The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 33 Lantern Festival

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival. At nightfall, every family hangs red lanterns under the eaves. The snow on the street was swept to the roadside, and countless fireworks and firecrackers sounded. A large number of people flocked to the street, dancing dragons and lions, celebrating all over the world, a prosperous scene.

The family of princes and nobles in the capital is full of lights at this moment, and it is a busy scene. Every year on the Lantern Festival, the emperor will have a big banquet for the ministers, and all the wives and princes will also be invited by the queen to spend the Lantern Festival with the queen. At the same time, the princes and scholars in Shangjing will also be invited by the royal family to gather together to enjoy the palace food.

This is the most lively festival of the year, and it is also the most anticipated festival for all princes and talents.

"Young master, young master..., are you all right? It's almost time. Madam, let me urge the young master to change his clothes and go there quickly!" The maid who changed her brocade clothes slapped the window lattice across the door and said anxiously.

"Sister Xiaoling, go back and tell your wife: "I'll come right away."

In the bathtub, Fang Yun came to his senses from the practice, opened his eyes and turned to the door. Long-term, all-time practice has made Fang Yun form the habit of practice.

"It's okay, it's not too much."

Fang Yun took a look at the bath tub, and there was still a small piece of incense left, and then stepped out of the bathtub. A black luminance rolled over, and on the long orange, a neat set of neat clothes floated up in the air and sank into the black luminance.

Silver-white square short coat, black bucket trousers, Fang Yun's long hair was loose, and he came out of the door with a free expression.

"Young master." The two servants guarding the door grabbed a thick foxskin jacket and came over to cover Fang Yun.

"No, I'm not cold."

Fang Yun waved back the two servants and walked out. Today is the Lantern Festival, which is the time when the royal family holds a banquet to show the emperor's kindness, and it is also the time when Fang Lin holds a wedding ceremony.

Fang Yun's silver-white short coat and black bucket trousers are the dress that the scholar would wear when the Zhou Dynasty was tied up his hair.

The folk customs of the Great Zhou Dynasty were simple, but some regular people often paid great attention to clothing etiquette, and must not be confused. Formal clothes, regular clothes and formal dresses should be distinguished by doctors.

"Let's get in the car! Time is tight!"

At the door, a car dragon was parked. Mrs. Huayang lifted the soft mantle, and the other party waved. After a while, the vast dragon statue drove to the palace.

The street is full of traffic and laughter. Looking down from the sky, you can see carriages with charcoal fire and red lanterns, driving from all over the mansions of Dazhou to the palace

In the night, the Great Zhou Palace is like a prehistoric beast, squatting in the middle of the capital. Countless lights burst out, and even the clouds in the sky were reflected.

After a series of checkpoints and several inspections, the carriage of Sifang Houfu drove into the palace.

"The palace has arrived, ladies, gentlemen and ladies get off the carriage!"

In the square of Youda, the forbidden army is lined up and heavily guarded. In front of the forbidden army, a famous and expressionless father-in-law covered his hands and waited silently.

"Yun'er, the palace has arrived. On the mother's side, I'm afraid the banquet will end very late. If you come back early, go back first."

Mrs. Huayang walked down the carriageway.

"Well, the child knows."

The two only had a few simple words, and immediately two white-faced father-in-law greeted them.

"Mrs. Huayang, this way, please!"

"Shizi, Tongming Hall is here, please come with me."

Although it is the same royal banquet, the identity is different, the gender is different, and the place where the banquet is held is also different.

Far away, Fang Yun saw a brightly lit hall stationed in the southwest of the imperial city. Far away, you can feel a heat wave rolling in the hall.

"Shizi, this way, please!" The justice to lead the way.

Fang Yun didn't care, um. Suddenly, a large net was thrown down on the walls on both sides of the alley, and then seven or eight small eunuchs in the palace in brocade rushed out from both sides. In front of him, the leading public turned a corner and immediately disappeared.

"Huh? It was ambushed."

Fang Yun's heart moved, but he was not moved, allowing the big net to fall. Sne, sne! A circle of light burst out of the body, and the big net falling from the sky was twisted into a mass by an invisible force. The grid rubs with the grid, making the sound of gold and iron - this is a large metal net.

"Catch him!"

Eight little eunuchs jumped up, and a long sword in their hand swallowed a thin light. It was actually a sword!

"Eight little eunuchs!" Fang Yun was shocked. You know, in the capital, there are not many people who have reached the level at this age, and there are eight here at a time.


