The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 220 The appearance of the fierce beast

It is not the first time for Fang Yunji to enter the ground. The ability to devour demons, demons, and then suppress pressure is extremely familiar. As long as the willpower is not strong in the yin demon, no matter how much it is, Fang Yun can suppress and crush it in an instant. The only consumption is spiritual strength.

This evil king obviously regards Fang Yun as a human warrior who entered the ground for the first time. But I don't know that after this period of underground exercise, Fang Yun, whether it is spiritual strength or willpower, is much better than ordinary martial artists!

20,000 evil spirits. Although this number is relatively large, the mental power consumed is completely within the tolerance of Fang Yun. The only price is that Fang Yun originally planned to go deep to about 60 floors, but now it has to be shortened to about 50 floors!


With a loud noise, the changing golden armor god of Fang Yun and the huge demon of the devil king, fought dozens of times fiercely in the blink of an eye. The two are still the same.

Fang Yun lost his mental strength because he crushed 20,000 demons, while the evil king lost 20,000 evil demons, which reduced his power a lot.

"Hmm! With your little practice, I'm a little short of cleaning up! I'm not sure. I thought I would swallow your 20,000 demons?"

Without saying a word, Fang Yun suddenly punched into the demon king, the chest of the demon, and at the same time, the invisible and intangible spiritual power, along the fist, suddenly exploded. With a bang, half of the chest of the big demon exploded, and tens of thousands of demons flew out tragically.

More demons, seeing that Fang Yun was so fierce, they screamed and ran away one after another. The huge demon suddenly collapsed.'s One by one, the blood vessels and muscles all fell down. In mid-air, they decomposed into countless ant-like demons and fled one after another.

As soon as the demons fled, a throne was immediately revealed in the heart of this huge demon. On this throne, a gorgeous purple crown, holding a scepter in his hand, dressed like a demon of a human king, is roaring loudly:

"You damn things, come back, come back for me..."

But all the demons, no one paid attention to it, howling crazily one by one:

"Escape, run away! Twenty thousand demons can't blow him up! It's so powerful!"

"*..." This human will is so terrible. We have so many demons that we can't beat him in a warship. Now it's not an opponent..."

'Run, if you don't run, the king will give us to this human being",

These demons in the ground obviously can't be compared with the well-trained army of the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty. As soon as he was bombarded in the chest by Fang Yun, the army immediately dispersed. One by one, they screamed and fled for their lives crazily. They couldn't pull back.

"You despicable things, I'm going to swallow you up",

The evil king made a terrible threat.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fang Yun was stunned first and then sneered:

'You'd better worry about yourself first!,

After saying that, the huge palm immediately stretched out and grabbed the demon king.

The evil king, who was originally fierce and evil, heard this sneer, stiffened his whole body, and immediately waved his hand and said:

"'Misunderstandings, it's all misunderstandings! *...", "

Fang Yun sneered and ignored it.

"Fourty thousand, I'll give you another forty thousand evil demons", no, one hundred thousand, the evil king's way.

"20,000 evil demons are enough for me. Now, I'm very interested in you, the demon king,"

As soon as the sound fell, Fang Yun grabbed it.

'Ah! One by one, the demon king let out a scream, patted his hands on the throne, and immediately walked like flying" turned into a long rainbow and flew away.

, can you escape?,,

Fang Yun snorted coldly, "A big hand fished, immediately grabbed the demon king into the palm of his hand, and suppressed it into his body.

It is one thing to lead hundreds of thousands of evil spirits and turn them into huge warships and demons; it is another thing to fight alone.

Without the cooperation and cover-up of hundreds of thousands of evil demons, the evil king can't compete with Fang Yun at all.

Unlike dealing with the first general, Fang Yun had a careless attitude at the beginning. But now he is thinking that he wants to catch this demon king, which is immediately different.

A single evil demon is not strong enough to be equal to human warriors!

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding", don't kill me, as long as you let me out, I will be your servant immediately and lead the evil army for you!

Feeling that Fang Yun was crushing its thoughts, the demon king shouted in panic.

Hearing the proposal of the Demon King, Fang Yun moved slightly, but he soon erased the idea. There are 72 layers in the underground world, and the demons in each layer of space are endless. Fang Yun had no intention to compete for hegemony in the evil world. Moreover, the oath of being a servant for a slave is too unbinding for evil demons.

'I'm only interested in your memory now!,,

After saying this, Fang Yun condensed all his consciousness power together, and then crushed it fiercely. Only a scream was heard, and the evil king burst into a pale fog, which was immediately absorbed by Fang Yun.

"So they are so impactfully graded",

This evil demon king has lived for a long time. From its memory, Fang Yun found that other elite warriors shuttled back and forth like lightning when they hit the ground, and would not stay on each floor for so long at all.

