The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 191 Fang Yun's Destiny

Fang Yun looked in a trance, and Pang Juyuan's words reminded him of himself.

"The number of luck, the number of doom, the number of life..." Fang Yun muttered from f6, as if he had lost it. He remembered a sentence in "Near Ancient Times". Only when the martial artist divides the seven souls and goes beyond the secret place of birth can he jump out of the doom and change his life against the sky!

It doesn't care whether it is a celestial-level strong or a celestial strong, although you can see part of your fate. But it is still in the fate of heaven and earth! I don't know anything about Ziwei Doushu. You don't even know this disaster. I'm afraid I can't help you. Fang Yun said. The little marquis only needs to agree to my request. When the doom comes in the future, as long as the little marquis still remember today's promise.

Pang Juyuan Road.

Fang Yun thought about it and decided to agree to Pang Juyuan's request. The most lacking thing around him is this kind of friend who can infer future changes and predict misfortunes and blessings. Pang Juyuan is proficient in the number of purple emblems. If he can make friends because of this, he will naturally have great benefits in the future. This kind of thing is too illusory. I can't give you a positive answer. I can only say that I will do my best. As for the result, that's not what I can say. Fang Yundao.

Pang Juyuan was overjoyed: "It's enough to have the words of a little marquis. Ten shops, serving wine and vegetables!" As soon as the sound fell, after the screen, a line of women came out and served the hot wine and vegetables.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "If I didn't agree just now, Mr. Pang, won't you even prepare this table of wine and vegetables?" Pang Juyuan laughed when he heard the words: "I really have a plan."

Both of them smiled. Fang Yun had the intention to make friends, and the guests were immediately happy. The two talked and laughed. From astrology to martial arts experience, the more they talked, the more they became. They found that they had a lot in common. After three rounds of drinking, the two talked about the fate and doom in the dark. Brother Fault Factory is proficient in Ziwei Doushu. I don't know if he can take a look for me. Fang Yun asked casually. As soon as the two talked, they felt a lot closer, and even their names changed. However, Fang Yun didn't expect that just a casual sentence made Pang Juyuan frown.

Although "Brother Fang" Fang Yun was more than ten years younger than Pang Juyuan, Pang Juyuan did not dare to underestimate the little marquis because of this, but said in his heart: "I got the Taoism of the Big Dipper Star Palace relatively late, and the time I didn't come into contact with the purple emblem for a long time I can only roughly tell you the number of your life." I studied the number of purple fights and saw the lives of countless people. But there has never been a single life. As strange as Brother Fang, the fate of a brother has been changed!" Pang Juyuan said a soft word, which immediately made Fang Yun's face change greatly, and his heart kept jumping. Sure enough, sure enough..." Fang Yun muttered to himself in his heart, and only heard Pang Juyuan's voice:

"There are two forces to change Brother Fang's life. It is an external force. This power is very powerful." Pang Juyuan's face showed a look of admiration: "The person who changed Brother Fang's fate must be as proficient in the method of deducing fate. And his achievements in this regard are definitely a hundred times, more than a thousand times more than me!"

"Brother Fang's original fate, although he was born rich and noble, although it did not last long. It belongs to the early sky. However, under the influence of this external force, Brother Fang's fate has emerged, jumping out of his original fate and moving towards a vast and unknown trend. What about a force?" Fang Yun asked.

Pang Juyuan looked at Fang Yun and smiled: "There is another power, which is naturally Brother Fang's own. While changing the fate of Brother Fang, this external force has also poured out Brother Fang's own willpower. For us ordinary people, if we want to transcend our own destiny, external forces are indispensable. But what is more important is the spirit and will to change your destiny, which is the real driving force for the change of fate to continue. It is also because of this that there are so many martial artists in the world who hope to change their fate against the sky and break free from the vast fortune of heaven and earth.

"Brother Fang, do you remember what I just said? Although the doom of Xi'er City is related to Brother Fang, Brother Fang is not among them. There is another sentence I didn't say. One brother is not in the disaster of Xi'er City, but in a bigger world! Compared with this doom, the doom of Xi'er City is only a very small doom. Pang Juyuan said, his expression was extremely solemn. The greater doom of heaven and earth..."

Fang Yun's heart beat. Pang Juyuan said very vaguely, but Fang Yun knew that if there was really such a doom, it must have something to do with the Fang family and his rebirth.

"Thank you, Brother Pang, for your guidance" Fang Yun came to his senses and thanked him.

Pang Juyuan shook his head:

"The number of life is too illusory. What I said is equivalent to not saying that the other brother did not have any benefit. It's about Xi'er City, and I have to ask Brother Fang.

After all, I have lived in Xi'er City for a long time, and I don't want to see the destruction of Xi'er City.

Fang Yun nodded and didn't say much.

The two chatted for a while and stayed until dark. They agreed to contact each other and left.