With a long cry, Fang Yun rose up and turned into a huge green dragon, and the dragon's tail shook in the air. After hearing the crackling, eight little eunuchs were hit by the dragon's tail, bumped out one by one, hit the red wall, and fainted.

The palace is heavily guarded, especially today is the Lantern Festival, and the guards are stricter than usual. But the fighting here did not attract any forbidden troops. No one wants to check it.

"Hmm! It must be her!"

Fang Yun snorted coldly, folded in the air and fell down. In the whole palace, the forbidden army can be mobilized and turned a turn a eye to them. Who else is there besides her?

Throwing down eight fainted little eunuchs, Fang Yun walked to the Tongming Hall alone. He had a vague feeling in his heart that the royal banquet of the Lantern Festival was not so delicious.

The Tongming Hall is hundreds of feet long, and the pure white jade elixir in front of the hall is divided into dozens of steps and leaked down. Danqi went up, and the nine vermilion doors were opened at the same time. Countless maids of honor and eunuchs shuttled through the wine cup with all kinds of fruits.

Fang Yun just stepped into the Tongming Hall, facing a huge charcoal basin held by three adults. The big fire inside was burning, and a heat wave was scattered everywhere. Fang Yun glanced at it and found that there were at least 30 such large charcoal basins in the hall.

"Son, which prince are you under?" The sound of turning came from her ears, and a girl in white palace clothes stood in front of Fang Yun, bowed her head and said softly.

"Sifang Houfu, Fang Yun." Fang Yun came to his senses and nodded slightly.

"It turned out to be a little marquis, please follow me." The palace girl led Fang Yun into the Tongming Hall and sat down at the wine table next to the stone pillar.

"Wait a minute, the fruit will be delivered soon." Fang Yun nodded..

"Little marquis."

"Little marquis, you are here."

Fang Yun just sat down, and the soldiers on the left and right sides quickly stood up, smiling and flattering.

"You're welcome, sit down." Fang Yun said indifferently. Knowing that hunting in the eastern suburbs has spread the reputation of both brothers, there have been rumors among the princes in the capital that they would rather provoke the eldest son of the capital than the brothers of the Fang family.

Fang Lin's means that day really suppressed a group of people, making them afraid.

With Fang Yun's approval, these scholars dared to sit down again.

"Little marquis, you have fruit."

After a while, a maid in the palace sent it up with a silver plate. The maid put down the silver plate and subconsciously lifted the silver lid.


With an exclamation, the silver lid was lifted, and there was a plate of a few pieces of fruit with only the core left in Fang Yun's silver plate. The deer were bitten, and the mutton paste and preserves were coated with unknown sauce.

"This..." The young maid of honor covered her mouth and looked at the tray in shock. Obviously, she didn't know that it was like this on the fruit plate.

"Let's go down. It's not your fault."

Fang Yun took a look and laughed in his heart. This Qingchang princess was so angry that she even used this kind of childish means. He is not very hungry and doesn't care.

"Little marquis, I'll change it with you. I haven't moved this plate yet."

As soon as Fang Yun's words fell, a scholar on his left immediately stood up and adjusted Fang Yun's plate with his own.

"Little marquis, I also have a plate of almonds here. I didn't even lift the lid. If you don't give it away, I'll give it to you."

The celeman on the right side stared at the celeman who took the first move, and also stood up and brought a plate of almonds over.

"You all put it here."

Fang Yun is not in a hurry at this time. He shook his head and smiled, but he wanted to see what the princess could do.

"I just came here, and I got a plate of leftover fruit here. Hey, this Princess Qingchang must have been arranged for a long time. At this moment, we should hide and observe."

Fang Yun had a plan in his heart, so he relaxed and was ready to wait and see what happened.

The banquet will not start until a while. Fang Yun glanced around and didn't see Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. There are too many people in the Tongming Hall, and the descendants of noble marquis and common marquis have become only a handful here. More are the sergeants who came from local officials, court doctors, Yuanshi and generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

"No hurry, you should be able to see them when you tie your hair for a while."

Zhang Ying, Zhou Xin and Fang Yun are almost the same. They are all holding a hair bouquet today.

"Brother Fang, why are you drinking alone here?"

A familiar voice came. Fang Yun turned his head and saw Yan Lun, the son of Wendian, holding a wine bottle, smiling at the corners of his mouth and coming over. E