The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 83 impeach the Marquis of Wu

In the Sifanghou Mansion, a light burned quietly, reflecting the window paper of the wing room red.

Fang Yunpan sat in the room, closed his eyes and meditated, motionless. In his mind, the dusty memories of his previous life opened again...

Fang Yun is not a prophet. In the previous life, he was fascinated by Confucianism. I don't care much about anything else. In fact, except for some major events, Fang Yun doesn't know much about other things. There are few names that can be written down by him. Yang Hong is one of them!

Yang Hong joined the army much earlier than Fang Lin.

Very early, Yang Hong firmly occupied the position of the first master of the Zhou army and the rising star. His martial arts is indeed amazing. In the previous life, when the noble marquis squeezed out the four-way marquis, Yang Hong directly expressed his attitude and stood in the noble marquis.

However, at that time, he didn't have such a big impact. Yang Hong's title was seven years earlier than now, and at that time, the title was not the Marquis of Yingwu!

"The matter of Yang Hong's title of Marquis is seven years earlier than my memory! Moreover, it seems that he is stronger than his previous life! What's going on? Is it all because of my rebirth?

Fang Yun frowned. For a moment, he felt the invisible pressure from fate!

If he does not resist, he will follow the trajectory of his previous life. Then there is no doubt that in this life, the fate of the family is still to destroy the family! But if you resist, fate will derive a series of countermeasures to suppress it.

Abandoning literature and martial arts, Princess Qingchang immediately suppressed it; changed Lu Yu's fate, and was immediately chased by the Demon King of Shetian; Li Yu was surrendered, and then Princess Qingchang appeared; the eldest brother entered the forbidden army in advance, but created a more powerful Yang Hong!

In the dark, Fang Yun felt that there was an invisible big hand pushing the world towards the original trajectory!

"Haha, I've lost everything once. What else can I be afraid of? If you want me to lose it again, why don't I change my life against the sky? In this life, no matter who it is, whether it is Yang Hong or the emperor, as long as it is blocked on my way, God will kill God, and the devil will stop killing the devil!"

After thinking through this, Fang Yun felt much more relaxed.

"Brother, don't worry. I will definitely vent my anger on you!"

"Yang Hong's martial arts are much higher than me! If it's tough, I'm definitely not his opponent! Even if Wu can't do it, he can only text!"

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind:

"The capital is at the foot of the emperor, and the level is strict. What Yang Hong relies on can't be his Wuhou identity and royal bloodline. The upper party plots, and the lower party fights. Yang Hong, you have stopped dethroned. My father's proposal to be promoted to a nobleman, then you don't want to be stable and be your martial arts!"

A cold light flashed in Fang Yun's eyes. The information of the previous life and this life has poured into my mind one after another. Fang Yun's brain is like a sophisticated instrument, running fast. Thinking about all kinds of strategies that can deal with Yang Hong.

"Come on, prepare the four treasures of the study for me!"

"Yes, young master!" Outside the room, a servant hurried away.

Soon, the four treasures of the study were delivered to Fang Yun's desk. Fang Yun took the ink strip and grinded it finely. He grinded very slowly, and many thoughts flashed in Fang Yun's heart, and finally made up his mind.

"People are good to be bullied, and horses are good to be ridden. No one can bully Fang's family without paying any price. Today, our Fang family swallowed this breath. In the future, everyone will think that our Sifang Houfu is a soft persimmon. Let's pinch it!"

He picked up the wolf pen and dipped it in ink. Fang Yun thought about the words and wrote the first line of words:

"I heard that the emperor wanted to be crowned as the crown prince, Shaobao and Yang Hong, and thought it was the Marquis of Wu. I thought that although Yang Hong had the courage of the marquis of martial arts, he did not have the virtue of the marquis of martial arts, and he was domineering. I was afraid that the matter of title would be inappropriate! ..."

Fang Yun's Confucian cultivation in his previous life, at this moment, he gave full play to the fullest. The calendar of the Zhou Dynasty, the order of the army, at this moment, it all surged from the heart. Fang Yun buckled the word "Wu De" and told it, making Yang Hong's body completely unfinished.

This night, Fang Yun was completely sleepless. By dawn the next day, the discussion was finally finished.

Fang Yun put the letter into the envelope and wrote above:

Fang Yun, the youngest son of the Sifang Marquis, kowtowed to the Lord of Dali Temple and presented it to the emperor.

The law of the Zhou Dynasty, if you have any objection to the title of marquis and want to impeach. It needs to be handed over to Dali Temple, which will be accepted by Dali Temple first. This rule was agreed by Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty, but it has not been really implemented once.

Fang Yun held this proposal and felt heavy in his heart. He knew very well that if this paper memorial was sent to Dali Temple, it would immediately set off an uproar.

"Yang Hong, martial arts, I can't beat you for the time being. But Wen, you are far from my opponent!"

Opening the door, Fang Yun strode out.


Dali Temple, located in the southwest of Shangjing City, is extremely powerful!

The so-called Dali Temple, large, refers to the meaning of high-ranking officials; reason means to be in charge of punishment. Together, Dali Temple means the prison of dignitaries. It mainly accepts the cases of impeachment officers all over the world.

In today's imperial court, officials govern the Qingming Festival. It is rare for Dali Temple to accept a case in half a year.

In the early morning, Zhang Muqing, the minister of Dali Temple, wore a court uniform and a crown. He was decent and was correcting the text in the lobby. Suddenly, there was a thud of drums in the direction of the gate.

"Come on, go out and check it out!"

Zhang Muqing raised his head and said majesticly.

"It's an adult!"

Immediately, a soap-clothed official ran out.

After a while, the soap-clothed government office left and returned, holding a letter in both hands and handing it to the desk.

"Your Excellency, Fang Yun, the youngest son of Sifang Houfu, send it to the discussion!"

"Huh?" Zhang Muqing frowned and felt a trace of unusualness.

After taking the envelope, Zhang Muqing opened it and saw a sentence, and his heart jumped.

"This is going to be a big deal!"

There are only a handful of Wu marquises in the Zhou Dynasty, and most of them were established by Taizu at the time of the founding of the country. This is the first impeachment of Wuhou in more than a thousand years! And the impeached person is still the second son of the Marquis of Sifang.

Zhang Muqing then looked down. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became. The handwriting and words were romantic, but in Zhang Muqing's eyes, it was a sword and shadow.

After reading the letter, Zhang Muqing was secretly shocked: "This matter is very important, and I can't make the decision alone!"

Zhang Muqing immediately got up, stuffed the proposal into his sleeve, straightened his clothes, and immediately rode on the frame and went to the palace.

After entering the palace, Zhang Muqing went straight to the Zizheng Pavilion.

"Lord Rong, please have a look at this proposal!"

Zhang Muqing handed over Fang Yun's discussion.

"It's a big deal. The title of Marquis of Wu in the imperial court is a major event. I don't have the right to abolish Marquis Wu.

After reading it, Lord Rong, the first-class doctor of the Capital Government Pavilion, also gasped: "This matter needs to be handed over to the resolution of the three public!"

After half a column of incense, San Gong's approval came down:

Immediately call for the trial of Dali Temple, the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate!


The whole capital has caused a sensation! H