The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 96 First Confrontation

Chapter 96 The Battle of Soldiers

Dihuang people are well trained and are very good at riding and shooting. In the Zhou Dynasty, only the elite army could compete with them in riding and shooting. However, in terms of strength alone, although the Dihuang people are born with a strong physique, they are far less than the prosperous soldiers of Dazhou.

A well-trained Dazhou soldier who practices martial arts and wears the excellent armor of the Zhou Dynasty can easily kill a Dihuang soldier, and can support the joint attack of the two Dihuang soldiers for a long time.

1.2 million Dihuang soldiers against 650,000 Zhou soldiers. This is the real military strength of both sides in the Northwest Campaign. Although it seems that Fang Yun controls a large number of troops, in terms of combat effectiveness, there is not much difference between the two sides.

More importantly, one of the two sides is an experienced and experienced general, and the other is a scholar who has never been on the battlefield. This is the huge gap between the two sides.

Although Fang Yun has a 1.2 million Dihuang army, he has a slight advantage in strength. But if it can't be used well, Yang Hong doesn't even need to die many soldiers to swallow all this force. In fact, Yang Hong often does this. In terms of his short combat achievements, there are countless examples of winning more with less!

"In the last life, Zhang Ying and I played sand table deduction, which were all ordinary sand. This is the first time that this kind of magic weapon is extremely realistic sand table deduction. Get familiar with it first.

Fang Yun thought to himself and immediately commanded 1.2 million troops to arrange troops.

"The two of them began to line up!"

Almost at the same time, Yang Hong also began to arrange troops. In the Dali Temple, everyone cheered up. Arrangement is the most basic ability of a general. From this, you can immediately see the ability of both sides to command the soldiers.

"It is as fast as the wind, as slow as a forest, as hot as fire, and as motionless as a mountain. What a prince, Shaobao, the command of the army, is really the key to the art of war!"

Li Juzheng and others glanced at Yang Hong's sand table and saw that 650,000 Zhou soldiers, under Yang Hong's command, advanced in an all-round way, like a tide, sweeping half of the sand table. The soldiers of Da Zhou are like ghosts, their actions are mysterious, their movements and their movements are completely unpredictable. With Yang Hong's move, the sand table on the side of the big Monday was suddenly killed. Yang Hong used 650,000 troops to ambush countless killings on this complex terrain, which formed a huge strangulation net. Just wait for Fang Yun's troops to enter, and immediately hang them all the way and destroy them.

With a simple array of troops, Yang Hong immediately revealed his generosity and grandeur as a famous general! Even if Li Juzheng and others didn't have much good impression on Prince Shaobao, they had to praise him when they saw his troop transport.

This prince Shaobao may be arrogant, but in this aspect of commanding the army, it is indisputably powerful! Among the princes and generals of the Zhou Dynasty, there are not many comparisons.

"Prince Shaobao, it really lives up to its reputation. This kind of platoon, which is scattered and distributed in various places, should be the 'net' he is very good at!"

Dr. Rong Ting, a doctor of Yipin Guanglu, was very knowledgeable and recognized Yang Hong's array at a glance! The advantage of this formation is that it really touches the whole body. It's really like a net. Once the fish sinks into it, the more you struggle, the more painful it will be, and the more you can't struggle!

"I don't know how Fang Yun will deal with it!"

A pair of eyes looked at the light and shadow on the left side of the sand table. In the mountains and forests of Guangrao, 1.2 million troops, like a group of ants, are casually piled up there, without any rules.

The commander of this army seems to want to line up hard, but he seems to be a little panicked because of too many troops. After waiting for a long time, I couldn't get a famous place. Lively, let a regular army become a miscellaneous army!


Li Juzheng and others were stunned. Not only did the 1.2 million Dihuang army not wield its original power, but was weakened by Fang Yun in such a row. If Yang Hong always charges at this time, Fang Yun will be defeated immediately!

Even if the Rong Ting in the lobby saw this scene, he frowned imperceptably.

What Fang Yun revealed at this moment is completely the performance of a white novice!

"What's going on? Is it possible that he is still getting familiar with the deployment of troops?