"This rebirth, I have only one purpose, which is to take our family out of the family. No matter what kind of fate, fortune or doom, it doesn't matter to me. As long as you stand in front of me, you must level them all!" Coming out of the Songhe Tower, a trace of resolute √÷ color flashed in Fang Yun's eyes and went to the general's mansion.

With nearly 80,000 Zhou Jiashi, plus a hundred broken crossbows, and Fang Yun sitting feeds with the power of forty dragons, the whole city of Xi'er gradually calmed down. After Fang Yunxiao's forbidden order was issued, the whole Xi'er city was well-behaved, just like other cities in the Zhou Dynasty. There hasn't been any difference.

The owner of Xi'er City is dead, and Fang Yun will temporarily take over the position of the owner of the city. All the taxes in Xi'er City will be levied into the army. Just the first month's tax is a huge amount of wealth. Fang Yun sat in the general's mansion, looked at the several bags of property received by his sergeants, and shook his head secretly: "The monthly income in Xi'er City is ten times more than a marquis's annual Fenglu. No wonder these sects refused to let go.

"B take all these down."

Fang Yun waved his hand, and a bodyguard took down these bags of belongings.

"The rest of you should go out too!"

"Yes, blame the army."

At the order of Fang Yun, all the guards, including Zhou Xin and Chu Kuang, withdrew from the general's mansion. As soon as the gate closed, the general's mansion became dark again. Fang Yun took out a metal page to record the "Reincarnation Knife Method" and prepared to practice the unique skills of this knife king.

In this attack on Daojun Mansion, Fang Yun suffered heavy losses. More than 30 of the sealed forty-four spirit-level masters died. There are only nine people left, including the evil king and the wind and thunder scattered people. These people are all in the hands of Fang Yun's seal, and their strength is relatively strong, and they are all above the power of the eighteen dragons. Fang Yun couldn't bear to lose these top masters, so those who were sent there to fight for their lives were relatively low in martial arts. The masters of Fang Yun's seal are all alive. Once the light is dead, it will automatically break away, and it can be manipulated again.

"Now Xi'er City is under my control. The evil monks in the city are all dead, and the rest are all righteous sects. If I seal these decent masters, I'm afraid it will immediately cause a panic and lead to chaos in the whole city of Xi'er.

Knowing that he could no longer attack the sectarian masters of Xi'er City, Fang Yun did not feel secret regret. It will be difficult to find the opportunity to seal like this in the future.

More than that, Fang Yun can't practice many of the skills he learned by himself. Like the Wang Qi method of Tian Xie Sect, it will be felt by the strong of Tian Wu Sect, and it will not be countered. Once the great Confucians in the court find themselves practicing evil Taoism, they will shout and shake their 8 evil people to death in the future. By the way, Fang Yun suddenly came to his mind: "I can't practice the skills of evil, but I can let these martial artists under my control."

The martial artists sealed with the golden scroll are the same as living people except that their thoughts are controlled by Fang Yun. You can also practice martial arts. After these people practice, Fang Yun can directly adjust the whole meridian with the ability of heaven and earth. It's the same as practicing by yourself.

As soon as his mind moved, Fang Yun immediately summoned an evil master, gave him a hidden pearl, and then gave him the "Wangqi Method" of the Heavenly Evil Sect to practice by himself. Then he opened the "Reincarnation Knife Method" by himself and thre into it.

The first three types of reincarnation knife method are the first type of river reincarnation knife; the second type of five prison reincarnation knife; the third type of sun and moon reincarnation knife!

The first type of river reincarnation knife can turn out three cotton knife shadows, one move and three tricks, chopping in a row, the power is like turning over the river.

The second type of five prison reincarnation knife, the knife is like the five prison mountains, sinking the force, one move and five types, can attack five enemies, and can also unite to attack the same enemy.

The third type of sun and moon reincarnation knife, the most powerful of the three moves. It needs to consume a huge internal force. When it is used, the shadow of the sun and the moon emerges in the knife. If it hadn't been for Fang Yun's more power than Daojun, coupled with the unique knowledge of pure power suppression such as the big hand seal of the sky. Maybe I can break through this move!" Good knife method, really exquisite! With this kind of unique skills in hand, if you meet royal children with the same strength as me. In the first three moves, I can break his "Shaking King's Fist" with this knife!"

In Fang Yun's hypothesis, he still can't help comparing the children of the royal family. Fang Yun's unique knowledge, in terms of power, the strongest is the sky collapse seal, but in terms of the final power, it is the world-shaking emperor's fist. As for the reincarnation knife method, it is extremely exquisite.

If you meet a strong man who has changed the level, the other party can press Fang Yun in an instant, so that he can't use the world-shaking king's fist. And the reincarnation knife method can make Fang Yun reluctantly change the strongest to shake a few knives! This is the difference!

"Reincarnation knife method, as the name implies, the highest level, the knife should be born endless, and countless knives can be split between one move, not just three knives, five knives! It's a pity. If there is a chance in the future, you have to find all the knife.

Fang Yun closed his eyes, and his heart surged through the mind of the first move of the reincarnation knife method, and practiced silently. C