practiced hard during this period, and his strength and reaction speed have also increased a lot. As soon as he poked his wrist, Fang Yun smashed it with a trick. With a move, his fist roared, with a wild momentum.

The wild cow is so angry that even lions and tigers dare to fight, not to mention the poisonous snakes in the ground. For these poisonous insects, the wild cow has always been trampled under the iron hooves and directly crushed into powder. This is the artistic conception that Mang Niu iron stepped on.


Fang Yun punched the real body of the whip shadow, just like the iron hooves of a reckless cow, stepping heavily on the long whip, the most forceful and the weakest part. The fists and whips intertwined and made a violent noise, like two strong men hitting each other.

"It's not good!" With his fist implemented, Fang Yun immediately felt a fierce force coming from the whip. With Fang Yun's current strength, he could not control the whip. This feeling is like seeing a flower snake, grabbing it, and suddenly find that it is a fire line python.


The tiger's mouth burst, and the long red whip hit Fang Yun's face, and a whip mark immediately appeared. The skin on both sides is rolled up, and it hurts so much. A wisp of blood stain immediately flowed out of his face.

"Scared!" Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin also heard the sound of the whip on their faces. They were shocked and quickly whispered, "Brother Fang, this is Princess Qingchang. You can't be provoked. Hurry up and kneel down like us."

In the Zhou Dynasty, there were distant families and princes with a deep background. Their daughters were not qualified to be called princesses, so they could only be called princesses. Only a woman born in the royal family can be called a princess! This Princess Qingchang is a complete golden branch and jade leaf, and her status is many times more noble than that of Fang Yun and others. Unlike other princesses, this Mr. Qingchang is arrogant and not gentle at all.

Fang Yun looked calm and didn't seem to feel the pain on his face. Looking out of the door, Fang Yun skimmed the memory of his previous life in his mind.

Princess Qingchang, the seventeenth daughter of the royal family, is extremely favored by the emperor. The reason why Fang Yun remembers this princess is not because she is favored in the royal family, but because of the amazing talent of the royal family in martial arts.

At the age of nine, he rode and hunted. At the age of ten, he broke through to the realm of vitality at the age of fifteen. The princess's talent in martial arts was amazing, not under Fang Yun's big brother Fang Lin at all. At the age of 19, the princess went to the wilderness in person to kill a thousand-year-old ape demon. After that, he went deeper into the wilderness and killed the emperor of Yi with his own hands to sit down a general, shocking the world.

Outside the box, there was a sudden silence, and the sound of footsteps disappeared out of thin air. A cold frost suddenly exploded: "What a big courage!"

The bead curtain shook, and a vermilion figure had stepped into the box proudly. Princess Qingchang glanced at the box, stared at Fang Yun with a high-level look, and said coldly, "Which scholar are you from? When I saw the princess of this dynasty, I didn't kneel down. Could it be rude? Is it a beast alien?

Feeling that Princess Qingchang walked into the box, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin were even more frightened and almost couldn't even breathe. Such people, even their wives and mothers in their house, kneel down when they see them, in panic, not to mention them.

"Brother Fang, it's not the time of fighting spirit," although they felt great pressure in front of Princess Qingchang, the two still endured the uneasiness in their hearts and kindly reminded Fang Yun.

Fang Yun did not wipe the blood on his face, but looked at Princess Qingchang so stubbornly, looking indifferent. In the fight just now, Fang Yun has understood that the strength of this Qingchang princess is far greater than that of himself. It is estimated that only his eldest brother Fang Lin can suppress her, which still occupies the advantage of being born a few years earlier than Princess Qingchang.

A anger burned in his chest, and Fang Yun recalled a lot. In the previous life, Fang Yun's family was destroyed, the eldest brother Fang Lin died indirectly for the Great Zhou Dynasty, and his father Fang Yin was killed by the emperor himself. And more than 320 people in the whole family, all the execution orders were also issued by the emperor himself.

Fang Yun's family perished, and the biggest culprit is the human emperor, who is the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty!

If Fang Yun is still Fang Yun, he will most likely choose to kneel down and calm the storm. But at this time, since he knew that the biggest culprit of the destruction of the family came from the Dazhou royal family, how could Fang Yun maintain his respect for the royal family and how could he kneel down?