Fang Yun's heart was also quite embarrassed at this time, and he felt that it would be a matter of time. The real drill is another matter. In the previous life, Fang Yun, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin, two good friends, played the most in the sand table deduction.

However, three people play, that is, the ordinary sand table. Insert a few flags, and then start the drill. This kind of ordinary deduction is extremely simple. Fang Yun played this for the first time with such a realistic sand table deduction.

The 1.2 million army is not a small number. In fact, as the Rong Ting guessed, Fang Yun is really groping to be familiar with the control arrangement of the 1.2 million military force. Frankly speaking, Fang Yun is a novice at this moment.

However, after all, Fang Yun has the foundation of the sand table deduction in his previous life. Gradually, Fang Yun finally figured out a little trick, and the army no longer seemed so chaotic. 1.2 million troops advanced in four directions, slowly revealing the four simple phalanxes of the left wing, the central army, the right wing and the rear wing.

At this time, Yang Hong's scouts also arrived. A formation of more than 20 black armored marquis stood on Gaogang, looking up and down, motionless. Obviously, Yang Hong also felt confused.

Yang Hong originally thought that Fang Yun dared to challenge himself in this aspect. Anyway, he had several abilities. However, looking at the messy army at the foot of the mountain, Yang Hong also began to be confused. Fang Yun's performance is completely like a novice who knows nothing. He is still a very low-level novice!

"Is this a kind of enchantment to the enemy?" Yang Hong was full of doubts at this time, but he was not the kind of person who could be easily confused. With a wave of the flag, more than 20 people rushed down and rushed into Fang Yun's left-wing army in an instant. After killing more than 50 Dihuang soldiers, a roundabout immediately returned to the hill.

Easy, it's really easy! This Hou army killed more than 50 Dihuang troops in Fang Yun without losing a single soldier. Fang Yun's performance is not like, but completely a novice.

After being killed by Yang Hong, Fang Yun just looked at the black armored army on the hill and did not catch up. He closed his left wing and continued to line up.

It's just more than 50 soldiers, let him kill. 1.2 million troops are enough for him to kill for a few days and nights.

Seeing that Fang Yun did not catch up and did not fight back. Yang Hong's mind moved, and 20 Hou's army rushed down again, one maneuvered, and killed more than 40 Dihuang's army, a relaxed army. During the whole process, there was no resistance.

Fang Yun ignored it and continued to arrange troops. Slowly, he began to find a feeling of commanding the army. The 1.2 million troops began to show a little order.

Yang Hong hesitated at this time. According to Fang Yun's performance at this moment, as long as 600,000 soldiers rushed over, he would be able to kill Fang Yun immediately and win immediately.

"This son, there must be an ambush, maybe it is deliberately inducing me. I want to destroy my formation!"

Once the 600,000 troops rush over, the array of heaven and earth will be immediately destroyed and arranged again. It takes a lot of time and is easy to be taken advantage of by the enemy. Yang Hong remembered Fang Yun's confident expression when he took the initiative to challenge yesterday. He always felt a little inappropriate. He almost instinctively thought that Fang Yun must have ambushed something somewhere, but he hadn't seen it yet.

However, although Yang Hong's kung fu is not good, his ability to fight for ten years is there. Moreover, Yang Hong pursues the truth of soldiers. If he gives up the opportunity in front of him just because of one doubt, it is impossible.

Yang Hong waved his hand, and immediately a small number of cavalry gushed out from all over the deep mountains, Daze, dangerous plains, mountains and canyons, and rushed to Fang Yun's camp in a neat manner.

Yang Hong's degree was so fast that he almost covered up the scout for the fifth time. A large number of scattered black armored troops immediately appeared in the highlands around Fang Yun's army. With an order, these black armored troops immediately roared down and came to rob and kill.

Seeing these thousands of troops, Fang Yun was also slightly relieved. Yang Hong's army is still a temptation. Even if there is a loss, it is not within the scope of Fang Yun's acceptance. With a horn, Di Huang's army immediately contracted inward and took the initiative to avoid Yang Hong's army that came to attack the camp.


Thousands of Zhou soldiers rushed in like wolves and tigers, and the people everywhere they passed turned upside down. After rushing for a while, he immediately turned around and ran to Gaogang.

