The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 133 Selection of non-commissioned officers

"What Zhongxinhou said is very much. There is not much difference between the military strength of the two armies. Coupled with these sectarians, our army will be defeated immediately. A dark light flashed through Liu Xiu's eyes: "I immediately returned to the camp and wrote a letter to my father. Let him transfer some masters from the army of 100,000 conquering sects to the northwest. In this war between the sect and the imperial court and Dihuang, if I find out that it is the Taoist gate and the demon gate of the Central Plains, I will definitely gather the army and destroy their Taoism!"

"Well, what the prince said is very much. During this period, I will use the terrain to strengthen the defense. The mountain is steep, which is not conducive to cavalry charging. Xie Daoyan is good at military tactics and should not be so unwise. Now, please ask the prince to transfer some masters who can deal with the power of the ten dragons from the court. You can launch a counterattack immediately!" Zhong Xinhou nodded.

The master of the power of the ten dragons, shaking the mountains and shaking the mountains, is already a strong figure who has been born out of the world. If you look at the big week, there won't be too many such people. This time, nearly 20 people appeared at one time. With so many masters, it's really unusual!

The two of them made a few words in the camp, and the prince immediately got up and left.

Back in the barracks, Prince Liu Xiu spread out the rice paper and began to write a discussion. In the middle of the discussion, he suddenly stopped.


"I'm here." After the prince, a burly guard in a white robe answered.

"Your body is full of royal martial arts. Up to now, you have stepped into the state of courage, which is full of the power of three dragons. Logically, it is enough to be the general of Anguo. But since you are my escort, you can't be awarded a title. I'm sorry for you." Liu Xiudao.

"It is my honor to serve the prince." The guard named Mu Yi stood upright and said with no expression on his face.

"Now, I will give you a chance to become famous. Lieutenant Cao Xu died in the battle, and the position of captain was vacant. Tomorrow, I will give you an order. Go and join Cao Xu's captain's camp. Whether you can take the position of captain or not depends on your ability. However, no matter what, the second son of the Marquis of Sifang must not be allowed to sit in the position of captain!"

"Yes, prince!" Jupiter finally had an expression on his face.

In the tent, when other guards swept over him, a trace of enviousness flashed in his eyes.

As a guard of a member of the royal family, no matter how high his martial arts skills are, he is doomed to have no identity. The opportunity to become famous like this is really hard to find!

"Go now. It is more than enough for the royal guard to serve as a lieutenant. Now, go to the captain's camp to serve as a captain first, and then compete for the captain's position tomorrow. Go!"

"I obey your orders!"

Mu Yi arched his hand and strode out of the camp tent. At the moment he stepped out of the tent, there was an amazing brilliance in his eyes. It's like a piece of wood, rejuvenating.

Behind him, a strange light flashed in Prince Liu Xiu's eyes.

"This Fang Yun has some talent. If he doesn't impeach Yang Hong, maybe I will try to recruit him. But now, because of Yang Hong's reason, the canonation of Marquis Wu has been temporarily abolished, and the two have been incompatible. It's an expedient. I can only choose Yang Hong and give up on him. What a pity..." Prince Liu Xiu sighed in his heart.

Fang Yun can defeat Yang Hong in the deduction of military tactics. Now he can fight with Xie Daoyun in the northwest Dihuang and the imperial soldiers. His talent no longer needs to be proved. If he is given ten years, he must be an independent general of the Zhou Dynasty. As a prince, it is a matter of recruiting as many talents as possible. But it's different when Fang Yun meets Yang Hong.

Fang Yun will take a few more years to grow up, and Yang Hong can be alone now! Even if the two of them are not incompatible, who should be abandoned, as long as he is a discerning person, he can know at a glance.

The next day, the dawn in the East.

"Chang Zhongxin Houling, the soldiers of the whole army, with military merit and strength, decided the new positions of Wu Chang, Shi Chang, Centurion, Qian Bai Chang, Lieutenant, Lieutenant and General! If no one has enough military merit, the position will be determined by strength!" A messenger, holding a flag, appeared in the captain's battalion where Cao Xu was, and announced an order.

As soon as the order came out, the whole captain's camp was boiling.

On the battlefield, it has always been the best and fastest place to win fame. In the past three days, there have been continuous wars, and soldiers have suffered a lot of losses. But the losses of low-level non-commissioned officers are also considerable.

"Zhou Xi, Chu Kuang, now your opportunity has come. With your strength, you can compete with a thousand chiefs. Unfortunately, your strength is not enough, otherwise, you can take advantage of this to become a lieutenant!" Fang Yundao.

Fang Yun had expected the order of Zhongxinhou this time. Yesterday, those elite masters suddenly got into trouble, pointing directly at the captains, captains and generals of Dazhou. With their terrible strength, these captains, captains and generals had almost no resistance. The low-level non-commissioned officers suffered heavy losses. It is completely reasonable to re-selection a non-commissioned officer today.

"Well, we will try our best to fight for it."