The warriors who have changed the level of the ground are strong and weak. If you are stronger, you can directly wear the country of evil demons and ask for it. If it is weaker, it will be swallowed up by the devil. Even their memories were absorbed by the demons.

Only then did Fang Yun know why the demons knew how to build a country. It turned out that it evolved after absorbing the memory of human warriors.

"These demons still retain the saying 'Wuna'. This is the lexical of the Middle Ages. It seems that these demons in the ground once devoured the warriors of the Middle Ages and absorbed and inherited their memories. ,,

Fang Yun thought to himself.

However, the evil demon king led hundreds of thousands of demons and turned into warships and huge demons, but the secret method was not obtained from human beings. Fang Yun learned from his memory that this seemed to be a very long-standing instinct. In the evil one, once the evil king is born, he will automatically awaken this instinct.

And this kind of memory of commanding demons seems to be much longer and longer than the memory of "Wuna" inherited from medieval human warriors. It is almost extremely old.

'The devil at the bottom of the earth seems to have a different origin. It seems to be different from the yin demon",

Fang Yun felt this memory and thought about it.

, oh"

At this moment, a dark force crossed layers of underground world and entered Fang Yun's mind. Fang Yun's whole body trembled.

There is an extremely mysterious induction and connection between the hero and the body of the martial artist. As long as the body is disturbed, the hero will accept this vibration.

"Bad, someone touched my body!,,

Fang Yun's surprise is not a small one. He has sent wind and thunder scattered people and evil kings to protect his body. With the ability of both of them, they can't protect themselves, which makes people disturb their bodies. The strength of the other party can be seen to be very strong.

Fang Yun suddenly let out a long roar, turned into a long dragon, and rushed to the body in a hurry.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!

In a row, he rushed through more than 40 layers of underground light film and flashed through the porch and returned to his body. He destroyed thousands of demons who followed behind him and fished in mixed water. Fang Yunhuo opened his eyes.

Unlike Fang Yun's expectation, the wind and thunder scattered people and the evil king stood not far away. The two were not disturbed at all.

As soon as Fang Yun took a breath, he immediately felt the earth under his feet shaking violently. That feeling is like standing on the deck of a big ship, bumping with the undulating sea. Only then did he know that the vibration just now was not when the body was attacked when he practiced, but the earth under his feet was shaking.

"Escape quickly! ...*..."

'Wow, mother, mother"*...",,

"Stabilize the position..." The broken crossbow is launched!",

"Monster" is such a big monster, escape...*...",,..."

A noisy voice poured into his ears. Fang Yunhuo pushed open the tent and went outside. Anyun City in the night was in chaos, the fire was burning, and a stream of yellow smoke with the smell of sulfur floated around in the air. All kinds of cries, angry scolds, screams, coughs from all directions.

In the west of Anyun City, Fang Yun finally saw the source of all this chaos. A rolling yellow fog is in mid-air. In the fog with the smell of sulfur, a monster thousands of feet tall looms in it.

This monster is extremely huge, with four legs like four huge pillars standing on the ground.

With every step it takes, the whole ground of Anyun City trembles heavily.

Seeing the appearance of this fierce beast clearly, Fang Yun took a breath: "'Ancient fierce beast",

This monster is exactly the same as the description Fang Yun saw in the Ancient Sutra: it has the same shape as a cow, its head is white, and the rest is brown hair. It has an extremely evil eye, which grows in the middle of its forehead.

When it breathes, there is a strong wind in the wind. There is a sound of thunder in the wind.

Far away, Fang Yun felt a breath of rage and anger, emanating from the ancient beast on his head. This fierce beast is very dangerous!

"Break the crossbow square array, get ready, put on the string! One by one,

Zhou Ting's voice came from the night. He was not far from the fierce beast, commanding the army and using the broken crossbow to deal with the dragonfly.

"Listen, retreat, retreat immediately! Heart one,,

Fang Yun's voice resounded through the sky. He only glanced at it and knew that this fierce beast was not his own person and could deal with it. If Zhou Ting does this, it will only irritate it!

He could feel that the fierce beast had completely lost its mind.

Hearing Fang Yun's voice, the broken crossbow square array was stunned.

"What are you still doing? Return!,

Fang Yun roared.

Everyone came to their senses and immediately shouted back.

, "Roar!,,

At this time, the dragonfly seemed to be irritated by this kind of itchy attack, and his big foot immediately stepped down to the square array where Zhou Ting was. The whole earth is shaking many people. It's too late to escape at this time.

"'Moon Array!,,

Fang Yun's roar resounded in all directions. Almost instinctively, Zhou Ting's phalanx immediately set up the Yanyue array.


The mountain-like cow's hoof landed in the crossbow phalanx of Zhou Suo. The edge of the hoof almost wiped a circle of Da Zhou Jiashi and fell down. Everyone's forehead, cold sweat flowed out! ( To be continued!) H