Fang Yun did not chase him and checked the losses. This wave of rushes, coupled with the previous rushes, lost about 5,000 soldiers. This number is a little too much, but compared with the 1.2 million troops, it is still within the tolerance range.

Yang Hong's military strength stood on the high wind, looked back, and saw that Fang Yun did not catch up. As soon as the flag was waved, there was another wave of robbers.

Once, twice, three times...

The two of them seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, constantly repeating this monotonous attack camp and attack. The soldiers controlled by Yang Hong have never gone deep into the depths of Fang Yun's army, and have been constantly robbing and killing outside the phalanx. After a while, Fang Yun's casualties reached 15,000.


Another robbery. Suddenly, a long arrow was shot from the depths of the Dihuang army, through the cracks in the armor, and pierced the neck of a Da Zhou soldier. The Zhou soldier rattled from his throat and fell from the horse.

It's like a stone falling into the water, ripples. At the moment when the soldier was killed, Yang Hong's mind was shocked and he felt something was wrong. Thousands of troops immediately returned to Takaoka.

"What's wrong..." As soon as the cold wind blew on Takaoka, Yang Hong immediately woke up a lot. The results of several robberations suddenly flashed through my mind one by one: "Three thousand people robbed 5,000 people for the first time, four thousand five for the second time, three thousand people for the third time, two thousand people for the fourth time, and five thousand five thousand people..."

"This guy is using ** to train the army!"

Yang Hong's rich experience immediately made him peep through the key. Yang Hong looked down the mountain and saw that the army of more than one million people was neatly divided into left, middle, right and last four phalanxes. Millions of troops are fluttering and murderous. There is no trace of chaos. This is clearly a well-trained regular army!

"I'm tricked! This guy has no backhand ambush at all!"

At this time, Yang Hong knew that no matter how stupid he was, he was too suspicious and missed the best time to kill!

Fang Yun seemed to feel the thoughts in Yang Hong's heart. More than a million troops looked at the mountain together, as if laughing at him. Yang Hong only felt annoyed, and the 3,000 troops rushed down again.

Collapse! Collapse! Collapse!

This time, Fang Yun took the initiative to counterattack, and countless arrows were fired at the same time. The armor made by Da Zhou was very hard, and the arrows shot on it, making a tinkling sound. However, Dazhou's armor is not completely without flaws. At least, the neck needs to be moved, and it is impossible to join all of them.


In the scream, there were dozens of casualties among Yang Hong's soldiers for the first time. At this time, the two sides followed each other again. The two sides hurt each other, and Yang Hong did not love the war. He still rushed to turn over and turned back again. In the process of turning back, he was killed by Fang Yun.

Go back to the mountain and check it. Yang Hongxian rushed to kill this time, and he actually lost 500 soldiers. Although Fang Yun lost more, it was intolerable for Yang Hong.

He is a general who has lost so many soldiers in Fang Yun's hands!


Yang Hong immediately made a decision to withdraw the remaining 2,500 soldiers. Although he was very unwilling, Yang Hong also understood that Fang Yun had now controlled the army. With thousands of people to attack millions of troops, it's no wonder that you don't lose some!

Seeing Yang Hong retreating, Fang Yun did not catch up. Continue to train this army of more than one million! Now he has gradually found the feeling of fighting against Zhang Ying in his previous life!

"Ser, it's a thorny! Hey hey, Yang Hong, you have chosen the wrong way. There is no Wuhou or prince in the Zhou Dynasty. He can be called a marquis by relying on the word 'tise' alone!"

Fang Yun looked at the direction of Yang Hong's army and smiled in his heart.

The small robbery between the two ended, and the Dali Temple was dumbfounded. If Fang Yun's performance was like a novice who didn't know anything at the previous moment, then his last performance had grown straight into a regular general.

"This Fang Yun is really familiar with the sand table!"

Rong Ting sighed in his heart, knowing that Yang Hong had missed the best opportunity. After the bead curtain, the four Taishan Beidou remained motionless and did not make a sound, as if they were silently waiting for the exhibition of this deduction.

After a short silence, Fang Yun finally began to fight back. With an order, ten thousand cavalry surged out like a tide, rushing out in all directions of the earth. After a while, they turned over Gaogang and flew to Yang Hong's position... F