Zhou Xi and Chu Kuang nodded. This time, it is not only an opportunity for them to be promoted in the army, but also an opportunity for Fang Yun to expand his strength. Fang Yun naturally does not mean to let them compete for centurion and commander under his own name, but to compete with the centurion and commander of other captain battalions.

"Meng Qing, Liu Shui, He Feng, do you know what to do?"

Fang Yun turned his eyes and looked at these three people. In three consecutive days of battle, the three of them were also seriously injured, but as long as they did not die, it was a great opportunity.

"Thank you for your promotion. We know what to do!"

These three people were both at the rank of captains in the reserve battalion, but as soon as they were transferred to the army, they were immediately demoted to the first level and became commanders. Naturally, they were a little reluctant with the hearts of the three people, but there was nothing they could do. Nowadays, there are a large number of lieutenants and captains vacant in the army, which is naturally an opportunity for them.

However, if Fang Yun doesn't agree to let them go out to participate in the test. No matter how heart-intentioned and powerful the three of them are, it is useless. Therefore, the three of them are grateful to each other.

The hoof!

A sound of horses' hoofs came. On the path leading to the top of the mountain, a general in black gold armor flew over with several deputies. When he got to the foot of the mountain, he immediately strangled the horses.

"Listen to me! The selection of centurions and commanders at all levels will be carried out in their respective camps, and I will send someone to supervise them. As for Cao Xu's death in battle, I will personally preside over the vacancy of the position of captain. If you hear the name below, come out immediately..."

The general Wu Jinjia took out a famous book and read it according to it: "Captain Fang Yun, Captain Yang Ye, Captain Liu Wei, guard Zhao Xi."

Hearing the name of the guard Zhao Xiong, Fang Yun was slightly surprised. This Zhao Xiong is Cao Xu's guard, and he should have at least one dragon's power. Yesterday, he narrowly escaped his life.

"Cao Xu died in battle, and even his guard can actually participate in the battle for the captain. And this Muyi, why am I not impressed? Fang Yun thought to himself.

"If you just read the name, come here!" General Wu Jinjia said in a loud voice.

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yun and others immediately ran out of their respective camps.

The captain battalions of the regular army usually range from seven to ten captain battalions. Yesterday, the warrior of the Six Dragons Force killed a large number of captains, and there were only a few left.

"You have been together for a while, and you should know each other's strength. If you feel that there is no hope to compete for the position of captain, just quit automatically. This is an army, not a martial arts arena. Let's make everything simple.

A thin man with bright eyes turned his head and looked at Fang Yun. Suddenly, he turned his head and arched his hand: "Your Excellency, I will automatically exit."

Fang Yun knows this lieutenant. His name is Yang Ye, a veteran in the army.

"Huh? Then go ahead."

"Captain Fang, with your strength, you can have become a captain long ago. I hope you succeed, so that the brothers will have one more way to live.

When returning to the barracks, Yang Ye deliberately stopped beside Fang Yun for a while, and then passed by.

In the past few days, he followed Fang Yun's captain's battalion and handed over the troops to Fang Yun's command, reducing a lot of losses. Fang Yun's command ability and martial arts cultivation are most clear.

"Captain of the Three Dragons! He can't compete with him if he goes up. Yang Ye thought to himself and returned to the camp.

"Well, there are only three people left. Fang Yun, you have been in the regular army for a short time. According to your achievements, it is not enough to be promoted to a lieutenant. However, yesterday you killed a warrior with the power of the six dragons. Zhongxinhou has an order. This warrior with the power of the six dragons is calculated according to the general level. That is to say, you killed a general. In this way, with your credit in the past few days, the qualification for promotion to captain this time is enough. General Wu Jinjia opened the thin book in his hand and glanced at Fang Yundao.

Fang Yun looked calm, and he knew these materials yesterday. A warrior with the power of the six dragons should have been calculated according to the third-class work. However, the man should be dressed as just an ordinary soldier. According to the rules of the army, it is to be demoted to the first level. From the third-class merit at the general level to the fourth-class merit at the general level. After careful calculation, it is just enough for Fang Yun to participate in the captain's competition.

"Liu Wei, you are Cao Xu's guard, and you have the strength of courage. In addition, if you have been in the army with the captain for many years, it is enough to be promoted to the captain..."

"Muyi..." General Wu Jinjia turned to the latter page and hesitated for a moment. Then he muttered vaguely: "You are the prince's guard, but it's enough..."

"Huh?" Fang Yun's eyes were like electricity, and he glanced at Mu Yi in an instant: "It turned out to be the prince's man!"

Fang Yun can't believe that all this is accidental. Yesterday, the group of masters who suddenly appeared, a lot of the power of eight dragons, nine dragons, and ten dragons, where these people appeared, not to mention the captain, people at the general level lost a lot. If the prince really just wants to promote this subordinate, he should be sent to participate in the selection of the general, not the so-called captain.

Fang Yun turned his head and immediately figured out the cause and effect.

"This prince doesn't want me to be big in the army!" H