Fang Yun stared at Princess Qingchang's eyes and shouted suddenly, "Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin, do you remember what I just told you? Martial arts practice boxing first heavy boxing and will. If you don't even have the courage to look up in front of a princess, why do you want to make achievements in martial arts? If you want to be valued in the house, if you want to change your mother's situation, then raise your head!"

When Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin heard this sentence, their backs shook violently. The two came from a martial arts family and have heard more or less about the importance of boxing and will. The two of them struggled violently.

"Brother Fang is right. If I choose to compromise today, I will leave a shadow in my heart. I'm afraid it's difficult to practice martial arts in the future.

"I offended Princess Qingchang today, but at most a beating. But if you lose the dignity of the martial artist, you can't be refined in martial arts. In the future, I'm afraid that my mother can only suffer in the house forever, be shouted and called mean!"


The two of them lay on the ground, and many thoughts flashed in their eyes. Thinking of their suffering mother in the house, their hearts ached violently. Suddenly, the two of them actually raised their waists at the same time and looked straight at Princess Qingchang.

Princess Qingchang was staring at Fang Yun. When the two of them were together, her shoulders shook violently and looked at Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin in surprise.

"These two dog slaves are so bold. How dare you look at me like this with such courage!" Princess Qingchang's heart was full of shock, and she had always been arrogant. With her illustrious background and all the skills and tricks of the royal family, in the past, no scholar in the capital saw her respectfully and frightened. Even some great sons of the royal family would bow their heads and greet her when they saw her.

These two low-born, side-by-side and concubines dare to raise their heads in front of her. What a big courage!


Two loud shouts, beside Princess Qingchang, the two armored guards looked at the face, and felt that Princess Qingchang frowned slightly. Immediately shouted loudly, the **-like breath broke out, oppressing Fang Yun and others. At the same time, the long knife was half out of the sheath, and the posture was to split several people in half.

"Shout up!"

Princess Qingchang raised her palm and stopped the two guards. She turned her eyes and looked at Fang Yun. She laughed angrily: "Okay, that's good! If you dare to talk like this in front of Princess Ben, you are still the first!"

Princess Qingchang saw the changes of Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. She understood that Fang Yun was the reason for all their transformation, and her anger suddenly poured out on Fang Yun.

With a smile, Princess Qingchang looked like frost and shouted, "Come on, slap me. They don't understand etiquette. Today, they will teach him what honor and inferior etiquette are. A little scholar of the prince's family dares to be presumptuous in front of this princess today. Doesn't he even pay attention to the emperor!"

Princess Qingchang opened her mouth and put on a big hat that despised the royal family.

"Yes, princess!" Two strong guards in martial arts answered, and as soon as they stepped under their feet, they were about to step forward and slap their mouths.

"If he doesn't want to die in the barbaric frontier, you guys can try it!" Fang Yunhuo stood up, his eyes were as cold as a sword, and he glanced at the two guards.

The footsteps stopped abruptly. Although the two guards did not know who the teenager in front of them were, looking at the costumes on their bodies, they were obviously not extremely rich and noble. Listening to Fang Yun's tone, the two guards felt more that the teenager seemed to be the son of a powerful prince in Beijing.

The Great Zhou Dynasty established the country with martial arts, and the martial arts style was extremely prosperous. The war was the most frequent, and there were many corresponding mobilizations. This kind of mobilization was ordered by Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty, and even today's emperor could not intervene.

Although some of them are now the guards of Princess Qingchang, they may be transferred to a certain prince at some point. If the prince who bullied him today, maybe in the future, someone will find a reason to send them to the depths of the five wildernesses and die inexplicably.

One word temporarily shocked the two guards. Fang Yun stepped over the wooden table and approached Princess Qingchang within four feet. His eyes were bright and his expression was awe-inspiring, like the minister of literature and Confucianism who was in charge of the law in the court. He shouted and asked loudly:

"Oh! Since you say I'm not polite. Then let me ask you, Princess Qingchang, do you have a title?"

"Can there be a battle on the battlefield and make great achievements?"

"Can there be a cold window to study hard, the title of the golden list?"

Fang Yun questioned one by one, and every time he asked, he took a step closer. In the three steps, Fang Yun's eyes were angry, his voice was loud and awe-inspiring, just like a Confucian minister in charge of the law of the imperial court, questioning sinners.

In his pace, he even used the method of superimposing the momentum of the wild bull fist, giving people a sense of momentum and irresistible.