The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 66 Jixia School

"The Jixia School..."

Fang Yun is thoughtful. He is very familiar with the name. For the hundreds of millions of scholars of the Great Week, it is the temple in their mind. To be precise, it was not established by the Zhou Dynasty. However, since the Middle Ages, Confucianism has had this name and structure. Inside, there are a group of the most learned, cultivated and moral Confucians in the world.

The dynasty was constantly changing and disillusioned, but the Jixia School Palace has been preserved. The important ministers of the imperial court who have left office in the past dynasties, the Confucian scholars in various places, local officials with high morals, and the three princes are all members of the Jixia School.

Jixia School Palace, after several wars, but it was always destroyed and rebuilt, standing still. It can be said to be the holy place in the minds of Confucian students in the world. Even the royal families of previous dynasties can't affect the Jixia School Palace!

The influence of the Jixia School Palace can be said to be spread throughout the government. Although the three princes of the Zhou Dynasty are high and powerful, they are only students in the Jixia Xue Palace, because in the Jixia Xue Palace, they are still in their predecessors, former predecessors, and they don't even know which generation of emperors can be traced back to the three princes, doctors, scholars, and famous Confucians.

These people are poor, and their knowledge is not under the three public. Once you enter the Jixia School, you will be poor in it, and you will not leave home until you die of old age.

For Fang Yun in the previous life, the three princes are the sages in the world, while the Jixia School Palace is the holy place in the sky, which can only be looked up and untouched.

Only the peacock continued to say: "... For the ordinary people of Dazhou, he is missing, but all Taoist and demons know that after Li Yixuan entered the Jixia School Palace, Lord Taibao only taught him for one year, and he showed terrible martial arts talent. He stepped into the out of the world in three months, and entered the third essence The realm of the soul. It's been nine years now, and now no one knows how far he has practiced.

"Or, just like what you see. Except for the suzerains of all factions to take action in person, no one can suppress this Confucian spokesperson outside the country!"

The peacock said indifferently.

Fang Yun was shocked when he heard the words. People are more popular than people. He has the help of prefecture-level pearls. Three months of work are only at the level of qi. Up to now, it has been more than half a year, and it has not broken through to the reincarnation. But it only took him three months to get out of the world. Moreover, at that time, he was only 12 years old, much younger than himself!

"The two big hands that just appeared, the head of the sect?"

"Otherwise, who do you think has the ability to break the void from tens of thousands of miles away, gather the starry sky, and save the doorman!"

The peacock stared at Fang Yun and said.

Fang Yun was silent, but his chest was one after another: "One punch hits the stars, one palm breaks the void thousands of miles away, and it's not a problem to take the mountains and take the sea. I don't know when I will reach such a state!"

Fang Yun asked himself the most powerful, that is, he could hit a small mountain peak. It is still a thousand miles away from such a state.

After a short shock, Fang Yun also aroused a sense of arrogance in his heart: "My martial arts started too late. One day, I will reach their situation!"

"If it's okay, I'll go first." Peacock Road.

"Well, you go ahead." Fang Yun waved his hand.

The peacock's body shook and disappeared outside the cave.

The cave suddenly became empty. Fang Yun glanced at it and always felt that something was wrong.

"Oh no, I forgot 6 little bells!"

Fang Yun patted his head hard. As soon as he robbed a ghost dragon boat from Li Yixuan, Fang Yun robbed it into a mine. Later, a lot of things were busy and I forgot for a while.

The figure flashed, and Fang Yun rushed out. After sacrificing the ghost dragon boat and integrating into the flesh and blood, Fang Yun flew much faster. The consumption of internal force is also far less than that of the incarnation.

A team of Da Zhou soldiers patrolled around to maintain order. At the same time, they eliminated the alien mining slaves and had another mine disaster.

As soon as the wind swayed, the last place where 6 small bells appeared in Fang Yun. The mountain was empty, and the sound of wind and waves in the distance could be faintly heard, but the 6 bells disappeared.

"6 feathers were taken away by the Demon King. This stupid girl can't think about it. Suicide, right?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and Fang Yun broke out with a cold sweat in his heart. With a shaking of his body, Fang Yun immediately entered the mine, searched for an hour, and nothing came. I searched on the mountain for another hour, but I still couldn't find anything. At this time, the sky is already dawn. Fang Yun's heart became more and more anxious.

"Before 6 Yu left, he solemnly gave her to me. He has just left. If something happens to 6 Xiaoling, how can I explain it to him in the future!"

Fang Yun's heart was cold. Being entrusted by others and being loyal to others, Fang Yun still understands this truth. When he was anxious, suddenly there was a burst of crying in the wind.


Fang Yun carefully identified it and was ecstatic: "It's 6 small bells!"

Fang Yun followed the sound, and on the edge of a cliff, there were 6 small bells squatting in a clump of sparse wormwood. The twelve-year-old girl looked at the bottom of the cliff sadly, her shoulders trembled and sobbed.

Looking at the thin back of 6 Xiaoling, Fang Yun couldn't help softening his heart.

During the period when Fang Yun and the 6 brothers and sisters were together, they basically understood their situation.

The two came from a scholarly family. Their father was a local official on one side. Later, he was framed and imprisoned for something. The two brothers and sisters escaped, wandered outside, worked as slaves, begged, and was common to be scolded and beaten outside.

In order to make 6 little bells full, 6 feathers have done everything. Being beaten is even more common. In the end, I really can't get along. Six feathers took his sister into the mine and sold himself as a mining slave, hoping to make a living.

In the mine, each person needs to dig at least 500 catties of ore every day before they can eat. What can a 12-year-old girl do? Therefore, six feathers dig 500 catties of ore for her sister every day, so that she will not be hungry. Then, he turned back to dig his own 500 catties of ore, but at this time, it was very late, and 6 feathers could not dig 500 catties at all.

When Fang Yun noticed the six feathers, it was the time when he did not dig up his 500 catties of ore. 6 feathers don't have enough to eat every day, and at the same time, they have to dig enough ore for a meal for their sister's 6 bells. Six ten fingers, because this was dug into blood red, and many nail covers were turned up.

On 6 Yu, Fang Yun saw something in common, and the two of them belonged to the same kind. Love Wu and Wu, Fang Yun also has a sister-like feeling for 6 Xiaoling.

"This should be her first time, and she doesn't have a brother around her."

Fang Yun walked over: "Don't be afraid..."

6 Xiaoling's body trembled and did not look back.

"...Your brother just left temporarily, not forever. When he is good at martial arts, he will naturally come to pick you up. During this period, I will take care of you. After the exercise in the mine is over, I will take you back to the capital! With me, no one can bully you!"

Fang Yun said and patted 6 Xiaolings on the shoulder.

"Wow," 6 Xiaoling suddenly turned around and hugged Fang Yun's knee, and finally cried loudly: "I, I'm so scared... Brother, brother is gone..., I'm really scared..."

Fang Yun patted her gently on the back and said nothing. In his previous life, his family was ruined and lost everything, and he could understand the feeling of 6 Xiaoling. Both of them are each other's only relatives, 6 feathers, and they are also the source of all the beliefs of 6 bells.

"After all, she is only twelve years old..."

Fang Yun looked at 6 Xiaoling and stretched out his palm: "Come with me. I'll take care of you in the future."

6 Xiaoling cried for a long time before she raised her head, with tears on her face, staring at Fang Yun for a long time, and then stretched out her palm...

At the same time, far away from the Bahrain mine, a huge mountain covered by clouds, like a prehistoric beast, squatted on the ground. The whole mountain range is ergating an ancient, desolate and long-standing atmosphere. Compared with this huge mountain range, people are as small as ants.

At the foot of the mountain, 6 Yu looked back at the west, with a complex look in his eyes:

"Fang Yun, my sister, please!"

"Let's go." The Demon King of Shetian grabbed 6 Yu's hand and turned around and said. In front of the two people, there was a rumbling sound in the void, and ripples spread out one after another. A big palm of white bones appeared in front of them, and the two stood up. This white bone giant palm held the two people and rushed to the top of the mountain! F